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Visionary Awakened (Paranormal INC Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

I noticed Risuki's hesitation and worry. He clearly didn't want to let go of time, which made me wonder what his role was in Scar’s life and if he was close to her in some way.

  "I don't know how much Scarlet means to you, but I love her and won't allow her to die. I feel in my very core this is going to work, but I need you to believe in me, just as we believe in you as a Starlight god," Michael stated.

  The room was silent for a long moment. Then Risuki took another glance at Scarlet, before he closed his eyes and nodded. "Fine."

  Michael nodded and they waited one more minute as the balls of energy grew with such intense power that I didn't know if Michael could hold it back any longer, his hands trembling vigorously.

  "Now," Michael announced. Risuki moved away as Michael pressed his hands on Scarlet's chest again, sending the electric balls of energy directly into her chest. Time began to move once more, the hand of the clock ticked right. I immediately looked back to Scarlet, whose body vibrated with the power. She stilled for a moment, all of us holding our breath. Then she gasped and began to cough.

  We all sighed in relief and Risuki looked calmer. Michael put Scar on her side as she continued to cough; he rubbed her back to soothe her down. "You're gonna be okay, Scar. Just breathe."

  After a few moments, she relaxed and moaned weakly. Michael lifted her into his arms, even though he looked completely exhausted himself. "Easy, Scar. Just relax,” he whispered.

  We moved in closer, crowding around to make sure she was okay and breathing. Her skin looked just a tad pale, but her cheeks were red from the coughing and she was breathing a little rapidly, which was to be expected. Better than NOT breathing.

  I looked up at Risuki, who stood quietly watching us. I wanted to say something, but then I noticed Scar open her eyes, looking at us in confusion.

  "What?" she choked, looking completely delirious after what had happened. I could only imagine how she felt right now: one minute standing there listening to us talk, and in the next be on the floor surrounded by us, experiencing shortness of breath.

  "It's okay, Scar. Just focus on breathing. We'll explain later," Junho soothed, reaching out to move a few strands of hair that clung to her sweaty face. I hadn't realized until then that she was sweating. She looked like she'd get a fever if we didn't do something to cool her down.

  Her eyes looked around to each of us before she noticed Risuki. She didn't seem surprised to see him, and I noticed the joy that twinkled in her eyes, leaving me even more confused. When did she meet a Starlight god? How?

  "Risuki,” she mumbled. We all looked up at him as he gave her a sympathetic smile, taking a step forward. He bent to one knee and laid his hand on her forehead.

  "You sure cause a lot of trouble for me, Scarlet,” he mumbled, but his comment held no trace of anger. He sounded beyond relieved and his expression displayed just that.

  "Oops. My bad. I'll get you catnip,” she mumbled.

  I exchanged confused looks with the others. Catnip?

  "You're confused, silly. Now, go rest," Risuki encouraged. Scarlet's eyes began to close, but she fought and managed to keep them partially open.

  "M…Monako said sorry...for sticky...situation..." Her voice was so weak it was barely audible, making me want to hold her in my arms and do anything in my power to make her feel better. Risuki frowned at the news, but nodded and replaced his worried expression with a smile.

  "I understand, Scarlet. It's not your fault. Just rest. Till next time,” he whispered, his hand that rested on her forehead glowed a light blue.

  Scarlet sighed in relief and lost the battle with her eyelids as they closed. In a matter of seconds she was asleep, her head moving to rest on Michael's chest. Risuki rose up, ruffling his locks in frustration. "Damn Monako. Making my life a pain as always,” he grumbled.

  "What's going on. Who's Monako?" Ethan asked.

  "Maybe we should put Scar in bed first before we get into that," Christian suggested.

  "And Michael, you need a damn nap for a good year. You look like shit," Junho commented.

  Michael rolled his tired eyes, which he already seemed to be struggling to keep open. "Sure...maybe in two years,” he joked.

  We all nodded in agreement, ready to put our plan into motion. But just then, a portal opened to our right. We all looked and saw an out of breath Cece who looked enraged as she stepped through.

  "What the fuck just happened? One minute Scarlet was fine and the next, her life aura just vanished like a light bulb being turned off!" Cece exclaimed through pants.

  Her eyes landed on Scarlet first before they migrated to Risuki. They shared a look before her eyes glowed bright red, her spirit taking over.

  "Hmm, I don't even know what to think when my host walks in to find the Princess, who was dead for five seconds, suddenly comes back to life and in the company of her men and a Starlight god,” she commented, still looking pissed and exhausted, but a little more reserved, probably due to Risuki's calming presence.

  Risuki rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "I'll only explain on Scarlet's behalf, seeing as it looks like Mother Destiny has new plans for all of us, and that's out of my control,” he vented.

  "'re a god," I pointed out.

  He looked at me and shrugged. "Mother Destiny is my creator, just as she is essentially Mother to all of you. She is the reason us Starlight gods have the power to create life and to take it away, but only with her approval. If something happens that doesn't go through us, it means she's testing us as well, which tells me something bigger is brewing in the galaxy that she is preparing us for," he revealed grimly.

  We were silent, unsure how to answer. I looked back to Cece, whose spirit was still in control, looking unamused, but remained silent.

  Risuki turned to look back at Cece. "Seeing as you're here Cassandra, Queen of Demons, you might as well stick around for a bit. It will be easier for you to explain to your host, who would most likely interrupt my explanation, which I don't have time for."

  Cassandra narrowed her eyes at him, making me nervous. I was unsure if she understood that he WAS a Starlight god. She slowly nodded, her eyes returning to Scarlet who was sleeping quietly. "Fine. Guess it's time for storytelling,” she declared.

  Time to find out what Mother Destiny had in store for us.


  "How does Scarlet know who you are?" Ethan questioned.

  We were all crowded in the living room. Jaxson was sitting on the two-seat sofa. Junho, Ethan, and Cassandra and I were all on the middle sofa, and Risuki sat in the single armchair on our left.

  Scarlet was fast asleep in her room with Michael next to her, having stated he deserved to at least get to sleep next to her after saving her life.

  It's not like any of us minded, though it was interesting to watch him sleepily stumble through explaining why he couldn't just walk to the guest room.

  He sounded like a tired drunk and the moment he laid on the bed, he was out like a light. If I had to guess, he wouldn't be awake until tomorrow afternoon, or maybe even evening.

  I stared at Risuki with my purple eyes, his familiar orbs meeting my gaze for a few seconds before he turned to look at Ethan, opening his mouth to answer his question.

  "I was with Scarlet when she had to deal with the bomb incident," Risuki disclosed.

  "We never saw you there," Junho pointed out with a frown.

  "Of course you didn't. It’s not every day a Starlight god like myself will grace you all with my presence, just for you to gawk and ponder who I am. It's a waste of time," Risuki complained as he stared at the Nightmare doll that sat on the table.

  Risuki noticed my gaze, and he leaned forward to pick up the doll and began inspecting it like he didn't know the familiar possession.

  "Ah, better be careful not to take that doll. Moonlight will attack you," Ethan cautioned.

  Junho relaxed back, putting his hands behind his head. "Where'd Moonlight go anyway?"

  Risuki made a weird
face as he began to poke at the bell around the doll’s neck. It made a small chime. I sighed, deciding to help him out this once. "He's in Scarlet's room. You know he doesn't like leaving her alone when she isn't well," I reminded.

  The others nodded and I saw a slight smile form on Cassandra's lips. Risuki continued to play with the bell, waiting for us to present our questions.

  "So, why don't we get this going so we can start locating these so called crystals?" Cassandra suggested.

  "How do you know about the crystals? We never told Cece," Ethan pointed out.

  "I don't need to search for information. It's delivered to me like a subscription service. I heard about it yesterday when Vinzent and I were dealing with some stuff. Anyways, what does all this have to do with Scarlet dying and coming back to life? Also adding in Michael looking so exhausted he'll probably sleep for a year," Cassandra demanded.

  "He won't sleep for a year," Risuki mumbled.

  "It was an exaggeration," Cassandra retorted.

  "Whatever," Risuki grumbled before his face grew serious. "You all are aware that Scarlet fell 37 floors about five weeks ago, correct?"

  We all nodded, exchanging glances as we prepared ourselves for what was likely to be a long conversation filled with useful information.

  "Well, to summarize things, Scarlet had a locket around her neck that she always carried with her, that was given to her by Marilyn," Risuki revealed.

  "Ya, the rose gold one," Jaxson confirmed.

  Risuki nodded. "Yes. It was given to Scarlet with the instructions that she should always wear it, especially in dangerous situations. Almost like a protective necklace. When Xerxes dropped Scarlet after she burned his hands, the necklace activated. Scarlet held onto it and that, combined with her desperate desire to live, is the reason why she was resurrected."

  "The item in the locket was the Stone of Awakening," Cassandra declared, not a hint of questioning in her voice.

  "Correct. The stone had been passed down in the Sinclair family for cycles, Marilyn having been bestowed with it before coming to Earthala with Scarlet and Kendrick. She knew the night she was murdered that she wouldn't return home. Thus, the reason why she gave Scarlet the locket. Because of Scarlet's immense will to survive, the stone acknowledged her power and did the impossible, granting her life."

  "But…?" I asked, knowing there must have been a cost.

  "But in order for Scar to survive, the stone had to embed itself into her heart to provide it enough energy to restart before healing her internal wounds quickly, all before Scarlet's soul ascended," Risuki explained.

  "So...what if someone tried to take her heart out?" Junho asked.

  We all turned to stare at him, and he had a stern look on his face. "I'm serious. If these crystals have a connection to Scarlet, the enemy is going to find out sooner or later that Scarlet holds the stone inside her. Not only is she a target for being the Elemental, but now carries the Stone of Awakening within her as well. If they decide they want to kill Scar and take the stone, couldn't they?"

  "No," Risuki stated.

  "Why not?" Ethan asked. "Junho has a point. They'll kill Scar and retrieve the stone by taking her heart out. Xerxes or whoever else wants the stone wouldn't hesitate."

  "Scarlet and the stone are connected. Meaning, one can't live without the other. If Scarlet dies, the stone will shatter. If the Stone of Awakening is damaged in some way, Scarlet will die," Risuki revealed.

  We were all silent, the weight of his words sinking in. "So...Xerxes would have to keep Scar alive but force her into submission,” I realized.

  "Yes," Risuki replied.

  "Doesn't the stone have a purpose, though? When it's completed, won't it fade and destroy itself?" Cassandra asked. We turned to stare at her, realizing she must have known something about the Stone of Awakening that we didn't. Her eyes were locked on Risuki, who sighed.

  "Once the Stone has achieved its purpose in this lifetime, it will indeed fade," Risuki declared.

  "But Scarlet..." Jaxson began, but didn't finish. I knew he was still dealing with issues from Scarlet's apparent death, and had his own demons haunting him.

  "Ya. If the stone completes its purpose and disappears, what happens to Scarlet?" Ethan asked with a serious tone, his eyes growing hard as he stared at Risuki.

  "She'd be fine. The stone fading of its own accord is much different than being shattered or ripped out of Scarlet's chest. It will fade and heal Scar's heart fully so she can continue to live her life as the Elemental," Risuki concluded.

  "How do you know, though?" Cassandra asked.

  "I'm a god, Cassandra," Risuki huffed.

  "You didn't know about the crystals though,” she pointed out.

  Risuki began flicking the bell of the doll, his eyes on the small stuffed toy as he spoke. "You cannot understand how we gain our knowledge. It's not something we're taught like all of you, whether from books or from one another. One minute we know nothing about a subject and the next, the knowledge floods our mind just like that. It's just whatever Mother Destiny permits us to know. Sometimes she puts us to the test with challenges as she must have done with Scarlet's heart suddenly stopping," Risuki revealed.

  "That seems like a tough job," Ethan muttered.

  Junho slowly nodded. "Agreed."

  "That's exactly why not just anyone could be a Starlight god. Now, anything else you'd like to know before I make my exit?" Risuki questioned.

  "The crystals. Do you know anything else about them? Aside from the fact Xerxes needs them to match the power of the Stone of Awakening," Jaxson wondered.

  "There are five crystals. The Crystal of Dark Revelations, which Michael now possesses, the Crystal of Protective Souls, the Crystal of Foreshadowing, the Crystal of Forgotten Memories, and the Crystal of Unity. They were protected by five women who called themselves sisters, protecting the crystals for many decades. When their time was finally up, they each hid their stones somewhere or with someone for safe keeping, knowing one day Mother Destiny would find new guardians to protect the crystals until they were needed again. I guess it’s safe to say Mother Destiny has decided to begin choosing the next individuals, Michael now being one of them," Risuki explained.

  "But wouldn’t Mother Destiny choose a group of females again for that purpose?" Ethan asked.

  "No. It can be an all-male group or an all-female group. Once the first individual has been chosen, the remaining crystals must be assigned to that same gender, though," Risuki replied.

  "So...does that mean the rest of us have a chance at being the guardians of these crystals?" Junho asked.

  "Correct. It might only be Michael, with the rest being given to strangers, or it could be all of you. It’s all up to Mother Destiny. Now I'll be leaving. I've stayed past my limit in this form," Risuki admitted, rising to his feet. We all stood, bowing to show our thanks.

  "Thank you for answering our questions, Risuki, God of War," Jaxson spoke on behalf of our team.

  "You are welcome. Ensure you all rest as well, for the coming days will be demanding and fast-paced. That is all I can tell you. May you find the remaining crystals and stop Xerxes' sinister plot," Risuki announced, placing the Nightmare doll back on the table.

  A portal appeared in front of the kitchen island and Risuki began to move towards it, before Cassandra spoke up. "One more question."

  Risuki paused mid-stride, looking over his shoulder to stare at our group, all of us watching Cassandra with curious eyes. She had a guarded expression as she stood straight, her eyes directly staring into Risuki's glowing turquoise ones.

  "Is there something we're missing? First, the Stone of Awakening is revealed and becomes a target for Xerxes, and now these crystals. Is something brewing in the galaxy that means we need these? It couldn't just happen out of coincidence," Cassandra elaborated.

  Risuki was quiet for a long time and I wondered if he'd even answer her as he closed his eyes. It was a good minute before he opened them again, turning around
to face us. His eyes held a level of knowledge that was hard to describe in words, but the wisdom that flickered in them made me realize whatever he was about state was vitally important.

  "Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's someone's death or an event that triggers multiple things, both good and bad. I can't state much, because even I am unaware of all that is happening in all the various realms across the vast galaxy. All I know is it's only a matter of time until all the realms will have to fight in order to be able to live in harmony. They will have to compromise as you do right now and Scarlet will be one of those individuals that the galaxy will need to help restore peace. All you can do is help her become stronger and train yourselves for the day when you will all have to fight to keep what's most valuable to you, whether it be a loved one or your own life," Risuki concluded gravely.

  He looked away and took a deep breath. "May we guide and protect you through the challenges ahead."

  "In stars, we trust,” we all said in unison, only realizing we'd responded after the words had left our mouths.

  Risuki didn't wait for us to ask any other questions, walking straight into the portal that slowly closed behind him. The room returned back to its original state.

  "What now?" Ethan asked. I looked at the others, my mind already thinking about what we needed to do.

  "We need to find the other crystals and make sure no one dares to hurt our Scar," I declared.



  I looked around the familiar environment, my foggy mind realizing I stood in my childhood home. Everything was decorated just as it had been that fateful Christmas Eve. The day I sometimes wished I'd forget.

  The Christmas tree was still decorated with different colored lights. Looking out the window, I could see the heavy snowfall from the growing storm. I stared at the blank drawing board, my body automatically drawn to it as my fingers itched to capture the image. The picture of my mother's dead body.

  I bit my lip as I reached out to the charcoal black crayon in my hand, wondering why it wasn’t a pen like it had been that fateful night. I stared at the blank page, my mind urging me to draw, but I was afraid. I was scared to draw the same image that haunted my dreams every Christmas Eve and reminded me of all the lonely holidays I spent before I'd somewhat accepted her death.


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