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Page 17

by Glenn Bullion

  "Hey, you hitting on my bitch?" he said. "Don't make me fuck you up."

  "Don't listen to him," the woman said, glaring at the man who claimed her. "And I'm not a bitch, Jay!" She relaxed as she gestured for Brady to join them. "I'm Emma. You're all Lily is talking about lately. And I guess you're the reason we're going to be late."

  Emma gestured to an empty spot on the couch. He would have rather stood, but that wouldn't have gotten his quest to fit in off to a good start.

  "Sorry about that," Brady said. "I'm kind of at the mercy of the buses."

  "I don't mean about that," Emma said, sitting next to who he assumed was her boyfriend. "I mean Lily is actually changing clothes."

  "Yeah!" one of the guys said. "She's getting all dolled up. Now we have to wait on her ass. Might be twenty years."

  Everyone laughed. Emma introduced the group, rattling off name after name. Brady tried to hold onto them, but they slipped his mind as quickly as they entered. The only one that stood out besides Emma was the guy named Steve. That was only because of the laser glare he constantly fed Brady. Was he that much of a hindrance to the group that he was already making enemies?

  "Hey," Steve said, leaning forward. "Aren't you the porn addict?"

  The different conversations stopped, and all eyes went to Brady and Steve. Steve didn't ask because he wanted to get to know Brady better, or out of simple curiosity. He asked because he wanted to embarrass him.

  Brady tried not to shake his head in disgust. He'd been at Lily's apartment mere minutes, and there was already someone that didn't like him.

  "Whoa, wait," Emma said. "That's not what I said—"

  "Yeah it is. You said the two of them met at Lily's work, that this guy is in there always buying porn."

  This guy. Steve couldn't have made his dislike more obvious than if he jumped up and slapped Brady across the face. Luckily he didn't have to sit and eat the amused stares from everyone in the room. A familiar voice spoke from down the hall.

  "Hey!" Lily shouted. "Is Brady out there?"

  "Yeah! Hurry your ass up!" Emma shouted.

  "Shut up. Brady, come back here for a second."

  He left as fast as he could. Amused giggles and hushed whispering took his place in the living room. There was one bedroom door partially open at the end of the hall. Carefully, he peeked his head in. Lily was organizing her purse, removing items and laying them across her bed. She noticed him and lifted her head.

  "Well, come in," she said. "Don't just stand there."

  He studied her room as he stepped inside. It was messy and chaotic, with clothes everywhere. The drawers in her dresser were open, with bras and underwear dangling from knobs. He smiled as he realized it was the perfect reflection of his new best friend. He wouldn't have her any other way.

  "How do I look?" she asked, playfully posing.

  Brady eyed Lily up and down. She wore a dress for the first time since he'd known her. A simple black look that made her skin seem paler than normal. Her hair was different, over her shoulders, and a new color. She'd gone back to purple.

  "Shit," he said. "You dye your hair fast."

  She smiled as she removed a long strand from her head and held it up. "I cheated this time. Extensions."

  He couldn't take his eyes off her. Her beautiful arm artwork was on display for all to see. The dress fit her well, stopping mid-thigh. He actually couldn't remember ever seeing her legs before. She was sexy, exotic.

  Brady didn't mince words. Honesty didn't mean he was flirting with her.

  "You look gorgeous." He smiled as he gave her a thumbs-up. "I approve."

  The compliment caught her by surprise. She winced and regarded him.


  "Hot as hell." He pointed to her legs. "You should show those things off more often."

  Her cheeks flared, and he took great pride making her blush.

  "Thanks. I'll remember that." She gestured beyond the bedroom. "You getting along with everybody out there?"

  He sighed. "Wonderful. Why the fuck did you want me here again?"

  Lily was taken aback by the question, and leaned away before approaching him. She gently grabbed his hands.

  "Because you're my friend, friends go out. What happened?"

  "Nothing, just…" He almost didn't tell her, but they'd been mostly open with each other. Except for the fact that he could change shape, didn't need to drive, and didn't wear real clothes. Plus a few other things. "They think I'm a porn nut out there."

  "Goddamnit," Lily said, turning in place with anger. "I told Emma that's where we met. That it was cool we finally started talking. She twisted the story around."

  "It's okay."

  "It's not okay," she growled. She went to march past him. "I'll take care of this."

  "Whoa, easy there, killer. Don't worry about it."

  He wrapped his arms around her slender waist, holding her back. Lily actually resisted, trying to break his hold. He realized she was protective of him, drawing some new feelings. No one had ever protected him before, from anything. Not even his temporary families.

  "I'm okay," he reassured her. "I was embarrassed for like three seconds, but then I remembered that I don't give a shit about anyone out there."

  She stopped resisting and leaned against him, her back to his torso. She rested the back of her head against his shoulder, and he continued to hold her. The moment was awkward, but neither made an effort to move away. They'd spent the past few weeks at maximum distance on his couch, or separated by a counter at the store. To hold her, smell her, was different.

  "Not the best start to the fun I promised, is it?" she said.

  "We'll have fun," he said, unsure if he was lying. "I get to watch you dance. Yum yum."

  "Down, boy."

  He could hear the amusement in her voice.

  "Hey!" Emma shouted from the living room. "You two sexing in there? Let's go! The sun will be up by the time we get there."

  Lily finally stepped forward, breaking their contact. Brady wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. Lily seemed just as confused, as she nervously ran a hand through her hair.

  Emma whistled as the pair joined them. Lily endured her share of ogling and roaming eyes from the guys present. Even the ladies commented on the look. Steve seemed especially flustered and impressed. Lily laughed as she turned in place, moving her hips in rhythm. Brady laughed himself, and suddenly had hope that the night might turn out okay.

  "Okay," Lily said. "Who's driving who? I can…." She trailed off as the color in her cheeks disappeared. Her glare went to Steve. "What are you doing?"

  All eyes turned to Steve. He had an open book in his lap.

  "This was falling out of your bag," Steve said. He held the book up for all to see, drawing a gasp from Lily. Only Brady was close enough to hear her. It was a textbook about small business management. "Are you going to school? You want to manage the porn store?"

  The group laughed. Some unkindly, others in mere surprise. Brady could see she was furious. Emma's boyfriend muttered a comment that must not have been good, as Emma pushed him angrily away.

  "Do you always go through other people's shit?" she asked, her gaze never leaving Steve.

  Brady decided it wasn't the best time to bring up Lily's constant snooping in his apartment.

  "It's no big deal," Steve said. "I was just reading—"

  "Put it back. Now."

  Everyone watched as Steve sheepishly crossed the living room and slid the book into her bag. The conversation had stopped. The tension was thick and heavy. The music and TV didn't help.

  "Okay," Emma said, rising to her feet. "Who's driving?"

  Brady hid a smile. Within ten minutes of arriving there was anger and tension. Was this how every night out went for Lily and her friends?


  The tension accompanied them even on their way to the club. Brady rode with Lily, who drove in her car. Emma and her boyfriend were in the back seat. Brady was quiet, bu
t not necessarily because he wanted to be. Lily seethed as she navigated the streets. He could see her knuckles turning white from her death grip on the steering wheel. He wouldn't have minded talking to Emma and her boyfriend, but they were otherwise occupied. They kissed and groped each other passionately in the back seat. Brady wouldn't have been surprised to hear clothes being stripped off.

  Any other night he would have been in his apartment, his cozy, comfortable world. Watching videos, enjoying the online world. Instead Lily dragged him out to have fun. Ironically, it was her who looked like she needed some fun.

  "So," he said, the first words spoken since the drive started. The only sounds up until then were lips smacking and skin rubbing from behind them. "You know, it's not too late to go back to my place and order some take-out."

  Lily tried to smile, which Brady took as progress. Still, she said nothing.

  "Business books," he said. "All those times I stopped by the store, and you hid whatever you were reading. That's what that was?"

  She shifted uncomfortably. "I like to read. So what?"

  "Is that what you want to do?" he asked, pressing forward. He wasn't deterred by her mood. "Run your own business?"

  He thought Emma's boyfriend scoffed, but his attention was still on Emma. Emma had her shirt raised up now, her bra showing as her boyfriend licked her stomach. Brady had to laugh to himself. Everyone thought he was addicted to porn, but there was more porn happening behind him than he'd ever watched before.

  Lily took a deep breath and cast a glance to Brady. She eyed him up and down, as if deciding how much she wanted to say. He simply smiled and waited patiently.

  "I like tattoos. Obviously." She held her arm up as a display. "I always wanted to be a tattoo artist. But I can't draw for shit. So, I figured maybe one day I'd run my own place."

  Brady nodded, but one thing still confused him.

  "Why the secret?"

  She didn't hesitate, and her tone was angry.

  "Because no one thinks I can do it."

  Emma cut him off before he could speak. Brady was surprised she could talk with her boyfriend all over her.

  "That's bullshit," she said. "I think you could do it. Don't listen to what anyone says, especially this dickhead here." She slapped her boyfriend lightly across the face.

  Emma's boyfriend ran his hand up her shirt. "I'll show you a dickhead."

  "Please, don't," Lily said. "No fucking in my car."

  Brady leaned close to whisper. "Is this a normal night out for you?"

  She smiled, but had a look of embarrassment as well. "More or less."

  "Well," he said, returning to the previous subject. "Emma thinks you could run your own business. I know you could. So, looks like you just have to convince yourself."

  Lily was quiet. Brady tried to read her face, but the emotions changed too quickly. Irritation, relief, maybe hope. Her posture relaxed somewhat, and she treated Brady to her full smile.

  "I'll hire you to be my security guard," she finally said. He was surprised when she openly regarded him. "You look good."

  "I always do," he joked.

  "Not in that stupid uniform." She playfully pulled at his shirt sleeve. "New clothes?"

  "You have no idea how new. Right off the press."

  "The ladies will be crawling all over you."

  Somehow, he didn't believe her.

  The streets and random parking lots were full of people, and he knew they were getting close. The rest of Lily's crew had arrived first and were waiting patiently. The groups started meshing together as Brady climbed out of the car. A thought struck as he watched everyone chuckle and make their way out of the parking lot.

  He'd forgotten money.

  Brady never went out. Most of his trips were planned, as was how much money he carried with him. He had fourteen dollars and fifty-five cents in his work locker, which did little to help him now. Lily had thrown off his routine. He'd forgotten something as simple as paying to get into a club.

  His mind raced for a solution. Borrowing money was out of the question. He could excuse himself as they stood in line. Get away, and sneak inside. That wouldn't be a problem. Air ducts, cracks under doors, open windows. As he'd learned growing up, sneaking was easy for a being that could change shape.

  He looked over the hood of the car to see Lily smiling at him. She hadn't joined the group. Their eyes met, and she laughed as she shook her head.

  "What's funny?" he asked.

  "Don't worry, I've got you covered." She circled the car to approach him. Opening his palm, she slid two twenty-dollar bills into his hand. "Pay me back later."

  He smiled and slid the bills into his back pocket.

  "It's that obvious?"

  "I just know you," she said. "You probably left your whack-off money at work."

  "Yeah. You definitely know me. I'll pay you back Monday."

  "Nope. Sunday. We'll go see a movie."

  Another day with Lily. Another sudden plan. He hated to admit it, but he was starting to enjoy it.


  The club was loud and packed; two things Brady wasn't used to. He froze as he stepped inside and took in the sea of people. The group split up, going their separate ways, with promises to meet up soon near the gaming area in the back. Lily and Emma traded words before she left with her boyfriend, apparently to get everyone drinks. Brady stood near the front door, unmoving, with Lily next to him. She pulled him aside to avoid the foot traffic.

  Lily was saying something, but he didn't hear. She had to grab his arm and pull his head toward her mouth.

  "Are you listening?" she said.

  "Huh? What?"

  "I said are you thirsty?"


  She smiled and squeezed his arm. "Well, Emma is getting you a water anyway. Look, I've never been a wingman for a guy before. How do you want to do this?"

  "Do what?"

  "Pick up a woman." She pointed to the dance floor. "See anyone that gets you going? Turns you on?"

  The club was full of beautiful women, but the thought of talking to any of them made him feel sick, if that were possible.

  "I didn't come here to hit on women."

  Lily laughed.

  "Yeah, right. Men go out to chase ass, and get drunk. And you said you don't drink. That only leaves one thing."

  "Well, sometimes they go out because their best friend drags them out of the apartment."

  She looked at him with surprise as she backed up a step, nearly bumping into someone.

  "Really?" she said. "Best friend?"

  Brady didn't want to say only friend. He considered Kyle at work a friend, and maybe even his boss, Paula. There were several people online he considered friends. But Lily was on a level above everyone else.

  He felt silly saying yes, so simply said nothing. He smiled and nodded, and Lily seemed genuinely touched. She looked down shyly and squeezed his hand.

  "Aww. You're going to make me cry. But really, if you see a woman you want to dance with, let me know."

  He could only think of one person.

  "How about you?"

  She laughed and pointed at him.

  "You're on. But I'll need a drink for that." She peered over his shoulder. "Ah, just in time."

  Emma approached, carrying a bottle of beer and water. Brady had taken a drink, which was especially refreshing given the heat of the place, when Steve suddenly approached out of nowhere. He grabbed Lily's arm.

  "Hey," he said. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

  "Sure," she said, glancing at Brady. "I'll be right back."

  Emma nearly spoke before her boyfriend pulled her away.

  "Let's go," he said. "Let's find the others and play some cards."

  The physically affectionate couple disappeared into the moving wall of dancing bodies. Just like that, Brady was alone.

  He stood near the front of the club for ten minutes, waiting for Lily, or anyone for that matter, to return. He nursed his water, watched the
crowds around him having fun. He admired the beautiful women, imagining what it would be like to approach and introduce himself. Some even smiled at him, boosting his ego a bit. It took nearly five more minutes to realize the smiles weren't all flirty. They were simply laughing at him. He was at a club, standing by himself, looking like a complete idiot.

  He toured the club, if only to move and stretch his legs. An hour had passed from when he first arrived, and that fun that was promised still eluded him. He looked for Lily, Emma, even Steve, anyone he'd recognize. A woman in a black dress danced seductively on the floor. He didn't realize until he tapped her on the shoulder that it wasn't Lily. The woman turned in surprise.

  "Shit, sorry," Brady said. "Thought you were someone else."

  "Well, I could be someone else." She popped her hips and adjusted her posture, drawing attention to her breasts. "Buy me a drink?"

  "Ah, actually, I'm looking for someone."

  She ran a finger down his chest.

  "If you change your mind, I'll be right here."

  Smiling graciously, he slowly backed away. Brady didn't see the person approach until it was too late. He turned directly into a bottle of beer. The liquid went everywhere. On the dance floor, a nearby chair. Most of it landed on Brady's shirt. Irritated, he looked at the mess around him and his soaked clothes. He'd assumed it was an accident until he heard the apology.

  "Heh. Sorry."

  The tone was angry, even bitter. Looking up, Steve stared back at him, a sneer on his face. If there were any doubt about Steve's feelings toward him, they were quite clear now.

  "Shit," Brady said. "What are you? Ten years old?"

  "Hey," Steve said, holding his hands out defensively. "I'm not the one with all the porn. Maybe you should go home. Get cleaned up."

  Brady clenched a fist. He could strike Steve with a hand made of steel, then change to flesh and blood before anyone would even notice. As much he wanted to, he restrained. He turned and walked away. Steve shouted something behind him, but he didn't listen. The stifling atmosphere of the club and his anger made him uncomfortably hot. He needed air, and the front door called to him.

  The cool breeze of the outside was a relief. He stood on the sidewalk and let the night wash over him. He tried to imagine he was a hawk or a raven, flying through the dark. Counting to sixty in his head, his breathing returned to normal as he gathered his composure. Steve was an asshole. But he'd dealt with far worse in his life.


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