Socks for an Otter
Page 23
Accepting that home-cooked meal was the best decision Sebastian had ever made. And he had Marvin to thank for urging him to accept that invitation; and Javon to thank for being a true friend; and Blanche for helping him see that his knowledge and experience had value.
And Louis to show him he wasn’t useless or a prickly bastard or just a hole to fill.
Instead he had worth and he was kind and he was someone Louis wanted to make love to.
“Won’t be . . . able to hold off . . . much . . . longer.” Louis grunted.
“Don’t. Don’t ever hold back with me.”
Louis chuckled and slowed his movements. “I never feel like I have to.”
Sebastian gripped his cock tighter and stroked. “Come on, then. Fuck me hard like I know you want to, my wolf.”
Louis smiled, gripped Sebastian’s shoulders tighter, and said, “Hold on, then, little one. This’ll be a nice but fast ride.”
“My favorite kind.”
Sebastian was close, so close, and then he was there, pulling Louis to his chest, hugging him, kissing his shoulders and his temple, his cheeks. And finally lips, kisses slowing, deepening as Louis rode through the last of his orgasm.
“God, we’re amazing together,” Louis said as they caught their breath. “Just imagine how good it’ll be in six months or a year after we’ve worked all the bugs out and learned each other’s favorite places to be kissed and sucked and touched. And me bottoming.” He moaned. “It’ll take some time to learn how to take that python you have, but I’m up for the challenge.”
“I think I’ll like this next year.”
“Me too.” Louis rolled off him and stared at the ceiling, an arm carelessly thrown over his brow. “The last thing I expected tonight was resolution with your parents.”
“Same here.” Sebastian pillowed his head on Louis’s shoulder, so content to cuddle like this. The house was silent, warm, and safe.
“Are you relieved it’s resolved, or did you not need that?”
Sebastian stroked over the soft hairs below Louis’s belly button. “I’m glad. Don’t get me wrong. But I also know it’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s years of shit to sort through and deal with.”
Their breaths evened out, syncing up.
“Mmm. One thing I should tell ya,” Louis said, pulling Sebastian back up to the surface from sleep. “Blanche asked me what I knew about your relationship with your father. I didn’t tell her anything, but she admitted she knew your dad from way back. She told me she would ride his ass, and I knew it was possible he might show tonight. I should’ve told you.”
“I think you played it just right,” Sebastian said. “I got closure. You were there to support me; so was Blanche. Even my mom. I got to say all the stuff that’s been fueling my anger. And I got to make up with my parents.”
“I’m glad it worked out.”
“Best of all, I came home with the man I love, the man I trust to always have my back. That’s a nice feeling.”
Louis pressed a kiss behind Sebastian’s ear. “I’ll always have your back, my little otter. Always.”
The End
Thank you so much for reading Socks for an Otter. If you enjoyed this story, please tell a friend and consider leaving a review so others can read it too.
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The last time I published a brand-new book was 2016. All I can say is this: It’s about frickin’ time I released something new!
I’ve been working on the next book in my Naked Organics series forever, but I ran into so many roadblocks. I needed to see if my writing brain was broken or if it was just that story that was tripping me up. It was the story, and now that my confidence is back, I’ll get back to that.
Socks for an Otter is here because of a lot of people. First, my family. They gave me time and were patient with me as I rediscovered my writing mojo. My husband delivered plates of food and refilled my coffee cup, made sure I ate my fruits and vegetables. My daughter pulled me away to join the land of the non-writing and reminded me that there is a thing called nature. Oh, and sunshine. And my dog, Olive. Yes, her name is Olive, and my love for olives was written into Sebastian. ;) Olive is the best snuggle pup there ever was, and when I needed a cuddle to get through a hard part, she listened to me work it out as she gazed up at me with those beautiful brown eyes.
Teegan Loy is my daily cheerleader. She had faith I could do this when I didn’t. And she was also one of my proofreaders who helped polish this book. I want to thank Anita, who beta read and proofed. That was fun to have it bookended like that. Melissa helped me ensure all my Washington DC references resonated, and BL Maxwell and DJ Jamison, proofed as well. Thank you for supporting me.
And thanks to my reader group who gave me feedback on the gorgeous cover Black Jazz Design created. They also helped me hone my book description.
I also want to give a shout out to National Novel Writing Month. Yeah, it’s a website, but it’s also a community that supports writers. It pushed me. Those daily word counts and accountability are important for me.
And to you, my readers, thank you for picking up this book and reading about Sebastian and Louis’s journey. I hope you enjoyed their adventures.
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About the Author
life ⋆ romance ⋆ love ⋆ home
Posy Roberts started reading romance when she was young, sneaking peeks at adult books long before she should’ve. Textbooks eventually replaced the novels, and for years she existed without reading for fun. When she finally picked up a romance two decades later, it was like slipping on a soft hoodie . . . that didn’t quite fit like it used to. She wanted something more.
She wanted to read about men falling in love with each other. She wanted to explore beyond the happily ever after and see characters navigate the unpredictability of life. So Posy sat down at her keyboard to write the books she wanted to read.
Her stories have been USA Today’s Happily Ever After Must-Reads and Rainbow Award finalists. When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with her family and friends and doing anything possible to get out of grocery shopping and cooking.
Stay Up to Date
Also by Posy Roberts
Farm Fresh
Picked Fresh
Coming Soon
Fresh Earth
Fresh Shares
Silver Scars
Fall Into You
Socks for an Otter
Lonely Hearts - a novella bundle
All I Want - holiday paperback bundle
Bent Arrow
Stroke of Luck
Momo, My Everything
Love on a Battlefield
Cheeky Hipsters & Jocks
Naked Origins: Hudson
Analog to Digital
Feathers From the Sky
Tangled Mind
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