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Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series

Page 1

by J. K. Snow


  Part 1



  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Copyright * 2015 By: J.K. SNOW

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. J.K. Snow holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

  Table of Contents





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  Chapter 1

  Jordan walked out of the beer cooler with a quick stride. A streak of sweat was apparent on her skin, making her face and neck glisten under the dim bar lights. Laying the case of Coors on the floor she bent down and started to fill one of the empty glass refrigerators. Her head twisted and looked up over her shoulder when she heard a loud yell from one of her girls. Jordan just chuckled as she watched Joanne standing on the bar counter pushing a customer away with one of her high heel boots. Another crazy night to contend with she thought to herself.

  Closing the glass door on the bar fridge she turned and yelled over the loud music looking up at the blonde dancer. “You good?”

  Joanne’s head whipped around looking down at her boss from the bar counter she was dancing on. “Yeah, he’s just drunk.”

  Jordan let out a laugh as she stood and looked around the crowded bar. The music in the Coyote drummed through the room around her making the air thick with vibration. It was a full house which wasn’t unusual for a Thursday night. Coyote was one of the largest bars in Anchorage that serviced only werewolves and was owned by the Anchorage Alpha - Lennox Warren.

  Looking at a group of college men she yelled over the music. “What can I get ya?”

  “Four Bud’s and four tequila.”

  “Coming up!” She yelled throwing her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

  Jordan yelled to Crystal and held up four fingers and then turned, grabbing four beers out of the cooler. Flipping off the caps she passed them to the men. Turning her head to the left she watched Crystal slide four shots down the granite counter, catching them and then slid them to the patrons.

  She leaned into the bar yelling at the men over the music. “That’s thirty eight dollars honey!”

  Reaching into the cash register she watched as Sonja rushed behind the bar grazing her shoulder in the process.

  “Sorry I’m late Jordan. My damn car wouldn’t start.”

  Jordan looked at her sister and then her watch; it was going on 11:00 pm. “You’re almost two hours late. Don’t let it happen again!” She shot in a harsh tone.

  “My car wouldn’t start! Jesus Christ, give me a break!” Sonja snapped and then began taking orders from the thirsty customers.

  Jordan shook her head in disappointment. Hearing the song come to an end she held out her hand to help Joanne off the bar. The Coyote always had girls dancing on the bar, that was their signature and it always drew in a full thirsty crowd.

  “Thanks Jordan.” Jo winked and quickly slid into her bartending duty.

  Jordan leaned up against the wall watching the girls serve behind the bar and glide in between the customers on the floor. She watched Crystal throw up a twenty sixer in the air, catch it and then pour six shots. Jesus that girl was good!

  “I’m going to get some air.” She yelled out to the girls.

  She weaved in and out of the crowd in the dim lit room when she felt groping hands fall on her ass. Jordan stopped dead in her tracks. Not moving she smiled to herself and turned her head to take a long look at the douche bag. He looked to be around twenty five.

  “You like that huh?” She asked slyly while watching the man’s eyes glow amber.

  Jordan watched the man nod his head when she quickly grabbed his wrist and twisted. “Do you like this?” She asked with a wicked grin.

  Twisting his wrist so hard the man fell to his knees. “You bitch! Let go of my wrist!” He growled exposing his canines.

  A handful of Jordan’s regulars started chanting her name above the music when she watched Nick approach and grab the man. “Easy boss! I got this dirt bag.”

  Releasing the man’s hand, she pulled him up. “Be a good dog now will ya!” Jordan said patting his shoulder. She heard the man yell, Bitch again as Nick dragged him out of the bar. It didn’t bother her, she was used to it. Handling herself wasn’t an issue either and it always gave her bouncers something to laugh at. Everyone knew not to fuck with Jordan or her sister even though they were new and had only been in Anchorage for two months. They ran the bar under the watchful eye of Alpha Lennox. Anything happened to the girls, they knew they were dead.

  With a light chuckle she walked towards the back exit. Stepping out into the cool spring night, she inhaled a deep breath of the fresh clean air. She leaned her back against the brick wall closing her eyes. She was enjoying the smoke free environment when she heard footsteps approach about ten minutes later.

  “You bitch! You think you can embarrass me like that just because Lennox keeps you under his wing? The man hissed at her.

  Her eyes flew open and she felt fear creep up her spine as she eyed the two men now standing directly in front of her. Their eyes both glowed bright amber and she could see their canine’s growing longer as they curled over their lips.

  Trying not to panic she said. “Listen you grabbed me remember? Let’s call it a night alright?” She turned reaching to pull the exit door open when the man pulled her arm back making her wince in pain.

  Jordan struggled and finally yanked her arm free hitting her elbow on the brick wall behind her. She watched as anger filled the man’s face. He pushed her hard up against the brick wall.

  Jordan stared straight into the wolf’s eyes, not backing down. She knew his type, thinking women had owed them something, free for the taking. Well not this girl. She pulled her head back and with a quick thrust forward she head butted him hard. The wolf stumbled back releasing her arms. “Fuck! You bitch!”

  Before she could reach the door she felt a blow to her face as she fell to the pavement. Dizzy, she could taste the blood that was now gushing from her split lip. She shook her head as she watched a tall dark figure drive blows to the one man knocking him to the ground. The stranger then attacked the other repeatedly until both men finally ran down the alley way and hit the main road.

  She watched as the man came closer, kneeling down in front of her holding his hand out. “Are you alright?” His voice was deep and rolled off his tongue like brandy. It sounded eerily familiar to her.

  She looked up, her mouth ajar as she stared at him in shock. She closed her eyes, then shook her head, and stared at the man again that had a bright amber ring around his crystal blue irises.

  “Jesus, he must have hit me hard!” She whispered touching her lip with her fingers. “Ummm...Yes, I’m fine. Thank you.” She finally said.

  Jordan took his hand and pulled herself up. Brushing the gravel off her jeans she felt a little light headed and leaned against the brick wall to steady herself. He offered her a Kleenex and she took it. Dabbing her lip, Jordan’s eyes scanned the man in front of her taking in the familiar jet black hair, the gorgeous bone structure of his cheeks and the strong chin. She watched him smile, revealing large deep dimples in both cheeks. Her heart skipped a beat and the heat rose between her thighs.

  Damn, what
the fuck was going on? She thought to herself.

  He took a step closer. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  Tucking a long piece of sandy blonde hair behind her ear she looked up at his tall frame. “Yes, I’m fine. Really...” She could smell the sweet musky aroma that wafted around him. “Sorry, you just look like someone I used to know.”

  Instantly feeling the ache at the memory that this man conjured within her, Jordan began to stiffen. She couldn’t deal with this, not now. She went to open the door when his hand landed on hers.

  “Here let me help you.” He said opening the door.

  “I said, I’m fine!” Jordan snapped.

  “Hey, I’m just trying to help.”

  “Listen, I can take care of myself!”

  “Yes, I can see that.” The stranger chuckled revealing his dimples again.

  Jordan turned her head and looked at him with contemplation. Looking almost annoyed she said. “Listen, it’s been a long night. Come on; let me get you a drink.”

  Tucking the Kleenex into her pants pocket she walked through the door that he was still holding open and followed her into the bar. Walking past Sonja, Jordan slid behind the bar and leaned into the counter.

  “What’s your poison?”

  “Miller is fine.”

  Jordan caught Sonja staring at the man while she grabbed the beer. She flipped off the cap and passed the cold beverage to him.

  Her fingers gently slid under Sonja’s chin, shutting her mouth closed that was now hanging open.

  Leaning into her sister’s ear she whispered. “I know. Not a word sis!”

  “Holy Shit! He looks identical to Noah, Jordan!” Sonja’s hand covered her mouth realizing what she had just blurted out.

  Jordan’s hand flew up and slapped her sister’s arm. “Are you deaf? I said shut up!”

  The man let out a light chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Jordan asked shooting him a deadly look. Her eyes watched him as he extended his hand to her. “Let me formally introduce myself; I’m Jude Warren. Lennox’s oldest son.”

  Jordan’s eyes narrowed to slits as she examined the man. His arm was a full sleeve of tattoo’s that ran the full length up to his shoulder until it disappeared under his tight dark blue shirt. His neck was thick, his shoulders broad and she could see the rippling muscles beneath the fabric. He was hot, gorgeous actually, and looked exactly like Noah.

  “Excuse me? Lennox only had one son. He’s dead!” She retorted. “But if you were truly family, that is something you would already be aware of.” She said resting both of hands on her hips.

  Jude never took his eyes off Jordan and then pointed his beer towards her chest and said, “Now that you’re wrong about.” He finally let his eyes’ fall on Sonja and smiled. “I look like Noah because I am his twin brother...the eldest by about five seconds.”

  “Bullshit!” Jordan yelled. She felt the room spin as he spit the words out. She had to lean up against the wall to hold herself up. Still staring at the man she finally asked, “I have never seen you before. Why? I know all of the Warren’s. All of them. Lennox only had one son.”

  “Jordan, that is what my father wanted you and everyone to believe. I haven’t been in Anchorage for a very long time. I just arrived from the Yukon.”

  “Why would you not show up for your own brother’s funeral? What the fuck type of person does that?” She spat the words at him like they were venom. She could feel the anger consume her as she thought about Noah and his death being so senseless.

  “It’s a very long story Jordan.” he said and then looked at Sonja, “You must be Sonja.”

  Smiling, Sonja said, “Yes, I am. It’s nice to meet you Jude.”

  “Are you for fucking real?” Jordan’s eyebrow shot up and looked at her sister and then back at Jude. “Do you think you can just come in here and claim that you’re my dead boyfriend’s twin brother when I have not met you once in my entire life? We have lived with your family since I was seven years old! For fourteen years!!

  “I understand you have questions Jordan and that you’re confused. What time do you get off... maybe we can sit down so I can explain.”

  Jordan heard Sonja let out a gasp. “I am not fucking confused! Enjoy your beer asshole.” With that said she turned on her heel and walked into the back room. Leaning up against the counter she touched her lip again and took in a deep breath. Wincing at the throb in her bottom lip she pulled out the Kleenex and dabbed it again.

  She watched her sister walk in the room still wide eye. Sonja was twenty, a year younger than Jordan and they looked identical other than the color of their eyes. Sonja had the deepest blue green eyes that you could literally get lost in and Jordan had large chocolate brown eyes. They were both 5’6 in height, had big bones, legs that went on forever and very sexy curves with an ample breast size. They also both had lush sun blonde hair that flowed down to their waist. When one looked at them side by side they could almost pass as twins although they were a year apart.

  “Where the hell did he come from?” Sonja asked. She finally noticed Jordan’s lip when she got a little closer. “What the hell happened to your lip?

  “It’s nothing. I had a run in with some assholes outside. Buddy, umm... Jude saved the day.”

  “I thought I was looking at Noah, Jordan. It gave me the chills.” Sonja shook her shoulders.

  “I know. I thought I was looking at a ghost.” Jordan said and then ran her fingers through her hair. “He can’t be Noah’s twin. There is no way.”

  “I don’t get it either but he looks like he is telling the truth and he is identical to Noah in every way.” Sonja said looking at her sister. She finally grabbed Jordan’s shoulders and gave her a light shake. “Hey. Are you ok?”

  “No. Get rid of him Sonja. I can’t do this.” Jordan’s large brown eyes were almost pleading with her sister.

  Sonja watched the sorrow that washed over her sister’s face. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it. Why don’t you take off and I will close up tonight.”

  “Ok, I’m going to talk to Mamma Sable. I’ll see you later tonight at home.”

  She watched Sonja return to the bar as she grabbed her purse from her office. Jordan fished out her keys and retreated to the back exit located next to her office. She jumped in her orange and black Camaro and sped out of the parking lot heading to her family home that she shared with her sister and Mama Sable. Her head was whirling, lost in her thoughts of the last two months of her life that Jude had just stirred up. When she got home she immediately called out for Mamma Sable but the house was empty.


  Beads of sweat covered her face. Her long blonde hair a tangled mess and her tank top damp when she finally woke screaming in her bed and sat up. Her chest was heaving as she tried to steady her breathing. Jordan batted her eyes letting them adjust to the dark room. Jesus Christ she whispered to herself.

  She chanted the same old mantra in her head, “It’s just a dream. It’s just a dream.”

  Lying back down, she turned and glimpsed at the clock on her nightstand. 4:30am. Her head fell back down on her pillow...she couldn’t get the image of Jude out of her head, or should she say Noah’s image.

  Chapter 2

  Rolling over in bed her arm came up and rested on her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes feeling the onslaught of the sun’s heat that poured in from her bedroom window. Jordan’s thoughts drifted to the night before, to the image of Jude.

  She had so many questions and she wanted answers. If Mamma Sable didn’t have them, then she would go directly to Alpha Lennox.

  She swung her long shapely legs over the bed and stood stretching. She looked over at the clock. Shit, she had slept in. It was already 9:30am.

  Wearing only a tank top and a pair of silk shorts she opened her bedroom door and padded down the hallway to the kitchen. She could smell the rich aroma of coffee that was brewing and the chatter as she turned left, walking through a set of swinging doors that led
into the kitchen.

  “Morning honey.” The old woman said.

  Sable’s hair was white as snow and she had it pulled off her face and tied into a bun at the nape of her neck. Jordan’s eyes studied the weathered lines that consumed the woman’s face as she watched her frown. “Jordan, there are many things that you do not know and will not understand. You still haven’t come into your own yet. You’re only 21.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” She asked raising her voice at Mamma Sable.

  Mamma Sable rose from her chair and lifted her hand, pointing it at Jordan. Sonja watched as the woman’s eyes changed from bright emerald green to balls of red. Within a few seconds she watched her sister’s body slam into the kitchen wall.

  “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me or question my authority. You will listen to what I say and accept it for what it is. Is that understood?” Sable snarled as her eyes started to return to normal and she slowed her breathing.

  Jordan could feel the release of her body that was pinned to the wall come loose. She shook her shoulders and narrowed her eyebrows at the woman.

  Is that clear?” Mamma Sable asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Fuck! Crystal clear!” She spat at the woman who had cared for her since she was seven years old. As she started to walk out of the kitchen she turned and said, “Out of 14 years, you have never used your powers on us! Don’t ever do that again or I’m gone! Is that clear?!”

  Chapter 3

  Both women watched as Jordan stormed out of the room and just before she disappeared through the doors Mama Sable yelled out, “Jordan, I’m sorry.”

  Sonja sat there quietly watching the woman that had come to be their guardian for so long. She lightly shook her head as she picked up her mug and took a sip.

  “What?” The old woman asked.

  “Why would you do that? She has every right to ask those questions and so do I?” Sonja said with an innocent frown. She leaned into her chair taking a deep breath.


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