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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 57

by Natasha Spencer

  He blinked himself out of his thoughts and focused on Mina. She was looking at him through her long dark lashes, eyes pools of melted chocolate. Cheeks stained pink as her short black hair spread out in a mess behind her head.

  This girl right here was making him feel alive for once. He was a 35-year-old man acting like a complete teenager, yelling and screaming, playing videogames and having food competitions, and talking about the weirdest things like philosophy combined in paranormal realms and making stories out of nowhere and having burping competitions. They were an absolute nonsense of adults.

  And he loved it. He’s missed it all as a child, and for good reason. He cherished it with all his heart now.

  “A-Aaron,” Mina stuttered nervously. Well, dammit, he was falling in love with her. Because she was here with no make-up and a puffy face going red, and she looked just as good this way.

  “Would you mind if I kissed you right now?” He said softly, looking at her rosy full lips. She gulped nervously and he felt bad, almost moving away until she spoke.

  “You’re not going to believe me but,” she stated bashfully, “I’ve never been kissed before. So I don’t know what to expect.”

  He looked at her with wide eyes.

  “Damn, Mina,” he smirked with a gentle hold on her chin, and murmured over her mouth, “you sure are missing out.”

  Mina’s heart literally exploded against her chest as she felt Aaron’s lips press against hers softly. It was a gentle kiss that didn’t last long, and he was pulling away to look at her.

  Too soon.

  I definitely want more of that, she thought and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him to her. He willing complied and kissed her again, a hand holding her by the waist, thumb rubbing at the skin under her shirt.

  The desperation surprised the both of them. For someone with no experience, Mina was very confident and willing. It was no different than going into a new rollercoaster with multiple loops for her. Literally. Heart pounding and lower abdomen strangely pulsing with an all too familiar, unsatisfied flame, she knew that she would have to pull away and stop soon before she had all of her first times that day.

  Aaron slid his arm under her back and pulled her against himself, tongue sliding past her lips, startling her. She always found tongue kisses weird on TV, but he tasted of the mint toothpaste he had, and his tongue was smooth against the crevices of her mouth, making her moan lightly. The sound of her only made him tighten his arm around her, hand moving to her neck and angling her head to swallow every little noise to made.

  They were getting impossibly closer to each other, legs tangling, mouths wandering, breathless moans, and finger tracing everywhere they could, exploring each other as if they’d never touched a body before. And for Aaron, it seemed like as if he was kissing for the first time, because his brain was a gooey mess sliding down his spine.

  Right to his groin.

  Mina gave a startled yelp and he pulled away instantly. Mina’s face was flaming now and he smirked, “What?”

  “Do you, er, like…have a stick somewhere in your pockets?”

  He raised a brow at her and she shook her head bashfully and cried out, “Just don’t make me go anywhere near it right now!”

  “Jesus, Mina,” he laughed, “it’s just her-”


  “Good grief, you’re such a baby,” he sighed and rolled over so that she sat on his abs, and he pushed himself up to stand, grabbing Mina’s thighs and lifting her off with himself. She yelped and came face to face with him. She was very impressed with his strength.

  His mouth was on hers again and she melted against him, arms wrapping around his shoulders and a hand in his hair. He started to move and spoke in between kisses, “Are you…sure…this is…your first…kiss?”

  She pulled away, “I lucid dream, so no.”

  “Just explain it later,” he rolled his eyes and covered her lips once again. He reached her bedroom and a hand moved to her butt to hold her steady, making her gasp. He smirked against her lips and gave her a squeeze, making her squeal and wring her fingers in his hair. He chuckled and pressed her back against the door to kiss her deeply. Turning the knob, he carefully opened the door and stepped inside, kicking it close behind them and dropping her on the bed. She pushed herself upright and reached out for him, hands on his face. He didn’t move towards her, but enveloped her hands under his as he looked down at her into her large eyes, dark with desire, lips swollen from sucking on them. Her chest rose and fell from breathing hard. He could feel her speeding pulse through the vein under her wrist.

  His phone started to ring and he was forced to tear his gaze away from her. But, God, she was addictive and he was definitely continuing this with her once he was done with the call.

  He rubbed her swollen lower lip with his thumb and tried to catch his breath while he reached out for his phone on the bedside table, eyes on Mina’s absolutely gorgeous, breathless face. He wasn’t going to let go of her out of the irrational fear that she’d disappear into thin air if she did.

  “Aaron?” Greta’s voice came through, weak and timid, “Can’t we talk this over?”

  “Greta, we’re over and that’s final,” he said firmly as his hands stroked Mina’s neck, “I’m busy right now so I request you to not disturb me any further, understand?”

  And without any further ado, he hung up and crashed his lips hungrily against Mina’s once again.

  Chapter Six

  Mina had a few clients to meet, so she didn’t let her heated encounter with Aaron go on any further. He remembered that he had a few meetings to arrange for the next day. He also needed a shower and a change of clothes. And so they found themselves at her door, both reluctant he had to leave. He held her cheek and leaned forward for a small peck on her lips, and he was gone faster than the wind before he lost all control over Mina again. Mina could only smile dreamily as she closed the door and stumbled around, drunk from the kiss. She’d liked it.

  She’d liked it a lot. Way too much for her own good. What curse of celibacy had she bestowed upon herself as to not even share a kiss? But she was glad she held back for so long. Mina had very little restraint when it came to self-control back when she was younger. She would’ve definitely lost half her time indulging in feeding the flames of physical intimacy within her then. She definitely had one roaring for more, but she knew she could keep it at bay now.

  Walking into the bathroom dreamily, she plugged the tub and turned the water on, stripping down to her toes and stepping in. Plucking a bath bomb from the small cabinet installed a little above the tub, she sat and waited for the water to rise as she played with it.

  She spent most of her bath, and the rest of the day in a dreamy haze. And she couldn’t wait to go home and day dream all about the kiss over and over again.

  Aaron was pacing in his conference room. He wanted nothing more than to go back to Mina’s and hold her, kiss her, smell in her scent, and all the things that his imagination was running wild on. But he couldn’t. And he figured he wouldn’t be able to for a while. Quite a while.

  The conference room was lit in dim yellow lights. The glass wall at the far end where he stood at gave way to a splendid view, a spread of the city peppered with buildings, streets snaking in between them. The sounds of cars was too faded to reach beyond the glass so high up where he was.

  The large metallic door slid open smoothly and Aaron froze, squaring his shoulders and straightening his back.

  “Tyler Morgan,” he greeted with authority. Tyler only smirked as he carried himself inside with a too lazy gait. Too casual. He looked like he’d made some effort, black pants with a spotless white shirt, ironed and tucked in, paired with sneakers.

  “Aye, don’t be like that, Ronnie boy” he chuckled with a cock of his head, long dirty blond hair falling into his face which he pushed away smoothly from his clean-shaven face, revealing a new scratch on his cheek. It wasn’t there last week, definitely.

ve you forgotten who you’re talking to?” Aaron gritted his teeth. Why did he ever become friends with him?

  “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to?” he scoffed at him, “You can’t just expect the either of us to throw away almost 30 years of friendship away.”

  “I dumped your ass as soon as I left university so don’t even go there,” Aaron stated firmly, “What’re you here for?”

  Tyler frowned at him, raising a brow as he inspected his former best friend. A man he had known since childhood. Aaron was very serious about his statement and was not taking it back. They really were done.

  “It’s been a long time since we last talked, Aaron,” Tyler said carefully, “I’m a changed man.”

  Aaron scoffed and glanced at the clock, then back at him, “How dumb do you think I am? You think cutting off ties with the mafias you’re affiliated with is that easy?”

  It was an amazing feat of stealth that the Morgans had played, hiding their affiliations with the underworld so well. It wasn’t their fault, though. Tyler’s grandfather had worked hard to detangle himself from the atrocities of that side and sacrificed his blood, sweat, and tears to make sure his children did not bear the generations worth of burdens that came with the association.

  Tyler was the Morgans’ downfall. And Aaron would have been the same had he not realized what he was being pulled into sooner and cut off all ties with the Morgans. All except with Greta, of course. She feared for her life and he felt obliged to protect her since she was innocent. Their parents had apologized to the McCarthys profusely, going as far as to disown their son so that he could not destroy their forefather’s efforts. It was a huge mess but Tyler was too far involved with the mafias to immediately be dealt with in court. They’d help him escape the moment trouble stirred and his cover was blown. Aaron was responsible for it, and he knew Tyler would have come back for revenge for it.

  Tyler observed him and shrugged, his face nonchalant, “To be honest, I only came here for her sister. Heard you broke up with her.”

  Aaron’s heart tightened in his chest. He didn’t know she still contacted him. If that was the case then he knew she was crazy enough to get rid of Mina should she find out anything that had happened between them that afternoon. Greta was possessive. Too possessive.

  She was downright controlling. And it took him just then to realize it.

  Why did he ever involve himself with the Morgans?

  “Look, man, I know she can get a little stingy, but was that really worth the fight?”

  “Her being a little stingy sure goes a long way,” Aaron rolled his eyes, “Nothing is going to make me get back with her. I’ve offered her my friendship still and she needs to respect that. If not, it will not be difficult to push her away like I did with you.”

  Aaron had taken many measures to block Tyler out of his life. And he always had an eye on him, keeping track of his movements to make sure he got nowhere near his loved ones in any way. If Tyler was in front of him right now, it was only because he let him. And security was tight to make sure no one got in without his knowledge.

  Or out.

  “We took out two of his men trying to get in from the outside,” his ear piece crackled quietly with static as one of his guards relayed information, “There was a team waiting outside of Mina’s apartment and they just got taken out. Mina is safe.”

  “Aaron, you know she loves you,” Tyler spoke softly as he traced the glass table with his index finger. Aaron tightened his fist.

  “What point is love when there is no respect, Tyler?” he grunted, “What point is anything when there is no respect?”

  “You dumped her ass over a racist fit?” Tyler shot angrily, eyes wild and cutting through Aaron’s form. But Aaron stood his ground.

  “For a lot more than that,” he hissed, “She’s lucky I’m willing to let her be her friend at least.”

  “Oh, you talk of respect, eh?” Tyler stiffened and rummaged for his phone, “And is cheating a form of respect?”

  “Her misunderstandings are not her problem,” Aaron seethed, “I would never stoop so low to do such a thing.”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “If that’s the case then why would you ask a cheater to take her back?” Aaron shot, “She deserves better, doesn’t she?”

  Tyler’s fist came down on the table with a bang, “SHE DECIDES WHAT SHE WANTS! AND WHAT SHE WANTS, SHE GETS!”

  Security burst into the room and tackled his arms behind him. Tyler struggled against their hold, demanding to be unhanded as he writhed in their grasp.

  “You’ll pay for this!” he snarled at Aaron who only raised a brow at him.

  “Haven’t you learned that threatening me won’t get you anywhere?” Aaron clicked his tongue, “You’ve already tried that once before and failed.”

  His earpiece crackled, “All pinpointed areas and those nearby are clear. No danger.”

  “Take him away, boys,” Aaron sighed and turned his back to them, looking over the beautiful view ruined by Tyler’s obscenities. He knew Tyler would never be able to involve the mafia he worked for too deep into this, because he was an underclassman to them. The situation held them no benefit in any way. No money, no nothing. Him and his buddies may think they’re the shit, but Aaron knew better.

  He’d been keeping an eye on them all along.

  “It’s trippy, dude,” Tyler laughed, “Just try it this once. If you like it then I’ll get you more.”

  Aaron was hesitant. He wasn’t far from being much of a troublemaker, but there were certain things he was unwilling to try, and drugs were one of them. Not that there were any past traumatic experiences that held him back from it, but he personally felt that in this time of distress, succumbing to drugs for relieve would be a form of weakness. This was not his idea of fun. Fun was when he wanted to have it and had nothing over his head causing his unease. University life was all about unease. Deadlines, projects, GPA, food. If there had to be a good time for drugs, that time was not it.

  But he gave in. He trusted Tyler.

  “Just one puff,” Aaron said firmly, taking the joint from him. Tyler smiled at him proudly, knowingly. As if he was sure Aaron would want more after his first try. That he would become addicted and find the solace he needed. Tyler had already gotten his other friends into it and was already running good business selling it.

  Aaron put it to his lips, his internal-self begging for him not to go through with it. But he did anyway. He trusted Tyler. He wouldn’t let him get hurt.

  The first puff was all right. He felt nothing. Or maybe he had smoked it wrong, so he took a second one. It went down his stomach and churned his insides, making him want to throw up. It went up his head, clouding it into a puddle of haze and making him dizzy. The world spun around him, making him sick. And he wanted to throw up, the sides of his jaws fizzing with spit on the inside. But it didn’t come up. Nothing would escape his system. He coughed it out, feeling nauseous.

  “Hey, you okay, Ronnie?” Tyler asked a little nervously.

  “Awful,” Aaron groaned as he stumbled off of the wall they were sitting on, “I feel sick.”

  “Hey, hey, wait,” Tyler jumped off and after him, “Just breathe, yeah?”

  His hand clamped onto Aaron’s shoulder and he turned around to look at his best friend lost in a frenzy of dull colors smudging into each other, spiraling, spinning.

  And everything went black.

  He was still standing, though. Aaron turned around, not sick anymore. He stood in absolute nothingness, but it all suddenly changed.

  “What have you gotten yourself into?” he heard himself speak, and Tyler was in front of him again, sitting lazily on a chair smoking a cigarette.

  “Business, buddy,” he chuckled and looked at him pointedly, “And I want you helping me with it. It’s big money, you know? Something of your own.”

  “I have plenty to her name, and so do you,” Aaron’s voice echoed to him. But Aaron wasn’t even speaking.
  Tyler’s eyes inspected him carefully. Judgmental.

  “But it was never any of your own effort, was it? What’s the point of success being handed to you on a platter?”

  “I don’t get who’s putting all these ideas in your head, Tyler,” he scolded him, “You should be grateful. Taking after your father to run his company is a huge deal. You make your own successes everywhere.”

  Tyler only scoffed and threw himself back, taking a long drag, spilling smoke from his nostrils.

  “It’s because you’ve never tried it yourself,” Tyler tried explaining to him, “Or are you just scared?”

  “You know you’re meddling with the law!” he snapped at him, patience running thin, “What kind of a success is that where you’re always on the run, always careful, and always in a fight for your life?”

  Tyler sat back silently, watching Aaron’s every move. But Aaron wasn’t really moving from his place. His vision wasn’t.

  “I just don’t want to live on what’s borrowed.”

  That line really bothered Aaron. It bothered him to this day because he knew exactly where it was coming from. And he felt guilty. He felt so guilty.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” came an all too familiar voice, gentle and soothing. He turned around to come face to face with Greta. The scene had changed again and they were in his living room. Greta was on his lap, straddling him. They must’ve been making out before this most likely. Aaron shuddered. At least, he thought he did.

  “It’s not your fault he wasn’t as good as you,” she whispered as she came closer. But everything blanked out before anything else could happen.

  Aaron eyes ripped open from his sleep. It was dark, with only the dim lamps illuminating the room in peaceful hues of yellows against his metallic grey walls. He felt anything but peace in that moment.

  His heart was – yet again – at unease with guilt. The weight on his chest was unbearable. Leaving no room to breathe, no room to suck in air. He rolled off his bed, and paced around, head spinning.


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