Book Read Free

Mobster Series Anniversary Edition

Page 19

by Amy Rachiele

  We go to a burger place. It’s one of those that offer at least twenty different toppings and types of burgers. The menu is huge. We are all crowded around a round table by the bar.

  I am sitting next to Antonio. His hand is stroking my leg while his other one is holding his menu. Little tingles shoot up and down my thigh. I silently hope that we can be alone again tonight. I glance at him. His dark eyes immediately find mine. We are both hyper-aware of each other.

  Troy’s on the other side of me talking, but it takes a minute for it to register.

  “Huh, what?” I ask turning his way. Antonio silently laughs.

  “I asked if you are coming to class again tomorrow?”

  Vito breaks in, “Tonio, please tell me you don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow.”

  “No, I’m good.”

  Jake is sitting next to Erin and says, “You could come to Western Civ. with me tomorrow if you want?”

  “No, she can’t.” Vito says quickly.

  “Yes, I can,” Erin says.

  “ You. Can’t.” Vito says back harshly.

  “Yes. I. Can!” Erin flips back.

  “Whoa, enough,” Antonio says. “Sorry Jake. One of us has to be with them at all times. Vito went today to class. I’ll go tomorrow.”

  Erin sits back and pouts at Antonio’s words.

  Jake leans in and whispers in her ear. A big smile crosses her face and she laughs. My sister is clearly enjoying the attention.

  Without warning, Vito reaches out and jerks Jake away from her. A stunned Jake asks, “Dude, what is your problem?”

  “Whatever you need to say to her can be said in front of all of us.” Vito lets him go.

  “I was just jokin’ with her. I was asking if she was a princess that escaped from her castle with her guards. Geez! Get a grip.”

  Vito looks back at his menu stone-faced. What is with him? He is so intense. I thought Antonio was, but Vito might even surpass him.

  Everyone is quiet. Antonio breaks the silence by announcing that he’s having the Texas burger.

  “Yeah, that sounds good, but I think I’m having the Bleu Cheese one,” I say. “What are you going to have, Erin?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Vito what I can have?” Erin says childishly, trying to make a point. And I kind of can’t blame her. She seems to be trying to pull herself out of her funk, but Vito is really making it a struggle for her.

  Vito doesn’t miss a beat, “You’re having the All-American minus the onions. If you’re a really good girl, I’ll let you pick the kind of cheese you want.”

  Everyone at the table just stares at Vito.

  “Vito? Erin? Outside!” Antonio commands. The two of them reluctantly get up and follow Antonio to the exit. I’m left with Jake and Troy at the table.

  “Sorry,” I say to Jake. “Vito’s a little...” I can’t find the right word.

  “Psycho?” Jake finishes for me.


  “Is he a brother, a step-brother, cousin?” he asks.


  “He’s from Megan’s neighborhood,” Troy says.

  “He takes what he’s asked to do very seriously,” I say.

  “And what was he asked to do?” Jake asks intently.

  “Ummm, look after her,” I respond. “By my dad.”

  “I wasn’t going to bring this up, but these guys act like gang members.”

  Troy laughs.

  “No, they’re not in a gang,” I clarify.



  “What is up with you?” I ask Vito.

  “Nothing. I’m not sitting in class with Jake the Jackass.”

  “Hey! Don’t call him that. He’s nice,” Erin says.

  I rub my temple. “This is fuckin’ ridiculous. Vito, back the fuck down. You.” I point to Erin. “Order your own damn food, and don’t give Jake any ideas ‘cause they’re not happening.”

  “My father just wants you to watch out for us, not run our lives!”

  “Oh!” I say, clipping the word. “Remember what I said this morning, watch the attitude. I don’t know this guy. I need to feel him out more.”

  “At least my father let me date Connor!”

  “Yeah, and look what that got you! If I ever get my hands on the fuckin’ weasel, you won’t even recognize him!” That shuts her down. She knows I’m right. “Everybody take it down a notch. Let’s enjoy our dinner and try to relax.”

  We made it to the movie theater early. The line is long. We waited a few minutes. Jake is trying to lighten the mood. He kept waving his fingers at Erin.

  “Oh no, Erin. I might touch you, look out.” He makes her laugh, that was cool. After a few more minutes, I was getting antsy. I nod to Vito. He knows what I want to do.

  My arms are wrapped around Megan’s waist, so I shuffle us forward. We walk to the ticket collector by the entrance to the theaters.

  “What are we doing?” Megan asks.

  “Going to the movies.”

  Jake, Troy, and Erin follow. They are immersed in their own conversation.

  Vito slips the ticket collector a hundred. The guy pockets it and unhooks the burgundy rope to let us through.

  Jake asks, “What are we doing?”

  I give him my patented, Shut the fuck up look.

  The theater is empty. Megan let Jake pick the movie. I think she felt bad about the scene at the restaurant. It’s an action movie. At least, I don’t have to see a chick flick, although I would if it would please Megan.

  “Can I say something without getting my ass kicked?” Jake asks.

  “That depends,” I say.

  “You guys are crazy. We have illegally gained entrance to the movie theater and it cost twice the amount than if we waited in the line.”

  “And?” I say.

  “I’m just pointing out the obvious for my own benefit,” Jake responds. Smart guy.

  I sit next to Megan and lift the arm rest between us so I can snuggle her closer. I think I’m addicted to her. When she’s around, I can’t stop touching her. I need it like a drug.

  “Hey,” Troy says. “We’re supposed to be treating you. Not the other way around.”

  “You paid for dinner, we’re good.”

  I can’t keep my attention on the movie. My hands roam over Megan. I am thankful that it is so dark in here.

  “I think you need to go to the bathroom,” I whisper in her ear.

  “I do?” she asks.

  “Yup, right now.”

  I stand and pull her up with me, her hand in mine. I lean over to Vito. “I’m taking Megan to the bathroom.”

  He waves me away.

  We head out the door. I scan the hallway theaters looking for an empty one.

  “This way.”

  I open the door to a dark theater. No one is in here. I immediately grab her by the waist. I take her by surprise and crush my lips against hers. She tastes so fuckin’ good! She holds onto me and gives just as good as she’s getting.

  “I hope that movie is over soon. I want to take you back to the suite and do everything we did last night all over again,” I tell her and she melts in my arms.

  Chapter 10

  Culo (cool-yo): ass


  The next couple of days continue like this. We go to some classes and watch movies on T.V. Vito cooks some nights, some nights we go out. Occasionally, Troy and Jake come over.

  The drama seems to have subsided, though. This trip is like a vacation for me. Every chance I can steal to be alone with Megan I do. Every morning we wake up entwined. Erin has to know that we’re sleeping together, but she doesn’t say anything.

  I go find Allen again, and he still has nothing. I leave him writhing on the ground in pain in the same alley. Simple. Done. This druggie only has two more days, and I’ll have to call Pop.

  Unexpectedly, I wake up the following morning with a cold. I feel like shit. I haven’t been sick in ages, and it sucks. My t
hroat is sore, my eyes hurt, and my nose is completely stuffed. My immediate thought is I hope Megan doesn’t catch it.

  I come out of the bathroom hacking and coughing. Erin sees me and puts her fingers together as a cross.

  “Stay away,” she says.

  “Yeah, yeah...I know,” I say.

  Vito hands me a cup of coffee.

  “Dude you want me to go out and get some cold medicine?” he asks. “You fuckin’ sound like shit.”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine.”

  Megan comes out of the bedroom and comes up behind me and wraps her arms around.

  “Oh my God, Antonio! You’re burning up! Heat is pouring through your shirt.”

  I sit on the couch, and Megan puts her hand on my forehead. “You’re really hot.”

  “Thanks,” I say smugly.

  “I’m serious. We have to get your fever down.”

  Vito grabs the keys to the Cayenne off the counter.

  “I’ll be back soon. Anyone else need anything?”

  “Get some good tissues; you know the ones with the lotion,” Megan says.

  “Ay, I hate those. They feel like someone already blew their nose on them,” I complain.

  “They’re the best for you, so your nose doesn’t get raw,” she says to me. And get some juice,” she orders Vito.

  “Is that your solution for everything, juice?” I tease her.

  “Yes. Now back to bed.”

  “Only if you come with me,” I whisper to her.

  Megan puts me to bed. I can’t fight her. She is just too cute.

  “I’m going to see if I can find any tea,” she says.

  “Tea? Are you serious? How about I just have some of that cure-all orange juice? There’s some in the fridge.”


  I’m definitely getting worse. My head is pounding and fuzzy, and my arms feel like lead. My muscles are slowly starting to ache. Megan comes back, and I drink the juice. It burns going down my throat.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, Megan is trying to wake me up. My shirt is off, and I feel a soggy washcloth on my head.

  “Here take this,” she says.

  It’s an electric blue liquid in a miniature cup.

  “What is this shit?” I croak out.

  “Just drink it. You’ll feel better. It will help you to sleep.”

  “I was sleeping,” I say, and gulp it down. “Ugh, that’s gross. Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Lie back,” she says. “Your fever should go down soon.”

  I open my eyes and it has to be late afternoon. I check the time on my phone. It’s after three. Wow, I slept a long time. I still feel horrible, but at least I slept. I try to get up, but the room spins. I quickly sit back on the bed.

  “Megan!” I call out.

  “I’m right here,” she says, coming into the room. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like shit.”

  “The medicine probably wore off. It’s hours past the time to take it.” She rests her hand on my forehead again. “But you’re much cooler now, so it is helping. Let me get you another dose.”

  Vito comes in the room. “Shit, dude. You look like hell.”


  “There is no way you can go after that runner tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I say. “By tomorrow, I’ll be a lot better.”

  Talking was exhausting me. It is wishful thinking believing I could take care of business tomorrow.

  “Let me go,” Vito says. “I can handle it. If he’s got nothin’, I’ll rough him up and call your Pop.”

  My head is hurting again. “Okay. The address of the bar is in my phone. He’s been there the last two times. His name is Allen. He has gross brown hair, brown eyes, and will be as high as a kite. If you don’t find him there, just come back.”

  “Got it,” Vito says. “Rest, man, I’ll handle it.”

  Megan comes back in with the weird blue crap. I drink it. Erin comes in with soup. I take a couple of spoonfuls, but I’m just not hungry.

  I recline on the bed again and close my eyes. I am out of it. Megan sits on the bed next to me, holding my hand.

  Chapter 11

  Malocchio (malo-kya): evil eye or curse



  I try to open my eyes, but I can’t fully wake myself up. I can tell that it’s night by the darkness in the room, but my eyes won’t cooperate and stay open. I hate not being in control. It’s a weakness.

  “Megan,” I call out hoarsely.

  No answer.

  “Megan!” I call louder. Or I think it’s louder. It could be a whisper for all I know. I’m so friggin’ tired. I reach for my phone to check the time, but it’s not there. “Megan!” I stagger to my feet to look for her. I need to know she’s okay.

  I reach the door and stumble trying to pull it open. In the faint light, I see Megan curled up on the couch. Thank God! I move towards Erin’s room to check on her too.

  Erin’s alone sleeping peacefully. No Vito. Megan stirs on the couch.

  “Antonio,” she says in the darkness. “You feeling better?”

  “No,” I grunt. “No more of that blue shit. I can’t think.”

  Megan gets up and helps me to the couch. “It got your fever down. I thought we were going to have to take you to the emergency room. Are you hungry?”

  “No.” I rest my head on the back of the couch. Megan touches my forehead and runs her fingers through my hair.

  “Do you want some orange juice?” she asks. Even with my foggy brain, I have to laugh. For Christmas, I’m buying her a case of it.

  “Okay, I’ll have some orange juice,” I say. “Where’s my phone?”

  “I’ll get it. You got a text from your father. Vito handled it.”

  “Hmmm...?” I didn’t process what she said. “Huh?”

  Megan hands me my phone. I go to messages. A message from Pop:

  Runner is at bar in Chicago tonight with supplier, go now!

  “What the fuck is this?!” I yell.

  “What do you mean?” Megan answers. “Vito saw the text and said he had to leave. He didn’t say anything to me.”

  I jump up, slightly sobered.

  “Vito’s not here?” I ask. She shakes her head no.

  An ugly dark panic settles in my stomach. Vito’s not here! I dial Vito’s cell. No answer. I spew orders to Megan.

  “Call Troy right now and tell him to get over here. Don’t tell him why. Then get Erin up. Both of you need to get dressed, now!”

  I rush in to the bedroom and dress in sluggish, sloppy movements. Megan follows me.

  “Antonio, what’s wrong?”

  “Vito could be in a lot of trouble. Don’t think, Megan, just do it. Do what I tell you.”

  I check my gun, and get my shoes on. A minute later Megan comes back in the room.

  “Troy’s on his way over. Erin’s dressing.”

  She runs to her clothes and changes into her jeans.

  “Do we have regular aspirin, no funky shit?”

  “Yeah, Vito got it yesterday, I’ll grab it.”

  I stand and double check everything. In the living room, Megan hands me two aspirin and more orange juice, and I suck the pills down. I try Vito’s cell again, nothing. A dizzy spell hits me, and I sit down on the couch to settle my spinning head.

  I curse, “Where the fuck is Troy?”

  “Antonio, what is wrong? I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  I look up and see two Megan’s. My vision is blurry.

  “I’ve been set up,” I say. “Pop doesn’t text. I always speak to my pop directly for instructions.”

  “So who sent that text?” she asks, horrified.

  “I don’t know. Someone either hacked Pop’s phone or used it.”

  Knock, knock...

  I get up and the room spins again. Megan notices.

  “Sit down, it has to be Troy,” she orders.

/>   “Check the peephole first,” I tell her.

  “It’s Troy.”

  Troy comes in, and I attempt to stand again. I do a little better.

  “I need your keys,” I command.


  “Don’t ask. Just give me the keys.” I hold my hand out. He puts them in my palm. “I am dropping you all off at your dorm. Don’t answer the door unless it’s me. Got it?”

  “Delisi? What’s going on? You look like death warmed over,” Troy says.

  “Antonio, you can’t possible drive,” Megan states.

  “I have to find Vito, and I need to do it now.”

  Erin is in the doorway to her room. “We should all go,” she says quietly. “You’re sick, Antonio.”

  “I’ll drive to the dorm, and we can figure it out in the car,” Troy suggests.

  We pile in his car. The night air feels good, I’m burning up again. He drives us to O’Neill hall.

  “Antonio, let me drive to where ever you need to be,” Megan says.

  “No, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Troy can stay with Erin. You are in no condition to drive,” Megan says.


  “Everyone out! I gotta go,” I command again.

  “Antonio, be reasonable. I’m not getting out of this car. I’m driving you.”

  “She’s right Antonio, you look like shit.”

  The energy I exerted to even get dressed and in the car was debilitating. I don’t even think I could hold my gun up.

  “Erin? Troy? Out!” I order. “Megan drives.” Erin starts crying.

  “Meg, be careful,” she sniffs. “Find Vito.”

  Troy leads Erin towards the dorm. Megan gets in the driver’s seat.

  I pull up the GPS on my phone with the address.

  “Get on the highway,” I tell her.



  My hands are shaking on the wheel. I am pushing Troy’s car over the speed limit. The GPS is giving me directions from a muffled voice on Antonio’s phone.

  Antonio is resting, eyes closed.

  “Where are we going?” I ask. “The sign back there said Chicago fifteen miles.”


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