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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 13

by Natasha Spencer

  The thought of it had her running to the bathroom again. She felt sick. Perhaps if Ace and her will still seeing each other than the blow wouldn’t be so difficult to take. If he was with her then maybe he’d want the baby, maybe he’d want to be with her.

  But he had walked away the other night and had not called her since. There was never any expectation of a relationship, so technically he had no obligation to stay with her. Christie felt shaky and sick all over. She knew already that she couldn’t bring herself to have an abortion.

  Christie asked for the afternoon off, knowing that she was already pushing it with her boss, and raced to the pharmacy. She bought the test and hurried home to see the results. Alone in her apartment, it was with shaking hands that Christie opened the box and stepped into the bathroom. Waiting for the test to be ready seemed to take forever and she waited with baited breath, trying to calm her nerves. She didn’t know what to think or what to feel and the thought of checking the results was more than she could bear.

  When she finally glanced down, she found herself staring at the test result. Positive. She was pregnant. The though echoed in her head, overwhelming her and seeping into her very bones.

  She didn’t know what to feel. She felt numb. Of course, there was a feeling of sheer panic. Panic over so many things. She couldn’t go home with no job and pregnant with some man’s child who didn’t want anything to do with her But there was a strange, deep flickering of excitement in her chest, a nurturing feeling that she did not expect.

  The pain in her chest at the thought of Ace was becoming overwhelming, but she couldn’t think of him now. She couldn’t do it. She knew she would have to tell him, but she needed to know that the baby and her would be okay, and for that, she needed to keep her job.

  She couldn’t let anyone else know until she had secured a longer contract or it would be a disaster for her career. Christie took a deep breath and tried to stop the tears from welling up all over again. She was pregnant and she wanted Ace more than ever.

  But she was sure that he didn't feel the same way.

  Burying her head in her hands, Christie took a deep breath and resolved, right then and there, to do whatever she could, whatever it took, to take care of this baby and keep it safe, no matter who was there to help her.

  She would have to make this work, no matter what.

  Chapter 8

  Christie worked the next few days with a ferocity that left even Jane stunned. She followed up with every lead. There wasn’t a single aspect of the story that she didn’t try to work. If she wasn’t interviewing people, then she was researching and pouring through the archives. She tried to scout places that were close to where Ace lived and where the bar was, although she never actually went close to his apartment- she was here for work, after all, and she didn’t need to be distracted by him.

  She kept pushing forward and took notes of everything until, slowly, she thought that she was getting close to the answers that she was looking for. She knew that if she could just crack this story, then all her problems would be solved - she'd get to keep her job and she would be able to support her baby. She’d be okay.

  She had to succeed and it drove her further than anything else ever could have wanted. Despite the sickness and exhaustion, Christie worked late into the night.

  She was getting so close to a great story. She could feel it. And as Christie worked, she tried hard to ignore the niggling voice at the back of her mind that suggested that maybe, just maybe, she should be telling Ace about the baby. About his baby.

  She tried to push it aside. She had work to do.


  It didn’t take long for Ace to get wind of Christie. News began to spread that a reporter was sniffing around and trying to find out more about the club. Cruz was getting antsy and he was planning on doing something drastic if she didn’t stop.

  Every time Ace heard this, he felt the clench of panic in his stomach. Cruz was a dangerous man, and Ace didn’t want Christie to get hurt. No matter how he tried to lie to himself, he could not ignore the fact that he still cared deeply about her. She was a gorgeous woman and she made him feel things that he thought he had forgotten how to feel. But she was getting herself into a dangerous situation by being around him.

  Christie couldn’t have known the kind of danger she was walking into. He knew how desperately she wanted the story for the paper, and he knew that she also was thinking about his future and safety. He couldn’t help but focus on how kind she was, so once the initial anger wore off, he stayed away and allowed her to pursue her story. Still, he ignored her phone calls and avoided the bar even though he could feel it tearing him up inside.

  The rumors about the reporter spread and, after Ace’s successful win, the build up to the big fight meant tensions were higher than ever. Ace needed to know that Christie would be okay, but all he heard were more and more threats on her life and her safety, and it made him sick.

  Eventually, it got too much. He knew that he needed to warn her, but he wasn’t sure how. How was he meant to make sure that she was safe without getting involved in her life? He wracked his brain. Maybe he could find another story for her, something else that could help her out of the situation she was in. It sounded like she was more determined than ever, and Ace knew that it was a very dangerous thing.

  He called up friends, put out feelers and talked to anyone he could that wasn’t part of the underground club. None of them had any answers, and he was left empty handed with nothing more than a few promises telling him that, yes, they would get back to him if they could think of anything that might help.

  After a hard day training, Ace collapsed into his bed exhausted and tried not to think about the upcoming fight. He thought about maybe about finding another job. And finally having Christie in his arms again. He tried not to think of how good her body felt against his and how her voice had sounded when she was whispering in his ear holding him close. He tried not to think about the way his heart was aching at her absence, in a way that no woman had ever made him feel before.

  Instead, he shut his eyes and tried to go to sleep, because Christie had no place in his world. He wasn’t any good for her and he knew it.

  And by now, she probably knew it too.

  Chapter 9

  Christie stood outside of Ace’s apartment. Her hands were shaking and she pulled her coat tighter around herself. She knew that she had to tell him. She had to tell him about the baby and face his reaction. For better or for worse, she needed to know how he felt about it so that she could move on with her life for the sake of the baby and herself.

  Still, she didn’t want to face the rejection. She didn’t want to know that he didn’t want her or the baby. It was hard and it had taken her a long time to summon up the courage to face him. It was with shaking hands that she knocked on his door and held her breath.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the door finally opened. Ace was there, looking devastatingly sexy with tousled hair, a t-shirt and dark pants. His eyes were as intense as ever, looking into her very soul with a single glance. He seemed surprised to see her.

  “Christie. What are you doing here?”

  “Ace, I need to talk to you.” Her voice was shaky and she swallowed to try and steady it.

  “Christie, there’s nothing for us to talk about.”

  Christie felt hurt blossom in her chest, “At least hear me out.”

  “You should go.”

  Christie felt tears surge to the surface and blossom in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What?” He seemed genuinely surprised, eyes widening.

  “I’m sorry, alright?” She sniffed fighting back tears, “I know I made you angry about your work. Why else would you cut me off like that?”

  “Christie, no…it’s not…” Ace sighed and shook his head and stepped back, “Come in.”

  Christie followed him inside, holding back her tears. They sat down and Ace took a deep breath, “Look, it’s okay. I
’m not mad at you.”

  “Then why did you cut me off?”

  “Because, look…it’s just…we’re just not going to work.” He was so blunt about it that it almost broke Christie’s heart in two.

  “Why not?” Christie tried to keep her voice steady again.

  “Because…my world isn’t really one you want to be part of, alright?” He looked at her intensely, “I was never angry, I just…” He shook his head, “No, I was angry for a little while. But that was in the past. Just…we just need to both move on.”

  Christie felt a surge of anger and she stood up. Ace followed suit.

  “What do you know?!” Christie was almost yelling now, finding it impossible to fight the hurtful anger within her, “You’re not even giving us a chance!”

  Ace shook his head, but Christie cut him off, “I don’t want your excuses. Give us a chance- don’t just write me off because you don’t think I fit in your world!”

  “Christie, it’s dangerous-”

  She cut him off, her lips pressing against his in an action of passion, anger and desperation. Christie wasn’t thinking clearly enough to work through her actions carefully, but she didn’t care. If he could just see how good they were together, then maybe he wouldn’t be so quick to judge her as unworthy.

  Christie kissed him deeply and, after a startled pause, Ace couldn't resist and began kissing her back, hard and passionate and lingering in all of the right ways. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed into him. He shuddered and she felt the sensitive swell of her breasts brush against the fabric between them. She moaned softly.

  His hands circled around her waist, one moving up to tangle in her hair, his lips moving to her throat and making her gasp, “Ace…”

  His hands were gentle and warm and he knew just how to touch her, just where to touch her to make her lose her mind, lose all control and give all the way into him. He held her tight and she held him in return, feeling the strong rise and fall of his breathing against her skin.

  Then his hands were brushing along her hemline and she was pulling off his shirt, running her fingers over the scars and hard muscles of his chest and his stomach. She kissed his chest as he lifted her skirt with practiced fingers and found the lace panties that she wore beneath. He pulled them down in one, swift movement and Christie stepped out of them. She couldn’t resist him and she was relieved that he didn’t seem to be able to resist her either.

  He pushed her gently onto the couch and she pulled him on top of her. She lifted her skirt a little more and he moved into the space between her legs, his hands all over her skin, undoing her blouse and gently squeezing her breasts through the lacy fabric that held them in place.

  Christie gasped, her breath catching at the sensation, familiar, sweet and seductive in all of the right ways. She moaned softly and he moved closer. She felt his manhood pressing gently at the wetness between her legs and she gasped, feeling a flush of heat move across her skin. She shivered and arched into him, “Ace…” She moaned his name, relishing in the feel of him, thrilling at the way he still knew how to touch her so perfectly.

  It was like they were made for each other and Christie couldn’t help but wonder and hope, that despite all odds, Ace might just feel the same way.

  He was shivering when he pulled himself closer to her and Christie gasped as she felt him slip slowly within her. The rush of desire that flooded through her seemed too much for her to control. She shivered softly and gripped him a little tighter, feeling him a little deeper and a little harder as he pushed into her fully.

  Even now, he felt so big, so much bigger than Christie could handle and the feeling sent pain and pleasure jolting through her. It was perfect. They fit so perfectly together and Christie couldn’t help the desire that was clawing at her heart and her soul. She could not help herself as a loud moan escaped from deep within her chest.

  Ace gasped as he pushed within her, pushing himself into her harder and deeper while at the same time pulling her onto his hard, swollen cock. He began to sweat as he thrust into Christie. This was hot, passionate love like Ace had never experienced. Christie lifted her legs and wrapped them around him, letting him penetrate her even more deeply.

  Christie could feel her orgasm building. Her hot, wet vajayjay clenched almost involuntarily around his cock. Her pleasure grew in delicious waves, gradually building into a wonderful pressure and burning heat between her legs, which then spread throughout her body in spasmic, tingling waves. She screamed with pleasure, as her own love juices gushed from within. Her climax lasted for what seemed like eternity. It was shattering in a way that she had never known.

  Feeling Christie's orgasm was too much, and Ace could not help but climax as well, thrusting even more deeply. Spasms of pleasure spread from his balls and made his entire body shake, as he filled her hot pussy with his cum.

  Sex with Ace was good, but this was a whole new level of pleasure for Christie. She held on for dear life as she felt the warmth of his load filling her. She moaned his name and rocked her hips against him until her aftershocks subsided. She couldn’t think straight. All she could think about was Ace and the way he felt inside her and the pleasure that swept through her so strongly and deeply.

  After his orgasm subsided, Ace wrapped his arms around Christie, held her tightly, and whispered her name. For a moment, he forgot how badly he wanted to stay away and keep her safe from his lifestyle. He forgot how bad he was for her. In that moment, all he wanted to do was to hold her tight and never, ever let her go. Christie meant more to Ace than he had words to say, but he didn’t want to put her in danger or risk her getting hurt because of the lifestyle he lived. He just couldn’t. But just for a moment, this was perfect and the iron clad resolve in his heart seemed to waver, if only for a while.

  Christie reached up and kissed him, seeing something in his eyes, she hoped that she had changed his mind about their relationship. Maybe this could all work out for me, she thought to herself.

  When the passion finally eased, they were both breathless and spent, Christie pushed herself up and adjusted her skirt. She smoothed down her hair and smiled as Ace pulled on his pants and sat beside her on the couch.

  “This doesn’t change anything.” His words were cold. Christie saw pain in his eyes. His words stabbed at her and she looked at him for a long moment.

  “Ace... I…” Christie took a deep breath, feeling the nervousness in her stomach give way to something more, something deep and worrisome.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  Ace looked over at her and Christie could see concern in his eyes, although he was guarded, “Nothing you say is going to change anything, you know that.”

  Christie felt the pain in her chest threaten to envelope her, but she couldn’t stop now. Even if this was the outcome, she had to at least tell him so he would know, for the sake of the baby. She wondered how to say it, how to soften the blow, but in the end, her impatience got the best of her. She decided to just say it.

  “Ace, I’m pregnant.”

  The words echoed in the room and it seemed like everything had suddenly gone very, very quiet. Ace grew pale and he looked at her with wide eyes.

  “You’re…pregnant?” He seemed stunned, like he couldn’t believe what she was saying.

  Christie nodded, blinking back the tears that threatened to overcome her, “I was on the pill, but…” Christie shrugged and took a deep, shuddering breath, “Look, Ace… I haven’t been with anyone else, okay?”

  “So it’s…it’s mine?” He sounded startled and hesitant all at the same time and he slowly turned to look at Christie fully.

  “I’m not getting an abortion!” Christie snapped before Ace even had a chance to ask. She suddenly felt hurt, protective and very alone. She stood up and stared him down, “It’s not the baby’s fault that it’s here. I won’t hurt it. If you don’t want to be a part of our lives, then so be it.”

  Ace was pale and Christie thought that she was goin
g to burst into tears right there and then. He seemed to be trying to consider his words very carefully, “Christie…” He took a deep breath and frowned, “Look, I…I can’t have a kid. I can’t do it.”

  He swallowed and stared at her hard, “I’ll help with money, but I-”

  “I don’t want your money.” Christie felt her heart break into a million pieces. She didn’t expect anything different, but she had hoped so badly that maybe he would have a change of heart.

  Now she knew that it had been a silly hope to carry around. He didn’t care. He wasn’t going to be part of her life and the life of this baby. She snatched up her things and wiped her tears, storming towards the door.

  “Christie, wait. I want to help with child support, but I can’t be a dad right now, I can’t be with you.” Every word stung.

  “Goodbye.” She could barely form the words, stepping out into the cool air and running towards the elevator.

  Ace didn’t chase after her and Christie didn’t look back.

  Chapter 10

  When Christie ran out of the apartment, Ace didn’t know what to feel. Nothing had been processed yet. His head was just a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions that didn’t make sense, and he just couldn’t seem to work them through.

  His stomach ached and he felt like he had the air knocked out of him. He stumbled back and sank down into a chair, taking a deep, long breath and trying to work through what Christie had told him. Pregnant. Pregnant with his child.

  Ace swallowed and felt something slam into his chest. Panic was the first to hit. He couldn’t have a child. He just couldn’t. He lived a very dangerous life and his job wasn’t safe. He couldn’t give a child a stable life like he had always wanted.

  He wasn’t safe to be around. That was why he had pushed Christie away in the first place. Now she was carrying his child and he couldn’t be a part of it. He felt something twist in his heart like a knife. Regret. His thoughts were a mess.


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