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Worlds Apart 3: Mikel's Wrath

Page 3

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Surprised, she couldn't help but ask, “You have?” Mikel chuckled, once again forcing her to grip his waist with her thighs so she didn't tumble off him.

  "Have you already forgotten that it was your scent—and mine—that trapped us in the Abacine suits to begin with?"

  She had forgotten that. But why did he want to do that? The thought of his mouth caressing her down there was as exciting as it was embarrassing. She bit her lip, nervous, but secretly titillated at the idea.

  "What have you to be frightened of, love? I'm tied up and at your mercy. I can do nothing but what you allow. I merely ask you to allow me to pleasure you with my mouth."

  Maryann bit her lip, undecided. What would he think of her if she agreed? She knew he believed he could give her the ultimate in pleasure. Still, she wasn't sure. Could she overcome her hesitance, her self-consciousness and let him kiss her pussy? Did she want him to?

  Sighing, she looked at him. He was so handsome, so strong. He had such presence. Even with his hands tied over his head, he had an air of authority and command about him, integrity and honor. Her face burned at the thought of straddling his shoulders, her mound over his face.

  Moving slowly, she crawled up his body, laving and licking, waiting for him to make demands. But the demands never came. He merely watched her, a loving expression on his face, in his eyes. She searched his mind and found only his need to pleasure her. To show her that intimacy wasn't only about taking control and causing pain.

  It was his resolve to show her she could receive pleasure from intercourse that gave her the courage to straddle his shoulders. Slowly, she lowered her pussy over his mouth.

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  Chapter Three

  Mikel started, amazed she followed his instructions. His mate may still be unsure, but she didn't lack courage. Pride and awe filled his chest when she moved into position. “Grip the headboard, Maryann."

  He watched her eyes widen before she swallowed and gripped the ornate titanium rings fastened to the headboard for just that purpose. He had every intention of leading this mating dance, even if it appeared he were the submissive just now. “Now, lower yourself just a little bit more."

  Goddess, her scent captivated him. It wrapped around his balls and squeezed. His cock throbbed and his pulse hammered as the smell of her arousal triggered his mating instincts—an instinct that would grow increasingly more difficult to control until his flesh joined with hers and released his seed into her fertile womb.

  Only once his child grew safely inside her would the fierce need to mate with her lessen enough that thoughts of lovemaking wouldn't override his common sense. Until then, until they conceived their child, his judgment remained compromised. And considering the enemy they were hunting, the potential danger involved in The Black Rose's capture, that couldn't continue.

  But what would Maryann say if she knew that his every instinct would demand he impregnate her immediately, before they had time to get used to being together? Envisioning her heavy with his child, sent another surge of white-hot lust raging through his body, forcing more blood into his already enlarged shaft. He couldn't remember ever being this hard, this desperate for a woman in his many long, long years.

  He'd soon reach his nine hundredth birthday, and though still young compared to others of his people, he'd long ago passed the age most of his kind took mates and began their families. No wonder just the thought of her carrying his child made his instincts rage. They'd been waiting for his Forever Mate—the one woman meant to be his above all others—to come along.

  His breath whispered over her flesh, rebounding back with her scent. He could smell her excitement, could even hear her pulsed pounding in the silent room. Through their new bond, he could sense her unease and her willingness to trust him to keep his word, to bring her pleasure.

  Something in his heart eased just a bit, calming the need to take her now, to rip his bonds and roll her over until she lay beneath him, submissive to his every desire. With that sense of calm, he'd be able to do this for her—give her the gift of pleasure—knowing that, in the end, it would give him so much more. Doing this for her would give him her trust and that was a gift he'd not throw away.

  He turned his head to the left, placing a kiss on her inner thigh, then did the same to the right. When her body tensed, then relaxed, he knew going slow with Maryann and gently leading her where he wanted would net him far better results than just diving right in like his warrior's soul cried out for.

  He continued to press nibbling kisses to her inner-thighs, until her body grew fluid, arching and shivering beneath his touch. Her arousal grew brighter, her scent sweeter as her need rose inside her. When she began to pant and moan, he knew it was time to take this loving further than he had. Finally, he'd get to taste her, to drink of her body.

  After drawing in one deep breath, he exhaled, letting the heated puff of air waft over her pussy. The little, red curls on her mound quivered, then grew wetter as a drop of her woman's cream spilled from her channel. This close to her pussy, he could see her clit peaking out and growing redder with pent-up need. Soon. Soon, he'd suckle it, until her nectar flowed, bathing him with her essence.

  Maryann, gasped, then groaned. Her body trembled above his and he could feel her clawing hunger as if it were his own. The sensations multiplied, surging through him and back to her again. A loop of pleasure, desire, need and hunger the likes of which neither had ever experienced.

  "Please, Mikel. Do something. Please,” she sobbed.

  Finally, finally she was ready for what he wanted to give her. Thank the Mother Goddess, Mari, that the time to claim a mate and be claimed in return had arrived. How much longer, he wondered, would he have wandered the known galaxies looking for her before going quietly insane, forced to commit suicide rather than go rogue, harming others in his madness the absence of a mate inspires?

  Now, thanks in part to his great friends, Hunter and Amy Shi'Lan, that wouldn't happen to him. Somehow, he'd have to thank the Lionese couple for putting his mate in his path. But ... he'd think on that later. He had much more pleasurable pursuits in mind, for the moment.

  Mikel felt her surrender and his heart stuttered, then galloped in his chest in response. He lifted his head away from her mound and stared up at her. Even though her eyes had grown hazy with desire, he knew she could still read his dominance, his possession in his gaze. He wanted her to see, to know and ultimately to trust the male beneath her. Lifting his head, he once again nuzzled her woman's mound. His breath caressed her folds. Her body trembled.

  "Mikel,” she moaned.

  He could hear her desperation, feel it through their new bond—a bond growing stronger every moment. Finally. Finally. The time to claim her and be claimed in return arrived. His tongue flicked over her turgid clit, once, twice, three times, then swirled around the nub before delving in her channel.

  He explored her with his tongue, wanting—no, needing—to taste her completely, to taste her essence and mark her with his own. Soon, he told himself. Soon.

  When Maryann began to arch away from his intimate touch, he nipped her thigh, careful not to break her skin. “Stay still, Maryann. You'll get what you need, love.” With a rumbling growl, Mikel went back to feasting on her pussy, licking her from perineum to her clit. He lapped up every drop of her cream as it spilled from her. Her curls were wet with her arousal, her clit rigid and pulsing with need for release.

  Please, please, Mikel. I need ... I, I, need...

  I know just what you need, love. Joy poured into his soul. He hadn't expected Maryann to initiate a telepathic conversation with him—not yet, anyway. Taking care not to hurt her, his lips latched on to her clit and suckled it, first gently, then relentlessly, until she exploded, bathing him with her essence. Her keening cries and bellowing breaths were music to his ears.

  Her body heaved as her muscles jerked. Her thighs flexed, trapping his head between her spread legs as he continued to lap up her woman's cream
with slow, lazy strokes. Pride and happiness filled him when Maryann collapsed and cuddled into his chest, nuzzling his neck. Her warm breath caressed his ear, sending shards of erotic sensation through him.

  It was time—time to find out if she truly trusted him enough to release the bonds holding him to the bed. Girding for rejection, Mikel took a deep breath, then gently nipped her ear. What are your plans now? Do you wish to make love with my hands bound or do you want to release me so you can feel the touch of my hands upon your skin?

  Mikel waited to see what would happen next. Her heartbeat sped up until he could feel it pounding against his chest. This wouldn't be easy for her, but if they were to become one, heart and soul, then they must learn to trust one another, completely. Her muscles tensed as though she was going to retreat from him, then she exhaled, relaxing her body against his once again.

  Again she nuzzled her nose into his neck and exhaled. His lungs hitched, then stuttered back to life. Would she release his bonds? Did she trust him enough to know he'd rather die a thousand deaths than hurt her?

  When she sat up and looked down into his eyes, he thought for sure she'd tell him no. Instead, she leaned forward, her breast swaying in front of his face, teasing him with their nearness. Grabbing one swollen nipple between his lips, he suckled it with strong, hard pulls. When she began to fumble with his bonds, his heartbeat galloped in his chest. She was going to release him.

  Releasing her nipple with a smacking pop, he moved to the other swaying breast, desperate to mark her, to place his scent everywhere on her body. She was his and soon, soon, she'd be his in every way.

  Maryann groaned, then shuddered, but she didn't stop what she was doing. Her arousal scented the air, making it nearly impossible for him to remain still while she completed her task. His cock had long ago starting leaking pre-cum and now, knowing that he'd finally get to sink into her welcoming sheath, he battled his instincts, forcing himself to stifle his dominance. But that wouldn't last long.

  He waited centuries to find his Forever Mate, and knowing the time had come made it nearly impossible to remain passive. For her, for now, he could. But once those bonds came off, it would take every scrap of his self-control not to attack her as his warrior's soul demanded.

  Maryann needed care and consideration during their mating, not a ruthless ravishment. And he was going to do his best to see that happened—even if he had to use his magick to ease the pressure in his cock. He would do nothing to harm her. Nothing.

  * * * *

  Maryann wrestled with the binding strap. By the Goddess, was she doing the right thing by letting him go? She didn't know. But something inside her, something powerful infused her with a sense of strength she'd never experienced before and gave her the courage to listen to her instincts when it came to this male—this mate of hers. And those same instincts insisted he be free for what happens next, so that's what she'd do ... if she could get the damn strap off.

  When Mikel latched onto her breast and suckled, a flash of heat raced through her from her nipple straight to her clit. Ah, Gods ... Too much, Mikel. It's too much.

  He chuckled in her mind, a sexy rumbling that had goose bumps rippling along her skin. Heat and need, desire and hunger—she felt them all. There were too many sensations raging through her, threatening her composure. The passion he built in her would erupt any moment and it terrified her. Never had she felt this way before, confused, needy, wanting, hungry, animalistic. What had he done to her? What was she supposed to do now?

  Just finish what you are doing and then enjoy yourself. I'll never harm you, especially not in love play. I know that we won't always agree and things are sometimes said in the heat of the moment that we later regret for the harm they've caused, but I'd never take out my anger on you. Believe that, love, if nothing else. Trust is built over time and I understand that. Besides, after we finish our mating, time will be something we'll have plenty of.

  Maryann froze. What?

  Once my seed enters you, you'll begin to change on a cellular level. Within weeks, sometimes days depending on the inner strength of the woman, you'll become like us. You'll be Manruvian.

  Dropping her arms, Maryann looked down and stared at her mate. “And you're just now telling me this? Don't you think I should have been told that after we mated I wouldn't be human anymore?” She knew he could hear the hysteria in her voice, but she didn't care. This wasn't a little thing he accidently neglected to tell her. This was life altering.

  Not even bothering to stop and think about her actions and what he might do in retaliation, Maryann reached down and pinched both his nipples. “Dammit, how could you forget to tell me something like this?"


  Mikel moaned, though she could feel his pleasure whipping through her. By the Goddess, he liked the small pain she'd given him. She'd have to remember that for later—when she wasn't so pissed off at him. Any hint of arousal disappeared the moment he made his proclamation. “I may be an ordinary human amongst galaxies full of shifters, but that doesn't mean I'm weak, that you can just do this to me without my permission."

  "Calm, love. Without the ceremony, you'll continue to age, and after your passing, I will forever grieve over my loss. Without the transformation, you can't live with me beneath the pink waters of Manruvia. Without the transformation, neither of us will feel completely happy with our bonding."

  Maryann wanted to scream at his presumption. Why even bother telling her if he hadn't intended on giving her a choice? Pissed beyond belief, she jerked away from Mikel's sprawled body and literally jumped off the bed. She wanted to just get away from him, but she sure as hell wasn't going to leave his rooms naked and give the rest of the crew on his ship a free show. How had tonight gone so wrong?

  About to lambast him, her eyes widened when his bonds magically untied from his hands and feet. Her spine stiffened and her hands fisted at her sides. Why that son of a bitch. “You could have just loosened your bonds at any time, couldn't you?” she accused.

  She watched as he scooted up the bed and crossed his arms over his chest, doing her best to ignore his cock, standing at attention. It looked too long and thick to fit inside her comfortably. Maryann swallowed before giving herself a mental slap. She had things to say and she wasn't about to be distracted by Mikel's body.

  "Yes, doesn't that tell you something?"

  "Yeah, it tells me that you played me from the start. You're a liar."

  Mikel scowled, sat up, then swung his legs over the side of the bed and began to rise.

  Wary, Maryann retreated just a step, but it was enough to get his attention and kept him seated at the edge of the bed. “Why, Mikel? Why didn't you tell me what mating entailed? Did you think I'd let you get away with taking my choices away from me? I won't. Never again will I allow someone to tell me how it's going to be. I may be human, but, by the goddess, I'm not a wimp."

  Mikel sucked in a deep breath and raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised by her tirade.

  Good. She wouldn't be anyone's doormat. She may have had bad things happen to her, but she wouldn't allow it to control her life. Nothing and no one would make decisions about her life without consulting her first—not ever again.

  Running his hand through his hair, Mikel sighed. “Honestly, it never crossed my mind that you wouldn't realize that the mating would change you, Maryann."

  "And I'm just supposed to believe that?” How stupid did he think she was? A wave of hurt washed through her and it took a moment for her to realize it was Mikel's. The brilliance in his blue-green eyes dimmed and his lips turned down in a grimace.

  "Yes, Maryann. If you bothered to listen with more than your ears, if you used the bond between us, you'd know I'm telling you the truth."

  After searching his gaze for a moment, Maryann moved back toward the bed, toward Mikel. Her shoulders sagged, knowing she'd hurt him by accusing him of lying to her. Perhaps she overreacted, but it was so hard to trust, even knowing he couldn't lie to her without
her knowing. The bond between them was new, but she couldn't use that as an excuse. By the Goddess, she could be such an insensitive bitch sometimes.

  Knowing it was up to her to set things right, she closed the distance between them and knelt on the floor between his legs. Her eyes of course zeroed right in on his cock. What red-blooded human woman wouldn't? When Mikel cleared his throat, Maryann snapped her gaze up, embarrassed that he caught her gaping at his erection.

  Not sure what to do with her hands, she kept them folded on her lap. “I'm sorry I blew up at you the way I did. It was uncalled for and, though it's not a good excuse, I'm not used to being near a man that's honorable. I shouldn't have compared you to others in my past, even subconsciously."

  Mikel framed her face with his hands, a small smile tilting up the corners of his lips. His thumb lightly caressed her bottom lip, sending shards of pleasure zipping through her body. “It's all right, love. I shouldn't have assumed you knew what mating entailed. That was my mistake."

  Sagging with relief, Maryann reached up and held Mikel's hands against her cheeks. “Do you think we could get back to what we were doing before I had my meltdown?” She prayed he'd say yes. Though she was new to lovemaking, she knew without a doubt that it would be wonderful between them if they ever got around to actually having sex.

  Rather than answer her directly, he picked her up by the waist as if she weighed nothing and pulled her onto his lap. “Wrap your legs around my waist, love."

  Her eyes widened, knowing full well that once she did so, his cock would be nestled against her naked pussy. Nothing would prevent them from joining now.

  "High Prince Logann, there is a high priority message coming through for you from Manruvia on the secured frequency,” sounded through the chamber, shattering the sexual tension developing between them.

  Maryann dropped her head against Mikel's chest. Well nothing but an urgent message from Skalldari could prevent their joining apparently.

  Chuckling, Mikel set alongside her on the bed. I'm sure it's just a message from my father asking about our progress. Why don't you slide under the covers so you don't catch a chill while I talk with him, okay?"


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