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Finding Justice

Page 12

by Ciana Stone

  "I did no such thing. I was simply—"

  "Jo!" Mickey and Ron burst into the room. "Thank god. We called the state police and the network was going to call in the FBI."

  "Jo's back?" Malachi appeared at the door, with Sam and Steve on his heels.

  Everyone started talking at once, asking questions and wanting to know what happened. Nellie Mae's voice grew louder and shriller until Jo thought her head would explode.

  "Enough." Jolene barked loud enough to have everyone in the room falling silent. "Please." Jolene lowered her voice. "First, guys I'm okay. Just a bump on the head. I'll tell you everything but not now. I'm exhausted. And Mrs. Nellie Mae, don't you cast blame on JD. He came for me. Someone took me. Right here in front of the house. Hit me over the head. I came to tied up in an old shed. I thought – never mind. What's important is that JD found me and brought me back so please don't be rude to him. He's a hero, not a villain. And I'm really tired. Please, please just let me be so I can shower and go to bed."

  "Oh you poor thing." Nellie Mae's tone changed in a flash. "Of course, honey. This is your home. Let me fix you something to eat. You must be starved."

  "Thank you but I'm too tired to eat. I need to talk with JD now, so if you all could give us some privacy? Once I've rested, I promise I'll tell you everything."

  "Well of course. A hero. Lord child, what an ordeal. How about some breakfast? I know it's past time but nothing soothes like a hot breakfast."

  "No, thank you. You're so kind, but I don't want to eat. We'll talk later. I promise."

  "Well all right, sugar. But I'm not keen on you having – relations in my house."

  "I wouldn't think of it."

  "Okay then. We'll talk later."

  "Yes ma'am."

  "JD." Nellie Mae cut him a haughty look.

  "Mrs. Baker."

  "You sure you're okay Jo?" Malachi asked.

  "I am. Just give me a little time okay?"

  "Sure, whatever you want."

  Jolene closed the door after everyone left and walked over to stand in front of JD. He put his hand on her hips. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

  "Well there aren't a lot of options."

  "Come stay at the ranch."

  "With you?" The suggestion shocked her.

  "No. Sorry, it's not that I don't want you to, but my boys—"

  "I completely understand."

  "You can stay with Pop. I know he'll say yes and he has room."

  "I can't, JD. My crew is here and I need to be with them to work."

  "They can come."

  "No, no that's too much, JD."

  "I need to know you're safe, Jo."

  "I will be. All my crew is here and—"

  "That's not good enough."

  "What if I promise not to go anywhere alone?"

  "What about tonight?"

  "I guess I could get one of the guys to stay in here with me."

  "Oh hell no. I'll come stay with you."

  "What about your boys?"

  "They can stay with Pop."

  "JD, no. They don't know. About us, I mean. They won't understand."

  "It's more important that you be safe."

  "I will be. I'll be careful. I promise."

  "Okay, but I'll be back this evening to check on you. Right now, get clean and get some rest."

  "I will."

  He pulled her to him and held her tight. The feel of his arms around her filled her with determination. She would find the man who abducted her and make sure he didn't get a chance to try again. For the first time in three years, she felt there was hope for her to have what she wanted most of all. A chance with JD.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jolene finished reviewing the footage. She had interviewed Jayce and Bryson this week and was sure she'd never laughed so much. They were both out-going men who took what they did seriously, but never passed up an opportunity to laugh. She found it amazing that either of them was single. Particularly now with the family curse dispelled.

  She didn't imagine either of them would stay single forever. Not only were they fun to be around, but both were exceptionally handsome. Jolene had taken a lot of photos of the family, the ranch, and the projects they were working on. In many of the images, Bryson and Jayce would rival the most sought after models.

  She would talk with Bronson and Jasper next week. After that, it was JD and maybe his sons. Things were still up in the air on that and she wasn't pushing. True to his word, since the night he'd found her, he showed up at Nellie Mae's almost every evening to check on her. He had not formally declared them as "dating" to his sons, but Briggs and Dawson were spending more time hanging out with her and the crew while they were at the ranch. They'd even started dropping by on their way to or from football practice.

  Jolene had learned more in the last two weeks about JD than she'd ever imagined. Now she saw him for who he was, and not simply the fantasy she'd clung to for so long. Sure, she still lusted over him like a crazy woman, but what she felt went way beyond lust now. She knew without question she was truly falling in love with him.

  The only thing marring her happiness was the business with the man who abducted her. Jolene had found a copy of the article she'd written. It was nearly seven years old and the subject of the article, Johnny Willis had been found guilty for drugging and raping eight women. He was sentenced to fifteen years for his crimes.

  Jolene had her researchers digging up everything they could find on Johnny and his family, but thus far nothing had surfaced on the mystery brother.

  Her phone rang and she smiled when she saw the photo that popped up on the screen. "Hey Cody."

  "Hey yourself. Got your message. What's the news, girl?"

  "The network based us here for the next six months."


  "Yep. It will take another month to finish up everything on the Weathers family and their people in the Carolinas. Then I have two other pieces lined up so they sprung for us to find a place."

  "Hell yeah."

  "Yeah, I was pretty excited. And that's partly why I called. The guys have opted to stay here at Nellie Mae's. She babies the hell out of them, you know. But I need to get out of here and I was wondering how you'd feel about having a paying room-mate for a while."

  "Jo I already told you that you're welcome to stay here. I wouldn't charge you."

  "Well it's not my money. The network will pay two thousand a month without blinking."

  "Two thousand? Are you shittin'?"

  "No seriously. It would cost more than that to stay at a hotel."

  "Well in that case, when can you move in sistah?"

  "I was thinking this evening if you agreed."

  "Works for me. I have to go in and check on the bar but should be home by six."

  "Perfect. How 'bout I pick up some dinner from the steakhouse?"

  "No. I know you're busy and—"

  "It's okay. I need to get out for a while and I promised Annie I'd meet her at the library at three. She's doing research for a new novel and wants to pick my brain some more. Apparently her new heroine is a journalist."

  "Okay, if you're sure. But, hey, Jo, I have to ask. What about JD?"

  "What about him?"

  "Well, I mean, I know things are better between the two of you, but that guy that nabbed you is still out there and – well, JD is kind of a papa bear if you know what I mean."

  "I need to get out of here and he can check up on me as easily at your place as he can here. And I won’t have to be monitored every second by Nellie Mae. Honest to god, it's like being a teenager and having a chaperone."

  Cody laughed. "I can imagine. And girl you know I'm not gonna guard dog you."

  "I figured as much. So we're good?"

  "You bet'cha. See you at six?"

  "I'll be there with the food."

  "And I'll bring the beer."

  "Done. See you then."

  Jolene was smiling as she ended the call. Cody's acceptance o
f the offer was perfect. She got to stay in Cotton Creek for six months, and she had a place to stay that didn't involve a nosy landlady. As far as the man who'd abducted her, well the police now knew who he was.

  He hadn't been seen and Wes Pursell had sworn that he wasn't on their payroll. JD wasn't convinced and was dead set against her attending the rodeo this weekend, but she wasn't about to miss it. She had a big surprise set up for his father.

  Jesse Nash was coming down for the rodeo and would be something of a celebrity at the event. Wes Pursell was footing the bill and had offered Jesse lodging at the Pursell ranch, but Jo had talked Jesse into holding that option open in case Jason invited him to stay on the ranch.

  She was excited about it. Jason talked a lot about getting to know his nephews and this would be a great surprise for him. Jesse's wife would not be able to make it, but that would give Jason more time with his nephew.

  No way was she going to miss that. In fact, she was working it into the show.

  Jolene saved her files, closed her laptop and started gathering her things. Ten minutes later she was packed. She slung the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder and grabbed a luggage handle in each hand.

  She'd just reached the front room of the houses when Briggs and Dawson rapped on the door.

  "Come on in." She called out.

  "Hey, Jo." Briggs greeted her as he entered. "Is dad here?"

  "No, I haven't seen him today."

  Dawson looked at the luggage. "Where are you going?"

  "To Cody's."

  "Cody Sweet?"

  "Yeah. The network based me here for six months, so I needed a place to stay and she said I could stay with her."

  "You don't like it here?"

  "Well, yes, I like it, but –"

  "You don't like Mrs. Baker?"

  "No, I like her but the place is kind of crowded with all of my crew here and I just needed somewhere that it a little less crowded and Cody offered."

  The twins looked at one another and Jo once more wondered what silent communication was taking place. Since she'd been here, she might not have spent much time with JD but she'd spent quite a bit of time with his sons and one thing she'd observed was that they seemed to have a form of communication composed of looks and gestures.

  "Okay, spit it out. I know you have something to say."

  Dawson inclined his head to the left and Briggs shrugged. "Okay. So, what about dad?"

  "Your dad?"


  "What about him?"

  This time it was she who understand the expression. They knew. She didn't know how, but they knew.

  "You and dad have something going on don't you?"

  Jo looked from Briggs to Dawson. "We're friends."

  Dawson made a noise with his lips that spelled his disbelief. "We're not kids, Jo. We know what it means when people look at each other the way you and dad do."

  Jo sat down on the stairs. "I like your dad."

  "Like as in want to go fishing with him or like as in want to date?"

  "Just like."

  "I thought you said being honest was the most important thing of all?"

  Nailed. She remembered saying that to them. "Okay fine, I like him. Like as in I'd like him to ask me on a date. Happy?"

  Their grins said they were. "So why hasn't he?"

  "I don't know. You'd have to ask him."

  "I guess we will." Dawson said. "Okay, so we're cool with you staying with Cody on one condition."

  "Only one? Wow, and here I thought we had something special. So what's the condition?"

  "That you invite us over at least once a week."

  "That's a given. I couldn't go a week without seeing your handsome faces."

  They laughed and Briggs extended his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her into a hug. "I'll get him to ask you out."

  She hugged him tight then released him and hugged Dawson. "Okay, how 'bout you hunks carry my stuff out to the car for me?"

  They grabbed her luggage and all three headed out to her rental car. Just as she was opening the driver's door, JD pulled up behind her and got out of his truck.

  "Where you headed?"

  "I'm meeting Annie at the library and then headed to Cody's."

  "With suitcases?"

  Her eyes darted from him to the boys and back to him. "It will take me about six months to do all the projects I have lined up here so the network is springing for me to rent a place. Since there's not really anything available, I'm going to stay with Cody."

  "You do know that once the bar is finished she'll be there most nights? Jayce and Bryson are almost finished with the roughing in."

  "Yes. But – “

  "The police still haven't found that guy."

  "I'm aware, but I'll be fine. Chances are the guy is long gone."

  "Or biding his time."

  "I'll be okay, JD."

  "Boys." He looked at his sons. "Jo and I need to have a word."

  "Sure dad." Dawson agreed.

  "Yeah, right, we were headed over to the school for practice anyway." Briggs added and looked at Jo. "See ya later, Jo."

  "Yes sir. See ya."

  JD waited for the boys to leave. "Jo, I don't know that it's smart for you to stay with Cody. You'll be alone a lot at night and if he finds out—"

  "I'll be okay, JD." She reached out to put her hand on his arm. "And there's nothing stopping you from checking on me if you're worried."

  He cocked one eyebrow and she smiled. "It might be nice to have a little privacy don't you think?"

  The smile he gave her warmed more than her heart. "Well, when you put it that way." He grasp her hand to pull her to him. "I'm going to talk to the boys when they get home and tell them."

  "About us?"


  She considered it for only a moment. "JD you're not going to tell them about – you know, before?"

  "No. It's not time for that conversation. However, I am going to tell them we're seeing each other. If that's okay with you."

  "You can shout that from the bell tower and it'd be okay with me."

  He chuckled. "I don't think we have one of those in Cotton Creek."

  "Oh, well in that case, just tell Nellie Mae. Same effect."

  His kiss started out soft and gentle, but within seconds passion kicked in. Jo could have stood there all day kissing him. Well, maybe not. Even now her mind was conjuring up all sorts of things she'd like to do with him.

  He was the first to pull away. "You're killing me."

  "You don't know the half of it." She moved out of his arms. "Okay, time to get moving. Call me after you talk to the boys, or I'll call you when I get to Cody's."

  "I will and don't forget. I know how it is with you two. You'll get to yakking and--."

  "I won't forget. And I've gotta go meet Annie. Oh, and by the way, your boys are way smarter than anyone gives them credit for."

  "What does that mean?"

  "You'll see." She climbed in the car.


  "Talk to you later."

  He blew out his breath. "Okay, don't forget."

  "Never. Now, will you move your truck so I can get out?"


  Once she was on the road, she thought about the man who'd abducted her. She wasn't as comfortable with the situation as she let on. If he was part of the Willis family, then why didn't he show up in any of the information? Why had he claimed to be a brother? In addition, why wait until now to seek revenge.

  She tried to push that to the back of her mind. The guy had probably left town. And she would be safe at Cody's. Everything would be okay.


  Jolene pulled up at Cody's and turned off the car. Cody's truck wasn't there. She pulled out her phone and called Cody. "Hey! I'm at your place.”

  "Hey, Jo. Sorry, I got tied up but I'm sending someone with the key -- and the beer. I'm going to be stuck here for a while so I'll crash at Mom's and I'll see you in the morning. Sorry
to do this your first night but – you know."

  "Oh, no, don't apologize, I completely understand. And I can always go back to Nellie Mae's for the night."

  "No! I mean, no, like I said keys and beer are on the way."

  "Okay. Thanks, Cody. Oh, is there a particular room I can use?"

  "The biggest one upstairs – the one that looks out over the front of the house. I sleep in the downstairs bedroom."

  "Got it. Thanks again."

  "You bet. See ya."

  Jolene shoved her phone into her pocket and looked out of the side window. That's when she saw it. A white pickup truck headed toward the house, kicking up dust behind it. She grinned and climbed out of the car.

  The truck came to a stop amid a cloud of dust. The door opened and JD climbed out with a twelve-pack of beer in one hand and dangling a set of keys from the other. Jolene leaned against the car, admiring the sight of JD walking to her.

  "Hey beautiful. I understand you could use some help getting into the house?"

  "Why yes I could."

  "Then you're in luck." His smile wore no overtones of bitterness, a sight that touched her as much as his nearness inflamed her senses.

  "Hmmm, that's depends."


  "On what you're gonna do once you let me in the house?"

  "Well, let's go in and find out."

  She grinned and reached inside the car for the bag of food and her messenger bag, then fell in step with him to the door. JD unlocked it and gestured her inside. Jolene carried the food to the kitchen, placed it and her messenger bag on the counter, and then hopped up to take a seat on the countertop as JD put the beer in the refrigerator.

  He turned and looked at her and this time there was no smile on his face. The expression that was there had her breath catching in her throat. JD took off his hat and put it on the counter as he walked to her. He stopped in front of her, took hold of her knees, spread her legs, and moved between them.

  Jolene looked up at him as he leaned in toward her. "Hungry?"

  "Starving." He moved her hair away from her neck, letting his lips caress her skin.

  "Want me to warm up the dinner?"

  "Nope." His lips moved to her ear, teeth nipping at the lobe.

  "Want a beer?"

  "Huh uh."


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