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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 46

by Natasha Spencer

  He was staring at her now, with a half-grin framing his face. She eyed him, like she did everybody these days. Unconsciously judging them for their fashion sense. He was in a thin white polo shirt, and tan chinos. His shoes were fashionable-enough leather sandals, and he had dark sunglasses dangling from the V of his neck. Through the gap, she caught sight of a dusting of dark curly hair and her immediate impression of the man, was that he was extremely masculine. Even though, her best estimate was that he was at least double her age.

  She trailed her gaze up to his face finally, and Jolie had to clench her jaw to stop herself from blushing. The man was unbelievable handsome. His face was angular with a strong jaw. He had a dark beard with flecks of gray, that was neatly trimmed. It added a powerful quality to his features, just like his eyes did. Green and small and sparkly. The more he stared at her, the more certain she was that her cheeks were going to flush.

  It wasn’t often that one look at a man could have this kind of a de-stabilizing effect on her.

  “I’m not a big fan of mojitos, the mint leaves get stuck in my teeth and I have a hard time getting them out,” she found herself saying. The moment she had finished that sentence, she felt extremely foolish. It was too much information that he didn’t need to know. But the man smiled widely at her instead and then jumped off his stool and walked casually around the bar counter, joining Juan who was already in the process of preparing her margarita.

  “No mint leaves then. This is a homemade limoncello recipe, perfected over the years after several failed attempts. I can guarantee that you’ll like it,” the man said and Jolie watched in shock as he started fiddling around with the bottles behind the counter, until he extracted a big corked glass jar of what looked like the liqueur he was talking about.

  “Are you Brandon Calloway?” she blurted out, before she could stop herself. Of course she knew of him. She also knew that he owned this resort. Margaret had been firm in mentioning that she wanted Jolie to stay in the best resort on the West Coast for her forced vacation. She just hadn’t expected to bump into the hotelier himself. And she definitely hadn’t expected him to look like this.

  He smiled at her, as he poured his desired mixture into a shaker and started shaking the cocktail himself. Word on the street was that Brandon Calloway was a very hands-on guy, but this was not the extent of service she had expected from him. She watched his biceps tighten as he poured the drink into a glass and then stick a straw with an umbrella in it.

  “My secret’s out,” he said, looking her straight in the eye again, in the same way that he made her uncomfortable before. This time, Jolie couldn’t stop her cheeks from flushing, and she pulled the glass closer to herself.

  “Thank you, that was not necessary,” she said, and watched as he walked around the counter and stood beside her. She could tell that he was trying to urge her into taking a sip.

  She did, and the flavors of the drink burst in her mouth. The citrus zing overwhelmed her tongue and her throat and she could also tell that he had been generous with the white rum and sparkling wine. The effect the drink had on her was heady, like a whip and an unconscious smile took over her face.

  “Do you approve?” he asked, in that same deep voice that made her nervous, and Jolie couldn’t do anything other than nod her head. She charged ahead and took another sip and kept smiling.

  “I love it. Probably the best mojito I’ve ever had,” she said and Brandon was smiling too.

  “Wait till you try my Mai Tai,” he said and Jolie smiled some more.

  This vacation wasn’t looking so bad anymore, especially given the fact that a handsome stranger was smiling directly at her, and offering to make her cocktails. Jolie tucked in some stray strands of her red locks behind her ears and was already wondering what this could lead to, until her eyes fell on the thick gold ring on his finger. Brandon Calloway was a married man.

  Chapter 4

  He didn’t know her name yet, but from first impressions, he could tell that she was a fashionable woman and, more importantly, she was half his age. Yet, Brandon couldn’t help but allowing his gaze to travel to her breasts. She was wearing a sea-green bikini with a gold ring in the center of her small, firm breasts, which was holding the flimsy material together. A silky cream colored kimono-like coverup fell over her shoulders and revealed her bikini entirely. Longish red hair, made slightly wavy by the weather, dangled around her slender shoulders.

  She had pale smooth skin, a peaches and cream sort of complexion and, instantly, Brandon knew that she was from the east coast. You couldn’t live in this part of the country and maintain that complexion and, besides, her strong New York accent gave it away.

  She was taking small sips of the mojito now, while she sat on the stool beside him and he could sense her piercing blue eyes following his every movement. For a young girl her age, she had a sort of strength in her personality. Everything she did or said inspired confidence, her speech was measured and there was no frivolousness about her. She had the sensibility of a strict professor about her, except that she looked nothing like one.

  Brandon tried to figure out what it was about this girl that made his body tighten like this. He was surrounded by beautiful women in bikinis on a daily basis, it wasn’t an unusual sight in any of his resorts, and, yet, for some reason, he couldn’t help but stare at this girl’s endlessly long pale legs. Like he was seeing a near-naked woman for the first time.

  “What’s your name?” he blurted out, like a gawking giddy teenager and a smile tugged the corners of her lips.

  “All you have to do is look at your guest register, don’t you?” she said and took another sip of her drink.

  “I can, but I’d rather you gave up the information willingly,” Brandon said and she flipped locks of her red hair over her shoulder. He watched her movements, sensing the movement in his pants too. He knew he had to watch himself. Gone were the days when he could just brazenly fuck a woman who caught his fleeting attention. He was a married man now, and he had made up his mind to make it work with Alice.

  “Jo,” she said and he allowed the word to sink into his brain.

  When his gaze dropped to her breasts again, he noticed that her nipples had pebbled under the fabric of her bikini top. Was that because of her physical reaction to him, or did it have something to do with the cool breeze that was now beginning to blow around them.

  “I hope you’ve been enjoying your stay here, Jo,” he said, and she leaned towards him slightly. She had her legs crossed on the stool and now, while he sat facing her, their knees brushed gently. Neither of them made a move to remedy the situation. He had felt the electric current shoot down his spine from the touch. He knew he was asking for trouble. The most sensible thing to do would be to just walk away and get on the first flight to Boston.

  “Not as much as I’m enjoying it now,” she said and Brandon noticed the sparkle in her eyes. “Because of the mojito, I mean,” she was quick to add and he saw the way the tops of her cheeks turned red. She lowered her gaze from him and looked away.

  Brandon had been drinking a shot of Single Malt, and he swirled it around in his glass. The ice cubes tinkled and he took a sip.

  “You’re from the east coast? New York?” he spoke, and Jo looked up at him again. She had controlled her flushing cheeks by now, and her blue eyes had gotten a little wider.

  “My secret’s out,” she smiled and he smiled too.

  Every word they were exchanging right now was a game. It was all for bloody show, he could hear himself thinking. There was only one thing on his mind, and he had a feeling that she was thinking the same thing. He was desperate to touch her.

  “Are you alone?” he asked her, noticing the way his voice dropped by several decibels. Jo arched her eyebrows at him and parted her luscious pale, pink lips to speak.

  “Are you?” she asked and Brandon clenched his jaw.

  Technically, he was, right then. But in the larger scheme of things, he wasn’t. He had a wife. A new br
ide, a woman who was probably under the impression that he was hard at work right about now.

  “Yes,” he said and he caught Jo’s gaze fall on his gold band. He took a quick sip of his whisky.

  When she looked up at him again, the smile had disappeared from her face. It was replaced by an icy coldness and she tipped her glass of mojito quickly down her throat. Brandon felt himself harden in his pants, as he watched the gentle curve of her neck, followed the path of the drink down her narrow throat. He wished he could reach over and nibble at her skin, taste the salty sweetness of her touch.

  Jo plonked the empty glass down on the counter, and slipped her long legs off the stool.

  “Have a nice day, Mr. Calloway and thanks for the drink. Juan, please charge it to my room,” she said, in the most casual way possible, and then turned from him and walked away.

  Brandon felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. He watched her walking away. The swing of her ass, the fluttering of her cover up, the book dangling from her hand. Her red hair was swinging too as she walked at an unhurried but determined pace and Brandon knew that he had to have her. He wouldn’t be able to go back to Boston, if he didn’t get this desperate need out of his system.

  Chapter 5

  Jolie had been ordering her meals to her room since she arrived at the resort, but this evening, she decided to walk down to the dining room for it. The problem was that she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Brandon Calloway. Her skin tingled with the thought of feeling his beard scratching her lips as they kissed. She knew she wanted him, despite the fact that he was wearing a wedding band on his finger. She couldn’t remember the last time she had wanted a man this badly.

  He exuded power and intelligence and something told her that he would be amazingly hot in bed. Her imagination had been running wild all day since she met him, and she just couldn’t stop herself from wanting to see him again.

  So, she changed into a black bodycon dress, did her hair up in a messy bun at the back of her head and spent some extra time on her makeup.

  By the time she had arrived at the dining room, dinner was already in the process of being served to the guests.

  She hadn’t spotted Brandon when she first walked in, and instead walked across the room towards the large bay windows at the back where she sat down at a small table overlooking the private beach.

  A server turned up at her side within minutes, and she picked out the special for the night and ordered a glass of the limoncello mojito. She was still carrying the book, but didn’t have the concentration to actually read it. Around her, couples were having romantic dinners or families with noisy kids were trying to get through the meal.

  Jolie caught sight of a young mother trying to spoon feed her daughter and for a moment, she allowed her mind to wander to her own mother. Had she ever done that? It was hard to imagine her mother bothering to spoon feed her.

  “I was hoping you’d order another one of the mojitos,” Brandon’s distinctive deep voice startled Jolie out of her thoughts and she was a little embarrassed that he’d caught her thinking about her mother.

  She looked up to find him standing over her, and it was now that she noticed how tall he actually was. Brandon was smiling, his green eyes glittering in the dim chandelier light of the dining room. He had changed into tailored dark pants and a powder blue shirt with the buttons casually left open at his neck. He had his hands thrust into the pockets of his pants and his Rolex glittered on his wrist.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” Jolie said and she stared back at him, catching his gaze roaming all over her. She could feel him undressing her with his eyes, and she realized that she liked being watched by him. It made her feel powerful.

  “May I?” Brandon asked, touching the back of the chair across from her, and Jolie nodded her head. She watched him as he sat down, his biceps tightening under his shirt, the strength of his chiseled jaws…he caught her looking.

  “I’m sorry about this morning,” he said suddenly, which caught her by surprise. She couldn’t be sure what exactly he was talking about.

  “This morning? Are those drinks going to kill me?” she asked and heard Brandon laugh for the first time. He had a deep throaty laugh, loud and encompassing. The more he laughed, the more she felt like he was capturing her in a hug. When his laughter eventually died, he fixed his gaze on her and his lips became firm again.

  “No, the drinks are perfectly safe to consume. I’m talking about what I said, Jo. Asking you if you were alone…that was inappropriate. You are a guest at my resort and I shouldn’t have stepped over the boundaries of a professional relationship,” he explained and Jolie stared back at him. She hadn’t expected him to just come out and say it. His directness was refreshing, and she felt like he was an open and honest man.

  “You don’t need to apologize. You asked me that question because you knew I wanted to be asked,” she found herself saying. He didn’t shy away from looking at her, even though she was finding it difficult to keep holding his gaze.

  Brandon let out a deep sigh and then sat back in his chair. He was now running his fingers up and down the neck of a wine glass that was on the table beside him.

  “But then you got up and left,” he said and Jolie felt like her mouth was quickly running dry.

  “Yes, but that is because I know that you are a married man,” she replied and nearly choked on her own words. This was an awkward conversation to have, and especially with someone she barely even knew.

  Brandon was still staring at her, studying her face and her eyes for a hint of what she might be actually feeling.

  “I could have taken off the ring. I wanted to, from the moment I saw you lounging on the deck chair beside the pool,” he said and Jolie could feel her heart racing wildly in her chest.

  “Then why didn’t you?” she asked and Brandon leaned towards her a little, over the table.

  “Because I’m not a liar, Jo. Whatever happens between us, I need you to know the truth about my situation,” he said and she gulped. She felt like her body was on fire. She pressed her thighs together tightly and hoped that the throbbing between her legs might get less.

  “And what is the truth, Brandon?” she asked and his face remained unchanged. He made everything look so easy.

  “That I’m married, and I want to fuck you,” he said.

  Chapter 6

  The words had come tumbling out of him before he could stop them, and now he sat staring deep into Jo’s wide blue eyes. She had opened her mouth to speak, but the server interrupted them. He placed Jo’s dinner in front of her and the glass of mojito beside her and she sat back, with her cheeks flushed.

  “I don’t know if I’m hungry anymore,” she said in a soft voice and Brandon couldn’t help but stare at her.

  Her black dress clung tightly to her petite nimble body, outlining her graceful curves and the stretch of her breasts. Her pale arms were bare, and a thin silver bracelet was wrapped around her small wrist. He knew he could lift her up with a hand, and all he wanted to do was part her legs and feel the warmth and wetness between her thighs. She had a firetruck red lipstick on tonight, and he wanted to see it smudged all around her mouth.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have come over. I shouldn’t have said anything,” he said and she shot him a look, with her blue eyes burning up.

  “Then why did you?” she asked and Brandon clenched his jaws and took in a deep breath.

  “Because I wanted you to know, but trust me, I can behave myself,” he said, and without waiting for a response, he stood up from the chair. This was getting out of hand. He shouldn’t have come over to her, he shouldn’t have allowed his desire to take control of him.

  “Brandon!” he heard her voice behind him as he was walking away, and he turned to look at her.

  Jo’s red hair was untidily but fashionable held together in a bun, and a few stray strands were delicately falling around her face. She had a look of confusion in her eyes and he knew that she was going thr
ough the same moral conflict that he was.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” she said and he walked back to her, staring down at her. She looked small and gentle now as she sat, some of that self-confidence had disappeared.

  “I don’t want to tempt fate,” he said gruffly and she blinked a few times and then jutted her chin out in defiance.

  “I’m a big girl, Brandon, I can take care of myself,” she said and he studied her face, the curve of her chin and the way her plump red lips arched, clashing against the paleness of her skin. She was radiant.

  “You know what I want, Jo, and the longer I stay here talking to you, the worse it is for me,” he said, keeping his hands firmly inside the pockets of his pants. He had to control every fiber and muscle in his body, to stop himself from reaching for her.

  “I want you, too,” she said, in a whisper and her eyes darted nervously around the busy dining room. Of course, nobody could hear them. He felt the shift in his pants immediately. His cock was protesting, it wanted to play.

  “Jo, I don’t think you’re thinking this through,” he forced himself to say. With any other woman, at any other time, he wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass whether he was hurting someone’s feelings. Somehow, with her, he did. Despite how madly he wanted her body, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her in any way.

  “I have thought this through. In fact, I’ve thought about very little else the whole day,” she said, staring up at him wide-eyed. Brandon knew that it in a couple of minutes, it was going to be impossible to control himself.

  “I’m wearing a ring on my finger, Jo,” he said in a gruff voice and smoothly, she stood up from her chair. Despite the heels she was wearing, she had to crane her neck up to look up at him.

  “I’m aware of that,” she said, meeting his eyes with confidence now.

  Brandon clenched his jaw. Their bodies were inches apart and he got a whiff of her heady floral perfume.


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