Harvey (A MacLaughlin Family Novella Book 3)
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She used a work computer to upload it and then said she found it? She’s dumber than I thought. She met Mr. Stinebach’s hard gaze. “I haven’t seen it yet, sir. But I saw her taping it.”
“So you knew it was coming?”
“Yes, she’s been following me for weeks since I applied for the entertainment anchor position. I’m so sorry. I never meant for the station to be dragged into my personal life.”
“Ms. Hampton…Olivia. This is nothing. In fact, our ratings shot up yesterday after the video was loaded and we are getting an overflow of tweets and online comments about the ‘hot’ traffic reporter being revealed as a power-player in the first-person-shooter gaming world.”
He grinned, pointing to the view counter on the screen. “Do you know it has over a hundred thousand views so far? My favorite part was the exchange at the end between you and the player called HoundDog23.” Chuckling, he leaned forward and turned the screen back to face himself. “You know Celine’s video was called traffic girl gets caught, but it’s been shared and renamed as traffic girl meets her match. It seemed like you already knew him, the big guy at the end. Did you?”
“So you’re not mad?”
He shook his head. “I don’t care if you play video games, Ms. Hampton. You’re a fine employee and do your job with gusto. Traffic is boring, but important. Keep doing a good job.” He paused, running his hand over his chin. “Your application for the entertainment anchor position is being reviewed. I should know something in a few weeks.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stinebach. I really do appreciate the opportunity.”
“I know. And I really respect you for choosing to ignore what Celine did and just let it ride without making a scene.”
Her cheeks heated. “It’s what a friend said would be best.”
“He was right.”
She stood from the chair and moved to the door.
“Ms. Hampton.”
She stopped and looked back.
“He cares for you.”
“Your friend.”
“How…” She shook her head. There was no way he could know, but yet it seemed so plain to him.
“On the video. It’s the way he looks at you. Any guy would recognize that look. I’m happy for you. You’ve seemed lonely for a long time.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stinebach.”
“So any news?” Harvey’s voice traveled through the phone receiver, brightening her evening. She hadn’t seen him since their dinner in LA, but they’d talked on the phone several times a day for the entire week. In fact, Harvey had taken up calling her right before she went to bed and they spent at least a half hour talking about what he planned to do to her when he got back. She enjoyed those ‘what are you wearing’ sex calls and looked forward to them with unhidden enthusiasm.
“No, nothing yet,” she answered, grabbing the freshly made bowl of popcorn from the counter and her glass of merlot. Dinner of champions. “He said it would be a couple of weeks.”
Harvey whined. It was adorable. He was more upset about hearing whether she got the promotion than she was.
Plopping down in the center of her couch, she tucked her feet under her body and put a small handful of the warm buttery popcorn in her mouth. The salt hit her tongue with a bang and she moaned.
“You’re eating popcorn aren’t you?”
“Maybe,” she giggled. Then popped a few more kernels into her mouth.
“I’m jealous.”
“Of the popcorn?”
“Yes. It gets to be in your mouth and I don’t. Plus you’re making all those delicious sexy noises, giving me a killer hard-on, and I’m two thousand miles away.”
His teasing made her face red-hot. She wanted him there with her, too, but he had work and so did she. They were busy people with demanding jobs. He promised they would find time as soon as he got back to town.
“You’ll be back soon. You said your crew was getting everything started yesterday, right?”
Silence filled the line. Where did he go? “Harvey?”
A firm rap at the door startled her. She looked at her watch. 8:25pm. Must be Mom.
“Hang on, I think Mom’s at my door.” She wasn’t expecting her. Usually her mother was watching TV by now. And the doorman hadn’t buzzed her to allow someone up.
She opened the door and gasped. Harvey stood in her hallway. Adorable floppy brown curls, ocean blue eyes, and the wide smile she’d missed seeing all week stared down at her with adoration. Her heart leapt in her chest and she jumped into his arms, planting a hard kiss on his lips.
He returned her enthusiasm and dropped his coat to the floor, tucking her into his strong arms and holding her close. Their tongues danced and she lifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist. He sighed into her mouth and leaned against the doorframe, using one free hand to caress a breast.
“We should go inside,” he murmured into her mouth.
“Mmmhmm,” she moaned, but refused to unlatch her body from his.
A dull thud broke her concentration on his lips and she turned to look inside her apartment. His suitcase was in the center of her floor along with his coat. He’d thrown them both inside.
“How did you get in?”
“Your mom.”
Note to self. Buy mom a bottle of wine tomorrow.
He closed her door behind them and locked it. She released his waist and slid her feet to the floor. Grabbing a handful of his shirt, she pulled him behind her to her bedroom.
His deep chuckle vibrated through her body. Her pussy wept with anticipation and she pulled her shirt over her head, baring her naked breasts.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he closed the gap between them and bent to suckle first one breast and then the other.
“You’ve missed me! I’ve been terrorizing players on Soldier’s Call every night, trying to tell myself it wouldn’t be much longer. That you would be coming back soon.”
His hands played her body perfectly and moments later her yoga pants were in a pool around her ankles. He stepped back and looked her up and down.
“Like what you see?” She asked, trying to be coy, but only wanting desperately to hear him say that he did indeed like, perhaps even love what he saw.
“Absolutely. Now climb up in that bed and let those poor gamers play in peace tonight.”
Liv pulled the comforter from her bed with a yank and let it slide to the floor. Then she crawled to the center of her bed and lay down, rolling to her back to enjoy the view. Harvey pulled his shirt off first, revealing his six-pack abs and inhumanly-toned arms. He’d mentioned that he liked to rock climb, but it must be more than a passing hobby to keep him looking like an Olympic athlete.
He shucked his pants and underwear next. His cock sprang free and Liv licked her lips. He ripped open a condom and rolled it down his hard length. Her pussy ached to have him inside her. Neurons fired throughout her body, sending fluttering pulses across her skin.
“Touch me, please,” she whispered.
He crawled onto the bed over her, heat from his skin radiating outward. She closed her eyes and stretched her neck. First he nibbled on her ear. Then worked his way down to her collarbone and down to her breasts again. Her nipples tightened into hard pebbles and she shivered when his tongue circled one and then moved to the other.
“More?” he growled, nipping at one of her breasts.
She sucked in a breath and moaned. “Yesssss.”
His mouth covered hers and his slid a hand down her torso between them to her mound, slipping two fingers into her slick center. The sounds of her pleasure were muffled by his kiss. He claimed her completely. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth in tandem with his fingers, rubbing just hard enough against her clit each time to bring her to the brink without sending her over the edge. She rolled her hips, seeking what was just out of reach.
He curled his fingers inside her vagina and lifted her hips an inch or two.
Breath elud
ed her. He’d stolen it away.
His fingers stroked inside her and her gasping turned to panting as an orgasm coiled inside her, twisting and writhing through her nerves, waiting to be released. She cried out, but his mouth swallowed the sound and he only pumped her harder with his hand. Then he pulled back and raised his body away from hers for a moment before sinking his cock deep into her pussy. An entire firework stand exploded behind her eyelids. Every muscle clenched. She screamed his name and he buried his face between her breasts and thrust even harder.
He pushed her through the crest, over it, and up again. Another climax swelled inside her womb. She dug her nails into his arms, clinging to his shoulders as he pounded deep inside her, every push and pull cementing her feelings and need to have him permanently in her life.
“Come for me again, precious,” he whispered in her ear, sliding his hand between them and pressing hard on her swollen clit. A roar like a train engine filled her ears and the world shattered around her once more. He jerked in her arms and groaned loudly, finding his release as well. Her pussy clenched hard on his length and he shuddered one last time before claiming her mouth again for a hard passionate kiss that left her lips swollen and tender.
“This is how making love should always be,” she murmured. “Completely exhausting and utterly fulfilling.”
He rolled to her side and sighed. “I agree.”
Harvey rolled over and palmed the empty bed. “Liv?”
Light footsteps echoed through the apartment. She popped her head inside the bedroom. “I have to go to work. Go back to sleep.”
“It’s Saturday.” He sat up. “I thought we could spend the day together.”
“I drew Saturday traffic duty, but I’ll be home at eleven. I just have to cover the morning.”
He rolled to his side and looked at the alarm clock on her nightstand. 3:25am. Shit. “How do you function waking up this early?”
Her laugh rang from the bathroom. “I take naps.”
Turning to his stomach, he buried his face in her pillow. Her soft scent filled his lungs and he took a deep breath. The bed dipped from her weight on the corner and he turned to face her.
She leaned down and gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later. There’s plenty of food in the fridge. If you leave, just take the key off the counter and lock the door behind you.”
“And if I stay in your bed all morning?” He grinned up at her and she blushed a pretty bright pink.
“I’m fine with that, too.”
She hopped up and walked out, her perky little ass swaying back and forth just enough to make him want to jump up and drag her back to bed. He didn’t. She needed to get to work and he wanted his brothers to meet her, but that could all wait until a Godlier hour of the morning.
“Where have you been, Harvey? I stopped by your house last night. Caiden said you were back.” His best friend’s voice held a twinge of humor.
“Don’t give me shit, Logan.”
“So you are with her.” Logan chuckled through the line.
“She’s at work. I’m sitting at her breakfast table.” He took a bite of the blueberry bagel he’d found in her pantry.
“You’re gonna sit there all day?”
“No, she gets off at eleven.”
“Ethan and I were going rock climbing. Caiden and Lina are coming. I think Lizzy is tagging along, too.”
“I’m surprised anyone was able to peel her away from the library.”
Logan snorted. “Ethan called and asked her to come.”
“Should I be concerned?” Harvey growled.
“Calm down, caveman. Your sister isn’t innocent either, but Caiden’s already said his bit to him after seeing the eyes back and forth between them at his birthday party last month. Ethan likes your sister and is a good guy. Give him a chance.”
The thought of anyone even touching his baby sister made his blood curdle, but if Logan vouched for him, he’d give him a little leeway. But, only a little.
“Fine,” he grumbled. “But if he hurts her, I’ll string him up by his testicles to the top of the climbing wall.”
Logan’s laughter roared through the speakers on his phone. “I’ll be sure to pass it along.”
“You do that.” Harvey frowned. “What time are ya’ll going?”
“About one,” Logan answered.
“Okay. We’ll be there. I’m pretty sure Liv will be game. Oh and congrats on the early retirement. I’m sure Karen is thrilled that you’re out of the military.”
“Thanks. Yeah, I’m excited about being home more, especially with Sadie. I think the Bureau will be a really good place for me. You know Ethan got in too. We both started last week.”
“That’s great, man. I’m happy for you. How’s boot camp treating you?”
“Man, I thought the army was tough. They don’t have anything on the FBI. Physical and mental boot camp is killer, but it’s good. It’ll be worth it.”
A baby’s wail cut through his buddy’s speech and Harvey grinned. “I’ll let you get back to your girls and see you at the center this afternoon.”
“Sounds good. See ya.”
The phone line cut and Harvey laid his cell on the kitchen table. There were only a few more hours to kill before Liv got home. Plenty of time to shower and play some Soldier’s Call.
The sounds of Soldier’s Call drifted into the hallway from her apartment. She shook her head and smiled. He hadn’t left. He’d waited for her to come home. Her heart did a pitter-patter. She opened the door and stepped through.
“Die scum-sucker!” Harvey growled at the TV screen and jumped up from her couch.
She froze, startled by his outburst, but he hadn’t seen or heard her yet. Swallowing a laugh, she snuck up behind him and grabbed a pillow from her couch. One perfect toss and it smacked him square in the middle of the shoulders.
“Holy shit!” He whirled to face her and then turned back to the game, but it was too late. The red screen had already flashed, signaling his avatar’s demise. He pulled the headset off and tapped the power button on the game console to power it down. “Hey, that’s dangerous, sneaking up on a guy like that.”
“Maybe I like a little danger.” She winked and walked to the big window in her living room and drew back the shades, revealing a beautiful view of Sundance Square.
“I can work with that.” He stepped toward her and slid an arm around her waist, tucking her firmly against his chest and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
So sweet. So kind. Fate had really stepped up, allowing her to cross paths with this lovable guy who she was completely and utterly falling for. “I know you just worked a full shift, but would you be interested in going out with my brother and sister and some friends to rock climb?”
“That sounds like fun. But, I’ve never rock climbed before. I’m sure I’ll embarrass myself.”
“Lina and Lizzy have only been a couple of times. You’ll be fine.”
“I need to change clothes.”
“Sure, I’ll let them know we are coming.”
She twisted in his arms, stretched on her tiptoes, and met his lips for a quick kiss before slithering from his grasp and hurrying into her bedroom. The pantsuit came off first. She laid it across the chair in the corner to take to the cleaners later. The fancy lace bra was next and was replaced by a soft nylon sports bra. Then she pulled on a pair of black yoga pants, a pink tank top, and slipped her feet into some soft tennis shoes.
A few vertebra popped from a quick neck roll. I can do this. I can meet some of his family and friends. You can handle this, Olivia.
“Hot damn, precious. You look too delicious to walk out of this place without giving me a little taste.”
Heat rose in her cheeks. “Don’t you dare. I’m not meeting your friends looking like I just rolled out of bed with you.”
“Bed? I said nothing about a bed.”
The smirk on his fa
ce said it all, and she pointed a finger at him in warning. “Don’t start with me, Harvey MacLaughlin.”
“That sounds like a challenge.”
He leapt toward her. She squealed and jumped to the side, but his hands closed around her hips and his fingers hooked in the waistline of her pants. In a matter of moments he’d pulled her to the floor and removed her shoes, pants, and underwear.
His mouth closed around her sex and all rational thoughts of fighting his advances vanished. A moan slipped between her lips and she rocked her hips in rhythm with his tongue. Tightness grew in her womb and the sensations built just beneath the surface of her skin. A light sheen of sweat coated her body and she shivered as the circulating air from her living room brushed across her bare lower half.
“Let go, Liv,” he coaxed, kissing his way up her stomach, pushing her shirt toward her breasts as he went. One hand covered her mound and the other slipped a breast free from her sports bra. He teased her nipple until it was a hard pebble and then pinched it hard. Then he pressed down on her clit and claimed her mouth, muffling the rising scream in her throat.
Her orgasm tore through her body and she would have arched off the floor if his hand hadn’t been so firmly placed on her sex. Stars burst behind her eyes and she thrust her tongue against his, loving every second of his erotic torture.
When he’d milked the last shudder from her limp body, he released her and sat up, leaning against the back of her couch.
“Now, tell me what we’ve learned today, precious jewel of mine.”
“To challenge you more often,” she answered, smiling.
“Ah, ah, ah. Wrong answer.”
She held up her hands. “No, please. I surrender. No more.” A giggle shook her abdomen and a sigh slipped between her lips. This is what it meant to be happy in a relationship. To feel loved. Accepted. Cherished.
Harvey MacLaughlin was the best thing that ever happened to her. “I love you.” It was whispered on the tail end of a breath and slipped out before she could talk herself out of it. They’d barely known each other a week, but she knew. He was the one.