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Russian Bad Boy's Untouched Love

Page 4

by Rose, Bella

He gently pushed open the door. She was sitting at her desk on the other side of the room. Her head was down and she looked worn out. Vlad wondered how the news of Nikolas Nikaelevich’s death had affected her. Worse, had she guessed Vlad’s role in the incident?

  She looked up suddenly, meeting his gaze from across the room. He could see her gasp in surprise. Yet there was no derision or hatred on her face.

  “You came,” she said softly. “I wondered if you would come by to check on Ioann.”

  He moved closer to her desk, wondering what to say now that he was here. “I came to see you, to make sure that you’re all right.”

  “I hardly know.”

  “Because of Bianka’s father?” he guessed.

  “Ioann told me what happened.” Her green eyes were bleak with a hopelessness Vlad had never wanted to see in such a vibrant woman. She grimaced. “He told me far more than he ever should have. I hope you’re not upset with him. He was convinced that it was all his fault.”

  “His fault?” Vlad was equal parts angry and horrified by that notion. “It wasn’t.”

  “I know that.” She offered him a small, almost conciliatory smile. “I told him that over and over again. I think he accepts it. It doesn’t help that he and Bianka are very good friends. I’m sure he’s going to find it almost impossible to keep this from her and yet he knows he has to.”

  “So his friendship with her is destroyed,” Vlad said bitterly. “The unfairness of life sometimes just pisses me off.”

  “He also told me what you did.” Mary’s quiet assertion made Vlad’s blood curdle.

  Of all the things she could have known about him, that was one of the worst. “I’m surprised you’re still speaking to me.”

  She acknowledged his words with a shrug. “Last night when you told me about your father and raising boys, I didn’t have any clue exactly what you meant. You were trying to say that your father forced you to be a man long before you were ready.”

  “Yes,” he agreed.

  “And now you’re trying to save your brother from the same treatment.”

  Vlad shut his eyes. He hated that she knew this and yet a part of him was perversely glad. “It feels good just to have somebody understand.”

  “I can only imagine.” She touched his arm. The warmth of her hand nearly took his breath away. “You’ve been forced to do awful things without being given a choice. Now you’re being forced to do the same thing in order to save Ioann. Life rarely gives us good choices, but in your case they all seem to be varieties of bad.”

  A bitter chuckle escaped. He wished he could forget it all. “Would you go out with me tonight?”

  Her brows lifted in surprise. “Like a date?”

  “Yes. A date.”

  “Why?” Still she had those lines between her eyebrows as though she were waiting for the punch line of some joke.

  “Because you are a singular woman, Mary Reilly,” Vlad told her. “You’ve stood here and been willing to see past my exterior. Is it so hard to believe that I can see past yours?”

  “I don’t go out much. I’ve just never really bothered to make the time.” Her hesitancy was obvious. “I would hate to disappoint you in—in that way.”

  “I can see that you’re not experienced,” he said softly.

  Then very gently he pulled her into his arms.

  “Vlad, this isn’t right. I’m at work.” She put her hands on his chest as though she intended to push him away.

  Before she could protest or argue any more, he brushed his lips over hers. It was as if he’d been struck by lightning. Her fingers curled into his shirt and soon she was pulling him closer and not pushing him away. The awareness was so strong he felt his toes curl. Sparks seemed to fly from between their lips. She tasted exquisite. It was so tempting to deepen the kiss and demand more. He could tell from the softening of her body toward his that she would have welcomed the advance in spite of her earlier protestations.

  Yet that wasn’t how Vlad wanted her. When he finally asked her for more, he wanted her to be begging him for it. He wanted to see desire in her eyes, and for her to know exactly what it was she asked for.

  Giving her lip one last nibble, Vlad broke away from their kiss. His blood rushed through his veins and he had to keep the lower half of his body carefully averted from hers lest she feel exactly how affected he was by their kiss.

  “Wow,” she whispered. “Just, wow.”

  “So will you go out with me tonight?” Vlad tried again.

  “Yes.” She gave a self-deprecating chuckle. “I don’t think I can find any grounds to say no after that.”

  “I’ll pick you up at your place around seven.”

  He could already see the thoughts swirling inside her head as she tried to come up with every possible scenario that might happen in order to be prepared. Vlad understood this was simply her personality. Yet he really wanted her to calm down enough to just enjoy herself.

  “Mary,” he murmured. “Don’t overthink this. Okay?”

  “I won’t.”

  Vlad placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. “I’ll see you at seven.”

  Chapter Six

  “Don’t overthink this?” Mary muttered as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. “Is he crazy? How could I not overthink this?”

  She set her hairbrush on the counter and tried to decide if she should leave her hair up or down. She had yet to decide when the front bell rang. Making a face at her reflection, she tossed the brush on the bathroom counter. Considering what she had to work with, it just wasn’t going to get any better without a serious push up bra and maybe some hip implants. If Vlad had been expecting some transformation from teacher to sexy date, he’d better think again.

  Mary could barely meet Vlad’s gaze when she opened the door. “Hi.”


  She hazarded a look at him up through her lashes. He was raking her with his dark gaze. Her skin felt tingly. It was impossible not to think about the kisses they’d shared earlier that day. Would he kiss her again? Did she want him to?

  “You look beautiful,” he said warmly. “Are you ready to go? Or do you need a few more moments?”

  “No. I’m good.” She reached for her purse and her jacket. “I hope I’m dressed okay. You didn’t say where we were going.”

  “You’re perfect.”

  He offered his arm and she took it, feeling like a character from a book. This was not her real life. She didn’t strut down the sidewalk in front of her apartment building with a man.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, glancing around almost as if he expected some threat.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly. “I just don’t go out often and it feels a little odd. That’s it.”

  “When was the last time you went out on a date?” He stopped at the curb in front of a black car with dark tinted windows.

  He opened the passenger door and helped Mary inside while she puzzled over the question. Vlad had already run around to the driver’s door and settled himself in his seat before she came up with an answer. “I think the last time I went out with a guy was in college. I was invited by someone in one of my classes to go to a pizza place right near campus.”

  He didn’t seem bothered by this detail of her romantic past. “Did you date this man for long?”

  “I think we went out once or twice.” She shrugged. “Men lose interest in me pretty quickly.”

  “Why is that?” He started the car and pulled away from the curb.

  “Because I’m not the kind of woman who sleeps with a guy on the first date.”


  “So I should probably warn you.” Her tummy did an unwelcome flip flop when he smiled. “I’m not going to be sleeping with you tonight.”

  His grin made his dark eyes sparkle with mirth. It was really a rather breathtaking sight. Then he reached over and very gently touched her hand. “When I make a move, it will be because you want me to. I’m not worried about what might or might not happe
n after dinner. All right? I just want to spend time with you. I find you interesting.”

  “Interesting?” She struggled not to laugh. “Is that good or bad? Because I feel like it ranks right up there with telling a girl she has a nice personality.”


  “Those are things people say to you when they don’t want to admit that you’re not attractive.”

  “Ah.” He nodded his head. “Well I find you very attractive, so I can’t think that would be the case.”

  “You.” She thought her jaw was going to drop right off. “You find me attractive?”

  “Of course. I would not have said if it were not true.”

  She watched his hands on the wheel. They were so big and so certain as he steered the car through traffic. Everything he did was intentional and measured. It was as if he were utterly comfortable in his own skin. For some reason she found that unbelievably sexy.

  Mary crossed her legs a little more firmly. There was a strange tingle going on down there and she wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. She’d touched herself before, of course. Most women did at some point or another, especially when they reached the age of twenty-three and remained a virgin. But this was different. Her breasts were hot and heavy and there was an actual ache below her belly.

  She stared out the window. Her body’s bizarre response to Vlad seemed less intense if she refrained from staring at him.

  “Mary?” Vlad’s voice had all the power of a physical caress.


  “My intention is just to let things happen as they will. All right? I have no plans or expectations. I just want to enjoy this time with you.”

  “Okay.” She felt ridiculous. “I don’t know why I brought that up earlier. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. You were being honest. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m only sorry that your experience with men has been such that you don’t trust our motives.” A muscle in his jaw jumped and she wondered if that made him somehow angry.

  He pulled the car up in front of an old building in an even older section of the city. A valet ran out to meet them. Vlad opened his door and spoke to the young man in Russian. Another young man opened Mary’s door and helped her out of the car. She smoothed her chiffon skirt and hoped she was dressed appropriately.

  This place certainly looked intriguing. It was all dark wood and old world elegance in a narrow four-story building that was brightly lit on every floor. Vlad took her arm and they walked up to the front entrance. A bright blue canopy arched over the carpeted entryway. Two more men in suits opened the doors, ducking their heads to Vlad as though in deep respect.

  “Do you come here often?” Mary asked curiously.

  He gave her a smile. “I own this place.”

  “Talk about a mafia stereotype come to life.” She gazed around in wonder.

  The dining room was packed. A lounge singer half reclined against a shining baby grand piano as she crooned love songs in sultry Russian. There were two bars and both seemed full of people laughing, talking, and drinking together. Waiters in black pants, tuxedo shirts, and bow ties delivered trays of steaming food to the tables on the floor. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the evening.

  VLAD WATCHED MARY as she took in every detail of his restaurant. He had named the place Sofia’s after his mother. It was his pride and joy. Seeing the admiration on her face for the fruits of his labor went a long way toward his satisfaction.

  “Mr. Sokolov!” His restaurant manager bowed low. “If you’ll come this way we have your table ready.”

  “They all speak with a Russian accent,” Mary observed.

  He placed his hand in the small of her back and guided her toward his favorite table in the center of the room. The placement of his table put his back to a half wall that separated the kitchen from the dining room. It kept anyone from sneaking up on him while providing him with a full view of the tables and the bars. Strategic, yes, but also enjoyable.

  “I employ many immigrants who speak very little English. Being around others who speak both Russian and English helps those with weak language skills to gain experience. Plus, they tend to be loyal to me and to my family, which is important.”

  “I’ll bet,” she murmured as she took her seat.

  Vlad carefully helped her slide her chair in before sitting down himself. “Would you mind if I order for us both? I have some specialties I would love for you to try.”

  “Of course.” A very pretty smile transformed her face from merely cute and made her an almost breathtaking beauty. She gestured to the room at large. “I’m in your house. I would love for you to show me the sights.”

  Vlad didn’t give in to the urge to tell her about the sight he was anticipating. That would have put her back on her guard and he didn’t want that at all. Instead, he waved their waiter over and ordered the kitchen’s specialty for two and a bottle of his favorite wine.

  In moments they had wine glasses filled to the brim and a bowl of Borsch in front of them. Vlad couldn’t help but grin as Mary studied the thick traditional soup in her bowl.

  She looked up at him. “What is it?”

  “Borscht,” he offered. “Red beets, cabbage, potatoes, some Russian sour cream and melted cheese. Try it. It’s wonderful on a cool night like tonight.”

  She tentatively gave it a taste. “It’s good!”

  “Da. My cook is a native of Moscow. He does wonders with the traditional food.” Vlad dug into his own bowl and savored the familiar and comforting taste. He watched her sip gingerly at her wine. “Do you drink?”

  “Not regularly. Although this wine tastes amazing with the soup.” She took a larger drink from her glass. “I should probably be more careful. I’m fully aware that many decisions are made under the influence of wine which are regretted in the morning.”

  Vlad laughed. “You are such a contradiction of knowledge and inexperience. Tell me about yourself Mary.”

  She shrugged, and he got the feeling she didn’t like to share on that particular topic. “There’s not much to tell really. I grew up here in Boston. My parents died when I was very young so I was raised out in Salem by two maiden aunts.”

  “It sounds like the beginning of a Halloween story,” Vlad remarked.

  She rolled her eyes and nodded. “I know! Except my aunts were both God fearing Irish Catholics. Go figure.”

  “It must have been a colorful childhood.” Vlad thought about the difference between her formative years and his own. “Do you still visit your aunts?”

  “They passed away when I was in college.”

  “Did they encourage you to date?”

  She made a face and drank more wine. “Meaning that you’re wondering if they’re the reason I’ve never married or even managed to make it to third base with a guy.”

  “Third base?” Vlad was pretty good with most American euphemisms, but the bases as they applied to sexual experience continued to baffle him. “You know, the more I hear of this method of gauging experience, the more I’m inclined to believe it is most inaccurate. Nobody seems to have the same definitions for what the bases mean.”

  “Very true.” She tilted her bowl in order to spoon up the last of her borscht. “Let’s just say that first base is French kissing.” She waggled her eyebrows, looking unbelievably adorable. “Second base is a when a guy cops a feel of your boobs, right? So third base is letting a guy finger you. And then of course the home run is going all the way.”

  “Going all the way where?” Vlad wondered if she would actually say it.

  Mary cleared her throat. “You know, having sex.”

  “Ah. That makes sense.”

  “Does it? Because I’ve never really figured out what the big deal is.” Her wine glass was empty and she seemed to be staring at it as though she were very surprised to see that.

  “Anytime a man touches a woman with the intent of bringing her pleasure, it should be a big deal,” Vlad said firmly. “A woman has the ultimate choice
of whether or not she will allow her lover access to her body.” He leaned in closer and found that Mary was leaning closer as well. Her green eyes were luminous in her face. He wanted so badly to kiss her, but now was not the time. “Anytime I touch a woman, I want it to be her choice. I want her to be focused on what I am doing and how it makes her feel, not on whether or not she even wants to be there.”

  “That sounds really nice,” Mary said on a soft exhale. “I bet you’re amazing in bed.” Once the words were out she slapped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes widened with surprise. “I’m so sorry! That was unforgivably rude of me.”

  “I don’t think so,” Vlad growled. “I think I would like for you to test your theory.”

  Her tongue slipped out of her mouth to wet her lips. The sexy sight made his groin tighten with need. He couldn’t very well take her right here at Sofia’s. But it was becoming very tempting to go back to her place and somehow find a way to spend the night.

  Chapter Seven

  Mary knew on some level that she was very drunk. The wine had been incredibly yummy. In fact she couldn’t remember a time when she’d tasted any sort of alcohol that she’d liked so much. Vlad kept insisting it was because the wine had been specifically chosen to go with their meal. A meal that had included tiny buckwheat crepes with smoked salmon. She had eaten like a total pig, which might be why Vlad was now carrying her up to her front door.

  He was incredibly warm and his chest was hard and very rugged. Mary put her palm on his pectoral muscle. “I wonder what you feel like with no clothes on.”

  Vlad raised his eyebrows. “At some point I hope you’ll get to find out. I’m just not thinking that it will be tonight.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not going to take advantage of you while you’re tipsy from wine,” he reminded her. “I especially don’t want your first time to be while you’re not in your right mind.”

  “I can’t believe I told you that,” she muttered. “Yep. I’m a virgin. It’s true!”

  His smile was so cute she had to touch it. Mary traced his lips with her fingers before moving on to his nose and then his eyebrows. She loved his face. Had she told him that? “I really love your face. You’re so good looking. Do you know that?”


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