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Cecilia's Claim

Page 8

by Raven McAllan

  "If it was my desire, neither you or Sally there would stop me. However we need to move." Caleb strode toward her as Philippe closed the doors they'd entered by. The gloom was broken only by a shaft of sunlight filtering though from the high windows, which highlighted the mites of dust and hay in the air. Cecy turned toward him and the sun hit her hair and made it a burnished halo around her face. She looked so beautiful it stole his breath away.


  "You are beautiful," he said simply. "We're lucky."

  Cecy colored and dipped her head. "At the risk of you spanking me for demeaning you both, so are you. When I saw you together, I thought I'd never seen anything so perfect. And I worried. Why on earth would either of you want me, when you have each other?"

  She is serious. I had thought we reassured her, it seems not.

  "Because without you there is a gap. One only you can fill. Believe me love. This is a triangle that needs all three of us to complete it. If any of us is not here, well…" he shrugged. "We survive but without the depth that we can achieve. I for one want it all."

  "And I." Philippe joined them. "I know my ideas are the stumbling block here, but I promise if you will keep an open mind, I will also."

  Caleb looked at each of his lovers. He was content with either, but needed both for true happiness.

  At last Cecy took a deep breath. "I can honor that."

  "Then that is all we ask. Now let me throw you up onto Sally here." He cupped his hand to allow Cecy to step on his palm and be tossed into the saddle. "Comfortable?"

  "The stirrup is a little long. She fiddled with the straps. "Yes, that is better. It feels so much better to be astride in breeches. I had forgotten how good it is."

  He glanced at her as he mounted Casper, his tall black gelding. Philippe led his horse to a door in the far end of the stable they had entered by, and opened it to let them pass.

  "You make a habit of riding astride?" Caleb asked Cecy as they waited for Philippe to close the doors and join them.

  Cecy collected her reins. "Only in the shires when I visit Nash. He keeps hounds."

  "I'd heard that. It seems an unusual occupation for a Gretton." They moved off up the slope at a steady walk, letting the horses pick the best path.

  "Well papa wanted him to go into the church. A less likely vicar than Nash I have yet to find. He of course ignored the parental diktat and did his own thing. I envy him. Life is easier as a man."

  "Not if you are our woman." Caleb said.

  "You think not?" She sounded surprised. "As far as I can tell that position is full of worries and pitfalls. Two men and no husband? Not an easy scenario to pull off." Caleb could understand her point of view, and later he would put the idea to her that he and Philippe had discussed. Later.

  "Maybe, we'll see."

  The hill leveled out, and Caleb pulled up Casper. "We head along the bridle path toward the moor. This next mile or so is the most open to view. Therefore we must take care. If I say so Cecy, you leave us and ride in that direction." He pointed to the north. "Without hesitation. Go and find your brother. Tell him he knows where he will find out all I know. Don't ask, this isn't the time. Right let's make haste."

  He turned his horse and set off at a fast trot. The hooves of the other horses echoed his own as he began to canter. The sooner they got to Moor Sentinel House the better. There they could keep Cecy safe, and love her as she deserved to be loved.

  A movement to his left made him jump and check his horse. A sheep got up out of the bracken and trotted away. His heartbeat returned to normal. Caleb discovered he was more off kilter than he thought.

  The moorcocks they disturbed didn't bother him as their wings whirred and they took to flight. Nothing else stirred, which relieved him. It meant there was no one else about.

  The track veered south to avoid a bog before it came to a stream, which his horse jumped with ease. On the other side was a small wood, and just inside the tree line was a grassy plateau, well concealed from almost all directions.

  As Philippe and Cecy joined him, he dismounted. "We'll take five minutes to rest the horses, and have a drink. The water is pure."

  Cecy slipped off her mount before either of them reached her, and led her horse to the stream. She looped the reins over a handy branch and stretched her arms high above her head. The slim silhouette she made outlined by the late afternoon sun made Caleb swallow hard. His mouth was dry and his whole body tightened as his cock surged and pressed against the confines of his breeches. He wanted her in the most basic way possible there and then. A swift glance around showed him that Philippe had also dismounted and was leaning against a tree trunk, his eyes flicking from Cecy to Caleb. He gave Caleb a short nod.

  "Stay like that, love. Don't move."

  Cecy stopped moving. "Why, what's wrong?" Her eyes were large and fearful.

  "Nothing." He hastened to reassure her, and she sagged with relief. "Except I have a need to feel your mouth on my cock, and watch you enclose me in those velvet depths." He moved toward her and undid his breeches. "Kneel. Keep your arms high." Cecy ran her tongue around her lips then gave an infinitesimal nod.

  Caleb walked behind her and held her arms in the position Philippe requested. "Kneel now, I'll hold you so you won't stumble."

  Cecy dipped her head in agreement, and bent her knees. The sight of her submitting so sweetly made Philippe's precum gather. If only everything was so easy.

  He held his prick to her mouth. As she wrapped her lips around the head he heard Caleb's rumble of approval.

  The slight tug as she pulled him in created a frisson of excitement. The swirl of her lips over his sensitive flesh numbed his brain. Then she grazed her teeth on his cock as she sucked and he fell apart.

  Spots danced in front of his eyes. He blinked rapidly. Cecy's head bobbed up and down as she laved him. Behind her, Caleb stood ever watchful. His cheeks were flushed and he was breathing heavily.

  "Let her arms loose, touch yourself. Come as I do." Philippe said to Caleb, his voice hoarse with emotion. "I need to see you."

  Cecy shook her arms as Caleb released her. Without changing her pressure on his cock she spoke around it. "Then let me see as well, please Sirs."

  Sirs? Even in his euphoric state, Philippe understood the significance of that little word. The vibrations from her words only added to his arousal as they touched his prick and tingles shot into his bollocks.

  "Now." Philippe held onto his composure—and his seed by sheer will power. "For god's sake fuck yourself now." Caleb moved to stand within the range of Cecy's vision even as he undid his breeches. He took out his prick and stroked the thick bulbous head. Drops of precum glistened at the tip and slip slowly down its length. Caleb ran his fingers over the liquid and held one wet digit to Philippe's lips. Philippe drew it in to his mouth and tasted the salt and spice taste that was the very essence of aroused male.

  The air around them was filled with the musky and earth essence that was part of each man, mingled with the softer scents of a loving lady. Those gentle perfumes swirled around Philippe and his body suffused with a red-hot wave of passion. His cock swelled as Cecy, with perfect precision, tugged hard on his tool and firmed her mouth.

  Philippe spilled at the same time as Caleb's cock erupted and sent a plume of essence over his hands and body. As Caleb sank to the ground next to Cecy, she with a wink, milked Philippe until he was nigh on ready to beg for mercy.

  With one last gentle lave of her tongue, Cecy pulled back and rested on her knees. She wiped her lips on the back of her hand.

  "That, my lords, was one of the most superb sights I have ever been privileged to witness. It was so good to see you both overcome with emotion and fulfill yourselves." She paused, and her demeanor changed. "And not a crop or candle in sight."

  Chapter Twelve

  Had she pushed too far? Cecy didn't know, and nothing could be learned from either man's face as they tidied themselves. Her quim was thrumming with the thrill of watching bot
h her men achieve release. She only wished she could enjoy her own spiraling excitement to climax but already Caleb had gone to untie the horses.

  "Cecy?" Philippe's tone commanded her attention. She looked up at him.

  "Your turn will come soon. We want to take you and sate you in so many ways. And to do that we need time. That is something we don't have, so to experience you was a luxury and one I revere. It will remain in my memory forever. If you chose to take us, I for one will be more than pleased." His tone was even and the look in his eyes was fiery and passionate. Somehow, although that seemed somewhat of a mild response. Cecy had no doubt that if she agreed to his diktats his response would not be so muted.

  "Perhaps," she replied in a guarded tone. "Who knows? Ah what next?" Philippe had frowned and she hastened to distract him.

  "We ride to Moor Sentinel House. And wait." He said no more, and helped her into the saddle. "Then, well then, we discover what we want, you want and if we have common ground."Put like that it sounded ominous. Cecy decided not to delve further. As much as her cunt needed servicing, her mind accepted it wasn't to be. She nibbled her lips. Philippe had been somewhat quiet since their re-acquaintance. It didn't seem like him. Was he disinterested or biding his time to put his demands to her once more? From what little he'd let drop Cecy thought it was the later, and it niggled her. What constituted pain? On their previous encounter, she had been young, innocent, and naïve. Her virginity may have gone, but her innocence at that point had not. She'd enjoyed her trysts with Philippe until he'd made one demand too far and she metaphorically fled screaming. When Caleb had come on the scene, she'd once more experienced pleasure, only to have it snatched from her. To know the two men were in collusion had been a deep blow, and one she'd decided she couldn't get over. Now she rather thought her ideas had changed. But to what degree? That remained to be seen.

  Deep in thought she followed Caleb along yet another twisting path through the trees, with Philippe hard on her heels. The horse's hooves were muffled by the leaves underfoot. More had fallen here she noted than in nearer the coast.


  An hour later, the view as they exited the wood took her breath away. Mile upon mile of rolling moorland as far as she could see, dotted with the odd copse and an occasional farmhouse. Caleb pulled in his reins and halted his horse, waiting until Cecy and Philippe did the same.

  "We head down there." He pointed to their left. Cecy looked in the direction he indicated. She couldn't see any buildings.


  "In a fold of the hills, 'tis but half an hour or so now. Hold up, love, you've done us proud. Soon we'll get food and a bath."

  Cecy rolled her shoulders. "I desire both equally. Neither can come too soon for me."

  Caleb set off again. The horses, sensing a warm stable and a feed were close, quickened their pace. Cecy let her mount do the work. Sally the horse knew the track better than she ever would. Cecy was content to be a passenger.

  "Wait." Philippe spoke loud enough for both Cecy and Caleb to hear him. His voice was harsh and urgent as he reigned in his horse. "Over to the west." The others followed suit and looked in the direction he indicated.

  His tone swept fear through Cecy like a fire in a woodpile. "What is it?"

  "Into those bushes now." Caleb pointed to some gorse and bracken as he wheeled his horse in the direction Philippe indicated. "Don't dismount and remember what we said about riding away. Wait for ten minutes and if we don’t come for you, just do as we said."

  "But what is it?" Cecy asked as she went to do as she was told. She didn't receive a reply. Both men were intent on staring at something she couldn't see. With a sigh she urged her horse through the bushes.

  What good the gorse bushes did in hiding her she had no idea, and already the bracken was dying back. She soon found out. To her surprise, the land dipped behind them, and created a shallow, hollow well below the line of the path above. On the far side a tumble of rocks created a natural barrier, except for one small gap, where she thought another path might lead to the east. The horse picked its way delicately through the undergrowth until it reached the bottom of the slope. Cecy loosened the reins and it cropped the grass.

  The only sound Cecy could here was birdsong. She could almost imagine she was alone. As the time passed she began to worry. Had ten minutes passed? Her timepiece was on her nightstand back in the house in the village, where she'd put it the night before. The sun had disappeared behind a cloud, and there was no way of knowing just how long she'd been waiting. Cecy started to count under her breath. If she got to ten times sixty then surely the ten minutes would be well up? Then she reckoned her worries would rear up and bite her.

  She didn't make four and sixty before a low whistle alerted her and she looked up. Caleb was walking out of the undergrowth.

  "Philippe?" she asked urgently. "He is safe?"

  "Oh love," Caleb reached her and ran his hand down her arm. To her, the gentle touch showed more love than any words could. "He's fine. He saw a hound, and in his business shall we say, dogs are used to convey messages. It carried a message for him."

  "It did? How clever. What did it say?"

  "Nothing for you to worry about." Philippe had joined them without her noticing. "I will need to go to the village tomorrow."

  "Will you see Randall?" Cecy asked him. She chose to ignore the somewhat dismissive first part of his statement. Cecy knew when to cut her losses. "Does he know where I will be?"

  "Yes and yes. And let's move." Philippe sounded irritable as he turned and went back the way he'd come. With a wry smile Caleb followed him. Cecy was certain there was something going on that her men had decided she shouldn't know. She accepted they would tell her, if they wanted to, in their own good time. Cecy was a firm believer in not wasting energy on things she could do nothing about. She urged her horse back up the slope and took her place in line.

  The rest of the journey was completed without incident. As they cantered along, the moor opened up, and Cecy could see the difference in the landscape clearly. The ground was scrubby and less rich, the sheep hardy, and in the distance wild ponies cantered away, started by the red grouse that flew up out of the bushes. It looked wild, mysterious and beautiful.

  "There's the house." Caleb pointed to a long, low grey building, surrounded by trees. It blended into the scenery so well they were almost upon it before it became noticeable. He led them into a small courtyard, and toward a stable block.

  "No servants, although Whiddock and Mrs. Whiddock will be here on the morrow. They're loyal and discrete. The people of the moor know when to watch the wall." He must have seen Cecy's blank expression. "Turn a blind eye, keep their mouths shut. We say watch the wall."

  She nodded, it made sense.

  "Philippe will take you inside, and begin to heat the water, whilst I attend to the horses. Go on." He lifted Cecy down from the saddle. She was so stiff she would have fallen if he hadn't held her tight. Philippe solved the dilemma of her tired brain trying to fathom out how to put one foot in front of the other by carrying her in his arms and walking briskly toward the house.

  "How are you not tired?" she mumbled as she put her hands around his neck for support. "I could sleep for a week." Cecy closed her eyes and let his footsteps lull her into slumber. His heartbeat under her cheek was soothing, and she felt comfortable and safe. Surely a few minutes wouldn't matter? Her nap didn't last more than a few seconds. Philippe shook her as her eyelids closed. "You can't go to sleep yet, love. Not like this."

  She opened one eye to see him push the door and go into the house. As much as she wanted to look around, it was took much effort. Cecy closed her eyes again. Philippe would waken her when he thought fit.

  He did. With yet another shake, but he followed it with tiny nips and kisses on her ear and down her neck. "You look like a drowsy pixie. Come on, I've a bath ready for you. Not as full or as hot as it could be, but warm and relaxing. Caleb is cooking and the food will be ready soon."

nbsp; As Cecy opened her eyes he lifted her from the chaise she was on—how on earth did I get on there—and stood her on her feet.

  "Can you walk?"

  "Of course I can." Her voice was husky with sleep. "I think. Oh lud, pins and needles." Cecy flexed her fingers and rubbed them together, they were not the sort of tingles she usually got from being near either Philippe or Caleb. "Right M. Le Compte. Lead on to the bath, I fear I may never move properly again."

  He bowed and grinned. "Ah if that be so, believe me 'twill not be because of riding a horse."

  The innuendo was plain.

  Cecy blushed. Philippe laughed.

  "And as I have oft said, your skin won't be rosy because of embarrassment either."

  Philippe opened the door into a room where steam swirled around, and the heady scent of roses filled the air. "Your bath, my love. Shall I play ladies' maid?"

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Only if I may also?" Caleb entered the room. "Dinner is simmering. I have a need to play a different role than cook."

  Cecy turned and gazed at him. Her eyes were cloudy, and not, he thought, with desire.

  "I don't think for one moment that if either of you took on that role my ablutions would be of a straightforward nature." Cecy yawned and held her arms out. "However I need your help to get me out of this jacket and the bindings."

  "Then our reward for helping you become our lady once more, is to help you in other ways."

  She scowled although it was very half-hearted. "Caleb, as much as I love you both, I am oh so weary. On second thoughts perhaps you had better help me, or I may well fall asleep in the water."

  Love? Surely that is a slip of the tongue? Caleb decided not to mention it. The expression on Philippe's face showed he had also picked the word up.

  "Then we will play ladies' maid, no more." Caleb walked over to her and took hold of one arm of the jacket. "This time. However I do think we will keep a tally…"


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