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The Devil You Know (Ceasefire Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Claire Marta

  “Tell me the truth. Back in the shower was that another one of your twisted mind fucks to screw with my head? Do you find it fun seeing me in pain?” Lucifer doesn’t answer right away. Some inner instinct warns of danger. With the intensity of his stare, I’m not sure if he wants to kiss me or murder me.

  “You make me feel soft and messy things.” His voice deepens. “No, I did not enjoy seeing you hurting.”

  I fall into the magnetic beauty of his eyes. My skin prickles with arousal at his closeness. His lethal lust ensnares me. Summons my body to respond.

  “You can’t escape what’s in your blood. You’ve always been destined for this. It’s not something you can walk away from. Trukun is a master with blades. If you are to face her you need to show me you have the skill.” He slinks closer, black robes swirl around him in his wake.

  “You make it sound like you might stop me taking part in the end game?” I tell him, trying not to fixate on how good it would feel to have his cock buried hilt deep in my pussy right now.

  “You will fight Raziel in a match to prove you still have what it takes.” He replies, ignoring my question.

  “I think I’ve proven that enough already. Lucifer, you’re not going to stop me. You might be the king of Hell, but I don’t bow to you no matter what you might think.”

  Something, some emotion glints in his emerald eyes I can’t be sure of. “That is the first time you’ve called me by name.”

  Grabbing a knife off the table, I twist it between my fingers, I drop his penetrating gaze. “I’m going to end Trukun with or without your help.”

  “Then take Raziel down. If you want me to fuck you again then you’re going to have to earn that pleasure with a win.”

  Shit, am I that easy to read? I hate what he does to me. How he consumes me. Draws out my darkest needs with his very presence alone.

  “Who says I want to screw you again?”

  A sly look gleams in his eyes as he tilts his head to the side in amusement. “You’re still cursed, remember? Take anyone else as a lover and their cock will shrivel off while they breathe their last.”

  Son of a bitch. I’d forgotten about that. I don’t like having my fate in someone else’s hands. I’m not the type to lay down and comply.

  “Right here in your kitchen? Where are my weapons?” I reply stonily, glancing around. I’ve already categorized everything I can use at hand. It’s one of the best places to be when in a fight for your life.

  Raziel puffs out his broad chest with self-assured male arrogance. “You’ll get them back when you’re sober. What’s the problem? Now that you’ve got your demonic groove on, you’re scared to use it?”

  I’m completely ruthless when pissed off. This jack arse is going to learn it the hard way. When it comes to battle I never play by the rules. “Fine.”

  Stalking to the centre of the room, the fallen angel cracks his neck from side to side. “Come on, little girl, let’s see what you got.”

  Without so much as a blink, I throw the knife with deadly accuracy. It doesn’t meet its mark. Plucking it out of the air before it reaches him, Raziel raises an eyebrow. “Child’s play. I

  thought you were supposed to be a bad arse assassin?”

  He’s fast for his size, but I’ve dealt with his build of male before.

  Launching myself at him, I let loose a rage filled scream.

  His astonishment at my sudden burst of wildness is short lived. Bringing an arm up, he tries to block my frenzied attack. Punching, kicking, I treat him to several jabs to vital organs. On a human it would have brought them their knees, but he takes them with barely a flinch.

  Stabbing the cork screw into his arm, I twist until it breaks the skin.

  A string of profanities issue from his lips as he takes a swing at me.

  Ducking, I vault up onto his back. Arms around his neck, I squeeze my forearm, cutting off his airways as I lock my legs around his firm waist. Other hand tangled in his hair, I force his head up, giving my strangle hold more access.

  Lucifer’s delighted laugh reaches my ears. “I told you she was a feisty one from the beginning.”

  A large hand grabs the scruff of my neck. With a high-pitched cry, I’m peeled off Raziel and flung forwards.

  Solid wood meets my back. Winded, I lay, breathing hard on the surface of the table.

  Raziel’s expression turns deadly. The look of a stone-cold killer that I know so well because I’ve seen it so many times in the mirror.

  Rolling off before he can retaliate, my reaction time is slowed by the alcohol in my system.

  A jab to my stomach sends me flying. Hitting the wall, the impact sends pain detonating through me.

  Gaze fixed on the cork screw abandoned by his foot, I make a dive for it.

  Raziel is on me before I barely make the move.

  Choking, feet dangling off the ground, I claw at his wrist as he holds me up high. He’s going all out to prove a point. That I can’t beat him. Red washes over my vision. Lifting my knee, I kick him square in the nuts.

  A howl explodes from his chest. Curling forwards into himself with a look of agony he drops me to my feet.

  Arse bumping into the edge of the table, I retrieve an empty bottle before he can recover.

  Swinging it, I crack it across his skull. Glass shatters with the force of the blow raining onto the ground.

  It takes him down swiftly. Legs buckling, he crashes backwards onto the marble floor.

  Chasing him down, I straddle his lap and pin him.

  Raziel rubs the heel of his hand across his bruising forehead. I’ve caught him by surprise. Stunned him.

  Applying pressure, the jagged edge of the broken bottle sinks into the skin of his neck. Only a small slice. Enough for it to sting. Watching a crimson bead trickle free, I bite my lip following the way it spills down the column of his throat.

  “If you think that scares me then you’re wrong.” Raziel rumbles. “This is just foreplay.”

  For me too.

  There’s nothing like the sight of blood to get me hot and bothered.

  Chest heaving, I lean down just as he wrestles the makeshift weapon free of my hand.

  Pressing my lips to his, I do it with passion. Raziel freezes. I can feel his shock radiating in every tense muscle beneath me.

  Grinding myself against his groin, I nip at his lip pulling away. That gets a reaction. A firm ridge begins to swell, rubbing against my core, making me moan.

  “Mavi, what the fuck are you doing?”

  “Having some fun.”

  A growl emanates somewhere behind us. The Devil isn’t happy about my game change. Not that I care. Instead of looking, I continue my erotic little dance on the fallen angel’s lap.

  Raziel’s hands move to grip my hips, preventing my movements. “No. You’re trying to prove a point by risking my balls, which I have to tell you, I really like attached where they are.”

  “Maybe I’m just drunk and want to be reckless. What’s the matter, big guy, are you scared?” A sense of peril raises the hairs on the back of my neck. The Devil’s formidable presence

  grows in size with every passing second. The darkness around us feeding the power in hot aggressive waves.

  “And get me killed in the process.” Raziel mutters back, his expression taut with alarm.

  “Fuck her mouth.” The words are low, commanding.

  Twisting my upper half around, I find Lucifer is wearing a deviant smile. No hint of jealousy in his cold-hearted stare.

  Raziel’s grip on my waist clenches gently. “I hope you’re ready for what you’ve just unleashed.” Tipping me to the side, he rises to his feet. Unbuttoning his furred trousers, he frees himself.

  Lucifer slinks back into the shadows. I know he’s there. Can sense him. There’s no escaping that.

  Slowly, I sit back on my heels, kneeling.

  He doesn’t give a fuck about me sucking off another man’s dick? Fine. I’ll do it with relish and enjoy every God damn min

  Bringing his cock even with my mouth, Raziel fists his length. “Open up, little girl. You’re going to kiss it better, and if I feel your teeth, you’ll get a slap.”

  Grabbing my hair, he pushes the tip forcefully against my lips. Musk and leather, I inhale his scent, willingly opening my mouth to allow him entry.

  He groans, sliding his shaft into my throat. Velvety, warm flesh, salty to the taste with pre-cum, I take him inch by magnificent inch.

  He’s careful not to choke me. With his size and girth, it would be easy to do. Breathing through my nose, I cup his balls, fondling and caressing. Widening my mouth, I accept more and more of his cock. I feel him shudder when the head bumps the back of my throat.

  Grasping my face in his hands, he slides in and out. Slowly at first. Keeping me trapped where he wants me, he fucks my mouth with ruthless strokes.

  Moaning, I work him with my tongue. Bobbing up and down, I deep throat him like a pro.

  Lucifer watches with a heavy lust laden gaze that glows from the shadows before us. Powerful and elusive. Stalking with confidence to where I’m knelt, he circles behind me.

  My trainers are ripped off my feet. Next, hands clutch the back of my jeans. The sound of tearing mingles with the rest of the noises in the room. Cold air meets my arse and thighs as I feel the shredded remnants slithering across my skin before they are discarded.

  Shock and excitement collide inside me at the violence of the act. That he has the power to rip me into pieces if he was ever displeased.

  “I’m going to fuck you until your screams of pleasure can be heard throughout the fortress. Until no one, not even you, has doubt in their mind that you’re my whore.” He growls in my ear.

  His warm breath dancing over my cheek makes me shake.

  Taking my hips, he tows me back until I’m on all fours. I’m so fucking wet. Can feel it trailing down my legs.

  Raziel doesn’t break rhythm as he continues to take pleasure from my mouth.

  Whimpering, I push eagerly back as Lucifer’s hardness prods my nether lips. All my bravo is gone. All that is left is this clamouring need to be filled and used in the most indecent and immoral ways.

  Lucifer thrusts in deep and I feel it all the way to my womb. The wicked hedonistic delight only he can bring makes me melt as he pounds into me ruthlessly. He knows what he does to me. Enjoys watching me burn for him.

  It’s overwhelmingly erotic. Both males using me. Doing with me as they please.

  I need this. A dirty filthy fix to make me forget. How damaged will I be when this is all finally over? I have no clue. Right now, I am living from moment to moment.

  Limbs stiffening, I moan around the cock in my mouth, coming hard. My orgasm making me quiver.

  Raziel’s harsh breaths are loud in the room. Joined by the Devil’s snarls and grunts.

  Movements jerky and erratic, I know he’s getting close.

  Pumping roughly twice more, his cum floods into my throat. Swallowing it down, I suck him clean until he’s spent and empty.

  Sitting back, he slips free of my lips with a satisfied sigh.

  “Such an obedient little slut now, aren’t you? Enjoyed having another man’s cock but only because I allow it. You might tease, but I am the one who is in control, not you.” Snapping his hips, Lucifer’s balls slap against my arse. “Are you finally going to learn your place, hmm? I won’t let anything get in the way of what I want. Not even you.”

  Raziel’s gaze is fastened on our coupling, stroking himself as he watches us fuck.

  “Harder.” I match the pace. Want him to lose himself in the act as much I’m being swept away.

  “I never gave you permission to speak. Raziel, silence her.”

  He scoops up the delicate lace of my thong, abandoning his shaft. Grasping my jaw, he roughly stuffs it in between my parted lips, so it acts as a gag.

  Returning to touch himself, he gives me a wink. Bobbing to life, his semi erect dick grows harder with renewed vigour as he works it.

  I can’t look away from the wall. Our shadows ebbing and flowing, merging as the Devil takes me. The silhouette of mighty wings spread wide. Part of me wants to turn and look. Another part refuses. A childish fear that whatever I see might haunt me. The bite of claws dig into my flesh and I know there’s far more than the shape is allowing me to see. Fear entwines with pleasure.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I don’t stop until I taste blood.

  Shuddering to a climax, he pours his life force inside me as deep as he can go.

  Tugging the material gag out of my mouth, I flop my front half down, eyes closed. I’m panting, shaking. Tired and sated. Strangely sober.

  “Finish on her back.” I hear Lucifer order.

  A second later, hot jets of cum lash across my lower spine.

  Raziel’s groan of bliss follows echoing through the kitchen.

  Opening dazed eyes, I focus on Lucifer. Whatever I saw from his shadow is no longer there. He’s a man. Just a man and not the monster I glimpsed for a brief moment. The thing that terrifies me with a primitive dread.

  The hard-honed angles of his face turn harsh as his features become expressionless. “You’re an addict just like the rest of the human race which you have been living among for far too long. You crave, you love. You feel pain and hurt. Even though you to try to hide it. You need to come to terms with what you truly are, or you will die on the battlefield, Mavi StClair.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “So, Trukun has requested this meeting?” I question as we pour over the ancient map that has been positioned across the wooden table in the throne room.

  Twenty-four hours later and I’m finally in the right head space. I feel cleansed of the destructive forces I almost gave into. There’s still a lot I know I am going to have to deal with. That will come in time. But for now, I have the breathing space I need to think clearly.

  Lucifer nods, but doesn’t look up from his musings. “Indeed, she has.”

  “It’s more than likely a trap.”

  “Of that I have no doubt.” With that he gives me a hint of a smile. Since our threesome in the kitchen with Raziel, he seems to have mellowed. Maybe he needed to fuck out his tension too. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but it’s intriguing to see another side of him.

  “The Hell dimension we are in right now is the centre of my Kingdom. The one she has chosen is on the furthest reaches of my domain. A world of frozen forests and unforgiving mountain ranges.”

  “She’s chosen it tactically.”

  “I would say it’s where she’s been hiding. It means her full forces are hidden there waiting to spring an attack.”

  Scratching my chin, I take another look at the map and the battleground that has been picked for our final show down. “How the fuck do we get your army there without her knowing about it?”

  That earns me a devious smirk. “I have my ways. None of my Generals saw the true extent of my powers or what I am capable of. Never show all your cards. Not even to those who are supposed to be your friends.”

  “Good thing our troops have been practising in these freezing conditions or we might not fare so well.” Raziel cuts in, bustling into the room with Leo, Snatch, and Cassandra in tow.

  The trio are chatting among themselves excitedly. Cass seems to be more lucid than she’s ever been before. I guess being home helps.

  The conversation I had in the kitchen with Raziel before we were interrupted plays through my head. How the fuck did she grow up in Hell? She was raised by evil, yet Cassandra is anything but bad. It leaves more questions than answers.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Lucifer staring at me intently. Studying my expression so avidly it’s as if he’s waiting for something. Maybe he senses my curiosity over the girl.

  Turning back to meet the full force of his gaze, I give him a smile. “Is there no news from Cade? He told me he was hunting down the artefacts that activate the seals before someone else does.”

p; “We’ve heard nothing.” Prowling to his throne, black shadow robes swirling as he moves, he takes his place upon it. “It was Fritz’s plan which Trukun took over when we killed him. She still thinks by unleashing all the damned souls in my Kingdom it will give her power over the Earth.”

  “Gabriel told me that it would destroy here and there.”

  Crooking his finger, he gestures for me to draw nearer. “He is correct. The force of so many would rip reality as we know it apart, obliterating everything we know.”

  Taking the two steps up, I stand before him, looking down into his handsome devious face. “Maybe you should send someone to check on Cade.”

  It’s not like Cade not to check in. God knows what he’s up against. Going alone was not his brightest idea. Yet something was driving him when we last met. Something to do with whoever was his adversary.

  Large, confident hands curve over my hips. Tugging me forward, he lifts me up to cradle me securely on his lap. “We don’t have the resources right now. After Trukun has fallen I will redirect efforts there.”

  The awkward silence that follows makes me blush.

  “What?” I snap defensively, looking over at the others who are standing with their mouths hanging open. Only Cassandra doesn’t seem shocked.

  Trying to hide my own stunned emotions, I shift, getting more comfortable. I’m sitting on the Throne to Hell on Lucifer’s sexy lap. Something I never imagined happening. No. Not in a million years. What it means, I don’t have a clue. Is he softening to me? This, after all, is a show of affection. I know I shouldn’t hold out hope. Trukun’s words are something I haven’t been able to forget. He manipulates. Uses any trick in his arsenal to get what he wants. Is it bad that I wish he really did care? He’s like a virus who’s already infected by heart. Loving someone doesn’t make you right for them. Just as Lucifer, in the end, will never be right for me.

  Raziel is the first to clear his throat. “Gabriel is requesting an audience with you.”

  “Allow him entry.”


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