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Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series

Page 6

by J. K. Snow

  “Not fair Asher! Were supposed to be playing in our human form.” She yelled and then instantly transformed into a beautiful white wolf like a wave of running water rolling over her body. She ran fast, her agility was impressive as she disappeared into the forest. She looked back one last time not being able to see anything when she heard something from her right and then the black panther came lurching out of the bush and landed on her. Pinning her to the earth’s floor on her back.

  They both laughed and shifted back into their human forms when the young girl shoved him off. “You are such a cheat Asher Slater!” Still on her back she turned her head to look at him. He was lying on his back staring back and smiling. “I love you Jordan.” The young boy rolled to his side planting a light childlike kiss on her cheek.”

  She watched him get up, shift and run back into the forest before she yelled, “Wait... Asher!”

  Jordan lurched in bed, sitting up. Her breathing was fast, her heart pounding and she could feel the layer of sweat across her forehead. Her hair was damp. She blinked her eyes a few times to clear her vision and her eyes landed on him...He was staring straight at her.

  In a soft defeated tone she asked, “Who are you to me?”

  He took a few steps toward the bed and sat on the edge. “Jordan, I am your mate. Our fathers planned our mating before we were ever born.”

  Jordan watched his facial expression. It was soft and sincere, but she could also see the pain in his eyes and it pulled at her heart in a way she had never felt before. “What happened? Why am I back in bed?”

  “When I touched you, you fainted.” He said raking a hand through his tousled dark hair.

  Jordan looked down at her hands and then back at him again. He had a strong jaw and high cheekbones, but his eyes were like crystal blue orbs that bore through her soul. Her hand came up and cupped his cheek. She felt a tingling sensation run through her fingertips when another flash turned everything white. A few moments later she opened her eyes and removed her hand and placed it back on her lap. “I don’t understand how this keeps happening.”

  Asher tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowed and said, “You’re having visions aren’t you. When you touch me.”


  Asher lowered his head looking at the floor and his mouth curled wickedly when he said, “That is another one of our gifts. When we touch certain things we can have visions. What are you seeing?”

  Jordan swung her legs over the bed and sat up right beside him. She turned to look at him and said, “I think I saw us playing in the forest together as kids.”

  Asher let out a deep laugh and then smiled. “I could never catch you. I always had to side swipe you when you weren’t looking. You were just too damn fast. Even faster when you shifted into a wolf.”

  Jordan smiled. She felt a sense of warmth flood her body. Her instincts were telling her that she was in no harm, that these people were not the enemy, however she still did have her reservations.

  “If the old woman is telling...” Her sentence was cut off by his words.

  “Stop calling her old woman. She is your grandmother Jordan.” He said crossing his arms over his large chest looking aggravated.

  She laughed and then said, “Ok. If my grandmother is telling the truth and Mama Sable really has put some kind of curse on us, how do we fix it? How do we lift the curse?”

  “Mama Crone is looking into that right now. She left when you were sleeping. She is going to see Erza.”

  “Who is Erza?” Jordan raised an eyebrow.

  “She is one of the oldest witches that has lived among the Kodiaks for a very long time. Erza is considered a white witch, one that does good, heals, allows harmony and promotes well being and every living thing to thrive. She’s incredible.” He said with a blank stare on his face, as if he was in awe of this woman.”

  “She sounds incredible.”

  “She is. Erza has saved so many of us when someone fell sick, the wounded that would have died that day of the slaughter. Everyone on the Island considers her our guardian angel and we love her dearly.”

  Jordan played with a torn hole in her jeans. “Can I ask you a question?”


  “Were you the panther that killed Noah?” She said looking up at him.

  Asher stood and walked over to the counter. He turned and said, “No. That was Micah and Sage. They were sent to Anchorage for supplies and when they couldn’t get them there, they went to Willow looking. They saw you that day with Noah, talking about the mating that would take place between the two of you. They waited patiently until Noah was alone and killed him. We could not allow the mating to take place and now that we had found you; knew where you and Sonja were, we waited and planned to bring you back here.”

  “But why did they have to kill him? You could of just took me and Sonja instead of shedding any blood.” She said now standing.

  “NO! He deserved to die, so does Jude and Lennox! They slaughtered our families Jordan, my mother! They will pay and I will not have any regrets doing it.” He clipped, his tone harsh.

  Surprise, then fury, lit her insides as she said the words. “So you’re just like them then.”

  Asher turned to face her and took one long stride, now standing in front of her. She watched as his breathing was coming in long deep breaths, expanding his rib cage and then falling. His fists were clenched at his sides and then she looked up at his face as anger rolled over it. Gritting his teeth, he growled, “I am nothing like them and if you had any memories left at all you wouldn’t have an ounce of pity for their pathetic lives or compare me to such trash.”

  “That trash raised me and my sister! You have to understand my point of view Asher. It’s not as easy as yours.” She said.

  The next moment the door flung open and Mama Crone raced through breathing heavily. “Come! We must go now.

  Chapter 5

  “What is it?” Asher asked looking at Mama Crone.

  “Erza found the spell. She thinks we may be able to undo it. She’s waiting for us.” She said.

  She felt her body respond and kiss him back. Opening her eyes she broke away and slowly pushed him back smiling shyly. “Let’s go. I will stay the night and see what happens.” She watched as the smile spread across his face, lighting it up and then she looked at her grandmother who was also smiling.

  They all walked out of the cabin and Jordan was mesmerized at what she saw. The sun was shining and she took the last step from the cabin to the earth’s floor and just stared at the sight in front of her. She looked around and saw rows of cabins that were weaved throughout the tree’s.

  There was no pavement but just a dirt road and she watched as little children played and laughed. Her eyes whipped around to small wolves and panthers that were running and tackling each other. She took a step further, now standing beside her grandmother when she noticed all eyes were now upon her. She watched as two brown wolves and a black panther walked up to her. The panther kneeled before her, sniffed and then pushed it’s lush fur and body against her legs as a cat would while purring. Then the two wolves did the same and then Jordan looked at Asher who was smiling and then her grandmother. “Why are they doing that?”

  “Honey, they are welcoming you home.” Mama Crone said smiling.

  “But their children right?” She asked raising an eyebrow.


  “Then how could they possibly know who I am?”

  “Your bloodline child. They can smell it. Sense it.” The old woman winked. “Come on.”

  “Jordan! Come here child.” Erza chirped in an old crackling voice and then stood up on the porch.

  Jordan looked at her grandmother who was smiling and nudged her. “It’s ok. Go.”

  She took a step forward onto the first step and walked up the other two, now standing in front of the woman. Jordan felt like she was towering the woman who was slightly bent over at the waist. The woman raised her hands and cupped Jordan’s face and
then said, “My god how you’ve grown. You’re absolutely stunning.” She paused staring. “I have missed you so much. I knew this day would come. Come...let’s go inside.” She said tucking her arm into Jordan’s.

  They walked into the cabin, with Asher and Mama Crone following behind. Erza motioned Jordan to sit at the table and she did. Asher and her grandmother followed suit, sitting in the chairs next to her.

  Jordan watched the witch grab a book and lay it out in front of them. Then she sat in the chair next to Jordan and pointed to the parched paper that had several different animals and an old inscription written next to it. “This is what Sable used. I’m sure of it.” Erza said smiling.

  Jordan studied the page but couldn’t understand any of the was written in a language unknown to her. “What does it say.” Jordan whispered.

  Erza laid a weathered hand on Jordan’s arm and said, “It’s called ‘CURSE OF THE LYCAN’ but if this is the curse she used, Sable didn’t think it through.” Erza said letting out a little giggle.

  Jordan smiled at the woman’s gesture, finding it cute and looked at Asher and then back at the book. “What do you mean?”

  “Crone tells me that you have no memories of your childhood, that day. Correct?” Erza asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “And you haven’t been able to shift, correct.”

  “Yes.” She said watching the woman’s fingers follow a line of scripture.

  The woman looked at her smiling. “This spell allows the witch to suppress the memories of a wolf, burying them deep within their subconscious mind. It also makes their inner animal sleep, as if in a trance and can’t be awakened until they mate with their true soul mate, the one that was chosen for them.” Erza said hopping out of her chair like a little girl. “Jordan, the reason you are having visions and a few older memories is because you are not only a wolf, but you are all species. You can shift into any animal of your choice. Do you understand?”

  “So you’re saying Mama Sable only suppressed the wolf inside me, not the other species?

  “Yes! That’s right baby girl!” She said clapping her hands. “She obviously didn’t think it through or this was all she could come up with in a short amout of time.”

  “So that’s why nothing happened with Jude when we mated.” She said standing up. Jordan paced the floor thinking. “Can you undo the curse?”

  Erza walked quickly to the table and flipped through the book and pointed to the page. Jordan walked over and looked down, reading out loud, “Aftermath Spell.”

  Jordan looked at the woman and then read the small spell out loud:

  There has been unfairness done to me

  I summon the elements to shine their light

  I invoke thee

  I conjure them to undo what's been wronged

  I invoke the four animal gods and they shall lay their eyes and minds onto thee

  Blinded by anger

  Blinded by pain

  Blinded by thee

  I invoked the four animal gods to undo what has been wronged

  I invoke thee

  “Who are the four animal gods?” Jordan asked.

  “We can shift into any species, however the strongest, most feared animal forms are the Lion, Panther, Wolf and Grizzly. This spell calls upon them only. However there is much to prepare that will go with the chant.” Erza said.

  Jordan felt excitement roll through her entire body. A new energy that she hadn’t felt before and then she smiled and said, “Let’s do it. We have nothing to lose.

  Chapter 6

  Three days had passed since Jordan met Erza that first day. The memories that flooded her mind after the spell was lifted were overwhelming and often confusing to say the least. She would have to ask Mama Crone or Asher to explain what they meant. All of the memories of her as a child, playing with her sister, with Asher and Declan were happy memories. She was now able to remember her mother and father. Their love and kindness and all that they had taught her and Sonja. She had so many emotions hit her at once on the first day her memories came back, she sat with Erza and her grandmother and just cried for the family she lost but now remembered. The fact she would never be able to see them again enraged her.

  Erza had explained that she had delivered most babies on Kodiak Island, including her parents, Jordan and Sonja. That they were always very close. She met many of the Kodiaks as Asher showed her different parts of the Island.

  Erza explained that even though the curse was lifted and that her memories were starting to comeback, she would feel overwhelmed and to just take her time and things would work themselves out. She remembered very clearly, her and her sister being able to shift with ease and confidence. Erza explained that her inner animal would still be suppressed until she mated with her soul mate. The one that was meant for her.

  A chosen Kodiak of noble blood.

  Asher Slater.

  Erza explained that Mama Sable had taken a chance hoping that Jordan’s love for Noah would be enough for the mating to work, however when Noah was killed and then replaced with Jude, there was no chance at all.

  Jordan sat on a rock on the edge of the Island looking out at the sea when she felt a hand on her arm. She looked up to see Asher kneeling down beside her. “Come with me. I want to show you something.” He said smiling.

  Jordan stood and followed him off the rocks and into the forest. There was a clearing with an old shack that had every type of flower scattered everywhere. “What is this place?”

  “You don’t remember?” He said lifting an eyebrow.

  Jordan shook her head. She had so many memories that it was hard to remember them all.

  “This is where we used to play as kids. The four of us. Declan, Sonja and us.” He said smiling.

  She watched as Asher stood before her with a wicked grin plastered on his face and then he ripped his shirt off. He gathered the material in his large, strong hands and threw it to the ground. His chest was a dark caramel color from the sun; smooth, and laced with hard muscles.

  “What are you doing?” She asked feeling the heat rise throughout her body.

  Jordan watched as Asher's eyes locked with hers. He reached for the button on his denim jeans, and then unzipped them. He pushed his jeans past his narrow hips in one strong gesture.

  She was mesmerized as he stood there completely naked in front of her, a smell of confidence wafted through the air. He was stunning in every aspect and his body was lean and threaded with muscles that rippled beneath his skin when he moved. She watched as his body, his muscles started to reform beneath the skin and a moment later she was staring at a gorgeous black panther. His paws were huge, with long claws; his fur was midnight black and his eyes were large amber orbs. Asher stretched and a low rumble emerged as he moved his body against her leg. He then sat back on his hind legs and stared at her.

  Jordan kneeled and then sat down beside him. Her fingers raked through his fur along his neck. It was short, soft and thick. Looking into the animals’ eyes she said, “Your so beautiful.”

  A moment later Asher took a step back and easily transformed back into his human form. Even though Jordan couldn't shift yet, her senses were heightened to a degree that made everything around her seem so much more alive and in tune. Her eyes fell to the thick hard length that hung between his thighs and she could feel herself get instantly wet. She could smell his desire, his primal need and she was sure that he could smell hers. She wanted him, she wanted to know what it would be like to be taken by one of her own, a Kodiak. To feel the power and strength thrusting into her body.

  Jordan felt a slight catch in her breath as she watched the intense stare he held on her. He was so beautiful; dark and lethal. She watched as he took a few steps forward, now standing in front of her. Looking up at him, she raised her hand, cupping the side of his face. Jordan watched Asher close his eyes and nuzzle his face into her palm. His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her into him and all
she could feel was his hard erect cock push against her stomach. She watched his other hand come up and brush a strand of blond hair out of her face. Catching the look in his eyes made her go weak in the knees. Pure desire crept into her like never before. She wanted him so bad and she was sure Asher knew.

  With both hands now on her waist, he walked her a step back and then motioned her to sit on the grass. He sat beside her and dipped his head slowly along her neck making her shiver. His tongue brushed along her earlobe and down her neck reaching her jugular. Jordan sucked in a breath, making her chest rise. He laid her back in the grass and pulled up her shirt over her head and she heard a low deep growl escape from the back of his throat.

  "So beautiful." He said in a deep throaty voice.

  His fingers grabbed the top of her bra and he pulled down on the fabric, allowing both mounds of flesh to pop free. Her body was vibrating with need, and she licked her lips watching his every move. Her breathing was coming fast and it made her chest rise and fall when his hand came up and cupped a breast. He ran his thumb slowly across her rock hard nipple before dipping his head down and taking it into the warmth and wet heat of his mouth.

  Shuddering, she could feel her clit instantly start to throb at the pleasure his mouth had caused. He lapped at the hard peak and pulled in the full areola and sucked hard, pulling it into his mouth deeper. His hand slid down to the juncture between her thighs and his hand rubbed her pussy through her jeans as he continued to suck, pull and tease her nipples. Gasping, Jordan's hand raked through his hair pushing him into her breasts harder. Her body writhed beneath him as he rubbed faster and sucked harder.

  “Jesus Asher.” She breathed. Jordan unfastened her jeans and slid out of them. She watched as Asher’s head dipped down and nipped at her stomach with his teeth and then his fingers traced the mark on her stomach. His fingers curled around her panties, ripping them off with one hard pull and his nostrils flared taking in her sweet scent as his hand pushed her legs apart.


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