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Page 15

by L. J. Higgins

  His first response was to grip his gun tight as he lifted it, aiming at Seth's chest. Seth dropped his stun gun, holding his palms in the air. I dropped mine replacing it with the firearm Fletcher had given me.

  “Drop the weapon.” The officer's gun didn't leave Seth as he edged sideways to keep me in view.

  “I can't do that,” I replied, holding the gun tight. “What are your orders?”

  “To stop you all from getting to Elysium,” he replied.

  “And how exactly do you plan on stopping us?” I lifted my second hand to the hilt to stop my hand from shaking.

  “By whatever means necessary,” he replied.

  “Aurora, put your gun down,” said Seth.

  “What, and let him slaughter you and all of my friends? No way,” I called back. “You shoot him, you're dead. I don't need him to get to Elysium, I've got six more friends waiting to help me.”

  For the first time the officers stern exterior faltered and he shifted on his feet. “It appears we've hit a stalemate.”

  The boom of a gun echoed through the air, and I pressed my finger down in response as a scream tore from my lips. The officer dropped to the ground, gripping his leg. Past him Seth remained standing, breathing out a long sigh. I ran to him, looking him over, lifting his arms, patting his chest.

  “Aurora, stop,” he said. “I'm okay.” He gestured towards the brick wall where Braven stood, his gun resting along the top.

  “I thought, Elite, I thought he shot you,” I puffed out the words.

  “Lucky he didn't, you're a terrible shot,” said Braven. “You missed him by a mile, you're lucky you didn't shoot Seth.”

  Braven kept his gun trained on the officer as he made his way around the wall. As he did more heads popped up from behind the wall. Fletcher, Maya, Vega, Ebony.

  “What on Utopia happened?” said Maya.

  “This guy was tracking us,” said Seth, kicking the officer's gun away.

  “What do we do with him?” I asked.

  “Please,” he begged. “I was following my orders. I have a wife, a son.”

  “You didn't care if we had wives or sons did you?” Seth glare down at him.

  “In his defence we're all pretty young,” said Fletcher.

  “Tell us where the trackers are, and we'll let you go,” I stepped up beside Seth, kneeling down beside the officer.

  The officer's gaze hardened and he looked past us into the distance refusing to answer.

  “Maybe a hole through your other leg will help loosen your tongue.” Seth pressed his gun into the officer's leg.

  His eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly. “Please, they're built into your weapons. It's why he gave them to you.”

  “How do we remove them?” I asked.

  He gripped at his wounded leg wincing. “You can't. They're part of the weapon.”

  “He's lying,” bit Seth. “He wants us to ditch our weapons.”

  “What if he's not?” I argued. “We've come this far without guns.”

  “We had Richy, and he had a gun,” replied Braven.

  “Well what do we do?” asked Fletcher.

  I paced around the officer, my eyes landing on his weapon. “We take his.”

  I scooped the rifle from the ground handing it over to Seth.

  “Grab your bags, everyone, we're rolling out,” said Braven.

  Everyone got moving, taking one last look at the man clutching his bleeding limb on the ground before collecting their things.

  “Now the question is, what do we do with him?” I asked.

  “I've got this,” replied Braven and he strode towards him, grabbing the collar of his shirt to lift him into a seated position.

  “No, please. I won't say anything,” cried the officer.

  “This will hurt a little bit,” Braven pulled his own stun gun from his pocket and let go of the officer before stunning him.

  The officer's body jolted before falling still.

  “Seth, can you patch him up for me?” asked Braven.

  “Yes, sir.” Seth collected his bag and began digging through it before producing a bandage.

  Vega lifted her bag onto her back and stood beside Braven. “How did that feel? It's been a while since you got to use your old friend.”

  “I thought you'd use the one from Geoffrey, you know, a bit more oomph,” added Seth.

  “I didn't want to kill the guy, just knock him out long enough for us to be as far away from here as possible.” He lifted the stun gun and pressed it to his lips before returning it to his belt.

  “You're pathetic.” Vega rolled her eyes.

  “Leave your weapons behind. We don't want anyone else tracking us down,” ordered Braven. “Seth, you keep hold of the gun for now. You have the best aim out of anyone here.”

  “Thank you.” Seth slung the officers weapon over his shoulder.

  I lifted my own backpack onto my shoulders and we began our journey east once again.

  “How do we know when to start heading south again?” asked Ebony.

  “When we hit the ocean,” said Braven.

  “The ocean? You mean, we get to see the beach Richy was telling us about?” Maya's eyes widened.

  “Yes, because we didn't see enough sand in the desert,” groaned Vega.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  We'd hiked in silence since our standoff with the officer at the brick wall, and despite having ditched our bugged weapons, there was still an edge of unease permeating from our group. We should've asked the officer if there was more coming. If they would be able to track us. But we hadn't, and by now he was probably waking up with an aching body and sore head, radioing his friends from the Arcadia compound to come and retrieve him. It also meant Captain Kormak would know we'd slipped through his fingers. If he wanted us dead, he should've done it when he had the chance.

  “You okay?” asked Fletcher.

  “Just thinking,” I replied.

  “Dangerous business,” piped in Vega.

  “Why look after us and help us get up to Eden if they wanted to kill us?” I asked.

  Braven shrugged. “Beats me. I don't understand half the things these earthlings do.”

  “He didn't want people to know he'd killed you,” added Seth. “He would've made it look like an accident, like a group of raiders found and murdered you instead.”

  “Wonder what Captain Kormak's friends back at the Eden compound would think?” asked Vega.

  “Do you think they're okay?” Maya's eyes grew wide. “All of our friends are there.”

  Fear stung at my chest at the thought of my father or any of the others being hurt. Not being at the compound when we returned.

  “Lark trusted Lieutenant Marks. I'm sure they're still safe,” assured Braven, although I sensed a small tinge of doubt in his tone.

  “I wish there was a way to send word to them all. Let them know to be careful and we're okay,” I said.

  By nightfall we'd made good ground over the flatter terrain of grass and trees. Braven pulled up beside a shallow creek as stars began to prick the sky and we unloaded our backpacks under a few shady trees before washing off in the crisp cold of the fresh water. My fingers grew numb as I dipped them in one last time and splashed the icy cold water over my face, but it was well worth the cold to feel refreshed once again.

  Still crouched over the still water I stared at my warbled reflection. My complexion had grown dark from my days in the sun, my cheeks sunken and darkness had crept beneath my green eyes. My dirty red hair was tied back in a plait, stray strands wisping around my face. But where the lack of food and the stress of the journey showed on my face, the muscles in my arms and legs had grown much stronger. I wasn't sure if I'd been an attractive girl on Utopia, I hadn't looked at myself as someone who might appeal to the opposite sex before. But how could Fletcher find me attractive when I looked like such a mess?

  A cool splash of water sprayed across my face and I fell back onto the stony creek bed holding my hands
up in defence. “What on Utopia…”

  Braven burst out laughing, the water up to his knees as he reached down and sent another barrage of coldness my way. “I thought you'd fallen asleep staring at the water so I thought I'd wake you up.”

  “Wake me up? I'll wake you up,” I jumped to my feet running at him with the little energy I had left from our day of walking. My shoulder found his stomach and he stumbled falling backwards, grabbing hold of my arm to ensure I fell with him.

  We both hit the icy water, my limbs going numb as I pushed on the stony creek bed to get back up spluttering beside Braven.

  “What on earth are you two doing?” asked Ebony with a chuckle.

  “Having a bath,” replied Braven. “I think Ebony needs a bath too, what do you think Aurora?”

  A mischievous grin spread across my face. “She has been stinky lately.”

  With one more glance and a squeal from Ebony both Braven and I bounded from the water and grabbed her flailing limbs by the wrists and ankles. Nearly dropping her a few times as we approached the water.

  “Seth, help me!” she screamed.

  “Sorry Eb, I think they're right. You need to cool off.” He smirked.

  “Traitor!” she called as we dropped her into the water, both of us falling in after her.

  She kicked and splashed until she realised there was no use and went limp with defeat. I held out my hand to help her up and she gripped tight. “I'll get you back.”

  “No, you won't. You're too nice,” I replied.

  “Are you sure?” she pulled hard and once again I was falling head first into the water.

  “Anyone feel like we're missing out?” Fletcher asked.

  “Yup, race ya,” Vega whipped off her shirt and started jumping out of her pants as she hopped towards us. “Aren't you coming?”

  “Me and water don't mix,” he replied.

  “I promise I won't let you drown,” called Braven.

  Fletcher gave him a dirty glare. “You? Your bubble butt will keep you afloat.”

  “Come on Fletch,” I called to him.

  His gaze softened and I gave him the best puppy dog eyes I could muster. He let out a groan and began shredding his own clothes following Vega into the water, sending a spray over us all.

  We splashed and tackled and laughed while Maya watched from the bank. Seth decided to join us after Braven lifted him and carried him down to join us. By the time my energy waned and my stomach and jaw ached from laughing, I dragged myself from the water and up onto the bank, a cool wind sending goose bumps racing over my skin.

  “We need a fire,” I said, hugging myself tight.

  “I don't know if a fires a good idea. What if they're following us,” said Braven, laying on the grass staring up at the sky.

  “I'm sure if they were following they would've heard all of the commotion don't you?” said Vega.

  “True. Well, who wants to get the wood?” he asked.

  “Not me, I'm freezing in these wet clothes,” I replied.

  “I'll go,” said Seth.

  “Me too,” replied Vega.

  “If you find something to eat for dinner I'll be even happier,” I called after them as they took off towards an area of denser bushland.

  “I need to get changed,” said Ebony, shivering as she spoke and her lips a dark blue.

  “Me too. Whose idea was it to wear our clothes in?” I asked.

  “Pretty sure I didn't have much of a choice.” She glared.

  “Oh you loved it, you smiled the whole time,” I said as I slid my singlet over my head.

  “I did actually. I can't remember the last time Seth and I had fun. You know the laugh until you can't breathe kind of fun.” Ebony stared towards the river, before slipping on her own shirt.

  “It's nice, isn't it? Breaks up all of the craziness going on. Sometimes I forget I'm sixteen. My arms and legs get so sore sometimes I swear I'm one hundred and sixteen.” I slid off my boots, socks and pants, hanging my wet garments over a nearby bush.

  “I felt like I was expected to be much older than I was at the camp. Like I wasn't allowed to be a teenage girl. The other girls used to talk about boys, sneaking off into the orchards at night, and doing their hair pretty and braided.”

  “Why didn't you go hang out with them then?” I asked finding a set of dry clothes in my backpack.

  “I was one of Brent's disciples. Our job was to protect the people, not be one of them,” she said, changing into her own pair of dry clothes.

  “Well, I wasn't much good at being a teenager up on the floating city anyway. Or making friends for that matter. In some messed up way, this…” I raised my hands and gestured around me. “This is better than any life I had on Utopia. I do miss my bed though, it was one comfy bed.” And my mum. The thought jarred me. Despite feeling rejected by her my whole life, my mum had been my home. But my old life was gone, she was gone.

  “I don't think I've ever slept on a comfy bed,” said Ebony.

  “Well, when this is all over, we need to get you up onto one of those floating cities and you can try one out.”

  “Deal,” she said.

  “You girls warmer?” asked Fletcher as he approached, dressed back into his dry clothes.

  “Sure are,” I replied reaching out to pull him closer. “But this is much better.”

  “Great, where's Seth when I need him,” groaned Ebony.

  “You're good for him you know?” I said.

  “Thanks. I've been told before, but I owe him so much,” she replied.

  “They're back.” Braven clapped his hands together and I turned to spot Vega and Seth come out of the trees with sticks and wood.

  “See, girls can do as much as boys,” Vega quipped.

  “You are amazing,” said Braven helping her pile the sticks up as Richy had shown him.

  “Richy!” I said allowed.

  “He's a good guy. But he went back to the Eden compound remember,” said Fletcher.

  “Exactly. It's why Captain Kormak didn't have us killed at the compound. They want Richy to go back to the Eden compound and tell Lieutenant Marks we're all okay.”

  “Which means everyone's safe,” said Maya.

  “Exactly,” I replied as a weight I hadn't realised I was carrying released from my shoulders.

  Under the warmth of the fire, wrapped in Fletcher's arms and surrounded by my friends it would've been easy to dream about staying there forever. Forget the pendants and what they meant, forget about breaking into Elysium. Staring up at the sky I watched as wisps of cloud drifted past the moon until Seth sinking beside me pulled me from my daydreaming.

  “Hey, thanks for making Ebony smile today,” he said, quiet enough so Ebony wouldn't hear from across the fire.

  “She's a good girl. She deserves to be happy,” I replied.

  “She does.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Sometimes I don't know what she sees in me. What did I ever do to deserve a girl like her?”

  “Beats me,” replied Fletcher. “I wonder how Aurora managed to land a guy like me too.”

  I swung back with my elbow, getting him in the ribs. He let out an oomph and pointed at me shaking his head.

  “You two definitely deserve each other,” chuckled Seth.

  Fletcher and I exchanged a glance, his deep brown eyes locking onto mine a little longer than they needed to until Seth spoke again.

  “Sometimes I think mum and dad are up there guiding me. They'd be disappointed in a lot of the things I've done, but I found Ebony, and who knows where I'd be if I hadn't. And despite the odds being I'd never meet my twin sister, here you are.”

  I looked back up at the sky, enjoying the idea my birth mother and father were somehow up there, guiding us and keeping us safe. “Tell me about them. What did they like? How did they act? Did they love each other?”

  “Unconditionally. I only ever heard them argue once, and it was about you. Dad suggested we stop talking about you, he worried the mention of you made me as
k questions and mum sad. She wouldn't have any of it, no matter where you were she said you were part of our family and she'd never forget you or pretend you didn't exist.”

  A twinge of sadness made me swallow hard. “I wish I'd known about them. About you. Things would've made much more sense.”

  “But here we are. Who would've thought huh?”

  “Who would've thought,” I replied.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The following day we rose with the sun and after a quick bite to eat, continued east towards the ocean. It wasn't until late afternoon the bushland became scattered with new trees, and vegetation until our shoes crunched over soft fine sand mixed with rocks and dirt. The breezes aroma melded from damp to salty sweet and I watched as Braven picked up his pace, dragging Vega by the hand up a small hill.

  As she reached the top she stopped and her mouth fell open. Fletcher took my hand and together we jogged up to join them, and we all fell silent at the scene before us.

  Water. Water stretching as far as I could see. I'd learnt how the ocean covered most of the earth, but to see it with my own eyes… it was amazing. Waves rolled in towards the yellowish white sand of the beach, crashing into a white foam and spreading across the shore. A small flock of white birds stood together close to the water's edge the tide lapping at their webbed feet.

  “This is beautiful,” said Maya as she arrived beside me. “It's so, big.”

  “What did you expect the ocean to look like?” asked Braven earning himself a nudge in the ribs from Vega.

  “Welcome to the beach,” said Seth his arms wide before he wrapped them around Ebony. “It's been a long time since I've been far enough east to sink my toes into the sand.”

  Fletcher bent over pulling off his boots. “What are we waiting for?” He slid off his socks, throwing his bag on the ground and bounded towards the sand.

  We all followed suit, smiles spreading across our faces before a bellow drew our attention.

  “It's freakin' hot!” Fletcher hopped up and down on the spot.

  “Run to the water!” called Ebony.

  On her command, he sprinted towards the darker, wet sand and stopped his shoulders relaxing. “It's okay down here. Just run fast!”


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