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Karley's Surrender

Page 9

by Christin Lovell

  “Please,” I begged, not truly knowing what I was begging for.

  Cole fastened his mouth to my delicate nub, sucking it between his teeth as his tongue tripled in speed, abrading my nerve endings and sending my body into a frenzy. I cried out as my muscles clamped down hard, my womb balling fast before breaking free. Intense waves of pleasure rocked me, drowning my core. My limbs shook beneath the pressure as heat spread over my entire body. My heart fluttered as I softly panted, waiting for my body to settle down, for my mind to stop spinning.

  “Damn,” Shane groaned, halting his movements. “With you milking me like that, I won’t be able to hold out much longer, darlin’.”

  Cole moved himself to my entrance again, pressing kisses randomly as he did. “I’m going to go slow, but it’s still going to hurt, sweetie. Stop me if it’s too much.” I nodded, still trying to catch my breath.

  Shane released my hands, both of his focusing on my delicate nipples. Cole’s face searched mine before he pushed the tip of himself into me. The same stinging sensation ensued causing me to wince in pain, shutting my eyes instantly to try to control my reaction.

  “You okay, sweetie?” Cole asked. I nodded. I knew he felt bad. I knew they both did. Shane didn’t show it as much, but it was the little things he did that conveyed it.

  Shane kissed my neck, sliding up to ear. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, catching my lobe between his teeth. A chill ran down my spine and heat washed over my middle.

  “Damn, Shane. You just warmed her at least five degrees,” Cole sighed, sliding a bit deeper. I stiffened, feeling the head of him at my hymen. I pinched my features, waiting for the throbbing, the stinging pain of distending my skin, to subside. When I opened my eyes, I was taken aback by the dark desire reflected in his.

  I took a deep breath, cringing as an acute ache shot through my center. “I want you to do it all at once, like Shane,” I blurted. Cole froze, hesitating momentarily. I knew he was studying me, analyzing me and my request before he accepted. It seemed like forever before he nodded his head.

  “You’re a brave girl,” Shane cooed, his hands passing over me playfully. I relaxed into his touch.

  Cole took advantage of Shane’s diversion, penetrating me with one quick jab. I yelled, not meaning to, as tears spilled from my eyes. I hadn’t expected the pain to be so harsh. I felt like I’d been ripped open, like a bone was snapped in half. With both of them all the way in me, I felt full, strained beyond capacity.

  “Damn it.” Cole scrubbed his face with his hand, not moving a single muscle in his lower body. “I’m sorry, sweetie.”

  Shane held me against him, his arms encircling my waist. Somehow they knew I needed a minute without being bombarded by them or the glorious responses they elicited.

  Minutes passed and we remained motionless. It took a while to calm my screaming body. “I’m okay,” I said.

  Cole didn’t move for another minute, giving me the additional time to collect myself. He moved in painfully slow motions, allowing me to adjust to him. Just as before, the pleasure began to overtake the pain. Cole watched my every move, waiting for any signs of stress or discomfort. I moaned as he pulled nearly all the way out and slammed home.

  “Switch,” Shane ordered.

  Without warning, Cole rolled, pulling me on top of him. Shane withdrew momentarily, resituating himself behind me, before penetrating me again. I mewled as they both began moving within me at the same time. My body was shocked by the new currents of pleasure overpowering me. As if that wasn’t enough, Cole captured my lips, his hands going straight for my breasts, as Shane reached around my hip and teased my sensitive bud.

  My breathing became labored as my body buckled beneath their duel attack. It felt so good, so strong. My mind was reeling at the sensations touching me everywhere. My skin pimpled as my stomach twisted into a knot. My limbs wound tightly as I pressed for that invisible edge of unadulterated bliss as delicious shivers shot from my pussy.

  “Harder. Faster,” I pleaded.

  Two growls echoed through the space as they sped up, their cocks pounding into me, their sacs beating my flesh. I panted, gasping for air as my body constricted. I felt Cole gather my hair, twisting it atop my head. For the second time in my life, I was fighting for consciousness. I was stunned by their touch, the way they teased the inner ramparts of me. I was so close to oblivion, so close to pleasure.

  “Let go, Karley,” Shane commanded.

  “I’m trying,” I sobbed.

  “Stop fighting it,” Cole demanded.

  “Come for me, darlin’,” Shane cooed.

  Cole’s mouth covering my nipple was the final straw. My body balled one last time before it tumbled into a bed of ecstasy. I cried out their names as my vision blurred, my limbs quaking from the intensity of my orgasm. I fought to remain cognizant to enjoy the feeling of elation, of letting go for the first time in my life. Liquid flooded my channel as my muscles squeezed the throbbing cocks inside me. My clit pulsed, singing with pure stupor as their hands continued to comb my body with finesse.

  I was just starting to come down, barely hanging on to consciousness, when a singe of pain shot through me, knocking me too far. My body couldn’t handle the onslaught of such a potent attack so my mind slipped into oblivion.


  Damn she was beautiful. Her body fit perfectly between us as she opened herself up to us for the first time. Her walls were slick as they sheathed my member. The pressure of her tight channel nearly had me coming the second I entered her. The way she responded to my touch, her little mewls, ripped at my heart and drove my cock deeper. But there was nothing as powerful as the moment she climaxed. My face morphed, my teeth elongating to sharp razors as my panther surfaced. The way her body constricted around my prick the second she came drove me over the edge, and finally wretched the controls from me.

  I surrendered to my panther, gave in to every instinctual desire I had. I felt no pain, only pleasure, the pleasure she gave me. I pumped in and out of her in a fury as my balls tightened, my muscles coiling. My gums ached as my body readied to strike. Her pussy pulsed once more, and it was my undoing. I pushed home, my seed spilling inside her as my teeth sunk into her shoulder right as she collapsed in my arms. Two roars echoed throughout the room. She was officially ours. She’d taken it all. I was proud, and in awe of my claimed mate.

  Chapter 15

  My eyelids fluttered open. I was surprised to find it was still night out, the room dark with merely a hint of moonlight streaking through the curtains’ edges. My muscles rebelled, feeling sore as I rolled onto my back. I was a bit surprised to find myself surrounded by pillows on either side of me, rather than Shane and Cole.

  I looked at the door, slightly ajar, but didn’t see any lights on in the distance. I stiffened when I heard Cole, sounding anything but happy.

  “We need to tell her before they get here,” he said, his voice strong, determined.

  “We can’t risk it right now,” Shane replied. His tone rang with finality.

  “Yea, well, I don’t want to risk it all blowing up in our faces either,” he argued. A chill ran down my spine as unease settled in the pit of my stomach. Cole was generally even tempered.

  “Yea, well, my way has gotten us this far with her, hasn’t it?”

  “And now you’re cocky enough to risk it all?”


  “If I lose her because of you, consider yourself without a mate or business partner.” I shivered at the ice in his tone. Never had I heard Cole so worked up or cold towards Shane. Worse, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was missing something important.

  Not wanting it to continue, and knowing they had sensitive hearing, I made a show of stretching and groaning at the same time. It actually felt good, releasing a bit of my stiffness. I sighed, dropping my arms against the comforter. Without fail, they came rushing into the room.

  “Good morning sleepy head,” Cole smiled, turning on the bedside lamp as he cl
imbed onto one side of the bed.

  “Sleepy head? It’s not even morning yet.”

  “Darlin’, you were a sleepy head. You slept all day. It’s night again.”

  I frowned. I never slept all day. It wasn’t like me, but then again, I usually was woken by the nightmare. The realization that I hadn’t had the nightmare again when I slept between the men only confirmed that I was right to trust them; that perhaps we were meant for each other as they’d said from the beginning.

  Wait. My eyes widened with alarm. “Oh God! I was supposed to work today!” I sat up clutching the blanket to me, wincing at the pain that wracked my body.

  “Take it easy, darlin’. We really worked you out last night.” Shane stood at the foot of the bed, watching me carefully.

  “I have to call Suzie,” I insisted. “Ugh. I can’t believe I slept the whole day. She’s going to kill me.” I scrubbed my hands over my face.

  “We already talked to her. She’s arranged for you to be off the next five days,” Cole said.

  “Five days? What? Why would she do that?”

  “Because we asked her to,” Shane answered, as if there shouldn’t be a problem.

  “But I need to work. I can’t afford to take five days off without pay.” I knew I sounded indignant, but couldn’t help it.

  “Relax, darlin’. We’ll pay for whatever you need.”

  Fear snaked through me. How could I have ignored their controlling side? I’d seen it, but they’d never pushed in that sense before. I’d never had to worry about them meddling in my business… until now.

  “I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to, but I don’t want your money.” I wrung my hands, trying to remain calm.

  Cole placed his hand over mine. “Calm down, sweetie. We’re not trying to control you like your father.” I stiffened at the mention of him. He sighed. “You don’t have to take the time off, but we’d like you to. Our parents are coming into town and they’d like to spend time with you.”

  I bit my lower lip. “You’ve told them about me?”

  “We both have,” Shane smiled.

  “Oh.” I was surprised that they’d told them. Usually men didn’t openly talk about a girl until it was serious. I guess it was serious between us, but it’d still only been a couple months, nothing to run home about. Maybe it was different for their kind given the whole scented mate thing and all.

  I was ready to change the subject. “What time is it?”

  Shane checked his phone on the dresser. “11:38 p.m.”

  “What? That can’t be. That means I slept for at least…” I tried to remember what time I’d fallen asleep, but the last time I looked at the clock had been at the bar.

  “You slept about twenty-three hours,” Cole offered.

  My eyes widened. I shook my head. “I’ve never slept that long, even when I was sick.”

  “You needed it, darlin’.”

  My stomach chose that moment to grumble its protest over not being fed for well over a day. I blushed, averting my eyes.

  “Looks like we need to feed you,” Cole stated. “What do you want?” I shrugged.

  “You really want me to pick somethin’ out for you?” Shane arched his brow.

  “Sure.” Shane grinned smugly as Cole shook his head.

  “Come on out then.” Shane turned towards the door.

  “Um… I sort of need clothes.”

  “You either eat naked or don’t eat,” Shane said, folding his arms over his chest.

  “That’s not fair! You two are wearing boxers.”

  “Life’s not fair, darlin’.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. I was going to call his bluff. “Fine. Then I guess I won’t eat, which means I won’t gain my strength back to enjoy another round with you tonight.” I crossed my arms over my chest, jutting my chin out defiantly.

  “After the workout we gave you last night, I wouldn’t touch you tonight anyways.”

  I huffed. “Fine. You win. Do you at least have a toothbrush I can borrow?”

  Shane laughed. “On the bathroom counter. It’s the pink one.”

  “Oh, you don’t like pink?”

  “I like it just fine, just not for myself.” With that, he turned and walked out. Cole winked, his face lighting up with amusement, before he followed Shane.

  I sighed. “How the hell did I get myself into this?”

  I crawled out of bed, wincing as my body fought to subdue the pain in my tight muscles. The cool air didn’t help. I stretched, trying to work out a few kinks before heading to the on suite bathroom.

  I flipped the light switch before shutting and locking the door. I made quick use of the facilities before brushing my teeth. I studied myself as I brushed. My hair was a mess, my eyes a bit puffy despite the amount of sleep I got. My skin though, it was glowing a soft honey hue. It was while I was caught up in my honey complexion that I noticed the bite marks on my shoulders. They stood out, four dark red scabs, two on the front and two on the back, on each shoulder as if a vampire had bitten me. Or a panther.

  The truth hit me like a ton of bricks. They’d bitten me. If any of the fiction stories were true at all, that meant they’d claimed me as their mate; as in I was theirs forever. It meant they were serious when they said they didn’t want anyone else. I ran my fingers over the wounds, unable to conceal the fear combing over my surface.

  I finished brushing my teeth. I didn’t even bother trying to do anything with my hair. Given the products they’d used in it at the salon, I’d have to shampoo it before I could even attempt to run a brush through it.

  I was just about to turn off the bathroom light when something caught my eye, or rather the lack of. I turned back to the mirror, my eyes bulging what reflected back. “Oh my God!” I shrieked, tears quickly brimming.

  I leaned in close to the mirror, as if I could get a better look that way. I ran my hands over my skin, in awe of what I was seeing. I was lost in the smooth feel of my stomach. No more bumpy, lumpy scars. A few tears streaked my cheeks. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t have to stare at a reminder of what happened that night anymore. I was finally free in every way.

  I jumped, screaming as the door kicked open. One hand flew to my mouth as the other instinctively wrapped around my waist.

  “What happened?” Cole’s muscles bulged, still worked up over kicking open the door. He searched the bathroom, trying to figure out what was wrong.

  “You okay?” Shane asked. He studied me carefully.

  “I’m fine. You know, you could have knocked,” I smirked.

  “We did,” Cole replied, no humor in his tone.

  “Oh.” I bit my lower lip. “Sorry.”

  “As long as you’re alright,” he said, softening his tone.

  “Oh, I’m more than alright.” I removed my arm, and pointed to my stomach.

  “Holy shit,” Cole stuttered, his eyes widening as he stared at my puffy pooch.

  “God damn.” Shane looked bemused. He stepped forward and ran his fingers across my skin. A shiver ran through me at his touch.

  “Um,” I began to shift from foot to foot as I crossed my arms over my chest. “Now that I have your attention, could you please explain why I have what looks like bite marks on my shoulders?”

  “Sure, we bit you,” Cole admitted, still caught up in the disappearing scars.


  “Because you’re ours,” Shane stated.

  “Why bite me though? Why not just ask me to be exclusive with you?” That seemed to pull Cole from my lower body.

  “Saying you’re with someone else doesn’t mean anything to our kind, nor does a ring. The only way you’d ever be acknowledged as ours was if we bit you,” Cole explained.

  “This isn’t permanent is it?” I tried to keep the panic out of my tone, but knew I failed when their brows cinched together.

  “Would you have a problem with that?” he asked.

  “Um, well…” I busied my lip between my teeth. Shane cocked
his head, his eyes narrowing. I was beginning to feel self-conscious beneath their gaze, especially since my scars weren’t there to distract them anymore. Now they really would be focused on me and all of my extra pounds.

  “Well?” Shane pressed.

  “Can I at least have a towel or blanket, a shirt, anything?” He sighed, stepping away and returning several seconds later with a robe. I quickly tied it around me. The sleeves and hem were too long, but it did the job.

  “Go on,” Cole said. It was apparent in his voice that he was bristling; he was unnerved by my uncertainty.

  “It’s not that I don’t care about you both, but this is all still new. Sure we’ve learned a lot about each other over the last couple months, but is that really enough to say yes to forever?” The moment the words came out of my mouth I regretted them.

  “For us it is,” Cole stated. My stomach dropped.

  “Food will be ready in five minutes.” Shane walked out of the bathroom, his expression hard as stone.


  “Don’t. I’ll see you in a couple minutes.”

  They left me standing there helplessly wishing I could take back what I’d said, wishing I could erase the pain from his expression. I’d hurt them. I’d inadvertently admitted that I only wanted some fun, not forever. I’d rather have every scar back than to hurt them the way I just did.

  I needed to get out of here.

  I went back to the room, dressing in my bra and dress, sans the panties they’d shredded. My shoes were still in the living room as was my purse so I was thankful when I spotted Shane’s phone on the dresser. I knew exactly who to call and prayed she was awake at this hour. I closed the bedroom door and made the call. Suzie barely heard my whispered pleas.

  Once I entered the foyer at the end of the hall, I saw my shoes together with my purse. Cole was leaning against the counter, a drink in his hand, no doubt something potent, just the way he liked it. Shane had his back to me as he stirred something in the pan. Guilt pummeled me, but I needed time. I needed space. I needed to determine what I really wanted before I hurt them anymore.


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