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The Darkest Lie lotu-7

Page 31

by Gena Showalter

  He scrambled from the bed, knees collapsing on impact. As he hit the ground, Kane gently laid Scarlet atop the mattress. Not a sound did she make. Gideon fought his way into a crouch, vision swimming as he peered down at his woman to survey the damage.

  There were three deep grooves in her neck. One rode the length of her carotid, one her trachea and one the curve of her shoulder. Two were kill shots, even for immortals, and one was simply meant to prolong her agony. Inside, he wailed. "What—"

  "Don't know," Kane said, silencing him. "She—"

  "The goddess screwed with his memory," Torin said, silencing Kane. "While he was busy gathering Scarlet in his arms, Mnemosyne reached between the bars and latched onto his ankle. She told him Scarlet was inside the cell and he needed to open it to get to her. So he did. She also told him there was no one else in the cell, so he paid no attention to the goddess as she darted out of the dungeon. I recorded everything. Oh, and good going, everyone." He clapped, and somehow the action itself exuded sarcasm. "You did a great job of searching the bitch for weapons."

  Gideon should have killed her while he'd had the chance. He hadn't, and now Scarlet...his Scarlet... Tears ruined what remained of his vision. He flattened a shaking palm over her heart. The beat was shallow, erratic and dangerously slow.

  The cuts were still seeping, and if they weren't closed soon, she would bleed out. Torin was a no-go as far as doctoring went. No way would Gideon allow his woman to be infected with the warrior's disease, even though he'd once thought keeping her to himself would be nice. Yes, Torin could wear gloves to prevent skin-to-skin contact, but that was risky. And Gideon was unwilling to take the slightest chance. Weak as Scarlet was, the disease might actually kill her. If the slices didn't.

  Kane was a no-go, as well. The man could barely keep himself alive. Plaster loved to fall on him, and floors loved to collapse while he stood upon them. No way would Gideon allow the man to operate on Scarlet.

  That left Gideon, weak and shaky as he was. There just wasn't time to get her to a hospital.

  "I don't need a field kit," he said. He'd stitched himself and his friends up a thousand times.

  "You can't—" Kane began.

  "Not now!" he growled, every ounce of his impatience and worry ringing out.

  Kane nodded and limped into action.

  Gideon could hear Lies whimpering inside his head, chanting, Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, sweet dreams.

  Gideon translated: Nightmares, Nightmares, Nightmares. He had to bite back a roar.

  "You're going to be okay, Scarlet," he said. There wasn't a renewed shock of pain, nor an increase in his lethargy. His mind and his demon viewed his words as a lie. "You're going to be okay," he repeated, tears falling freely now.

  His hands trembled as he smoothed the hair and blood from her face. The action caused the muscles in his shoulders to knot, but he didn't care. Pain was nothing in the face of this.

  "You're not in any shape to do this," Torin said, grave.

  Like there was another choice. To do nothing was to watch her die. And he would not watch her die. She was going to pull through, no matter what any of them believed.

  Kane raced back inside the room, white streaked over his cheeks. Plaster must have fallen on him along the way, as Gideon had known it would.

  "All yours." Kane dropped the black leather pouch on the bed. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

  Shaking more intently, Gideon unrolled the material. He lifted the thread and the needle and the tiny scissors, then got to work. Took him forever to stitch a single slice, his eyes constantly fogging over, his grip weak, but he did it. Then he moved to the next one, and then the next one, until Scarlet was no longer bleeding.

  But the fact was, she'd lost a lot of blood already and he didn't have the equipment to do a transfusion. Which she needed. Desperately. And would have. So he'd just have to do it the old-fashioned way, he supposed.

  Immortals had the same blood type, and didn't have to worry about a negative reaction the way humans did. Scarlet was half-human, however, and he'd never transfused a half-human before. Only himself and the other Lords. Still, that wasn't going to stop him. He grabbed the syringe from the pouch, jabbed himself in the crease of his elbow and withdrew as much life-giving fluid as the vial would hold. Then he stuck the needle into Scarlet's arm, slowly pushing that fluid inside her.

  If she later complained about sharing a needle, he'd spank her. After he hugged her. And made love to her. And hugged her again. They were immortal, as well as lovers. It'd be okay.

  He repeated the process so many times he lost count. Repeated it until Kane grabbed hold of his wrist and said, "That's enough. You're draining yourself."

  True. He was weak. Weaker than he'd ever been. But if Scarlet needed more, he would give her more. Would give her every drop.

  "There's nothing else you can do, man," Kane said, as grave as Torin. "Except wait. And pray."

  Sweet dreams, sweet dreams, sweet dreams.

  Like hell there was nothing else he could do, Gideon thought darkly. There was something. He could summon Cronus.

  SHADOWS and screams enveloped Scarlet, dragging her into a sea of darkness and screeching noise, and holding her captive. They were stronger than she was and trapped inside her, so they had no other outlet, no other way to feed. And they needed fear to feed. Lots and lots of fear.

  Fear they would get from her.

  Horrific image after horrific image played through her mind and nearly all of them involved Gideon. Gideon with another woman and loving every moment of it. Gideon being beheaded by Galen. Gideon going after Mnemosyne to avenge Scarlet's death and dying himself.

  Scarlet attempted to insert herself into every scene and change the outcome, but that only made things worse. Gideon would laugh at her or go for her throat. And gods, did her throat hurt. She was having trouble breathing, and her limbs were heavy and cold. And she knew what she was imagining was wrong, things Gideon would never do, which added guilt into her riotous mix of emotions. She—

  Blinked in surprise. A warm fire had ignited in her blood, and was traveling through her, leaving tiny pockets of energy. That energy grew and interlocked, until she was consumed by it. The darkness and the screams at last settled, and she slipped into a peaceful sleep.

  How much time passed until she next became aware, she didn't know.

  "Devil! Can't you hear me?" A rumbling male voice called to her from a long, dark tunnel. "Can't you see me?"

  Gideon. Gideon was near. She blinked open her stinging eyes, excitement pounding through her as his face came into blurry focus. Blurry, because screaming shadows were seeping from her and dancing around him.

  A surge of disappointment and rage destroyed her excitement. This was another trick, she thought. Gideon was nothing more than a mirage, a way to torment her.

  "Devil. Don't talk to me. Please."

  Can't be real. "Go away," she rasped, and gods, her throat still hurt. She tried to roll away. "Leave me alone."

  "Always." Strong fingers cupped her jaw, a blanket of warmth in the middle of a winter storm, and angled her head, forcing her to maintain eye contact. Slowly, he grinned. "You're not going to be okay. I wasn't so afraid... Didn't pray to Cronus, didn't beg him to help you. Didn't inform him he owed me for ignoring me about Aeron. He didn't tell me he'd brought you here. Didn't give you a vial of his blood."

  He was babbling, and even knowing this was another nightmare, she drank him in, her gaze cutting through the darkness. Shaggy blue hair, electric eyes. Pierced eyebrow, muscled body. Her heartbeat sped up, was suddenly stronger, steadier.

  "I'm not sorry you were injured. I'm not sorry I didn't take care of your aunt while I had the chance."

  She frowned. Why would this dream Gideon apologize to her? That was a pleasure, not a frightening terror. Not that he had any reason to apologize; he'd done nothing wrong. But still, this wasn't something her demon would do. Joy wasn't his favorite thing.

hat could only mean...Gideon really was here. He was close to her, talking to her. Touching her.

  She could only stare up at him in wonder. "I'm awake. I'm alive. I don't understand."

  "Didn't give you my blood, Cronus's blood." Those callused hands slid up and he traced his fingers along her temples. "You're not going to survive, right? Right?"

  He'd given her his blood? That must have been the shot of strength she'd experienced, of peace. And that he'd approached Cronus on her behalf, the very being who'd asked her aunt to strike at her... Why Cronus had agreed, she didn't know. She only knew there was no better man than Gideon.

  This warrior really did love her, she thought, awed. He'd been hurting from telling the truth, yet he'd somehow found the strength to give her what she needed.

  You're melting again. He'll get hurt if you stay with him.

  I was already melting. In fact, there was no ice left around her swelling heart.

  "Yes. Yes, I'll survive," she told him. And would kill Mnemosyne at last. "Because of you, I feel stronger already." Especially now that he was here with her.

  "Bad, so bad. My demon wanted—" His words halted as the shadows and the screams swirled around him more intently.

  They now had another target. And for once Nightmares didn't seem to notice or care that the new target was Gideon. The hunger was simply too great, she supposed.

  In the next instant, thousands of tiny spiders appeared on his body, crawling all over him.

  "Not a lie, not a lie, not a lie," he chanted, unable to hide his alarm. He was trying to remind himself that the images were an illusion, she knew.

  "What about your demon?" she asked to distract him. She wound her arms around him, elbows catching under his arms, and cupped the back of his neck. He was so hard, so hot. "Tell me. Please."

  "Didn't want...a yours." He was tense, clearly fighting the urge to slap at the little creatures. But to slap at them would have been to believe they were there. He would have lost the battle against his mind.

  "Then let him have a go at mine," she said. Hopefully, a tangle with Lies would distract Nightmares.

  "Sure. It's not dangerous at all."

  "Do it and I'll let you kiss me." If he still wanted to do so, that is. After everything she'd—


  He still wanted to kiss her; her relief was palpable. "How will I kiss you? By pressing my lips to yours, thrusting my tongue into your mouth and savoring your delicious flavor."

  His mouth twitched at the corners. "You don't know what I mean."

  Good. He was properly distracted. And he wanted to know how he could let his demon have a go at hers. "I honestly don't know. I thought you did. My best suggestion is maybe...give up control? When I lose control of myself, Nightmares leaves me, like now, even though he remains tied to me."

  Gideon ran his tongue over his teeth. "Lies didn't take over earlier today or yesterday, or whenever. He wasn't overcome with anger and didn't force himself out of me. So maybe you're wrong. Maybe I can't make it easier for him. But if he caresses you..."

  If he hurt her. "He won't." Maybe. "It's worth a shot." Please work, please work, please work. "Please."

  A nod. Gideon closed his eyes, expression tightening with concentration. Several moments passed, but nothing happened. He was a warrior, and relinquishing control would be difficult, so Scarlet planted little kisses along his jaw, reminding him of what awaited him should he succeed.

  "It''s...not working." Slowly, so slowly, a dark mist began to seep from his skin. An eternity seemed to eke by before that mist finally pulled free of him entirely, taking the shape of a tall, scaled creature with horns that protruded from its head, its shoulders. Hell, from every inch of it.

  At last Nightmares stilled, the screams quieting, leaving only a deafening silence. Then, with a groan, her demon took shape, as well, growing into an even taller scaled creature, with fangs that cut a path to its chin and muscles that put every Lord of the Underworld to shame.

  The two creatures rushed forward, meeting in the middle and throwing their gnarled arms around each other. Their lips were the next to meet, and then those scaled bodies were falling to the ground, writhing together, Nightmares grinding a huge erection against the smaller Lies, whose legs were open.

  "My demon's a girl?" Gideon said, astonished.

  Truth. He'd just spoken the truth, but he wasn't suffering. Did he realize? "You didn't know? I've always known mine was male."

  "Clearly you're the smarter of us."

  Their eyes met, and they shared a husky laugh.

  Gideon's expression softened, and he gifted her with the sweetest little nip to her chin. "Gods, I adore your laugh."

  Her eyes misted, and she quickly returned their conversation to the demons. Before she cried like a baby in front of him. "I think they like each other."

  "I think they love each other." He sobered, frowned. "I'm speaking the truth," he said, "yet I'm not in any pain."

  No, he wasn't. "Are you...happy about that? That you can speak truthfully, I mean."

  "Hell, yes."

  Thank the gods. She would've hated herself if she'd beseeched him to do this and he ended up regretting it.

  Grinning, Gideon peered down at her with adoration in his eyes. "I have so much I want to tell you, and I was so afraid I'd lose you before I had the chance. I love you. You're so beautiful."

  Hearing him speak his mind was odd, and at first, she found herself trying to decipher his meaning.

  "I admire your strength and courage and want to spend my life with you. I want you to marry me for real this time. I want to have babies with you."

  "Like Steel," she couldn't help but whisper.

  "Like our darling Steel," he said, and they shared a tender look. And yet, his grin faded and his expression tensed. "How do you feel about me, Scarlet? I have to know."

  And she could deny him nothing. "I shouldn't tell you. I just... You're my weakness. You can be used against me, and have, time and time again, and you've been hurt for it."

  "I'm your weakness?" His grin returned, a leisurely lifting of his lips.

  Her pulsed fluttered as she nodded. She was treading on thin ice—with cleats. "Yes, and as long as we're together, you're in danger. Which makes me a selfish bitch for wanting to be with you anyway, but..."

  "You can't help yourself."

  Another nod. "I want you to know that I—I like...I—"

  He pressed a finger against her mouth, silencing her. "All that matters right now is that we want each other. We'll figure everything else out later. Right now, my darling girl, I'm going to romance the hell out of you like I've been craving."


  GIDEON PRESSED his lips against Scarlet's and savored her sudden intake of breath, as if she was breathing him in, savoring him as he was doing to her. Some part of him—his cock—wanted to rush, to get inside her as quickly as he could so that they would be joined, one being. And damn, it felt like forever had passed since he'd last enjoyed her. But he was determined to take his time. To make this sensual assault last. To do everything he hadn't done last time.

  Like lick every single one of her tattoos. Like watch her lick every single one of his. Besides, he needed to prove he had some skills in this arena. Last time, he'd come from a single thrust; his manhood was at stake now. He could last, damn it, and he would.

  After their tongues rolled and thrust for minutes, hours, after he had no more air in his lungs, he lifted his head and peered down at this woman he so loved. "Can you not— Sorry." He had to get used to telling the truth. "I mean, can you take us somewhere else? A daydream?" Away from the moaning, writhing demons beside them.

  "Yes," she replied softly.

  "Do it. Please."

  Her gaze pulled from him and circled their surroundings. A moment later, the bed they lay upon seemed to be whisked out of the bedroom where the two demons were locked in a live porno, and to a tranquil beach with glistening white sand.
Crystalline water washed onto the shore, and birds soared overhead, singing softly.

  "I've always wanted to lounge on a beach and watch the sun set with you," Scarlet said with a blush. "Movies don't compare, do they?"

  Such a simple desire, but so telling. She'd been born in a prison, with walls always closing her in. Then, after her possession, she'd lost her ability to walk during daylight hours. And even though the times she slept varied, she was never really free to do what she wanted, at any time she wanted. Now, she craved what everyone else took for granted. What he took for granted.

  "It's lovely," he replied, then rasped straight into her ear, "Though not as lovely as you."

  "Hey," she snapped, pushing at his chest. "You just called me...lovely." She shook her head, frown vanishing. "Sorry. I'm not used to you telling the truth. I'd almost rather you called me ugly."

  "Ugly, ugly, ugly," he whispered now, cupping her jaw and forcing her to look up at him. "There's no woman uglier, no woman I crave less...."

  She licked her lips, and it was a full-on invitation.

  "Now you're asking for it, angel." He dipped his head and once again claimed her mouth, their tongues playing together, her decadent flavor consuming all his senses. Driving him wild. Don't rush...

  Her arms began to wrap around his waist, but he stopped her.

  "Wait." He gripped the hem of her T-shirt and pulled the material over her head. That soft fall of hair tumbled to her bare shoulders. Gorgeous pale skin, a lacy black bra. "Now you can hold me."

  Their lips met yet again, and she wrapped those strong arms around him, fingers dabbling at the waist of his pants before gliding up his back, massaging his muscles. Her hands were callused from holding blade hilts, and created the most erotic friction.

  Heat sparked through his bloodstream, warming him up, urging him on. Slow. But maybe he could speed this up a little. He unhooked her bra and cast the garment aside, exposing her dazzling breasts.

  With a moan, Gideon tore his own shirt off. He moaned again when his flesh met Scarlet's. Fan-freaking-tastic. Her nipples were hard little pearls of pleasure. Oh, yes, she was asking for it.


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