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by Jacobs, Kyle

  Eventually, they reached an agreement. It favored the Evil Masters, but not to much. Logan had given Logan some leeway in this regard. They really needed this client.

  Bob reached over with his beer and clinked his bottle with Logan's. "I like the way you handle business," he said.

  Logan finally allowed himself to feel a little relief.

  Suddenly, a Hang Around named Piles approached Logan with a look of concern. This was not normally done during a business meeting, so Logan figured it had to be serious.

  "What?" Logan asked annoyed. He was aware of Bob watching him.

  "Got a drama going on at the change rooms. Involves your boy," Piles said.

  Logan looked over. He could see bouncers escorting a man with Oliver out the front door. He could also see that Oliver was holding his hand.

  "Says it's his boyfriend," Piles said.

  Logan stood. Boyfriend? Gavin? Here?

  He saw them go out the front door. What the hell was this about?

  "Problem?" Bob asked. He looked a little concerned.

  "Not at all," Logan said. "Just going to check this out. Piles, get him whatever he wants." He headed to the front door.

  Outside, several of the bouncers were milling about. Logan could see that Oliver had just gotten into a dark blue mustang which started up.

  "What's going on?" Logan asked the head bouncer.

  "They were locked in the change room together. Thought it was a problem. He said it was cool. He was with his boyfriend. Why, should we stop them?"

  He was leaving with Gavin? Oliver was bailing on him? Why?

  "No," Logan finally said. He tried to keep his emotions in check. If this was what Oliver really wanted, he wouldn't stop him.

  The Mustang had to pass by Logan and the bouncers to exit. As it drove by Logan could see Oliver in the passenger side. He looked like he had been crying. Oliver looked right at Logan with what could only be described as fear and confusion.

  What the hell? Logan thought.

  "Hey, I know that guy," Bob said suddenly appearing at Logan's side. Bob was looking at the driver of the Mustang.

  Logan looked too. He only caught a glimpse of him. Dark hair, stocky. But that was all as they passed by, and turned off onto the highway. They were heading north.

  "Yeah," Bob said. "He runs with the Silver Hounds." He looked at Logan with an expression of disappointment. "You let those losers run around your own backyard, and get away with it?"

  Logan's temper flared again, this time unchecked. "No," he said. "No, we don't."

  Parker appeared, looked at Logan. "What's up?"

  "Go grab the van," Logan told him.

  "What for?" Parker said.

  Logan looked at the mustang as it vanished into the next block. "We're going to go take out the trash."

  Chapter 12


  Oliver was numb, sitting in the passenger seat of Gavin's mustang. Just like old times, he thought glumly.

  Beside him, Gavin was practically giddy. "See that?" he said. "See how those twits in the parking lot were scared of me? That's respect."

  Oliver couldn't blame him for being so cocky. He had just walked into a rival gang's main hang out and walked out with his prize, unscathed.

  No, he thought. He's unscathed because of him. It would have been different if he had said something. But with no other options, other than Gavin, his choice of what to do was practically made for him.

  Or Logan had made it for him.

  He started to cry again.

  Gavin now was in no mood. "Hey, knock that off, okay? You can bawl your eyes out when we get home. Right now, I still have to be on my game. We're not out of the woods yet."

  "How..." Oliver started to say between sobs. "How did you find me? Exactly? I thought I was careful."

  Gavin's grin grew wider. "Wow, you really are a piece of work, huh? Stupid enough to think you could run away. Stupid enough to think you could outsmart me. Jesus, honey. You can be a real moron sometimes."

  This was standard fare for Oliver. This type of talk never wavered, it was like Gavin's default setting when interacting with him.

  "But you know what?" Gavin asked.

  Oliver didn't answer.

  "I'll tell you, because it appears you need constant reminding of this fact. Honey, I love you. I love you more than anything. Geez, they could have killed me back there! And all because I love you!" He was shouting now, getting even more worked up.

  Oliver could only cower. Ride it out. Let all this ride out. There was nothing else he could do.

  Logan, he thought. Logan, how could you have sold me out to this monster?

  "Did my mom tell you where I was at?" Oliver knew she hadn't but wanted to keep Gavin on the subject.

  Gavin blinked at the question. "No, stupid. She didn't. I called out of concern for you. Wanted to see if they could help me find you. But it was your Dad. He really didn't say nothing."

  He looked at Oliver, "You made them upset, too, you know. Made your mom cry with your damned childish antics."

  Oliver knew this was not what happened. But he gave up. Gavin wasn't going to admit Logan sold him out, or give any names to him. And what did it matter now? He was done. He was Gavin's now and there was nothing he could do about it.

  Oh, Logan. He cried even more.

  Gavin was still worked up. "Man, the guys at the Club are gonna love this when I tell them what I just did. Waltzed into the territory of the Macabre Jesters. Waltzed into their main hang out. And waltzed right out with you. And no one messed with me."

  He looked for a reaction from Oliver. "Do you think that was stupid of me?"

  Oliver was too afraid to answer.

  "I said do you think that was stupid of me? Risking my life for you?"

  Oliver had to say something, placate him or things would get worse. A lot worse. "No, it wasn't stupid of you."

  "Damn right. Besides, I'm not a fool. I came prepared for war." He reached under his seat and fished out a large pistol. He made sure to keep it below window level while he showed it to Oliver. "I couldn't bring this into the club with me because security would have found it. See? I went in unarmed to get you." He was waving the pistol around aggressively, freaking Oliver out.

  "That's true love, honey. To walk into the lion's den unarmed for your man." He gave Oliver an angry look. "Makes me wonder if you were even worth the effort. That you don't appreciate what I've done for you."

  Oh, no, he thought. Now he was going to start hitting him. He tried to make himself smaller, cowering against the door. He looked outside as the world blurred by. No one cared what happened to him now, or what would be done to him. Once Gavin got him back home then the real punishment would be given.

  "Did you see those guys back there? They knew who they were dealing with. That I wasn't to be screwed around with. The Macabre Jesters are a bunch of pussies. Everyone knows it. Besides, they're going down. No more juice."

  He grinned at Oliver, "They don't want a war." He tapped his chest with the pistol, looking arrogant. "But if they did, I would have brought it to them."

  Suddenly, a large truck roared past and swerved in front of the mustang.

  "What the hell?!" Gavin cried. He dropped the pistol into his lap so he could grab the steering wheel with two hands.

  The truck purposely slowed, causing Gavin to alter his speed. "Asshole!" he shouted, and honked his horn.

  Oliver's heart was in his chest. What was going on?

  Then a dark van pulled up close in the other lane by the driver's side. A man was leaning out the passenger window. He was holding a pistol.

  Oliver gasped.

  It was Logan!

  "Pull over!" Logan said to Gavin. He wasn't pointing his pistol at him, but the threat was there.

  Gavin paled, eyes darting around. Oliver knew he was looking for a way out.

  Behind them, a car had pulled up close, keeping him blocked in.

  Gavin's expression was a mix of s
hock and anger. "They dare mess with me?"

  "Pull over now!" Logan repeated. He looked real serious.

  Oliver was too shocked to say anything, or react. My, God, he thought. Was he here for him? Or because Gavin had trespassed on Club territory? He didn't know what think.

  Gavin cursed. He knew he didn't have any other options. And he didn't have the stomach for a shoot out on the road when he was outnumbered and out-gunned.

  Gavin nodded once at Logan. Logan pointed ahead, "Parking lot!"

  Gavin followed the truck, and both the van and other car kept close to the mustang. About a block later, they all turned into an empty parking lot of an abandoned strip mall. No one was around.

  Gavin was scared. Oliver could see that, but it didn't mean he wouldn't put up a fight.

  "Look," he said to Oliver. "You keep your mouth shut. They're not going to do anything stupid out here. They're not dumb enough to start a war." He took the pistol in his hand, still keeping it low.

  Outside, men started to get out of their vehicles and surround the mustang.

  Gavin was measuring the situation. Reaching a decision, he placed the pistol in the armrest between the seats. Oliver felt relief. At least now there wouldn't be a shoot out.

  Oliver saw Logan exit the van, he had slipped his pistol under his shirt, behind his waistband. He could see other men doing the same. No one approached the mustang.

  Logan waved at Gavin to get out, but stood back himself. He obviously didn't want to escalate the situation.

  Gavin looked at Oliver, almost imploringly. "If we play this right, we'll be home soon. Remember I love you, babe."

  Slowly, making sure his hands could be seen, Gavin opened his door and got out.

  Logan nodded at Oliver. "Him, too," he said. His tone was unreadable.

  Uncertain as to what to do Oliver looked to Gavin. He leaned down and said, "Get out and come over to me."

  Oliver did as he said. When he got out it took a moment to find his balance. This whole thing had him really rattled. He walked around the front of the mustang, and Gavin moved slowly to join him.

  Oliver looked to Logan. He appeared to be keeping his anger in check. But when he glanced at Oliver he saw something there. Concern?

  Again, he was struck with a thought. If Logan had sold him out to Gavin, why the hell would he have stopped them? This gave him a tiny bit of hope.

  As Oliver approached him, Gavin casually slipped his arm around his waist. Indicating to everyone that he was his.

  "Got a problem?" Gavin asked.

  Logan glared at Gavin. "No, we don't have a problem, asshole. You do. What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

  Gavin shrugged, playing the part of a bad ass who didn't care. But Oliver could tell he was really nervous. "I came to collect my man," he said. "He wandered away." He pulled Oliver closer to him.

  "Is that a fact," said Parker, who had been driving the truck. "You always enter territory uninvited, or are you just stupid?"

  Gavin ignored him, spoke to Logan who was obviously the leader of this little altercation. "Hey, this is a personal matter. No Club business, right. He left, and I came to get him. That's it."

  "No Club stuff, huh?" Logan said. "You were in our Club joint, in disguise or whatever. If this was a personal thing the Club would still be involved. Both our Clubs, actually. And you know that. You're a full patch Silver Hound. Do the Hounds have idiots as members?"

  Oliver felt Gavin bristle.

  "Look," Gavin said. "I didn't come here to teach you how things are done. This is not a Club matter. He's my boy toy and I'm taking him home."

  Parker said, "Let's ask him."

  "Yeah," said Logan, and looked to Oliver. "Are you his boy toy still?"

  Oliver was rooted to the spot. Logan's gaze was intense, but there was something there. Something he was missing. But when Gavin looked to him, obviously annoyed this was a question only he could answer, it hit him.

  This was an out. Logan was giving him an out from this situation.

  Finally, he said, "No. No I am not his boy toy. Or his man. Or anything." He gave Gavin a dirty look. "Not any more."

  Logan looked to Gavin. "See, the guy has spoken. Now let him go."

  Gavin was now borderline apoplectic. "This is bull shit!"

  Logan then stepped forward. All the other men tensed for a confrontation. But instead of doing anything to Gavin, Logan extended his hand to Oliver. He smiled at him. "Let's go," he said.

  Oliver's heart melted, and took his hand.

  As Logan pulled Oliver away from Gavin, Gavin moved back a little. "You all stupid? You really want to do this? The Silver Hounds won't stand for this disrespect!"

  "I thought this wasn't Club business," Parker said with a malicious grin.

  Logan pulled Oliver away from Gavin, and moved in front of him, to protect him. Naoh's heart was hammering. I'm free! He thought. His head swam.

  Just then a black and white police car drove past and slowed down. The cop driving looked over at their little group.

  Gavin looked at the cop, almost expecting some sort of help. As if any hardcore Biker would want that to happen.

  Logan nodded once to the cop. The cop nodded back, sped up and drove away. Logan grinned at Gavin.

  Gavin knew they wouldn't hurt him, that he could leave unharmed, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He pointed at Oliver, enraged. "You really want to go to war over this stupid bitch?"

  "He isn't a stupid bitch," Logan said. He pulled Oliver closer to him, and instinctively Oliver put an arm around his waist.

  "Yeah?" Gavin yelled. "Then what is he then?"

  "He's the Macabre Jesters' newest dancer."

  Chapter 13


  Oliver beamed at Gavin. If he was ever going to gloat, now was the perfect opportunity.

  Gavin glared at all of them. But now he had nothing to bargain with. No shield. He was just an interloper in a rival Club's backyard.

  "You can keep him," Gavin said to Logan. "I don't care. He's not worth it."

  Logan just watched him squirm. "Okay," was all he said.

  Everyone seemed to be waiting for something to happen. Oliver suspected Logan wanted to make Gavin sweat it out. He found himself enjoying the spectacle.

  "You can't touch me," Gavin finally said. "Anything happens to me, the Hounds will raise holy hell!"

  Oliver was genuinely stunned at Gavin's stupidity. Why make things worse?

  Logan took a deep breath, as if keeping himself from just shooting the rival biker out of annoyance. "Get in you shit box, and leave town. Now. You come back, and it will be the last thing you do."

  Gavin glared at Logan. Glared at Oliver. Then he pointed at his Mustang. "It's not a shit box!"

  Everyone laughed at this. Everyone except Gavin.

  Oliver could not comprehend Gavin's behaviour. Was he that unhinged? Or maybe he just couldn't handle that he lost Oliver at his moment of ultimate triumph.

  "Go," Logan said.

  As if finally coming to his senses about the situation he was in, Gavin got into his mustang and started up the engine.

  Parker walked over to Logan. "What's the deal? We let him walk?"

  "Yup," Logan said, watching Gavin pull around the truck, then out of the parking lot. "We can't let some hot-head create a headline for us, here on the side of the road in broad daylight."

  Gavin peeled out of the parking lot and zoomed down the street. His version of indignation.

  "Follow him," Logan said to Adam, who had been driving the car. "Make sure he leaves town. But don't mess with him."

  Adam nodded, hurriedly jumped into the car and drove off to catch up with Gavin.

  Logan hugged Oliver a little closer. Oliver was all putty, smiling up at him. Oliver had never felt happier than he did right then and there. He had actually been rescued, like from a scene in a movie.

  "You okay," Logan asked him.

  "I am now," Oliver said. He buried his
face into his chest.

  Parker said, "So, what next?"

  Logan smiled for the first time, "I think we need a break. I know Oliver does. It's been a hell of a long day."


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