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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 59

by Natasha Spencer

  “On it!” Came his faded reply.

  “All right, then,” Aaron breathed, “let’s leave now and you don’t have to worry about a thing. He’ll get every important little thing of yours to her place.”

  “Okay…” she whispered and stood up slowly after him. He took her hand and gently pulled her close into his arms, holding him securely to his chest. Her small hands grabbed onto his shirt. She was trembling. Well, she’d been trembling the whole time, and not out of fear.

  Mina was hurting that she would have to leave this apartment of hers she worked so hard on. It was her first ever project after she got enough money to do so. Now she’d have to see it go simply because of one envious little girl who hid behind her brother wanting to hurt her for Aaron making his own choices.

  Aaron slowly pulled away from her as Gale walked into the room busy on his phone. The three of them left together. Mina didn’t even let herself have one last look around the place.

  It wasn’t hard to let go of things for her. But it hurt so much.

  It occurred to Aaron, though a little guiltily, that his desires had come true in the most unexpected of ways. There was Mina in his room getting for bed.

  Now how could he hold her in his sleep?

  She’d been feeling subdued the whole day and couldn’t even work on her designs when brought to her. Aaron suggested she really needed a nap and she followed through with it. But she seemed too curious now about his house to want to sleep. His bedroom was the last to be explored. She observed the lights, the walk-in closet, the automatic drawers in them, the taps with sensors, everything. She seemed to like the place. A little.

  “This is a nice place for lazy people,” she said lightly, a little humorously. Aaron knew she wasn’t feeling it, though, and it made him kind of sad she was trying in an effort to not let the negativity of today get to her. Yet it was still admirable.

  So he went up behind her and wrapped his arms around his small body, “Are you feeling any better?”

  “I don’t feel unsafe anymore,” she mumbled leaning back into his chest. He only held her tighter and his face dipped into the crook of her neck.

  “That’s a step to it, I guess,” he sighed, “Adjusting here.”

  Mina shuddered in his hold. It had been a long time she had felt protected with someone. And she was so willing to give into his touch and let him do whatever he was feeling like, knowing she was better off in his hands than anyone else’s.

  His hands spread down over her arms gently, crossing over her stomach to hold her by the waist and turn her around. He leaned down to gently rub his nose against hers, tracing it over her cheek, down her jaw, over her chin, and back up as his lips brushed against hers ever so lightly. Hi hands came to rest lightly right before the curve of her butt, tracing softly with his fingers. Mina didn’t move. She wanted him to make all the moves, knowing he was experienced and that she might make a fool out of herself.

  He took a small step forward and closed the gap between them, lips closing over hers and an arm coming to wrap around her, while the other hand travelled lower to gather her soft bottom in between his fingers. She moaned softly into his mouth and his hand travelled up and down her side, feet nudging hers slightly to the bed. She took small steps backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge and she fell into it. Aaron was quick to crawl over her, caging her between his arms and looming over her, looking into those large eyes that were absolutely melting him to the core with need.

  Kissing her again, his hand travelled places, exploring, taking his time to make her feel how it felt to be touched. Sneaking under her shirt and past her bra, she sighed as he pushed the cloth away from her breast and let his fingers play over her nipple, tracing around them, brushing over the tip, and giving it a small squeeze every now and then. His lips moved away from hers, trailing slowly down her jaw. Then her neck, and then her cleavage. He lifted his head and went straight to her full chest, licking her sensitive peak.

  “Oh my goodness,” she gasped as his tongue flicked over it in varying speeds, lips enclosing around it gently to pull and letting it go, then taking it completely in his mouth to suck on gently while his other hand pushed the clothes away from her other breast and fondled it.

  The pleasure was running right to her head and groin, making her lose all sense and rationale as heat pooled into her body, making the hair on her body stand on its ends. She was almost disappointed when he pulled away, but it was just to switch with the other breast and she figured she was more sensitive there.

  His hands slowly traced down her stomach as he rose from her chest to kiss her lips again. Mina didn’t feel uncomfortable in the slightest and didn’t stop him when his hand slid under her shorts and over her panties to her most intimate areas, working past her folds. She wasn’t sure if he would be able to-

  “Oh, fuck, Aaron,” she let out a high-pitched whine as his finger pressed gently over the cloth and small circles, “Don’t stop, please, fuck.”

  He’d found her clit, but the pleasure was absolutely tremendous to his light touch. He pulled away from kissing her and stared down at her face contorting in pleasure, eyes closed and lips parted open trying to catch her breath, head thrown back against the pillows as she tried to take it all. Her breasts on display, taut and perky under the folds of her lifted shirt.

  God, she was absolutely gorgeous.

  His fingers moved over her bud faster, making her squeal and bring her legs together tightly, but the jammed his knee between the both of hers and spread her legs apart with his free hand.

  “Aaron, it’s too much for me! Stop!”

  “Just relax, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear, “Relax and let go.”

  “I-I can’t.”

  So he moved his fingers even faster and swallowed her screams in his mouth. It took another minute of rubbing her through her pleading for him to stop, moaning like crazy and almost screaming as he worked her bud to the edge. Mina felt a knot down below, tightening and tightening until she lost her mind. All she wanted to do was push his hand away but she felt too weak to do it.

  And suddenly, the knot snapped, and she gasped as white filled her vision. Eyes rolling into the back of her head as she came. Literally.

  She’d orgasmed for real this time. And it felt like she’d died and come back.

  It felt amazing.

  His fingers were still brushing her clit, gentler than before as she came down from her high, breathing heavily as she tried to get a hold of her composure. But she’d grown too weak, too tired, and too sleepy. And Aaron knew that, but he had to get her cleaned up first. He got up, laying a few kisses on her face before heading to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he came back, Mina had managed some willpower and pushed herself onto her feet, rummaging through her suitcase for clean bottoms. Her shorts were starting to stain and he smiled mischievously at the memory. With how it had gone, he’d figured she’d never had an orgasm before. Or, at least, not as good as this one.

  She rushed past him and into the bathroom.

  She’s already embarrassed, he laughed to himself internally, but headed over to his bed and got comfortable, waiting for her. It took quite long, probably because she was trying to wash herself and her stained shorts to be put into the laundry. But when she came out, Aaron was sat up in bed, beckoning her to himself. With eyes cast downwards she slowly walked over to him. He gently took her hand and pulled her into bed. Still timid, she lay down next to him and he pulled her close, cuddling her as he nuzzled his face in her hair.

  “Good night, Mina,” he whispered.

  “Good night, Aaron,” she breathed back, feeling content in the warmth of his embrace. Aaron snapped his fingers twice and the lights went off, the darkness pulling them both into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Nine

  The morning was quiet, but Mina’s insufferable brain wouldn’t stop replaying what had happened the previous night. And she kept wanting it to happen over and over again but she was already
so embarrassed by it that she didn’t care comment on it.

  Aaron was at the stove, cooking for her like he’d said he wanted to. The kitchen filled up with the smell of pancakes, sausages, and hash browns. Mina’s mouth was watering already, and her stomach rumbled occasionally from hunger.

  She didn’t have to wait too long. There a steaming plate in front of her soon enough, along with an equally hot body next to her digging into his serving. He was in briefs and an old band t-shirt. It was nice to see him this way, laid back and casual. All she’d ever seen him in was a suit until last night.

  She picked at a slice of strawberry on her pancakes and plopped them into her mouth, a blend of sweet and sour goodness exploding in her mouth. She had to hold back from finishing the fruit off first, wanting to enjoy it with the pancakes. Mina had to admit, Aaron was a far better cook than she ever was.

  “You like it?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah,” she agreed, “this is really good.”

  “I could make you more later if you’d like?”

  “This is a lot for me,” she admitted, “but thanks, though.”

  And they fell into silence again, made awkward by Mina’s shyness. She refused to meet his eye all day, refused to acknowledge what had happened last night, if Aaron hadn’t known her any better, he would’ve felt hurt and thought she hated it and was regretting her decision. But he knew she was just embarrassed since she was inexperienced.

  Aaron quickly finished up his plate, “I need to leave soon, so make yourself at home here. I asked Tyra to come here and help out in getting your stuff arranged in a studio at the back. It’s large enough for all your belongings.”

  Mina only nodded as she stuffed her mouth with a sausage. Aaron sighed and got up, towering over her. He grabbed the edge of her stool and turned it around. Her head fell even lower and he gently held her chin and made her look up at him. He rolled his eyes, trying to contain his laugh. She still wouldn’t look at him in the eyes. Her pupils darted elsewhere and all over the place, to anywhere but him.

  “Mina, sweetheart, look at me,” he demanded gently, “Hey, over here.”

  Her eyes finally settled over his with difficulty, and her face was immediately set aflame. He grinned at her, leaning forward to capture her lips in a soft peck, “There’s more to where that came from last night, so stop shying away from me, okay? I haven’t even started.”

  He leaned forward and sucked at her neck, biting the skin there playfully before moving away and heading off to his room to get ready.

  Mina let go of the breath she was holding, feeling the ghosts of his touches over her body again. She wanted him to hold and pleasure her again so desperately, she was getting wet just by the thought of it. But she knew she had to garner some self-control because sexual activity was not the only thing she was given the time to do in a day. Her blueprints still needed a lot of work and the concept designs weren’t complete yet.

  Aaron had the security tightened all around the premises of his residence and office. Also, he’d called in another meeting with Tyler.

  “I warned you, Aaron,” he sneered at him, “You think it’s that easy to get away from me?”

  “And yet your men failed in their mission,” Aaron deadpanned, “Don’t make me take measures your sister doesn’t want me to, Tyler. You know I still care for her. Don’t be responsible for making me hate her. It would break her heart, wouldn’t it?”

  “You bastard!”

  “And you’re any better?” he growled at the blonde, “You tried to hurt Mina and you think you’re any better? What did you hope to achieve? That I’d go running back to Greta after you’ve taken her out of the picture? That’s not how it works, Tyler.”

  “Greta left everything for you.”

  “I made her leave nothing. I know better than to ask someone to do something of the sort. She chose it for herself. She knew what kind of a person I am yet blatantly and repeatedly went against her ideals and values.”

  “And you think Mina won’t?”

  “She’s like-minded,” Aaron announced proudly, “She and I have a lot more in common than Greta and I ever could.”

  “Aaron, you don’t understand,” Tyler growled, but there was some sort of desperation in his voice, “she’s heartbroken.”

  Aaron knew something was off. Something was very off, and it wasn’t Tyler.

  “Why do you want me to be with her so bad?” he asked carefully, “Tell me the truth. Is she in danger?”

  “You know I care a lot about her little sister,” he said, “I can’t stand to see her this way.”

  “Has your involvement in the underworld made her a target in any way?” Aaron demanded.

  Tyler stood silently staring him down.

  “I spent her life keeping her safe,” he started, but Aaron knew something in him looked defeated, “there’s no way in hell anyone could lay a hand on her.”

  And with that, he turned around and left, flanked by Aaron’s security. As soon as the door closed, he produced his phone from his pocket and dialed Greta. It wasn’t long before she picked up. Her voice came tired and sleepy. She’d most definitely just woken up.


  “Greta, it’s me. Are you doing okay?”

  There was fumbling in the background as if she’d been startled he’d actually called, “Huh? Oh yeah, definitely, I’m great!”

  “Good,” he sighed, “because we need to talk. Can we meet up in the evening? Around seven maybe? I’ll pick you up.”

  “Sure, sure!” she said giddily, and Aaron wished her hopes weren’t so high. He would hate to crush her any further. As if the guilt haunting him regarding her brother wasn’t enough, he didn’t want to feel responsible for her either.

  “Great, I’ll see you then,” he said, “Bye now.”

  “Bye,” she said, but she hardly finished before he hung up on her and got down to paperwork. He had a lot to complete and was hardly relaxed enough for it. He hoped Mina was okay at home, comfortable and safe. He knew she was very capable of handling herself in dangerous situations, but it didn’t mean she had to be in them at all. Ever.

  Evening dragged along past the paperwork, random meetings and phone calls. He called Mina every now and then to see how she was doing. He knew he couldn’t be paranoid or it would suffocate her. His past made him realize how much acting a certain way could affect the other person. His mother’s paranoia really did suffocate him. He never had sleepovers, never went over to another person’s house to hangout, never went out, and never left the school premises. It got better after she died and he went to university, but the guilt and the feeling that she was still watching left him a nervous wreck. When he’d decided to become at the age of 13 defiant, she’d become extremely violent. And no one knew.

  He had vowed not to become his mother. He had vowed not to become violent, paranoid, and restrictive. And with therapy, he had done pretty well and was leading a good adult life.

  Turning the wheel of his car, he parked into Greta’s driveway and gave her a call. He didn’t bother going to the door and ringing the bell, lead her to the car and open doors for her. He couldn’t let her think he’d let her off and that she still had a chance.

  Greta stepped out the front door looking prettier than usual. She was putting in extra effort and he sighed in disdain. Seemed like she already had her mind set to take him back. He looked at her as she stood there in a black, knee length one shouldered number and red heels. He could see her bright red lipstick from where he sat. Her golden jewelry was simple and glimmered in the porch lights. Was she waiting for him?

  He groaned and rolled his windows down, “I don’t have all day, Greta. Get in already.”

  She seemed surprised, almost shocked as if she would faint any moment. Aaron did his best to hold back from repeatedly smacking his head against his steering wheel. His impatience with her didn’t surprise him one bit. Maybe because she’d almost come close to hurting Mina.

  But she did h
urt her, he thought vehemently, she took the safety of her own home away.

  It sent the blood rushing to his head and he had to take deep breaths to calm himself down. She walked towards the car hurriedly and got in, and he was glad she wasn’t dumb enough to expect him to open the door for her.

  “Where to?”

  “Someplace quiet,” he huffed, “We need to have a serious discussion, and not while I’m driving. Are you tapped right now?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Liar,” his voice dropped dangerously, “You think I wouldn’t be able to tell after all those years spent with you? Get rid of it right now.”

  She huffed indignantly and got out of the car, rushing back inside and returning within 5 minutes. And they were off. He got a whole restaurant wire tapped and reserved for this. She would not get away easily.

  Chapter Ten

  Mina was resting when her phone buzzed beside her on the couch. Seeing the unknown number, she was very hesitant on answering it. But she did, nevertheless.

  “Mina? This is Greta,” came a sickeningly sweet voice, “Is it okay if I talk to you for a bit?”

  Mina’s anger flared, “What do you want from me?”

  “Nothing I want from you, sweetie,” she sighed, “I have more than you could ever wish for. But I just figured since you and Aaron were getting so cozy, then maybe there are some things you should know.”

  “There is nothing I need to know about him from you,” Mina shot back, “If there’s anything at all, he’ll tell me himself so please have some respect for him and not breach his privacy?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to know anything?” she stressed, “I mean, if that’s the case then I hope he’s told you about his biological mother. There are a few things he will never give into because of her.”

  “What do you mean?” Mina’s voice fell, concerned and on guard.


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