The Gardens of Blackfell

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The Gardens of Blackfell Page 13

by Ally Forbes

  She moved back down the steps again and Arlen appeared, taking her hand to help her off the bottom step.

  His face was tight, frustrated and tense.

  ‘Are you OK?’

  ‘Yes.’ Was the only answer she got and he turned from her proceeding to sit at the chair at the small navigation station, typing something into the computer.

  She got her jumper, decided that she would be better to give him some space and started back up the stairs.

  ‘Why did you have to sleep with him Tara?’

  His question stopped Tara de C="+width="ad.

  His voice was flat. She turned to look at him but he was staring in to space.

  ‘I think you should take me home Arlen.’

  She continued to climb the steps, heart thumping, desperate to get into the fresh air and sunlight. She took a few deep breaths.

  She startled and gasped when his big hands touched her shoulders, holding her firmly.

  She didn’t turn round.

  ‘What can I say Arlen? What would ever be the right thing to say to make it better? I made a mistake. I wish with every part of me that it hadn’t happened. But I can’t take it back.’ She spoke calmly and softly.

  He rubbed her shoulders, his strong hands gentle and reassuring.

  ‘We need to get this sorted Tara. I want you and there’s no-one in the world, including my brother, who’s going to take you away from me. I feel chased down, hounded by him and I need to talk to him, to let him see that pursuing you is futile. Will you come with me to see him?’

  Tara remained silent for a moment while she thought about his proposition.

  ‘If you think it will make a difference, yes. Yes, of course I will.’

  She embraced him and he ran his hands up inside her jumper, his rough skin warm on her smooth skin. She could feel his erection push into her.

  ‘I can’t stand close to you without wanting to make love to you Tara.’

  ‘Well, why don’t you?’ she smiled.

  ‘I would take you up on your offer, so very tempting as it is, but I need to guide the boat to anchor. We’re nearly there.’

  He turned to take the helm and Tara put her arms around him, delighting in his solidity and strength. She was small in comparison to him, and his intelligence and gentleness inspired her but left her in no doubt who was ultimately in charge. And she was happy to let him take control. He was generous, considerate and exciting in his lovemaking and she desired him. Very much. She knew that his desire for her was almost overwhelming and it was the close line between loss of control and barely controlled restraint that made him so exciting.

  ‘Look to the shore Tara.’

  They were sailing close to the shore now, and she could see a beautiful sheltered cove, surrounded by steep cliffs. The sand was golden and pristine.

  ‘It’s very private. Unless you have climbing equipment, you can’t get down there from the land.’ He smiled at her. Ct hd by

  Tara watched him as he busied himself dropping anchor and lowering the dinghy off the small davits at the side of the boat.

  He was a pleasure to watch, his movements fluid and sure, his strength obvious. A thrill of delight tickled down Tara’s back. He disappeared back into the boat and joined her again on deck with a large picnic hamper.

  ‘Come and I’ll help you on board the dinghy.’

  There was a short length of rope ladder at the shore side of the boat which Arlen scaled down easily but to Tara the drop looked daunting and the ladder shaky and scary.

  ‘I’m not sure about this Arlen.’

  ‘You’ll be fine, promise. Pass me the hamper.’

  She took the hamper from the deck and gingerly balanced at the edge of the boat as she passed the large woven basket to Arlen, who balanced expertly in the small dinghy.

  ‘Right. Come on Tara.’

  He held his arms up to her.

  ‘I’ve got you.’

  Tara edged gingerly down the ladder. All she could think about was the step off the ladder on to the dinghy at the bottom. She reached the little dinghy and couldn’t turn round.

  ‘Tara. Let go. I’ve got you. Just don’t struggle.’

  His arms were round her and she let go and yelped as he lifted her expertly into the safety of the small boat. She sat down on the small wooden bench, Arlen started the outboard motor and they were off.

  Gentle spray kicked up from the waves and the small dinghy bounced over the slight swell. In the embrace of the secret cove, the sea breeze dropped and Tara could immediately feel the increase in air temperature.

  ‘Hold on Tara.’ She braced herself and Arlen beached them high up on the shore.

  ‘That was just completely....exhilarating,’ she grinned.

  Arlen cut the engine and hopped on the sand, holding his hands out to help her out.

  Taking the basket, he spread out a large rug on the warm sand and held out his arms to her. She took off her shoes, savouring the feel of the warm sand on her bare feet and joined him on the rug.

  They sat together, his arms r Cr, pan bgcound her tightly, watching the waves lap at the shore and the little boat from which they had come bobbing gently further out to sea. The sea was a deep cerulean blue and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The peace and solitude was intoxicating.

  Arlen pulled her hair over a shoulder and kissed her neck.

  He lifted her shirt up, pulling it swiftly over her head before she had any time to object.

  She lay back on the rug, the sun warm on her bare skin and Arlen kissed her, long and loving, his hands cupping her breasts through her bra.

  She pushed his hands from her, ‘Arlen, we can’t do this here. What if someone sees us?’

  ‘There’s no-one around. We’re miles from anywhere.’

  Fighting a losing battle with her own body’s desire she pushed him back on to the rug and straddled him, leaning down over him to kiss him.

  ‘Tara, please just get your trousers off.’ he whispered, his voice cracking slightly.

  Tara sat up on him and slowly unbuttoned her trousers. It was when she sat up on him that she noticed a dark figure at the top of the cliffs on the far side of the cove, and the flash of a lense.

  Tara jumped off Arlen and yelled.

  ‘God Arlen, there’s someone up there. They’re taking a picture or have binoculars or something.’

  Arlen sprang to his feet and shaded his eye from the sun. The person at the top of the cliff stood boldly against the skyline, obviously watching them. Arlen started to sprint towards the base of the cliff.

  The stranger vanished and Arlen kicked at the sand in frustration sending a spray of gold high up into the air. He yelled, the sound echoing round the natural amphitheatre of the cove.

  ‘This stops now Tara. We’ll eat and then we’re going back to Blackfell to sort this out. I can’t stand this any more.’

  In a short time they had eaten, returned to the boat and then Crail, packed their bags and Tara found herself heading back to Blackfell. Arlen was in a stormy mood and the tension was palpable.

  Tara’s phone beeped an incoming message alert. Picking the phone from her bag she read the message, ‘We leave for Italy tomorrow. Time’s up. X.’

  ‘Who’s that from?’ Arlen asked her but she didn’t want to make things any worse so Canys thashe lied.

  ;Just a friend wondering where I am,’ she replied, deleting the message, hands feeling slightly sweaty, heart beating like a rabbits.

  She felt sick with worry as the big car ate up the miles and brought her closer to Blackfell.


  Arlen had hardly spoken a word for the last hour of their journey and Tara remained silent, glad that she didn’t have to make any conversation, unsure if she could.

  It was not long before they had reached the gates of Blackfell. Arlen stopped the car briefly and looked at her.

  ‘I’m going straight up to the house. What I want to say to him won’t wait.’ He held her hand and brushed
a loose strand of hair from her face.

  ‘I.....I don’t know. I’m ....’

  She saw the anger simmer underneath his composed exterior and clutched his hand,

  ‘Yes. I’ll be fine.’

  It was the answer that he wanted to hear and he started the car again, the wheels kicking up a shower of gravel as they moved off, Arlen determined and purposeful at the wheel.

  Tara shivered involuntarily, her nerves getting the better of her.

  ‘This isn’t a good idea.’

  ‘I know what I’m doing,’ he answered dismissively.

  The car swept round the huge drive at the front of the house.

  ‘Stay here.’

  He left the car, slamming the door behind him, strode up the steps two at a time and hammered at the huge doors.

  ‘Xander. I want to speak to you,’ he shouted.

  The door swung open but it wasn’t Xander who opened them.

  Words were exchanged briefly and Arlen turned and came back down the stairs, evidently deflated and depressed.

  He climbed into the car and slumped against the steering wheel, holding his head.

  ‘He’s away for the next few days.’

  Tara sighed inwardly with relief but held her breath wondering what to do or say to make it better but Arlen abruptly sat up.

  ‘I’ll take you home.’

  ‘Sure. know it’s probably a good thing he’s away just now. Give us a little time to get things in perspective.’ She smiled, trying to console him.

  He was in no mood for consolation and his expression was one of grim determination.

  ‘I want you to stay at my place. You need to pack your things and I’ll take you back.’

  ‘No!’ she exclaimed a bit too quickly. Realising that she must have sounded too sharp she added , ‘Look, don’t worry about me..... he’s not even on the Estate. We can re-assess things in a few days before he’s back. I think... I think we should have a night to....well... to let things settle.’

  ‘I don’t need to “let things settle”. I want to know that you’re safe with me. You know what happened last time I left you alone at the house.’ The sarcasm was thick in his voice.

  ‘Arlen. If we’re going to make it through this, you’ll have to let it go. You can’t keep throwing this back in my face. I made a mistake and I wish it hadn’t happened. How many times do I have to say it?’ the anger in her voice was sharp.

  ‘I want you at my place Tara. Why won’t you just do this? What’s the problem?’

  ‘Arlen, I’m just bloody tired......... I want time by myself.’ Her voice was tired and resigned.

  He shot a sharp glance at her, his face difficult to read but he muttered his grudging acceptance of her decision.

  They travelled back to her house in silence and when they arrived Arlen insisted that he go into the house with her to check that everything was in order.

  The paper had been moved but there was no sign that anything else had been disturbed. Arlen checked everywhere, made sure the windows were locked, pulled the curtains and put a match to the fire. The darkness was drawing in and Tara couldn’t help yawn.

  ‘I’ll call you tomorrow Arlen.’

  Arlen kissed her long and slow and she felt safe in his arms. She wondered if she should’ve made the move to Arlen’s house tonight but her overwhelming need was to rest, to curl up in her own space and just read a book.

  ‘I love you Tara.’

  ‘You know something Arlen?’ she grinned at him, ‘I kind of like you too.’

  Arlen’s delight lit up his face.

  ‘I’ll call you first thing. Remember to set the alarm when I leave.’

  ‘Yes Sir,’ she saluted him.

  He left and she did as he asked and set the perimeter alarm for the property. Running herself a hot bath, she relaxed and reflected on her time with Arlen. He was charming and handsome, a great lover and would do anything for her. But his jealousy, and hate, if hate wasn’t too strong a word, of Xander troubled her. If their relationship continued, and she found herself really hoping it would, how could Arlen continue to work on the Estate with Tara at his side in such close proximity to Xander?

  ‘It’s a mess Tara.’ she whispered to herself, ‘a bloody mess’.

  A short while later she climbed into bed. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head touched the pillow.

  She slept soundly and deeply and was only woken by the beep of her phone on the bedside table the next morning. Bleary eyed, she checked the message.

  ‘Meet me at my house, 8:00. Very important I see you. Arlen.’

  Strange, she thought. What was it he wanted to see her about? What was the urgency?

  She showered and dressed quickly, putting the radio on to provide some distraction. Despite Arlen’s strange message, she was feeling great after a good night’s sleep and her thoughts were clearer now. Plaiting her hair, she smiled as she remembered Arlen’s admission of love last night, a tingle of delight shivering down her spine.

  Despite knowing him for such a short time, she felt the deep connection between them. She did not reciprocate the love he had confessed for her but she could feel the kernel of affection growing in her, spreading roots, twining its way slowly into her heart. Perhaps he was what she needed. Someone to look after her and share her passions, support her. Maybe it was time to rely on someone again, to give up the single, independent life.

  The thought rolled lazily and pleasantly round her head as she set off down the dirt track. The day was going to be warm, the heat already building and she was glad she had dressed lightly. She rolled down the window and let the breeze flow through the car.

  She expected to meet no-one on her way down to the Gardens and wasn’t disappointed. Her mood lifted further as she cleared the woods at the base of the hill and spotted a small herd of roe deer break for the cover of the woods as her car passed.cleaan bgcolor="#ffffff"> The beauty of the awakening estate took her breath away and she felt thankful again that she had changed her mind and accepted the job, despite the predicament she found herself in.

  In the distance she could see the Gardener’s Quadrangle and Arlen’s house and further on the main house and gardens shimmered like a mirage in the building warmth of the day.

  As she drew closer to Arlen’s house, she could see a red sports car parked outside Arlen’s house but Arlen’s car was gone. She glanced at her watch. She was about 15 minutes early. Parking up in front of the little sports car, she pulled the loose strands of hair back into place, glanced at the car, wondering again who was visiting Arlen and knocked on the door.

  There was no answer and Tara knocked again. The door swung open on her second knock and the blonde woman she had seen Xander throw out of the big house appeared, dressed in an untied red silk dressing gown , red lace bra and knickers openly on show, a statement of her purpose at Arlen’s. She smiled venomously.

  ‘Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.’

  Tara could hardly breathe, let alone talk. Her chest constricted and she could feel her face flush scarlet.

  ‘I...I...I’m sor..’

  The woman leaned close to Tara, pulling her arm, holding her close.

  ‘You get the hell out of here you little bitch. You thought you’d got your feet under the table but you’ve no idea how this place runs. You’re way out of your depth.’

  ‘Please let go......,’ Tara tried to pull back from the seething woman on Arlen’s doorstep, a woman who was no doubt fresh from his bed.

  She held Tara tighter and then grabbed her plaited hair.

  ‘Pack your bags bitch. You’re not wanted round here.’

  Abruptly she let go of Tara’s hair, sending her stumbling backwards, turned back through the door and slammed it behind her.

  Tara gasped, a great gulp of air, releasing the paralysis that had held her.

  Her mind raced, heart thumping and she stumbled back to her car. She bit her bottom lip, trying to stem the tears that threatene
d to overwhelm her.

  How could she have been so stupid? To think that Arlen might be interested in her? He was playing with her and she had fallen for it, jumping into his bed without as much as a second thought. He’d got what he wanted and moved on. Xander and Arlen probably passed this woman betwee K woing in them, shared their girlfriends. Did they compare notes? Did they talk about her? Was it some kind of sick game she was involved in? She shuddered at the thought.

  Taking a couple of deep breaths she turned the key and floored the accelerator. She wanted to get back home, needed to have the solitude of her refuge to gather her thoughts. How could she face Arlen now? She had to leave Blackfell.

  A tear escaped and she brushed it away angrily but her vision was blurred. Too late she realised she was about to hit a car coming the opposite direction. She slammed on her brakes, pulling hard left on the steering wheel and mounted the grass verge, tyres digging deep in the soft soil, the small car shuddering to a halt. Shocked and frightened, she quickly assessed her situation - her seatbelt had dug deep into her shoulder but otherwise she was unhurt.

  Stunned, she remained in the car, the silence after the screaming engine a shock to her senses.

  Abruptly, her door was pulled open.

  Xander Ashbrook knelt beside her. He was saying something but it was as if the world was on mute. She couldn’t hear a word he was saying. She stared at him blankly.

  He reached across her and undid her seatbelt. He pulled her blouse from her shoulder, inspecting the red mark on her shoulder, concern etched on his face. Effortlessly he lifted her out of the seat and transferred her to the driver seat of his Land Rover.

  Gradually her senses returned – the first thing she noticed was his smell, the subtle cedar scent. His face was close to hers, speaking gently to her. His skin was beautiful, smooth and clear, his eyes a deep and unusual blue.

  ‘Take slow breaths Tara. Slow and easy.’ His voice was deep and vanilla soft.

  His eyes held hers and she did as he asked, breathing slow, not realising that up until this point she had been holding her breath, taking quick, short gasps of air. She slowed her breathing and gradually, her senses returned in full. She could smell burning rubber and petrol over Xander’s scent.


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