The Gardens of Blackfell

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The Gardens of Blackfell Page 12

by Ally Forbes

  The sun was setting and the views out to sea were stunning. The sky had turned a deep pink and the light flooded the land turning everything a warm, mellow cotton candy hue. Flocks of seagulls making their way inland to roost were the only living things she saw and for that she was thankful. The peace and tranquillity soothed Tara.

  Entering the outskirts of the village, she made her way up the narrow winding lanes and streets to the main road that ran through the village. The streets were quiet after the hustle and bustle of visitors and tourists throughout the day.

  The sun had now set and although there was still enough light left the air temperature was dropping fast and Tara started to shiver.

  She made her way to a small bus shelter, hoping to find the number for a taxi and call from the phone box on the corner of the next street.

  She found what she was looking for and dug a pen out of her handbag and started writing it on the back of her hand.


  She gave startled cry.

  She hadn’t notice a large car pull up a street down from the shelter.

  It was Arlen.


  She backed away from him, not sure what to do.

  ‘Tara, stop. Please. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.’ She could see he was worried, his demeanour sombre and downbeat.

  She stood still and he moved close to her and pulled her into his arms, embracing her protectively.

  ‘God, I’m sorry Tara. I’m so sorry.’

  She shivered involuntarily.

  He took off his jacket and wrapped it wound her shoulders.

  ‘Please come home with me. I want to explain myself. I promise there’ll be no shouting or remonstrations.’

  ‘Arlen. I just want to leave. If you let me get my things I’ll...’

  ‘No.’ He said it forcefully and then saw the look of fear in Tara’s eyes. He spoke quietly and added, ‘Please come back with me. I love you Tara. When I thought I’d lost you this afternoon I felt shattered. I don’t care what happened with Xander.’

  Tara was too tired now to object and the cold was seeping deep into her bones. He put his arms round her shoulders and led her back to the warm car and a very short distance later they were back at the cottage.

  The cottage was warm and a fire blazed reflecting in the windows still open to the dark sea beyond.

  Tara went to sit in the large cream sofa, taking off her shoes and curling up in a corner beside the fire, tucking her feet under her and hugging Arlen’s jacket tight round her, unable to stop shivering.

  ‘I’ll get you a hot drink and something to eat.’

  Tara gazed at the dancing flames and listened to Arlen in the kitchen. She hadn’t said anything to him since he found her and she wasn’t sure of the wisdom of returning to his house but her tiredness and hunger made a persuasive argument for staying.

  She understood why Arlen was so angry. She was furious with herself fo rer sleeping with Xander but Arlen had frightened her and her trust in him had been fractured.

  He handed her a large mug of hot sweetened coffee which she took gratefully. Arlen said nothing to her and returned immediately to the kitchen to reappear with a plate of bruschetta, delicious and simple.

  ‘Thanks,’ she said simply as he sat beside her.

  He smiled his acknowledgment and he drank a glass of wine with her as she finished her meal. Warm now and full, Tara gradually relaxed and they both sat in silence, listening to the crack and spit of the fire, content in each other’s company.

  Exhausted, Tara felt her eyes close. She fought the urge to sleep but lost.

  Awoken by the sun flooding through the window she didn’t know where she was. She was in a large bed in her underwear and suddenly the memories of what had happened yesterday came flooding back. Pulling a blanket around her, she made her way to the window and gazed out to the ocean. She was in the bedroom of Arlen’s cottage but there was no sign of Arlen.

  He must have taken her to the bedroom and undressed her. She blushed at the thought that she could have been so tired that she slept through this. Looking round the room she saw her clothes over a chair in the corner and her bags beside a chest of drawers and as she continued to get her bearings she turned to see Arlen appear at the door, in a pair of pyjama trousers, looking dishevelled and sleepy.

  ‘I heard the floorboards creak from downstairs and I thought I’d better check to make sure you were OK.’

  ‘I’m fine Arlen. You me ready for bed last night?’

  ‘You fell fast asleep on the sofa last night. I took you up to bed and tried to make you comfortable. You hardly stirred,’ he then added, ‘I slept on the sofa downstairs.’

  She stood self-consciously, awkwardly in front of him, clutching the blanket in front of her.

  ‘I’ll get ready and leave.’

  He walked to her and took her hand.

  ‘Don’t leave Tara. Come with me to the boat. We can talk over lunch. Only if you feel like talking....’

  Tara shook her head.

  ‘You scared me yesterday Arlen.’

  ‘Because I’m in love with you Tara Applebee. I can’t stand the thought of you with another man but I’m......... bloody sorry for making you feel scared.’

  She reached out to touch Coutmakhis unshaven face, his tousled beauty enhanced in the early morning light and rustic, simple surroundings.

  She dropped her blanket and stood in front of him in her bra and panties. She slowly reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra, discarding the lacy underwear at her feet.

  His eyes dropping to her full breasts. Slowly she removed her panties. Arlen watched her, entranced, walked to her and bent his head to take a nipple in his mouth.

  He nibbled and kissed her and then lifted her up on to his erection. Tara groaned as he entered her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her easily to the bed and lay down on his back, Tara still on him. She moved on him and he grasped her breasts as she moved. He propped himself up on this elbows to suck at her breasts again and she leant forward to let him. He ran his hands up her back, massaging her as she rode him slowly and rhythmically.

  Leaning back on him, she let herself build to orgasm and Arlen slowed his approaching climax down, wanting them to orgasm together, to share this moment of reconciliation. Just as she could contain herself no longer, he came in her, holding her on him, while her whole body shuddered with a powerful orgasm.

  Collapsing in the bed beside him, she revelled in the release of their lovemaking.

  ‘God Tara. You don’t know what you do to me.’

  ‘Arlen, I’m sorry. I really am sorry.’

  ‘Shhh.’ He turned to her and placed his finger over her lips.

  They fell asleep together for a short time, exhausted by the intensity of their lovemaking and were only awoken by the sound of Tara’s phone ringing. Her coat was with the rest of her clothes, on the small bedroom chair in the corner of the room.

  Springing from the bed, Tara grabbed the blanket again and fished her phone out of her coat pocket and pressed the ‘Answer’ button.

  ‘Hello Tara speaking.’

  ‘Miss Tara. It’s Bert.’

  Tara turned to smile at Arlen who was watching her from the bed and mouthed ‘Bert’ at him.

  He smiled back at her and rolled over on his pillow.

  Her eyes ran over his broad muscled back and had the overwhelming urge to climb naked onto his back and feel every inch of his beautiful body up tight to hers.

  ‘H Cnt ers.

  ‘Not good Miss. I just had to call to warn you.’

  Tara felt a chill spread slowly through her.

  ‘What’s wrong Bert?’

  Arlen sat up in bed at the change in tone of her voice and watched her, his face concerned.

  ‘It’s Master Ashbrook Miss. He’s gone just about mad.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘I was working late last night. Just popped into the shed to look
out the tools for today’s work and he appeared, just about knocking Master Emberline’s door down, pounding on it that hard.’

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘I went over to find out what was going on and before I knew it he had me pinned to the wall and all he wanted to know was where you were and if you were with Master Emberline.’


  ‘He saw the car I was using and thought it was you. I had to tell him you let me use the car. He went real quiet and then asked where you were but I couldn’t tell ‘im. He sped off, heading up to your place Miss. I was glad you were away from here. He was a man possessed. I ...’

  ‘I’m sorry Bert. Really sorry you had to go through that. And thanks for the warning. I’ll be back soon to get this sorted out. I’ll call you.’

  She finished the call and relayed Bert’s story on to Arlen.

  ‘He won’t let you go Tara....and he’ll do whatever it takes to have you.’ He punched the pillow and turned over, rubbing his temples, grimacing.

  ‘Do you want to be with me Tara? Or is it him?’

  Tara sat on the bed next to him and touched his flat stomach.

  ‘It’s you Arlen.’

  ‘I can’t tell you how much I want to believe that.’

  She lay beside him and stroked the hair on his chest and said nothing. What could she say that wouldn’t sound insincere?

  He lay for a short while and then turned towards her, embracing her tightly.

  He kissed her forehead.


  He grabbed his pyjama trousers, pulled them on and left the room. Tara decided to s C de"#ffffff"hower and change and was delighted to smell bacon cooking when she left the bathroom.

  She glanced out the window to the street below to see what was going on and noticed a man in sunglasses sitting in a dark grey car just up the street. He was looking at the cottage and picked up a newspaper as soon as he saw her at the window.

  ‘Strange,’ she whispered to herself but put it out her mind and made her way down the narrow wooden stairs to the living room and kitchen below. Arlen was standing over the range frying breakfast and the sight of him made Tara stop and watch.

  He hadn’t noticed her come down the stairs and he was concentrating on the task in hand. The radio was on and he still only had his pyjama trousers on. She could see the strength of his body as he moved, his sun-kissed skin defining the contours of his muscles. His dark hair was sleep-tousled and he had a morning shadow of stubble. He looked incredible.

  He caught sight of her standing in the doorway and smiled self-consciously, aware now that he was being watched.

  ‘God Tara. You’re a beautiful woman.’

  It was Tara’s turn to smile self-consciously.

  She crossed the room and sat at the old dining table and marvelled again at the view, the morning sun making the sea sparkle and dance, the sky blue and crystal clear.

  Arlen placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her and proceeded to add toast and a large pot of tea.

  ‘Arlen, you are the man of my dreams.’ She was famished now, having eaten so little the previous day.

  They ate at a leisurely pace and Tara asked him about the cottage.

  ‘I stopped here on the way back from a trip about four years ago and went down to the harbour. It was just beautiful......I sat drinking it all in on the harbour wall. An elderly lady, the one who came to the door earlier, started chatting and before I knew it she said she was intending to sell a cottage she’d been running as a holiday home. I asked to see it and made her an offer. It took a lot of renovation but I love it. Bought the boat a couple of years later.’

  ‘You’re an accumulator of property Arlen,’ she smiled at him.

  ‘I don’t do it in a big way but I have enough money to buy the places that catch my imagination. I have about thirty properties now, all over the place, from the South of France, Norway to Cornwall, Ireland. I’ll take you to them all Tara. They’re mostly small and inconspicuous but they all have a special something for me.’

  ‘Are you C">nspicuhappy Arlen?’

  He looked at her, studying her face and paused.

  ‘I thought I had been but there’s never been someone special in my life. Don’t misunderstand me Tara. I’ve dated many women but there’s never been anyone I’ve wanted to settle down with. ....but almost since the day I met you, I‘ve had that almost sick feeling in my stomach.... butterflies. I’ve never felt like this before.’

  He dropped his eyes to the table and refilled his cup.

  ‘Come on, we’re going to miss the tide if we don’t get a move on.’ He sprang to his feet and pulled the dishes from the table.

  Tara ran upstairs to tie her long hair back, flat shoes and a waterproof and met him at the door.

  ‘I had the boat brought from Anstruther to the harbour before we made this trip. Everything’s ready to go.’

  Opening the door, they stepped in to the sunshine and Tara was glad to see that the car and the stranger she’d seen from the upstairs window was gone.

  He took her hand and together they walked down the steep cobblestoned road to the harbour. She found this simple gesture touching.

  Tara could hardly contain her excitement when she saw Arlen’s boat berthed beside the small crab and lobster boats.

  ‘Arlen, what a beautiful boat. She’s absolutely amazing.’

  Arlen beamed, his pride in his boat obvious.

  ‘She’s an Oyster sailboat, cutter rigged....oh God, listen to me. Just come on board and have a look around.’

  They walked along the thick, old harbour walls, past the lobster and crab creels and stopped above the boat. The tide had brought the water in and the boat was sitting high in the harbour. It bobbed gently and the rigging with white furled sails towered above them.

  There was a ladder down to the deck of the boat and Arlen went first, stopping to help Tara find her footing on the first few rungs and jump on to the deck.

  He lifted her from the ladder on to the boat and held her tight when she stepped on to the boat. He kissed her hard.

  ‘I love you.’

  Tara returned his embrace but said nothing, not willing to let him know that she reciprocated his feelings. Not yet. She was unsure why she was reticent about telling him. She held him tight and laid her head o Cid ciprocan his broad chest.

  ‘Come below deck. I’ll show you around.’

  It was as they turned that Tara saw the man she had seen in the car at the door of the cottage. He was standing at the opposite side of the harbour and taking a picture of them on the boat.

  ‘Arlen. There’s a man taking pictures of us at the other side of the harbour. He was at the cottage before we left his morning. I was sure he was watching.’

  Arlen went down the steps into the boat and straight to a porthole. Tara followed, apprehensive.

  After a moment he said, ‘Yep, he’s definitely watching the boat. Don’t worry Tara , I’ll sort it out.’ His face was determined and thoughtful.

  ‘We’re going to leave in the next half hour. I’ll show you round.’ He changed the subject swiftly.

  He guided her round the two large staterooms, the navigation station, a small beautifully equipped galley and a separate cabin. It was simple luxury and Tara was entranced. He felt a need to explain his wealth again, noticing Tara’s astonishment.

  ‘ father provided very well for me and still does. He left me a large lump sum on his death and a generous annual allowance for staying on Blackfell.’ He smiled at her.

  ‘My wealth is nothing in comparison to my brothers but it’s more than enough for me. Look, we have to go.’

  He asked her to accompany him up on deck and once there, started the engine. Tara stayed close to him, finding the gentle thrum of the engine and the flurry of activity whilst Arlen cast off the line and pushed the boat away from the harbour wall exciting and energizing. Very slowly the boat made its way out the tight harbour entrance. Tar
a couldn’t help glancing around the harbour they were leaving; checking to see of the stranger was still there. She was relieved to see that he had disappeared once again.

  Arlen noticed the concern on her face.

  ‘I’m sure that man will be one of Xander’s employees. I told you Tara – he’s not going to let go easily. After what you told me Bert said, I kind of half expected something like this. He’ll have all my places checked out, wanting to know where you are. What you’re doing.’

  ‘You’re kidding.’

  Arlen’s face was stern and serious.

  ‘No jokes where my brother’s concerned Tara.’

  ‘Has this happened to you before? I mean to any of yo C to.ur other girlfriends?’

  ‘No. Never.’

  ‘So how do you know it’s different this time?’

  ‘He’s fought over you and he’s not a man to get his hands dirty, trust me. I’ll deal with Xander.’

  He put his arm round her as they cleared the harbour and made their way out to sea.

  ‘We’re going round the coast, not too far. There’s a great little cove that we can stop at, have some lunch.’

  ‘Sounds great Arlen.’ She stretched up to kiss him which surprised him. His delight at her spontaneity was written all over his face.

  ‘I’m going to let the boat do the steering for a while Tara but I need to plug in some information to the boat’s navigation system. I’ll be a few minutes.’

  He left her on deck but a gentle breeze cooled her sufficiently to make her head below deck to pick up her jumper but she stopped on the steps half way down when she heard Arlen’s voice. He was talking in a loud, angry whisper.

  ‘She’s here with me. I’m sure your man has told you where that is.’


  ‘I know what happened between you. You can’t play that one. Touch her again and I’ll make sure you’ll never touch anyone again.’

  Another pause.

  ‘Leave her alone Xander. You’ve lost this fight.’ He slammed the phone down on the counter and Tara backtracked up the steps and made a play of coming down the stair,

  ‘Arlen? I’m cold. Just want to get my jumper.’


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