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Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels)

Page 15

by Michelle Love

  “Shit,” I hiss and run to her as she’s wearing only a robe and her hair’s a mess.

  She didn’t even bother to do a thing. She’s must’ve woken up and thought I was down here arguing with her old boyfriend.

  “Angel, my parents are here.”

  She stops on the third from the top stair and spins around. “I’ll be right back. I have to change my clothes.”

  I’m thankful the position my parents are sitting in didn’t let them see her. Neither of them ever leave their bedroom without looking a thousand percent ready for the day.

  And then their eyes level on me. “What was she wearing, Benjamin?” my mother asks.

  “A robe. We’re very informal here. This is the country. There are usually no unexpected visitors here. So we don’t usually get dressed for the day until after we’ve had coffee and breakfast.” I pour Angel a large cup of coffee and put some cream from the fridge in it. “I’m going to run this up to her. Be right back. Make yourselves some if you’d like. Everything’s right here in the kitchen.”

  I haul ass to our room and find her frantically brushing her teeth and hair at the same time. She spits out a glob of toothpaste as she sees me come in. “What the hell, Benny?”

  “They just showed up. It’s about work,” I say as I sit the coffee on the vanity top.

  “It’s about me too,” she says then rinses her mouth out with mouthwash.

  I shake my head. “No, I think it’s just work, Baby. I don’t want you to stress about it. Not one bit. You have enough to worry about without that. And so do I.”

  I look around and find a hair clip I bought her a few days ago that isn’t expensive but it looks like it is. Quickly, I braid her hair and clip the end with the clip.

  She looks at it in the mirror. “That looks nice. Please pick me out something to wear they’ll approve of, Benny.”

  Hurrying to the closet, I pick out a simple beige dress she has. I’ve yet to take her shopping and now I’m regretting it. Some white flats I find and take them to her. “Didn’t I see a strand of pearls in your jewelry box?”

  She nods and I rush to get them and place them around her neck.


  She looks very normal. Very bland, but my parents like people that way.

  Running my arm around her shoulders, I take her out to meet my parents. The words, ‘don’t be nervous,’ keep running through my brain as we go down the stairs.

  She takes in a deep breath as we hit the last one and looks at me, then gives me a wink. Somehow she managed to get just enough makeup on to look radiant.

  We round the corner to the kitchen and she beams at my parents who look at her with a mix of astonishment and wonder. Angel steps forward, her hand extended. “Hello, I’m Angel Jennings. Benny’s told me so much about you both. It’s such a pleasure to meet the people who made this magnificent man the person he is.”

  My father and mother get up off the bar stools. Father shakes her hand first. She shocks the hell out him and me both as she pulls him into a hug. Then does the same thing with my mother.

  “Well, oh my,” Mom says as Angel gives her a pat on the back too.

  Angel steps back and comes to my side. I run my arm around her shoulders again as she says, “I know people of your stature aren’t big on hugs, but in middle America we’re huge on them. Please take a seat. No reason for you to be standing. We’re very informal way out here in the country.”

  Angel looks back at me and runs her hand over my beard, straightening it some. “Thanks,” I say then look back at my parents who are looking at us with slack jaws.

  “Um,” my father says. “Well, I don’t know what to say. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angel. Is that your real name or a nickname of sorts?”

  She smiles and moves away from me to go to the fridge. “It’s my real name. Care for a juice of some sort? We have every kind there is.”

  Mother runs her hands over her pearls and stares at the ones Angel has on. “I’ll take an apple juice, Dear. Mr. Worthington will take a prune. Did our son buy you those pearls?”

  Angel grabs two juice glasses from the cabinet and looks over her shoulder at my mother. “No, these were my great-grandmother's. They were handed down to me. I love wearing them. They remind me where it is I come from.”

  “Where do you come from, Dear?” Mom asks as I hold my breath as the answer will not make her happy.

  Angel takes the juices from the fridge and fills the glasses. “I come from a family of hard workers. My great-grandfather was a railroad engineer way back in the day. He made a nice living, but it took him a lot of hours to make that kind of money that made them only middle class. I’m proud to say that I’m the very first person in my family to get a Master’s degree. Some have Associate’s and a few have their Bachelor’s but I’m only months away from gaining the highest degree anyone in my family has achieved.”

  My father gives her a genuine smile as she places their drinks in front of them. “That’s quite an accomplishment. And what is your degree in?”

  “Engineering. I want to build motorcycles,” she says with a huge smile.

  My mother nearly chokes on her juice. “Why those things? Not very lady like, I must say.”

  Angel laughs lightly. “Not one bit. You’re right about that. But they’re not about ladies or gentlemen. They aren’t about boys or girls. They aren’t about men or women. Motorcycles are about experiencing the freedom of the road. The wind, the sun, and the moon, the elements in their rawest forms. That’s what they’re about. I want to make a machine that’s easier for people of lighter weights to handle. To feel the road beneath their tires better and feel more confident in their ability to handle such a powerful machine.”

  My father looks at me with his eyebrows way up high. “My, she’s an impressive young thing, isn’t she?”

  My heart stops as they’re reacting to her so much better than I thought they would. “She is quite impressive.”

  Angel takes an apron out of the drawer. “I’m not all that. Now, if you’ll help me, Benny, we can whip up some omelets for breakfast.”

  I go to help her then say, “Father, we’d like to invite James in to eat.”

  “Someone’s outside?” Angel asks.

  I nod. “Their driver. He came with them from New York.”

  She shakes her head. “Get the eggs out and start the sausage and bacon mixture we made up yesterday morning heating up. I’ll run and get him.”

  “Oh, it’s not necessary,” my father says. “I’m sure he’ll turn you down.”

  She stops and spins around. “Why’s that?”

  Mother rolls her eyes. “Staff doesn’t eat with us, Dear.”

  “At my house they do,” Angel says and takes off to retrieve the driver my parents have had for the last twenty years.

  Once she’s all the way out of the house and I hear the door shut, I ask, against my better judgment, “So, what do you think?”

  They look at each other as if mentally communicating. Then they look back at me as my father answers, “She’s wonderful. She’ll need to be schooled in the proper ways of etiquette and the rules of our social status, such as staff and things like that. Do you suppose you could teach her those things, Benjamin? Also, she’ll have to stop calling you by that nickname. Oh, what your grandfather would do to her if he ever heard that name come out of her mouth. I fear for the girl, you know?”

  “You know, I was afraid for her too. But she just absolutely blew me away just now. I think she’ll deal with Grandfather just fine. I won’t be teaching her a thing. She’s teaching me.”

  I’m one step closer to becoming the man I’m meant to be, thanks to finding my Angel.

  Chapter 4


  With the arrival of Benny’s parents, it’s knocked my business with Gage back awhile. I didn’t want to seem rude, so it took some doing to be able to get out of the house on our own.

  Thankfully, Benny’s parents needed a nap after the
huge breakfast we made and we told them we had to go buy some things so we could have a nice dinner. They commented on the fish tank in the kitchen with the two live lobsters and asked about having those.

  Benny told them we could never eat Fred and Ethyl. He wants to make them his specialty, spaghetti and meatballs.

  Alone in Gage’s truck, I find myself so drawn to Benny that it’s kind of freaky. I lean into him as I sit next to him and he drives us into town. “I think your parents are nowhere near as stuffy as you described them.”

  “They really are. But they’re different around you. I can’t explain it. You bring out something in people, Angel. You’re a rare find, my lady.”

  “I think you are.” I put my head on his shoulder and run my hand over his leg. “I want you so damn bad right now for some reason, Benny.”

  “Shut up!” he says as he pulls his shades down to look at me. “Are you being serious?”

  I nod and bite my lip. “Want to pull over before we have to deal with Gage?”

  “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?” He shakes his head and laughs. “This is your old boyfriend’s truck and you want me to fuck you in it?”

  “Now I get why it’s making me so hot for you. Yes, that’s exactly what I want.” I run my hand over his jean covered cock, and he looks at me again.

  “You’re a bad girl, Angel.”

  “Seems so.” I unbutton his jeans and pull the zipper down nice and slow then put my hand inside them to feel his skin under my palm. “Um, maybe my mouth will help you pull over and make me scream for mercy.”

  I lean over and my pearl necklace touches the tip of his dick and he groans, “Fuck, Angel.”

  “I haven’t even touched you with my lips yet,” I say with a giggle.

  He pushes my head down. “Stop talking and suck it, Baby.”

  I do as I’m told and find his cock hard as a rock as I take it all in. Up and down I go as he keeps driving. His groans fill the cab of the truck. “I can’t wait for that truck I bought you to come in,” he whispers.

  I stop and pull my head up. “You bought me a truck?”

  He pushes my head back down. “Get back to work, Wench. Yeah, I bought you a badass truck. And now that I realize how much better it’ll be cruising in it from time to time, you better believe you and I will be taking in the sights. Like the sight of the back of our pretty little head bobbing up and down in my lap as I drive down the road.”

  I stifle a laugh because this isn’t the time for laughing. I hear the sound of a bunch of bikes roaring past us. So I pull my head up just a little. “Are we in town?”

  “Yeah, we are. You might want to speed this up a bit.”

  I suck harder as I reach in and take his balls in my hand and massage them. He stops at a stop light, I suppose, and runs his hand over the back of my head. “Yes, Baby! God damn it! Get ready! Fuck!”

  He blasts down my throat and I drink it all down then sit up and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and look out the tinted windows at the people in the car right next to us.

  “Did you get us tinted windows on the truck too?”

  He nods and pulls me to him and kisses me hard. “That was awesome, Baby. Thank you.”

  “Go park behind the dollar store, so you can show me how thankful you really are.” I hold his cock in my hand and move it up and down it to get him ready again.

  He smiles and goes where I told him to down a back alleyway and he pulls to a stop then tosses me on my back on the long bench seat. He pushes my dress up then starts to rip my panties off.

  I stop him. “I’ll need to keep these intact, Benny.”

  “Oh yeah,” he says with a grin.

  He moves them to the side and moves his body over mine and slams his hard cock into me. “Yes!” I hiss.

  He slams into me over and over as he looks into my eyes. “You like me fucking you in his truck, don’t you, you bad girl?”

  I bite my lip and buck up to meet his hard thrusts. “I do. Show me who I belong to.”

  He leans down and bites my neck then sucks it hard. His teeth graze over my neck up to my ear. “You tell me who you belong to.”

  My hands move up underneath his white T-shirt that’s so sheer you can see his ripped abs through it. I can feel them moving against my stomach. “You, Benny. I belong to you.”

  My heart’s pounding and I can barely breathe as he slams into me hard. His breath is hot on my neck as he nips and sucks it, leaving his mark on me. He moves faster.

  He pulls back one of my legs and goes in deeper, making me stretch in a new place and I moan. “Don’t come until I tell you to, Baby.”

  My stomach tenses as now I know I can’t let go. “What’ll you do to me if I don’t mind you?”

  “String your ass up and whip you until you’re soaking wet.”

  I moan and arch up to him. “I just might like that. Better come up with something different.”

  He laughs a little then says, “Okay then. I’ll spank your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

  “Oh, Benny, you should do that, anyway.” I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Damn, Baby. Just don’t come until I tell you to. Shit, you’re too hard to threaten.”

  He pulls my braid, making the other side of my neck stretch out long then he bites me hard and I scream with the most delightful pain. “Benny!”

  My body starts to shake with the need to let it fall apart but I hold on as he plunges into me. He starts moving with short strokes as his dick starts to jerk then he groans out the words, “You can come now.”

  We let out horrible sounds as our bodies pulse and squeeze the others. He lies on top of me as we pant and try to catch our breath. Then he pushes his body up a little and looks around.

  “What?” I ask as he looks a little worried.

  “We need to clean you up or you’ll get jizz all over his seat.”

  I point at the glove compartment. “That’s most likely filled with assorted condiments and napkins.”

  “You know him so well,” he says with a frown.

  He opens the glove compartment, and it’s filled with exactly what I said it would be. Getting a handful of them, he hands them to me then gets off me. I sniff the air. “God, it smells like sex in here. This was a terrible idea, Benny. You shouldn’t have let me talk you into this.”

  I sit up and clean myself up and look in the glove compartment for some kind of bag to put the used things in. I find a small thing of perfume and spray it around then put it back.

  Benny cocks his head at me. “Angel, why would he have perfume in here?”

  With a shrug of my shoulders, I answer, “Don’t really know.”

  Then I put it back inside and when a few packets of ketchup fall out, I see a picture. I pull it out and see Gage with his arm around a girl I went to school with.

  I hold it up and look at Benny. “See the shirt this chick is wearing?”

  He nods. “That’s mine. That’s my shirt she has on. I asked him if he’d seen it anywhere when I found it missing. He told me I probably lost it in the wash. But there she is wearing it.”

  “So that was before he left?” he asks as he takes the picture out of my shaking hand.

  “I lost that shirt two days before he left me. And I never put two and two together because I had no idea he even knew her. Her name is Sandy. She went away to college supposedly. And it was around the same time he left.” I take the picture and put it back where I found it. “Can you take me to Bell’s Diner so I can ask someone there some questions?”

  He nods and we take off. My mind is moving very fast as we go and when we pull up to the diner I see the person’s car there who I need to talk to. “You want me to go with you?”

  I shake my head. “This will only take a minute.”

  I climb out of the passenger side and go in to find Sandy’s best friend. Patty and Sandy were inseparable until Sandy moved away to go to college.

  Patty looks up whe
n I walk in. “Hi, Angel. I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “I know. I stay to myself a lot. Too much, I think. Anyway, about Sandy. When’s the last time you talked to her?” I put my hand on my hip and tap my foot as I wait for her answer.

  “You seem a little pissed, Angel. What’s up?”

  “When did you last talk to her?” I ask again.

  She sighs and says, “A few days ago. She’s moving back. She and her boyfriend broke up, and she’s coming home. She said she didn’t sign up to be taking care of a man for the rest of his life. Her boyfriend had a terrible accident. The guy was in a coma for almost two years. He’s on disability now and she says he only plays his games all day and expects her to wait on him hand and foot even though the doctors told him he needs to exercise and stuff to get back to his old self.”

  “Do you happen to know how long they’ve been together?” I ask.

  “Well, they met here a little over two years ago. The tragic thing is they left to move to Texas where his family is from. The day they took off, he was on his motorcycle and she was in her car with all of their things packed up in it. The guy had a terrible accident on his motorcycle and ended up in a coma. He came out of it a few months ago.”

  I shake my head and hold up my hand. “Is his name Gage?”

  “Yeah, you know him?” she asks.

  I nod. “I really shouldn’t have been such a homebody. Work and school were my entire life and Gage, of course. He and I lived together until he took off. He told me he was going to travel all over the world. And guess who just came back into town last night to find me. I wondered why he didn’t have my phone numbers anymore. But of course he had to delete them, didn’t he?”

  Her eyes go big. “I swear she had no idea he was with anyone. I swear that to you, Angel. Please don’t start anything with her when she gets back. She’s had it so rough with him being in that coma and all she went through to be able to stay in Sioux Falls with him.”

  “I won’t start anything with her. Thanks for the information, Patty.” I turn around and leave.

  As I climb back into the truck, I see Benny frowning at me. “Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?”


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