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Las Vegas Sidewinders: Brock

Page 17

by Kat Mizera

  “Have you had any meds today?” she asked, as if she’d read his mind.


  “Do you have them?”

  “Yeah. In my bag.”

  “Let me get you one. You’ll rest better with it.”

  “Thanks, babe.” He watched her slide out of bed and pad over to his bag, digging for the pill bottle, and disappearing into the other room. She reappeared a few seconds later with a water bottle in her hand and handed them to him.

  “Take one and try to rest.”

  “We still have to talk,” he said, putting the pill and water bottles down.

  “You’ve had a long day.”

  “Come here.” He held out an arm and she crawled across the bed slowly, settling against the side of his chest that didn’t have the broken rib. She was tiny, but fit against him as though they were made for each other.

  “Tell me something you’re ashamed of,” he said quietly.

  “What?” She stiffened beside him but he held her tighter.

  “My worst moment was my DUI,” he continued, his thoughts drifting back to that night. “It was about a year after my breakup with Caroline. I’d been in a dark place emotionally, taking out all my anger and frustration on the ice and then drinking myself stupid on my days off. I was careful during hockey season, but the summer was brutal. I was in Tampa visiting my mom and I ran into Cherie—Caroline’s best friend—in Ybor City. We were both already wasted and she was all over me. I was still pissed about Caroline, and sex with her best friend was the best kind of revenge… So I took her in the bathroom and fucked her up against the wall. Then I zipped up and walked out, like something you see in a bad movie. The only smart thing I did that entire night was use a condom, because after that I went out to the bar and bought like fifty shots for people.” He swallowed, his eyes locked on the ceiling until he felt Ashleigh’s lips on his shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “She came on to you and you took her up on it. She couldn’t possibly think you wanted a relationship considering your past with her friend.”

  He nodded. “Oh yeah, but karma is a bitch because I thought I was such a bad-ass. I waltzed out of there, got in my truck and wound up on the wrong side of the road. I nearly took out two other cars but luckily the only casualty that night was my truck. Cops arrested me on the scene and it took me over a year to sort that shit out. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. I cringe every time I think about it—from sex with Cherie to driving drunk. You know, there are a lot of excuses for drinking and driving. They’re all bad, but in my case, I didn’t have one. I have the money to get a cab, a limo…anything I want. I was just an arrogant ass. Still am sometimes, but not when it comes to drinking and driving.”

  “That’s one thing I’ve never done,” she said after a moment. “Lots of other dumb shit, but not that.”

  “So what’s the worst?”

  She hesitated. “Probably the whole start to my career.”


  “My mom and I wound up homeless when I was fourteen. We lived on the street and in shelters for almost two years before she met some guy who said we could move in. It was disgusting, though. He lived in this gross one-bedroom apartment and they had sex all the time—I mean, like four or five times a day.” She grimaced. “I got a part-time job waiting tables at the local diner and saving my money. At the end of my junior year I got my GED and worked full-time at the diner all summer. I saved every dime and bought a bus ticket to L.A. in September. I got a hotel room at one of those places you could rent by the week—they didn’t care how old I was since I was paying cash—and found a job waiting tables.” She paused, chewing on her lip. “I was doing fine until I broke my arm. I had no health insurance and couldn’t wait tables with my arm in a sling. They let me work as a hostess but I was making a third of the money and eventually lost my room. I moved in with some girls I knew but it was almost as bad as living with my mom and her boyfriend…there were six of us in a two-bedroom. I slept on the couch, but they were always partying so I never got any sleep.

  “The bills from the hospital were killing me. I needed a head shot if I was going to get any acting or modeling jobs… and it turned into one bad decision after another. Slept with a photographer and got my head shots. Slept with the clerk at the drug store so he would develop prints for me for half-price. Dated guys old enough to be my father so they would take me to nice parties and introduce me to people in the industry.” She closed her eyes and inhaled. “But I still wasn’t supporting myself as an actress. I finally got a small recurring role on this show that only lasted one season, and I was heartbroken when they canceled it. It was the first time in my life I’d had a steady paycheck that wasn’t from waiting tables. I’d just moved out of that shit hole I was sharing with those four girls and I was out of work again. So I started dating Bud.”


  “He’s the producer of Vampire Legend.” She sucked in a deep, shaky breath, as if it was painful, and he felt something wet drip onto his chest.

  “Hey…” He looked down, shocked to see her crying. “What’s wrong? I did something not just illegal, but I could have hurt people. Women have been using sex to get what they want since the beginning of time. You were an adult, having consensual sex with another adult. So what if a guy gave you something you wanted?”

  “How is that different than being a prostitute?” she whispered, tears spilling faster as she hid her face in the sheets.

  “It’s totally different!” His ribs screamed in agony, but he lifted and pulled her fully into his arms.

  “Brock, your ribs.” She tried to wiggle away but he held her firm.

  “Look at me.” His eyes burned with intensity as he stared into her red-rimmed ones. “You said you dated him, right? You had a relationship?”

  She nodded.

  “You’re a survivor—you did what you had to do to get where you are. Everyone needs help sometimes and you didn’t have anyone to rely on. Please don’t cry… I wanted us to open up a little, get to the next level of trust, not make you feel bad.”

  She sniffled, her face pressed against his neck, tears still slipping onto his skin.

  “Aw, baby, come on.” He held her tight, ignoring the pain in his chest, wishing he could take away her shame and somehow protect her. Whatever she’d done to get where she was, she worked hard and had made a good life for herself. It’s not like she’d hurt anyone—the only person suffering was her—and just watching her with Bella told him who she was on the inside.

  “I’m sorry.” She swiped at her eyes. “Every time I think about those days I cringe… especially now that I have Bella. What will she think if she ever finds out?”

  “Why would she find out?” He stroked her hair. “There’s always gossip about celebrities—and he was your boyfriend. So what if he helped you get a part?”

  “What about you? What will you tell her if she asks about your DUI? It’s public record and someday it’ll come up in an interview or article. She won’t be eight forever.”

  He was thoughtful. “I guess I’ll tell her the truth—I made a ridiculously bad decision and I’ve learned from it. I hope I’m in a position to tell her that she never, ever has to do that, and if she finds herself in a situation where the only way for her to get home is to drive drunk, to call one of us. Anywhere, anytime, no repercussions.”

  Ashleigh managed a small smile, though she was still sniffling. “I hope so, too.”

  “Don’t cry, beautiful.” He pressed soft kisses on her face, starting at her wet eyes, moving to her cheeks and settling on her lips. As soon as he tasted her he no longer gave a damn about his ribs—he wanted to devour every inch of her tonight, pain be damned.

  She must have sensed it too because she pulled away, her eyes searching his face. “Take your pill,” she whispered. “It’ll take the edge off the pain and when we’re done you’ll sleep well.”

  He smiled, touched by her concern, and reached for the
bottle. He swallowed a pain pill with a sip of water before sliding his hands under her T-shirt. “I need to look at you,” he said gruffly.

  She sat up, slowly pulling her T-shirt over her head as she watched him watching her. She pulled her hair forward, letting it hang over her chest and Brock reached out to run his thumb over one soft, pink nipple.

  “Are you shy? Why are you covering yourself?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I never feel sexy… Pretty, yes, but not sexy.”

  “Aw, baby, you’re beautiful.”

  “I wish I had curves…boobs… I’ve been thinking about buying some.”


  She nodded. “What would you think of that?”

  He shrugged. “It’s your body. Has nothing to do with me. If you wanted to get them for you, I’d be all for it, but I wouldn’t want you to get them because you think I want them.”

  She bit her lip. “I want cleavage. I want to fill out a dress.”

  “Then my only thought would be when.”

  “When?” She looked confused.

  “If we stay together, I think I’d like a kid. Just one if you don’t want many…and from what I gather pregnancy can screw up your boobs. Seems like a waste of money if you got a boob job next year and the year after that got pregnant.”

  She blinked. “I, well, that makes sense. And yes, I’d like a biological child. I’d like to adopt another one, too. There are so many kids without homes and people like us, we have so much to give. Are, um, are you okay with that?”

  “It’s never been on my radar before, but yeah, that sounds awesome. Giving a home to kids who don’t have anyone. I never thought about it until you—and Bella.”

  “I’ve always thought about it, since my mom and I were homeless. I vowed I would make something of myself so I could help others.”

  “See? You have nothing to be ashamed of, babe.”

  “How come you always say the right things? You told me you were bad at relationships?”

  “I’m…inexperienced at them, I guess.” He smiled almost boyishly. “I gave up on them when I was twenty. No one’s ever made me want to try again until you. You make me believe I can do it.”

  “Do what? Fall in love? Be faithful? Take care of a family?”

  “All of that, yeah. And be the kind of man a family is proud of.”

  “You’re already doing that. Bella adores you, my mom was nice to you—which is a much bigger deal than you think—and you listened to me bare my soul without blinking an eye.”

  “Babe, there’s nothing you’ve done that I haven’t done—and worse. We all do the best we can. Everyone makes mistakes growing up. The idea is to learn from them.”

  “I’m trying to be a better person…for myself, for Bella and…for you.”

  “For me? Baby, you don’t have to be anything other than who you are.”

  Without saying anything, she lifted her hair off her chest, pushing it over her shoulders so it cascaded down her back. Sitting there on her haunches, in nothing but a tiny pink thong, she was breathtaking. He watched her for a moment, their eyes locked together in a passionate gaze, until he beckoned her with his finger.

  “I don’t have much range of motion in me tonight… but I have a fantasy that’s perfect for my current condition.”

  She arched a brow, a smile playing on her lips. “I bet I can guess what it is…”

  He laughed, nodding. “Exactly. Strip off those panties for me and climb up here.”

  She hesitated, her eyes wide with both fear and excitement, but then hooked her thumbs into the sides of her thong and lifted to her knees. She slid them down slowly, watching him, her tongue snaking across her lower lip as she pulled them free. Brock held out a hand and she took it, squeezing tightly as she straddled his face.

  “A little lower, babe,” he whispered, his hands resting on her hips as he stared up at her. She was un-fucking-believable, so pink and wet, quivering, and just inches from his mouth. He needed to taste her, immediately, and he lifted his head, pausing to inhale the scent of her arousal. She was glorious and sexy and his—his wife. He had no idea why it made such a difference to him, but it did, and he didn’t wait another second before licking her in one long swipe. He pressed his tongue right against her entrance, probing gently before running it along her slit.

  Her hands clutched the headboard as he pulled her down right onto his face, her juices soaking his nose, mouth, and beard. He loved this—it was probably his favorite thing outside of having his cock buried deep in a woman’s ass, but Ashleigh probably wasn’t ready for that, and he honestly couldn’t care less. Right now he had the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted dripping into his mouth, and he dove in like a man starved. He moved his tongue up and down, finding a rhythm that made her moan and move with him, her lithe body arching down to meet him. He’d never felt anything more wonderful than Ashleigh riding his face. Her eyes were closed but her mouth had fallen open, her pretty little tongue lolling to the side as she pressed her mound onto his mouth.

  Fucking her with his tongue, he pressed deep inside her, tasting her feminine heat and letting it wash over him. She was beginning to move faster, seeking release, but he held her in place with a firm grip on her hips, using his tongue to flick and swirl around her clit. He bit down, sucking it hard into his mouth with enough pressure to make her cry out. She moved her hands from the headboard, fingers digging into his hair, pulling him up, closer, anxious for more, but it only encouraged him to pull back. He flattened his tongue against her core and she whimpered, whispering his name as he licked harder and faster. Her legs were shaking, thighs quivering against either side of his head, and he pressed his tongue deep inside of her just as she shrieked and lost control. She jerked against his face, and he moved his tongue back to her clit so he could wring out every last shudder of her release.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Her hands were pressed against the wall now, shaking so hard she almost fell over.

  “Easy, baby…” He gently helped her move her leg over him so she could collapse next to him, her sweaty body still shivering with aftershocks.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered, her fingers digging into his arm. “That was…awesome.”

  “Plenty more where that came from.” He smiled.

  “You should rest,” she said softly, turning over and nestling into him.

  Within minutes they were both asleep.


  The next two days flew by far too quickly, and then Brock had to fly back to St. Louis. They were up and showered by seven, meeting Bella and Ruby in the hotel restaurant at seven fifteen for breakfast before he had to leave for the airport and Ashleigh had to be on set. Bella was her usual chatty self and Brock was careful to focus on her as much as possible, though he kept his hand wrapped around Ashleigh’s. Ruby was on her best behavior, too, leaving Ashleigh feeling a little out of sorts. Brock was being the perfect husband and father, her mother wasn’t giving her any grief, and she’d come so hard in the shower this morning her girlie parts were still tingling. Her life never went this smoothly, and she couldn’t help but fear that something bad was bound to happen any minute now.

  “What’s wrong?” Brock whispered as the waiter took away their plates and Bella was temporarily distracted playing Angry Birds on his phone.

  “I hate that you’re leaving,” she whispered back. “I feel like something bad’s going to happen…”

  “Nothing’s going to happen.” He kissed the side of her face. “You’re going to give the performance of a lifetime, I’m going to win another Stanley Cup, and then we’re going on a long, lazy family vacation—with the nanny!”

  She laughed. “Sounds perfect.” She closed her eyes as he nuzzled her nose, his lips just about to find hers when Jet’s voice made them jump.

  “Hey! On your way to St. Louis?” He was grinning down at them and Ashleigh couldn’t help the flash of annoyance that crossed her face.

  “Hey, man.” Brock sat bac
k, holding out his hand to shake Jet’s.

  “How are the ribs?” Jet pulled up a chair on Brock’s other side.

  “Sore but not too bad. Heading back to see if they’ll let me play or not.”

  “What happens if they don’t?”

  “I still have to be at the game. This is the playoffs—you’re either on the bench or in a suit up in the owner’s box.”

  Jet nodded. “Sounds about right. I’m sure Ashleigh will miss you, though.”

  “I hope so.” Brock glanced at her and she smiled.

  “You’ve got to get going,” Ashleigh nudged him. “The car will be here any minute.”

  “Good to see you, man.” Brock got to his feet, nodding at Jet. “Hope I’ll see you before you guys are finished down here.”

  “I hope so, too.” Jet gave them a grin as he moved away. “See you later, Ashleigh.”

  They headed toward the hotel entrance where the town car was waiting to take him to the airport and Brock sensed his leaving was upsetting Ashleigh. He wanted to ask her, but there was no chance with Bella here and when she turned tear-filled eyes to him, he forgot about everything except comforting her.

  “It won’t be long,” he whispered against her mouth, licking a stray tear that leaked from her eye. “And if we win against St. Louis, we’ll be in Nashville for the next round. If I have to, I’ll personally call Sonya to make sure you can get away for a night.”

  She smiled, nodding. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Bella nudged between them, hugging him tightly. “I’ll miss you, too, Brock.”

  “Be good for Ashleigh and Jolinda, okay? If you get your school work done before hockey season is over, we’re going on vacation!”

  “Can we go to Disney World?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Let’s see how your grades look, okay?” He had no idea where that came from, but it seemed like something his mother would say.

  “Good to meet you, Brock.” Ruby hugged him, too, though she was gentler. “Go make some touchdowns!”


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