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Page 13

by L. J. Higgins

  He wrapped me tight in his arms, burying his face into my neck. I relaxed into him, enjoying the moment I was about to shatter.

  He stepped back too soon, holding me at arm's length, looking me over. “How did you go? Did you get the pendant?”

  “Yeah, we got it,” I managed a smile.

  “And no one got hurt?” asked Maya, stepping towards us.

  “We're all fine,” Braven said squeezing my shoulder. “How about we all sit down and we can tell you everything.”

  Fletcher gripped my hand and led me to where the group congregated around one of the bunks. I was reluctant to let go when he released my hand to sit on the bed in front of where I stopped to stand beside Braven.

  “Well, come on. Don't leave us in suspense,” said Fletcher.

  “Yeah, you look like someone died or something,” said Vega.

  “No-one died did they?” Maya's voice pitched.

  Braven and I exchanged a glance before we turned back to the group and I let him speak first. He explained how we were delivered to Geoffrey Grant and woke up in the Arcadia laboratory.

  “Did you get the last piece of the pendant?” asked Vega.

  Braven gave a nod, and I continued the story. “Geoffrey willingly gave us the third piece of the pendant and told us what we will need to do now we have all of the pieces.”

  My eyes found the other pieces resting safely on Fletcher's chest. Catching my gaze he reached behind his neck and unclasped it. Resting it in his palm he held it out towards me. “This belongs to you.”

  “Thank you.” I slid the last piece from my pocket behind the one I'd received from Kylie and clipping it in place. The pendant was complete. Now to make it to Elysium. I lifted it to clasp around my neck and enjoyed having its weight back on my chest. “Not only is the pendant complete. He also gave us a map and some new stunners, like the one Baxter used to drop Cronk.”

  “Awesome, that'll make your year Braven,” said Fletcher.

  “Just what he needs,” groaned Vega.

  Braven handed a stunner to Fletcher who eyed it over before passing it along to Maya.

  Braven continued with the next part of the story. “As we were about to leave Officer Banks showed up. I swear he has some sort of Aurora detector or something, but Geoffrey hid us in a compartment under the floor. We were worried for a moment there Aurora was going rogue on us, but I think it was the sedatives going to her head.”

  “Going rogue? Aurora, you promised you wouldn't do anything stupid,” said Fletcher.

  I looked at Braven. “Like he said, must've been the sedatives.”

  “Sedatives?” asked Ebony, reminding me she was there.

  “Yeah, Geoffrey was preparing to put us back in the boxes when Officer Banks arrived. He'd already jabbed us. We were fast asleep for most of the altercation,” said Braven. “Anyway, Geoffrey convinced Officer Banks we'd already been there and were on our way to Elysium. It was the only way to get rid of him. He shot Geoffrey for his troubles, but Seth patched him up and said it was superficial and he'll be fine.”

  Ebony beamed with pride. I wish I could believe in the good person she said Seth could be. But I couldn't help shaking the feeling he might be too far gone after being under Brent's influence for so long.

  Braven caught my gaze and we exchanged another glance. As much as I would've loved to have let Braven tell the next part of the story, I should be the one to deliver the devastating news to Fletcher and Maya.

  “Okay, something else obviously happened,” said Vega. “You two keep making eyes at each other and I can't decide if you're lying to us or I should be jealous.”

  “We aren't lying,” bit Braven.

  “I should be jealous?” Vega's eyes widened.

  I drew in a deep breath and everyone leaned a little closer. “There's something we left out. Something Geoffrey told us.”

  “What was it?” asked Fletcher, sensing something wasn't right.

  “It was about your dad.” I let out a slow breath fighting off tears. “I'm sorry Fletch, Officer Banks… he…”

  Anger flashed through his dark eyes as Maya buried her head in her hands beside him. “He killed him didn't he? That son of a bitch killed him. What about my mum?”

  My glassy eyes told him all he needed to know, my mouth unable to say the words.

  “Argh!” Fletcher punched out at the air as he jumped up from the bed and began pacing back and forth.

  “I'm sorry. It won't make it feel any better, but Geoffrey said he died trying to fight the guard, trying to help us reveal the truth.” I stepped towards him, holding him in place and pulling him towards me before wrapping him in my arms.

  “He was fighting for us?” asked Maya.

  “Yeah, he was,” I replied the pain in her eyes making my heart ache.

  Vega pulled Maya in to cry on her shoulder.

  “I won't get to say sorry.” Maya wept. “All the crap I put him through and he thinks his only daughter didn't love him. I was so young and stupid.”

  “Daughter?” asked Seth.

  I spun from Fletcher, keeping a tight grip on his hand and shot Seth a glare. “Yes, Seth. Maya and Fletcher are brother and sister. Or didn't your tiny brain manage to work that out?”

  “Aurora, it's okay,” Fletcher said pulling me back towards him. “He didn't know.”

  “Of course. I convince you we need to trust Seth and now I'm not sure if we should,” I said.

  “Can't trust him? What did he do?” Fletcher stepped between Seth and me.

  “Aurora, now's not the time,” warned Braven.

  “Really? I risked my ass to go up onto one of your monstrosities with you and this is what I get?” argued Seth.

  “Oh Seth, what did you do?” asked Ebony.

  “You too? They got in your head, didn't they? Telling you I'm the bad guy and lead you away from me. All I did is tell them what I thought,” Seth pulled away as Ebony reached for him.

  “Which was?” asked Vega, arms crossed over her chest.

  “If Seth had his way he'd have used both Fletcher and Maya as bargaining chips to get to Elysium. Treat you both as hostages instead of friends.” I turned to Fletcher. “You were right. I should've listened to you.”

  “I was pointing out you had the perfect way to get to an Elite leader,” said Seth.

  “It wouldn't have worked,” I said. “Not only would we not use people we care about. The person in control of those cities is Mr Bolton, and he doesn't hold much value for human life.”

  “You took what I said the wrong way,” said Seth.

  “Shut up Seth,” I bit at him before turning to be enveloped in Fletcher's arms.

  In the corner of my eye, I spotted Seth leaving the tent with Ebony close behind him, and I wrapped Fletcher tighter in my arms. “I'm so sorry I didn't listen, Fletch. I'm sorry you had to find out about your parents this way.”

  He stroked my hair and I hated he was soothing me when he was the one who'd been dealt horrible news. “There's no good way to find out something like this. I thought he'd be safe. He was an Elite.”

  I kissed him firm on the mouth before looking him dead in the eyes. “We're going to get them for everything they've done. Mr Bolton and Officer Banks. They're going to pay for every life they've taken.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Awoken by a wisp of breath against my cheek and a soft kiss, I rolled over to stare into Fletcher's deep brown eyes. He'd tossed and turned through the night, murmuring and crying silent tears, and I'd wrapped him in my arms without a word. But now there was a genuine smile on his lips and I couldn't help but kiss him.

  “How are you?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I don't know. But all Officer Banks has done is given me the drive to keep going until I expose these people for who they are and what they've done.”

  “Today we'll talk plans,” I promised him. The news of Mr and Mrs Saxby's deaths had dampened the spirits of everyone the day before. Braven and I had decided to le
ave planning the next stage in our mission for the following day.

  “What is it this time? Dropping out of the sky in airships? More hanging out of helicopters? Being stuffed into crates?” he asked.

  “Those sound like a fun weekend compared to what's next,” I replied.

  “Great. Guess we better get moving.” He gave me one more kiss before rolling out of bed.

  “How'd you sleep?” Maya approached us, dark circles around her reddened eyes.

  “Like the cot was a bed of nails,” he replied.

  “Me too,” she stepped forward and gave him a hug. “I'm sorry Fletch.”

  “Don't be. You did what you thought was right at the time, like mum and dad, like Aurora's dad. Now it's our job to make sure we correct the wrong's those rights created,” he said.

  Once we were all dressed Braven and I stood in front of the group perched on the bottom and top of one of the bunks.

  “Where's Seth?” I asked, noticing a vacant spot beside Ebony.

  “He didn't think he was welcome, so he's gone for a walk,” she replied.

  Maybe I'd been too harsh on him the day before. I had to keep reminding myself of the life he'd lived and how different it was to my own. I'd spent years resenting my mother and missing my father and thinking life was so hard. The whole time my twin brother was fighting to stay alive on Earth. All because I was a girl and he was a boy. What if my mum and dad had lost a boy baby? Then I might've been the one who stumbled across an abandoned hut when I was nine and was rescued by Brent. Could I say I'd be much different than Seth? I'd learnt fast on Earth you had to do whatever you could to survive.

  “Should I go find him?” she asked.

  “No, you need to hear this too. If he doesn't want to be part of our group…” Braven's words were cut off as Seth stepped back into the tent.

  “Talking about me?” Seth asked.

  “Yes,” I replied. “But you're here now. Are you coming to pack your things or are you coming to help us go over the plan?” My voice came out much harsher than I'd intended.

  Once again my heart begged for him to make the right choice. To choose me over Brent.

  “Depends. Do you want someone you don't trust on this mission?” he asked, looking directly at me.

  “No. But I also know you can learn to trust people. And people can do things to earn your trust,” I replied.

  He was quiet for a moment, as though caught between his stubborn self and the one who wanted to stay.

  “There's a seat here.” Ebony patted at the space on the bottom cot beside her.

  He looked at the ground as he went to her and sat, avoiding the stares of the others. A smirk pulled at the corners of Ebony's lips.

  “Right, moving on,” began Braven. “While we might have the last piece of the pendant, Geoffrey wasn't exactly one for motivational talks.”

  “He was more into doom and gloom,” I added.

  “To quote him, I'm pretty sure he said something like, 'you people are batshit crazy and are going to die trying to finish this.”

  “You're definitely paraphrasing,” I chuckled. “He did say it wasn't going to be easy. Mr Bolton scares his slaves and people into submission and his compound is heavily guarded. Geoffrey gave us some ideas on how to get in, but one mistake and we're either dead, imprisoned or one of Elysium's slaves.”

  “Sounds like a lovely place,” groaned Vega. “What exactly are we looking for in Elysium if the one you got was the final pendant piece?”

  “A computer,” said Braven. “The pendant pieces clip together to make some sort of memory chip. When they're put in the main computer which is being guarded in Elysium's compound, we'll have the power to broadcast the truth as well as bring down the floating cities.”

  “It only works on one computer?” asked Maya.

  “That's what Geoffrey said,” replied Braven.

  “The computer keeps the remaining three floating cities up in the air,” I added. “We don't want more people to get hurt. Our main issue is going to be they have a heads up on what we're planning. In saving our butts on Arcadia, Geoffrey has made it harder for us when we need to get into Elysium's compound. Officer Banks will be searching for us and ramping up security as we speak. He'll do everything in his power to keep us from the computer. If he doesn't, both he and Mr Bolton lose their power over Elysium, Arcadia, Eden and Utopia. I didn't exactly love growing up on Utopia, and I didn't have a lot of friends, but there's no way I can leave those people under the control of someone like Mr Bolton.”

  “Excuse me,” a voice in the doorway of the tent drew our attention. “Captain Kormak would like Aurora, Braven and Seth to join him in his office to debrief about your mission to Arcadia.”

  “I guess we'll leave you guys to talk over the information and we'll be back to work out a game plan,” said Braven. “Lead the way, sir.”

  “Are you sure you want me to come?” asked Seth, rising from the cot.

  “It's not up to me. Captain Kormak requested you come along, so you should,” I replied, striding towards the soldier so as not to make eye contact with Seth.

  We followed the soldier down the dirt and gravel pathways weaving between the tent city, people saying polite hello's as we passed. Soon we arrived at the doorway of the Captains tent and our leader knocked on the door.

  “State your name and business,” came a voice from behind it.

  “Corporal Charles, delivering Aurora, Braven and Seth,” stated our collector.

  “They may enter,” replied the voice before the door swung open.

  I was beckoned to step through the doorway, followed by Braven and Seth and I continued forward until I stood directly in front of the Captain's large wooden desk, behind which he sat scribbling on paper.

  “Ahh, thank you for coming. I let you rest yesterday, but wanted to hear about your mission,” said Captain Kormak. “Please, pull up a chair.”

  He beckoned behind us where four wooden chairs lined the wall. Braven grabbed two, handing one to me while Seth picked up one of the others. We all sat in a line with Braven and Seth on either side of me.

  “Aurora, will you please do the honours,” he asked.

  I explained our visit to Arcadia as we had for our friends, leaving out the part about Mr Saxby and the fact Maya and Fletcher were his children.

  “Sounds like quite the adventure,” he said. “It was risky for you to go up there but Geoffrey and Baxter assured me it was necessary. He's right in warning you about the next leg of your journey. Mr Bolton is a formidable adversary and will do anything in his power to keep the cities and the people of his compound under his control. Although I must admit, I didn't realise his control reached as far as Utopia. I had word last week the Elite leader Mr Saxby and his wife were missing.”

  “Captain, can I ask something?” I asked.

  “Of course dear, go ahead.”

  “Why have the military sat back and watched all of this happen? Why haven't you intervened and stopped Mr Bolton or help free the people of the floating cities?”

  “If only it were that simple,” he began. “When your people evacuated to the floating cities our orders were to stay safe, and once the worst had passed to build camps for those who survived beneath the floating cities. And keeping them safe was our purpose for a long time. Take in those who had nowhere to go and help feed and shelter them. A humanitarian effort to keep the survivors alive. Word spread about the failure of the floating city Elysium and how the Elite leader Mr Bolton had murdered or taken our men captive at the nearby compound. We sent a small team to find out what had happened, and they didn't return. The Utopian guard closed down our compound beneath it, and we quickly realised we were no match for any army or weapons they possessed. Both the Eden compound and ourselves here at the Arcadia compound decided to focus on helping those who needed shelter and kept them safe instead of fighting a battle we couldn't possibly win.”

  “Sounds like a cop-out to me,” said Braven under his breath.
  “My job is to keep those who survived what those Elite brought down on us alive. It wasn't until you reached Eden I had any idea there was a way to expose them for the people they are. It's why we offer you whatever you need Aurora. Take twenty of my men. Take what you need from us to stop Mr Bolton's reign of terror and free the people of the floating cities.”

  “Thank you, Captain Kormak. I appreciate your offer, but my friends have gotten me this far, and I trust them with my life,” I replied.

  “We could use some weapons,” added Braven. “Somehow I don't think stun guns are going to cut it when we're being fired at by the Elite Guard.”

  “Of course, I will have weapons and ammunition ready for you when you leave.” He gave us a curt nod.

  “Food, water and medical supplies too,” I said. “We're running low on the supplies they gave us at the Eden compound.”

  “Of course,” he replied. “When do you plan to leave?”

  “Tonight, on dark. The closer we can get to Elysium in the night the better. Officer Banks will be looking for us now,” I said.

  “Best I let you go and ready yourselves. I'll have someone collect you and deliver everything you've requested.” Captain Kormak rose from his chair and we each followed suit. “Are you sure I can't send some of my men with you? It feels wrong to be leaving the fate of the floating cities in the hands of such a young girl.”

  “Wrong? There are so many things wrong with the world Captain, but I think me being the one to carry this pendant and reveal the truth is one of the most right things I've ever done. My father helped create this mess, it's only fair I should be the one to end it.”

  “So brave,” he cooed. “But your father's cross shouldn't be yours to bear.”

  Sensing my discomfort Braven stepped forward. “Sir, we may be young but most of our team have been fighting to uncover the truth for years. We've come a long way and endured many losses, I think we've more than proven we're capable of finishing what we set out to do.”

  “I have no doubt you're capable,” said Captain Kormak. “And your passion is palpable. The fate of many people rests on all of your shoulders. I hope the weight doesn't become too much to bare before this is all over.”


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