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Kitty's Countryside Dream

Page 22

by Christie Barlow

  Listening to Tom, I heard the sadness in his voice. How could anyone ridicule him or make him feel like that? It was unacceptable in my book.

  ‘What happened to Rose?’

  ‘Apart from her medical career, she wanted to travel the world. I didn’t mind that she wanted to experience different places but I was quite happy with the simple pleasures in life, like working on the farm. I had no desire to travel. I thought she was my soulmate and I worked my fingers to the bone saving up for the wedding she wanted, and then it all went horribly wrong.’ His tone was sad.

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘It was six weeks before the wedding day, everything was booked and paid for and it was a Tuesday – I can remember it vividly, like it was yesterday. I was feeling unwell at work; my body ached and I was shivering. I thought I might be coming down with the flu. I’d gone home; we rented a house, as there was no way we could afford a mortgage. I was going to start to save for the deposit for a house after the wedding. I made myself a hot drink and climbed the stairs. I thought a few hours’ sleep before Rose finished work would recharge my batteries. Opening the bedroom door, I was shocked to find Rose was already home from work. She was lying in our bed with one of her medical colleagues. Her wedding dress was hanging in the room next door.’

  Staring open-mouthed at Tom, I didn’t know what to say.

  ‘It was grim to say the least,’ Tom continued.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Tom; that must have been awful,’ I said gently, squeezing his hand.

  ‘I was crushed and never saw her again. Within ten minutes of finding them together I removed every single item that belonged to her from the house and you’d never have known she’d lived there. I can only assume he took her in. Soon after, I moved back in with my parents until Agnes offered me the farmhouse. I wasn’t entitled to any refunds due to the fact the wedding had been cancelled so near to the day and all the outstanding balances had been paid. I lost nearly £7000. The last I heard of her she’d graduated as a doctor and was working abroad.’

  ‘And now I feel even worse for jumping to such silly conclusions,’ I said.

  Tom looked at me and reached out across the table. ‘Let’s put all this behind us.’

  I swallowed a lump back in my throat and couldn’t believe I was getting a second chance. I exhaled sharply. ‘Thank god for that! I’m all for forgetting about the last few weeks.’

  We smiled at each other.

  We finished our meals and the rest of the evening passed in a lovely blur. The waiter returned and began to clear away the plates. ‘Would you like to see the dessert menu or order any more drinks?’ he asked politely.

  ‘I’m OK, I’m not sure I could manage to eat another mouthful,’ I replied. ‘What about you, Tom?’

  ‘I think I’m all done too. Can we have the bill please?’

  The waiter nodded.

  ‘On the whole it’s been a great night. I’m so glad you booked the table.’ Tom’s eyes met mine and sparkled.

  I smiled at him. ‘I’m so glad I did too.’

  ‘Let’s hail a cab and get you home,’ Tom suggested.

  Standing on the edge of the pavement waiting for a taxi, Tom stood close to me. I shivered in the cool night air. ‘Come here,’ he said, pulling me in close, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on top of my head. He smelt divine. Tucking my hands deep into the pockets of my coat and leaning into him, I felt so happy and was hoping this bubble wasn’t about to burst anytime soon.

  The cab pulled up in front of us, Tom opened the door and I climbed in. Sitting in the back of the cab, he never let go of my hand as he gave the driver my address. Watching the lights of the town pass us by, we stayed silent. Our eyes locked and the shadows of the night passed across the contours of his face. He smiled at me and there was one thing I knew for sure: being wrapped up in Tom’s arms couldn’t come soon enough. I’d waited so long for this moment.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Tom was standing behind me while I rummaged in my bag looking for the front-door keys. I was all fingers and thumbs. My heart was thumping and I forced myself to breathe calmly. Feeling Tom’s presence so close to me, my whole body was trembling. Pausing, I tried to compose myself as I placed the key in the lock. I stumbled through the door and Tom caught my arm; fire ripped through my veins from his touch. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to explode; I hadn’t felt desire like this in a long time.

  A yellow glow shone onto the hallway from the table lamp I’d left on so I didn’t come home to complete darkness. Tom shut the door behind him and Alfie appeared in the doorway. Purring, he wound himself around Tom’s legs; Tom promptly picked him up and stroked his fur.

  Leaning against the hall wall, I smiled at Tom and he placed Alfie gently back on the floor.

  I lifted my hand up to Tom’s face and stroked his stubble. Our eyes stayed locked; neither of us faltered. He moved my hand towards his mouth and kissed it. I got goosebumps. He pressed his body against mine and I groaned with desire. ‘Kiss me,’ he murmured. He lowered his head towards mine. I couldn’t wait any longer. I grasped at his hair and my lips met his. I kissed him hard. The electricity was flying. Tom pushed me against the wall. I pressed myself against him; I wanted to be closer. Still kissing, I guided him backwards towards the bedroom; the tingle in my body was immense and I didn’t want it to stop.

  Animal instinct took over and we started to rip at each other’s clothes. I couldn’t believe Tom’s body: his toned torso, his strong arms. I was scared to look. It had been a while since I’d seen a man’s naked body, let alone touched one. Tom’s face was in my hair, kissing my neck, his hands tugging at my clothes.

  He unbuttoned my jeans. We both fell onto the bed, his hands exploring all over my body. Every nerve tingled as he lifted my blouse over my head and unhooked my bra. He rose above me, his strong arms either side of my body.

  ‘Kitty, are you sure?’

  ‘I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.’ I kissed him passionately.

  ‘I’ll go slowly and if you want me to stop, I shall.’

  I was breathless and dizzy.

  He entered me. I gasped, and his eyes locked with mine. I didn’t ever want him to stop.

  * * *

  Lying in bed entwined in Tom’s arms, an overwhelming feeling of happiness surged through my body. I tilted my head up and kissed him lightly on his lips. Tom’s face was flushed as he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head.

  ‘Thank you,’ I murmured.

  ‘You don’t have anything to thank me for,’ he replied softly.

  But I did: it was perfect, he was perfect and I couldn’t help but smile – this was a night I would never forget.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Waking up with Tom’s arms tightly wrapped around me, I glanced at the clock. It was only 3.30 a.m. yet I felt like I’d been sleeping for hours. Tom was fast asleep, and I smiled to myself while I watched him for a further few moments.

  I closed my eyes but I knew there was no chance of me returning to my slumber anytime soon. Lying next to Tom I felt so content, so safe – the happiest girl on the planet.

  Ten minutes later I was still wide awake. Gently removing Tom’s arm from around my body, I slipped silently out of bed. I pulled on my jeans and top and quietly padded into the kitchen. Maybe a hot drink would help me to sleep. I closed the kitchen door while the kettle was boiling so the sound wouldn’t wake Tom. Settling down on the settee with my mug of tea, I picked up Violet’s diary, which was lying on the table.

  ‘Hey, what are you doing?’

  I swung round to find Tom leaning against the doorway.

  ‘I woke up and you were gone. What time is it?’ he asked softly.

  ‘It’s 3.30 a.m.’

  ‘Kitty, that’s way too early – even for me.’

  I smiled at him. ‘I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d grab a drink and read for a little while to see if that helped.’

  ‘You’re dressed – are you running out on me?’

  I laughed. ‘Don’t be daft! This is my house – where would I run to?’

  ‘What are you reading?’

  I hesitated and looked up at his face. The moment felt right to share my secret with Tom. ‘It’s not just any old book, it’s a diary.’

  ‘Whose? Yours?’

  ‘No, not mine. Aunt Violet’s.’

  Tom look confused. He came and settled on the settee next to me.

  ‘Where did you get that from?’

  ‘The safe.’

  ‘Come again?’

  I paused. He waited patiently for my reply.

  There was no point lying to Tom; I didn’t need to hide the fact that I’d cracked the code of the safe in the office. OK, maybe I should have mentioned it sooner, but I wanted time to read and discover its contents by myself.

  ‘The safe from the office at the Lodge.’

  ‘You cracked the code? How did you do that? Please tell me you aren’t secretly a bank robber?’ He laughed.

  ‘Of course I’m not; to be honest it was quite simple.’

  ‘Cracking a code to a safe is simple? Tell me more.’ Tom pulled me in tightly and I rested my head against his chest.

  ‘The numbers on the front of the safe—’ I looked up and met his gaze.

  Tom nodded, willing me to carry on.

  ‘I stared at them for a while. I had a few random attempts but I knew, I just knew, when some of the numbers were more worn out than others: the combination had to be those four numbers.’

  ‘Which were?’

  ‘Zero, one, five, seven.’

  ‘It was as simple as that?’

  ‘Well nearly – they needed rearranging first to one, five, zero and seven.’

  Tom hesitated and stared at me, puzzled. ‘Those are the same numbers as the combination code to the lock on the gate, the one at the bottom of the drive leading up to the Lodge.’

  I nodded. ‘Yes, I know.’

  ‘It wouldn’t even have crossed my mind to try that sequence only because the safe has been there for years and the combination to the lock didn’t exist until just before Agnes passed away. It had always been a padlock with a key but unfortunately I lost the key and we used bolt cutters to free the chain. It was only then Agnes changed it to a lock with a combination. What a coincidence!’

  ‘There’s another coincidence – 1507. That’s the fifteenth day of the seventh month, i.e. 15 July, which is my birthday,’ I butted in.


  ‘There’s more.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Tom asked, intrigued.

  I hesitated. Once I’d told Tom what I’d discovered about Aunt Violet and Jeannie and Robin’s father there was no going back, but it was time to tell him everything.

  ‘According to the diary, it’s more than likely that my sixteen-year-old aunt had an affair.’

  Tom looked at me; his eyes were wide.

  ‘An affair? Who with?’

  ‘This is the part where you have to promise not to say a word. I’m trusting you, Tom.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘With Ted.’

  ‘No. I can’t believe that. Ted’s been traumatised for years over the death of Bea; surely you’ve got that wrong.’

  I shook my head.

  ‘Here, have a look through while I make you a drink,’ I said, handing him the diary and stealing a quick kiss on the lips. ‘It makes for interesting reading.’

  Walking into the kitchen, I discovered Alfie too was now wide awake and sitting patiently by his bowl. I bent down and scooped him up in my arms. ‘It’s not breakfast time yet,’ I whispered softly. Alfie purred and I couldn’t resist pouring a few cat biscuits into his bowl. ‘Maybe having something to eat will help you sleep too.’

  ‘Shall we take the drinks back to bed?’ I asked, drifting back into the living room.

  Tom was still sitting on the settee flicking frantically from one page to another of the diary.

  He glanced up and I could see the panic in his eyes.

  Instantly I knew something was wrong.

  ‘Tom, what is it?’

  ‘Kitty, you need to see this,’ he said, thrusting the diary in to my hand

  ‘See what? You’re frightening me now, Tom. What is it?’

  ‘The entries for July 1961.’

  ‘What about them?’

  ‘I think you need to read for yourself, Kitty.’ He kissed me lightly on my lips and cupped both his hands around my face. He stared me straight in the eyes. ‘I think we’ll need something stronger to drink.’ Tom passed me the diary and I settled on the settee next to him.

  Since finding the diary I’d been reading it in chronological order. I’d only got to December. My hands were shaking as I opened the diary and scanned the pages in search of July.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  1 July 1961

  * * *

  I couldn’t have made it through the past six months without Ethel; she’s been my rock. If our calculations are correct, it could happen anytime now – it’s just a waiting game. I’m scared witless. I have no idea what to expect and soon the whole world will know. There’s nothing we can do except wait.

  * * *

  2 July 1961

  * * *

  After work today Ethel and I visited the library. The librarian was watching us like a hawk. We weren’t members and there was no way we were going to join today. The librarian knew my mother from the reading group she attends on a Monday and if we borrowed the types of books we needed, my mum would surely find out and then there would be questions, too many questions. I distracted the librarian while Ethel smuggled a couple of the more factual books under her jumper. We weren’t necessarily stealing the books; we were going to return them once we’d found out what we needed to.

  * * *

  3 July 1961

  * * *

  Ethel came round after tea. Mum tutted when she opened the door and made a sarcastic comment: ‘We may as well get her a key cut the amount of times she’s here’. Ethel has come round every night for the past six months, since we found out. She’s no longer stepping out with George. That is entirely my fault. I feel dreadful but Ethel has assured me it’s OK and that I have enough to worry about. George was unhappy about the amount of time Ethel was spending with me – who can blame him? – but as far as she’s concerned no man will ever come before her best friend – especially when she’s the only one who knows my secret.

  Tonight we locked ourselves in my bedroom; we wedged a chair under the door handle so no one could enter the room. Once we were certain no one was going to barge in Ethel removed the books from her bag. We sat next to each other on the bed, staring at the pages in disbelief – the images were so graphic. I began to sob and I told Ethel I didn’t think I could do it; I didn’t want to do it. But I didn’t have a choice; it was all too late.

  Ethel squeezed my hand and told me she would never leave me.

  * * *

  4 July 1961

  * * *

  I’ve had the worst sleep ever; I tossed and turned all night. I couldn’t get comfy. I managed to get out of work today; Mum and Dad think I’m looking peaky and ordered me to stay in bed. That suited me down to the ground. I slept for most of the day and only woke up when Ethel appeared at my bedside. Ethel thinks we need to come up with a plan. I’m not sure how a plan is going to help us at such a late stage. My only plan is hoping I get out of this alive. Ethel suggested we confide in Alice. I don’t think that’s a good idea because she will certainly share the information with Julian and no doubt with Mum. Things have been so strained with Alice since the incident before Christmas.

  * * *

  5 July 1961

  * * *

  I am exhausted. I’ve managed to take another day off work. Mum and Dad have advertised for farm help. I’m relieved about that but I can’t tell them why.

  * * *

  6 July 1961

  * * *

  Ethel appeared tonight with a holdall. It is her father’s; she said he wouldn’t notice that it had disappeared because it’s been stored in the back of the wardrobe for as long as she can remember. Ethel said we need to store the bag in a safe place and make sure it’s packed with the relevant items. I didn’t have a clue what she meant by ‘the relevant items’ but she’d made me a checklist that she’d copied from one of the library books we’d borrowed. Ethel thinks of everything. We looked down the list together. Some of the items we could muster up: a nightie, washbag and towel. Other items would prove a little more difficult but Ethel said she’d seen a couple of items in the local charity shop’s window so she would purchase them tomorrow after work.

  * * *

  7 July 1961

  * * *

  Ethel is a diamond – she’s managed to collect every item on the list. We stuffed it all in the holdall and hid the bag back under the bed. We waited and waited some more. Nothing was happening tonight but it most definitely had to happen very soon.

  * * *

  8 July 1961

  * * *

  Dad made a remark this evening around the dinner table that made my mum look up and stare. She was placing our food down on the table when Dad suggested that she give me a smaller portion. She asked him why she would want to do that. He replied that I was getting a bit tubby and the pounds were creeping on. Mum eyed me up and down and made a comment that no wonder I look like I’ve put weight on because the baggy clothes that I was wearing don’t do me any favours. Actually I’ve put about two and a half stone on and I think I’ve done a fantastic job keeping it under wraps.


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