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The Money Talks

Page 26

by Cherry Kay

  “I don’t know what that means,” he joked, “but I hope you’re going to join me. I’m starving and I hear they have a real wood fired oven cranking back there. I can’t wait to get this thing in my belly.”

  Blown away by how different and down to earth this date was, Tiffany decided that Thomas had definitely earned enough points for her to reward him a little. As they chatted about everything and nothing while preparing, cooking, and eating their pizzas with a glass of wine by a metal fire pit that had been set up near the wood ovens behind the warehouse, she felt more attracted to him than she had been on their first date. She felt like she was really seeing the man behind the money, and everything she saw looked wonderful to her.

  “So where to now?” asked Tiffany after they left the pop-up pizza kitchen. She pointed across the vacant lot at what looked like a rundown old factory. “Is that some hot new cocktail bar that only opens after midnight?”

  “I’m afraid you put me in something of an unwinnable situation when you proposed the terms for this date.” He said. “Do you remember asking to see my offices and my real house last time we spoke? Showing you those things is somewhat at odds with having to keep the date as, how did you put it, un-billionairish as possible.”

  “Yeah, I suppose I did say that.” She said with an embarrassed grimace.

  “At this point, I figured I’d offer you a choice,” he continued. “It’s coming up on midnight and I’ve had a wonderful time with you. We can go have a couple of drinks at a rather boring pub not far from here before I put you in a cab and send you off with a kiss on the cheek, or…”

  “Or what?”

  “Or we can go see the home I grew up in.” He seemed to be watching her to see how she’d react. “It’s a little late to be going to the office, and it’s not very interesting there anyway, but I can show you my real house. I have to warn you though, I think it’s what would properly be called a mansion, and it’s not very humble.”

  Tiffany closed the gap between them and kissed him on the lips. She pulled back just enough to whisper in his ear, “I think you’ve held up your end of the bargain well enough. Why don’t we go back to your place?”

  Thomas answered her with another kiss, this one long and passionate enough for her to not notice the sound of the approaching helicopter until it was practically on top of them. She spun around in time to see it settle in for a landing in the middle of the vacant lot not thirty feet from where they were standing.

  “Seriously?” She yelled into Thomas’s ear.

  An impish grin appeared on his face. He had to shout to be heard over the sound of the engine as they hunched forward and walked towards the waiting aircraft. “You didn’t think we were going to drive, did you?”

  Tiffany shook her head, the sound of her laughter whipped away into the night by the powerful rotor wash that swirled around them. Once they’d climbed on board the helicopter, an attendant closed the side door before jumping in next to the pilot. With the door closed, the noise was considerably reduced and it was possible to speak at a normal volume once again.

  “Would you really have gone to a boring pub with me?” She asked.

  “Honestly, I wasn’t sure what you’d say,” he replied. “I was happy to do either. The important thing for me is spending time with you.”

  Tiffany reached across the seat and placed her hand in his, squeezing at she watched the city fly by beneath them. Soon the dense pavement and high-rise buildings gave way to greenery and suburbs before transitioning into huge property lots with a handful of enormous houses dotting the landscape. It was towards one of these that the helicopter directed itself, and only minutes after taking off from the Warehouse District, they landed on the roof of a building that might have more properly been called a castle in some countries.

  “This is your home?” asked Tiffany, when they’d disembarked and stepped into a rooftop elevator.

  “My great-great-grandfather commissioned its construction in the early eighteen hundreds. It took nearly fourteen years to build, and my family has owned it ever since. Some modifications like this elevator have been made over the years, but it’s essentially the same building with no major extensions like some of the other mansions in the area have.”

  The elevator stopped at the main floor and they exited into a stunningly appointed main entrance hall. Two large curved staircases swept down around a marble-floored space that was large enough to fit Tiffany’s entire apartment. She tried not to gawk, but it was incredibly difficult to avoid.

  Thomas gave her what she figured to be a very short version of the grand tour that took them through the dining room, the library, his father’s old study, and the glass covered winter garden, before ascending to the second floor where they soon arrived at his bedroom where Tiffany noticed that he seemed to be waiting for her to take the initiative on what would happen next. She knew she could ask him to bring her back to the city, and that he’d fly her back without question, but the truth was that she wanted to stay.

  Although the mansion was impressive, what really affected her was how Thomas spoke of the place as one filled with family memories rather than an object he could show off. It was clear that he viewed the mansion as a deeply personal part of his life, and that he was sharing something of himself by showing it to Tiffany. She couldn’t say for certain, but she got the feeling from the way he acted that he didn’t bring very many women to this place.

  “I’m sure a big fancy bedroom like this has a pretty nice mattress, huh?” Tiffany strolled to the bed and sat on the edge of it, kicking off her heels and lying back with her head on the pillow. “Oh yeah, I could get used to this.”

  Thomas came to stand beside her, a smile on his face as he looked down at her lying on his rarely slept-in bed. “Does that mean you’d care to stay the evening?”

  Tiffany rolled towards him and put a hand on his thigh, sliding it up and inward until she’d cupped his manhood. Licking her upper lip and maintaining eye contact with him, she shifted into a position where she could use her other hand to unzip his pants and pull out his semi-hard cock. He made a small sound of pleasure when she took it between her lips, his hand stroking the back of her head while she sucked him to stiffness.

  “I take it that’s a yes?” He asked, looking down at her with hungry eyes.

  “I’d love to stay,” she replied, “but only if you start taking my clothes off so you can beg forgiveness with that tongue of yours.”

  Thomas bent down to pull her shirt up over her head. He then kissed her while she unfastened her bra, his lips pressing against hers and then moving down along her jaw, her neck, and onto the swell of her bare breasts before targeting first one nipple, then the other. He licked and sucked each of them until they were hard and charged with sensual sensitivity before moving downwards to kiss her along her belly and the hem of her jeans.

  Unbuttoning her pants, he waited for her to lift her bum off the bed so he could slide them down over her hips along with her underwear. When he had her fully naked, he didn’t hesitate another second before diving back down between her legs, licking and teasing at the edges of her pussy. He ran his tongue up between her lips, pulling them aside with his fingers so he could better target her swelling clit. She felt herself grow wetter with every flick of his tongue, and she whimpered at his touch.

  Thomas doubled the pace of his licking, the tip of his tongue swirling around her clit and pausing every few strokes to lick upwards before he closed his lips around her and sucked gently. Tiffany cried out when he did this, the sensation of his mouth on her sending a wave of hot pleasure rippling through her body.

  She was on the very edge of climax when he probed at her opening with two of his fingers as a prelude to sliding them up inside her. He curled them inward again and again, stroking her g-spot and sending her tumbling over the edge.

  Tiffany latched onto his head with fingers entwined in his hair as her stomach clenched and she writhed in ecstasy. Wave after wave of sensual
electricity washed over her, and soon it became so intense that she had to push him away from her.

  Wiping her wetness from his mouth with the back of his hand, Thomas stood up and stripped off his clothes. Tiffany could only lie there and watch as the last tremors of her climax subsided, and he was on top of her before she had a chance to fully recover.

  She gasped when he entered her. He pushed his cock deep inside of her, and she wrapped her legs up and around him in order to fully take him in. When he’d sunk himself up to the base of his shaft, he kissed her softly and lay still for a moment before slowly inching back out of her and pressing back in again. He repeated these small strokes a few more times, and then he began to move more aggressively.

  “Oh god, you feel so good,” moaned Tiffany, her fingers digging into the tensed muscles of his back.

  “You don’t know how much I’ve been thinking of you.” He whispered in her ear. “I’ve been wanting you so badly this past week.”

  “Why don’t you get behind me and show me how much you want it,” she said.

  Thomas pulled out of her and guided her around into a kneeling position. With one hand on her bum cheek spreading her open to himself, he gripped his cock with his other hand and pushed it against her flushed and swollen pussy. Rubbing it up and down her slit a few times to lubricate himself, he then slipped it inside of her, sinking it home in one smooth stroke.

  Both of his hands moved to her hips, and he began to pump his own hips back and forth, his manhood plunging in and out of her. The sounds of his grunting were almost drowned out by the soft thwack thwack thwack of their bodies coming together with forceful slaps each time he thrust into her, and she was soon crying her own pleasure into the mix. Each stroke rubbed against her in just the right way, and she felt another climax welling up within her.

  Tiffany was sweating now from the exertion, and she had to grip the sheets hard from being pushed away from him and into the headboard. The feeling of his cock slamming in and out of her bordered on being too much to handle, but it sent her ever onwards to another orgasm.

  She moaned and turned her head to look back over her shoulder at Thomas.

  “Fuck me!” she cried. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

  “You look so goddam hot right now.” He said through clenched teeth.

  Thomas pressed down on her back between her shoulder blades, leaning into her and thrusting with all the power and speed he could manage. His grunts came faster as his strokes increased, and Tiffany felt his fingers curl into her skin where they’d grabbed onto her ass cheek for purchase.

  “Oh god, I’m cumming!” She said, closing her eyes and gripping the sheets so hard she thought she might tear them.

  She heard Thomas cry out then too, and she felt him let loose inside her. His thrusting became uneven and he held his strokes for a long pause before thrusting again. Tiffany pushed back against him, revelling in the climax tearing through her body in perfect sync with her lover’s cum shooting inside her. She clenched her muscles and squeezed him on his backstroke until he couldn’t stand it any longer and he stopped moving altogether, his mouth coming down to kiss her back while he fought to catch is breath.

  They fell into a heap on the bed then, Thomas’s seed spilling out of her a little when he pulled out of her. She felt it run out onto her leg and spill onto the sheets, but she was too exhausted to do anything about it. Instead, she rolled over to face him, cupping his cheeks in either hand and kissing him passionately.

  She was glad she’d decided to come with him tonight. She couldn’t entirely say that she trusted him absolutely, but he’d gone a long way towards redeeming himself that night, and she couldn’t deny how good he made her feel.

  “How about a shower?” asked Thomas between kisses.

  Tiffany shifted her position a little and felt his erection pressing up against her. “Are you still hard?”

  “I might be,” he said with his usual mischievous grin. “Feel like rinsing off and then getting sweaty again?”

  Tiffany nodded and followed him out of bed and towards the bathroom. A moment ago, she’d been basking in the sweet and sleepy afterglow of sex, but now watching Thomas step into a hot shower, she felt a surge of energy and knew that it would be some time before they slept that night.


  Tiffany’s morning commute was far and away the most interesting she’d ever had. Together with Thomas, they took the helicopter to his work where he gave her a basic tour and introduced her to some of his key employees as his girlfriend. She thought it might be a bit presumptuous of him since she hadn’t explicitly told him whether or not she fully trusted him again, but after considering how they’d spent the previous evening, she didn’t think it was entirely inappropriate, either.

  The first person to greet them was Thomas’s attractive young assistant, and Tiffany couldn’t be sure, but she’d felt a cool and unpleasant vibe coming off the girl. It wasn’t enough to really concern her, and after meeting the incredibly polite and charming CFO along with several of the other top executives who were about to go into a meeting, she felt rather proud of herself for insisting that Thomas show her around the company he’d inherited. As warm and welcoming as everyone had been, she couldn’t help but notice how surprised most of them had been at seeing their boss introducing someone as his girlfriend, and she knew that it must have been an extremely rare occurrence, if one that had ever happened before at all.

  After seeing his personal office and getting a brief glimpse at the floor containing the bulk of the executive offices, she’d left him to his work and taken the elevator down to the main floor where a limo waited for her. Not wanting to be seen pulling up to her office in a limousine, she had the driver pull over a block away and she got out to walk from there.

  “Carrie?” asked Tiffany, upon seeing her manager outside.

  The woman’s eyes were puffy and red as though she’d been crying and she’d just angrily hung up her phone and shoved it into her purse. When she, Tiffany, closed the distance, her co-worker wrapped her into a quick hug before pulling away and gesturing at the building.

  “Can you fucking believe this bullshit?” She asked.

  “Believe what?” Tiffany looked up at the building expecting to see the upper floors on fire.

  “We’re locked out.” explained Carrie. “The company has been shut down, and we’re under investigation for god knows what. None of us can get inside the building and our clients are freaking the fuck out.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Tiffany, shaking her head in confusion. “We’re just a marketing firm. What could we possibly be under investigation for?”

  Carrie’s phone chirped in her hand and the woman checked the display to see it was before pressing a button to silence it. “I don’t have all the details, but we were in negotiations for a buyout. The owners must have signed over already, and I guess this new company liquidated everything overnight and left us high and dry.”

  Other employees showed up and clustered around the front door, trying to figure out what was going on. No one had any more information, and few seemed to know even as much as Carrie did.

  Most of the employees turned around and went back home after being urged to do so by their managers, and more than a few jokes about polishing up résumés were made.

  Unsure of what to do herself, Tiffany wandered down the street to her favorite café, feeling the need to process this before going anywhere else. She’d been in such a good mood only moments before, and now it seemed she was without a job and would be competing for any new openings with the dozens of other designers who’d just been shoved out of their own positions.

  In any other city, in the country, she might have been able to ride it out on unemployment for a few months while she searched for a new employer, but NYC wasn’t just any other city.

  Excited to be working at such a great marketing firm, Tiffany had stretched herself a little when it came to finding a rental within her means. She’
d planned on a series of performance-based increases that had been promised to her at the two-year mark, and in anticipation of the first one, she’d let herself loosen up her spending on things like dinners and drinks with friends and co-workers. Now she was stuck with rather large credit card bills and a rent that she wouldn’t be able to pay when the next month came due.

  Tiffany looked down at the ten-dollar latte and pain au chocolat she ordered, and cursed her old habits. She should have just stuck with a drip coffee instead, but she figured that one last personal splurge couldn’t hurt too much.

  There was always Thomas, said a small voice at the back of her head. She knew he’d loan her money or most likely offer to pay for several months rent outright without asking anything in return, but then she’d feel as if she owed him something.

  Of course, he would say that it was nothing and that she was free to accept his gift without feeling in debt to him. She could practically hear his voice saying those very words, yet she knew she’d feel beholden to him in ways that she wasn’t ready to accept. Maybe if their relationship hadn’t been surrounded by implications that he’d lied and cheated his way into meeting her, she’d be able to ask him for help, but that was too much vulnerability for her at this point in their relationship.


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