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Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1)

Page 6

by Unknown

  "Sorry, he escaped." He mumbles, hauling Jaden through the now open door. "Come on you giant quaff." Chuckling Jaden stumbles forward, tripping on air, and landing on his face.

  "Fuck, motherfuck...” He grumbles into the carpet.

  "Guess that's what you get for vomiting on my Cavalli." I say standing over him glaring.

  "Yeah, that was your fault." He grunts.

  "My fault!? You’re the one who apparently can't hold your liqueur!" I see Ryker sneaking out the door "Stop! You too are in trouble and where the fuck is Finn?!" Instead of stopping however he bullets from the room.

  "Jesus, you guys are worse than children!" I scream at the closed door, puffing in anger. A hand gently brushes my calf and I turn to see Jaden has made in into a sitting position on the floor looking up at me like a fucking sad puppy.

  “It’s your fault because you’re so damn beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off you, even when I feel vomit rushing up throat.” He says softly and I laugh. Damn it how can I not because despite it being disgusting it’s also the sweetest thing I have ever heard.

  Reaching down I grab his hands, “Come on you big beast, you need a shower and sleep.” He helps me pull him up grabbing my face to pull me in close.

  “I need you.”

  “You NEED a toothbrush.” I laugh pulling back and stepping into the bathroom. I start the shower, grab a towel for the floor, dig in his bag on the counter for his toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, and Dolce and Gabbana cologne, (Mmm, found his secret source for that yummy scent). Turning around and find he’s somehow managed his way out of most of his clothes, except his low riding black boxer briefs and is leaning against the door jam, in what I assume is practiced sexy manner. A forearm is resting on opposite sides of the doorjamb, presenting his body in a drool worthy production..

  “Still want to prolong this tension?” he asks with a smirk watching me take him in.

  “Do you seriously think that’s how to seduce someone?” I laugh totally deflecting. Grabbing his arm, I push him into the shower before stepping into his space. “Besides when we do finally decide to break this tension between us, it won’t be when you’re drunk off your ass having just puked on me.”

  “I’m not that drunk.” He tries.

  “Some other time, Beast.” I chuckle when he looks confused.

  I leave the bathroom, hoping he doesn’t slip and kill himself. Heading into the kitchen, I grab a towel and get to work on my dress scrubbing for several minutes. Thankfully it’s black so it shouldn’t stain but the smell of tequila might never come out.

  I turn to leave the kitchen and jump a mile. “Shit! You scared me! I didn’t hear the shower turn off. Do you feel any better?” Jaden nods, while standing by the island in his fluffy white hotel towel.

  "I'm sorry for not telling you where we were going, attacking you when we first got there, then for puking on you." I roll my eyes shaking my head.

  “What about haling me out of the club like a caveman, and punching poor Brock?” I ask.

  “Who the fuck is Brock?”

  “The dancer you punched, you ass!”

  “Did you get his fucking phone number too?” He growls.

  “I did actually.” I confirm with a sniff and push out my chin in defiance. I really did get his number but not for what Jaden is thinking. “Like you weren't upstairs getting lap dances or whatever your "Rock God" status can get you." I say poking my index finger into his hard chest. He grabs my wrist and yanks me against him.

  "He had his hands all over you." He says in a low voice, thankfully his breath is now minty fresh.

  "We were dancing. Hands tend to get involved." We are nose to nose, my hand is pinned between us still tightly in his grasp. When his other hand plunges into my hair, grabbing my neck, and yanking my lips to meet his, I am too surprised to react. He attacks my lips forcing them open as his tongue plunges between them crashing into mine. His spicy scent invades my nose and he pushes my back against the wall. His hand massages my neck and lightly tugs my hair causes a gasp to escape our latched mouths.

  Heat floods through me and I roll my hips into his, making a growl rumble deep in his chest. He frees my hand, so he can use his to run down my side to my hip, grabbing my thigh to pull my leg around him, as he grinds his hardening length into my heated center. Feeling like I can't get enough breath, I pull away from the on-slaughter of his mouth.

  He nips, licks, tastes, and devours his way down my neck. His teeth clamping onto my ear causing a sharp sting, that he sooths quickly by suck it into his mouth. As he moves around, I discover my collar bone is particularly sensitive and I grab on to his dark hair to hold him there. I find tugging causes his grip to increase and his soft caresses become despite grabs.

  The persistent knocking on the door registers in my brain and I fight Jaden off. Flipping the door open, I am startled to find another Gross Barbie, mid-knock.

  "Can I help you?” I snap. Her eyes widen, while she takes me in and a nasty sneer flashes across her thin hardened face. I

  "Run along a fetch Jaden for me." She pushes past me and I want to grab her by the hair extensions to yank her jelly filled ass back out the door.

  "Sorry but he's not fit to see anyone right now." I grind out.

  "Awe, so sweet. He always is fit to see me." She says giving me a wink..

  "Nell who is...Nat what are you doing her? I think my actions earlier where pretty clear." Jaden wonders out of the bedroom, jeans slung low on his hips, still no shirt. Nat, completely fitting name by the way, slaps on a seductive, read pathetic, face as she slinks up to Jaden putting her hands on his chest.

  "Mmm, I figured I'd give you another chance, knowing how much fun we always have together." She purrs, making me gage a little. Obviously the two of them have slept together and she must be from the club because we didn't go anywhere else tonight.

  "Well Jaden, you definitely have a type, huh? I’ll talk to you in the morning.” I turn making my way to the door but Jaden’s bare feet slapping against the floor make me pause seconds before his arms wind around me.

  I turn to look up at him, he's biting at his bottom lip. Reaching out I grab his chin, pulling it up, and popping his lip from between his teeth, just like he did to me a few days ago,. I smile up at him and he grins.

  "You should really take better care of this lip." I say trying to be serious and sexy like he did but I can't help laughing, as heat floods him eyes again. He leans forward to catch my lips again, but I dodge and side step him advancement.

  "Look we really shouldn't do this. You clearly have a thing for an easy lay. I thought I might be but I am not that, Jaden. We also have to live with each other for this tour, so sleeping together just seems like a bad idea." Turing away I head out the door and pulling out my own key card putting into the slot of the door across from his, knowing sleep was going to be impossible with him so close.

  Chapter 12


  Pressing my hands into her shirt, to find and need at her heavy breast, causing her to moan out my name. I rock my hips against her, feeling her heat burning my skin. I need to touch more of her and can't seem to move fast enough. Her bare skin just brushes mine when a ringing starts and I'm jerked awake. Laying on my back the first thing I see is the sheet popped up in a tent. Leaning over smack the alarm, I grown, pull a pillow over my head.

  The bedroom doors fly open, "Why are you not up yet. Sound check is in half an hour, you smell like death, and really should shower." and in whirls the star focus of my dream and cause of my popped tent. Before I can move, Nell yanks the sheet off me and I peek out from under the pillow to get a look at her shocked face, when she sheiks, and turns her back to me.

  "Uh, I'll, uh, be in the living room." She marches out, closing the door behind her. Chuckling at her, I get up, and stretch. Yep, I sleep naked and yes, Nell just saw it all. I should be embarrassed but I know I look fucking hot. I spend hours working out to look this way, so there is no sense feeling ashamed.
Plus, maybe I am hoping it will make Nell ache for me, as much as I do for her.

  I jumping into the shower and decide to rub one out while thinking about her. When I am done re-washing the night off, I grab a towel and decide I need Nell’s help picking out my clothes, of course, and hopefully we fall into my bed. The secure the towel around my hips and make my way out into the suite. But I wasn't prepared to find Nell looking so pretty and sexy in a pair of short grey tweed short, show casing her long tan legs in a pair of neon green heels. She wears a black satin blazer covering most of her tattoos. She stands with her back towards me, looking out the window at the Willamette River. She must feel my eyes soaking her in because despite not making a sound, her shoulders tense, and she turns around.

  Her eyes widen as she takes in my nakedness. With a cocked eyebrow she say, "Need something, Beast?" she asks with a smirk and a cringe. I remember last night, and I’ll never live that shit down. With hands on hips, she slowly saunters her way over to me, drawing my eyes to her erect nipples under her silk shirt. Telling me that she isn't wearing a bra. A string curses floats through my mind and I mentally start kicking myself trying to gain some control. I'm starting to think this chick isn't as innocent as I first thought. As she strides towards me, her hardened nipples sway with her movement, rubbing against the silk of her shirt, mesmerizing me and making me ache.

  "J?" She's comes to a stop before me and reaches a single finger out to catch a drop of water running down the middle of my stomach. At her touch, my nostrils flare and I suck in a breath. My whole body starts to buzz, coming alive as her nail light drags across my skin. Without any warning she claps her hands twice in my face, snapping me back to the percent.

  "Chop chop, we have to go!" She directs at me. I spin back around stomping into the bedroom to go get dressed alone.


  Rehearsal went well but I want to get away to clear my head before heading out to visit my parents. I need to clear my head of all this Nell crap. She fills up my head night and day, I just need to escape. I grab my leather jacket from my bunk, my sunglasses from the counter, and my wallet from a cup holder, I head towards the door noticing Nell's blonde head starting up. Before my brain can catch up and stop me I blurt,

  "Wanna take a ride with me?"

  Her eyes widen and she smirks. "How many times have you used that line?" She laughs making me frown.

  "Never actually. I don't need lines, but if you don't want to go, I'll see you later." I start to walk around her and her hand grabs my arm..

  "I didn't say I didn't want to go." She is so close, I can smell her fresh fruity scent.

  "Grab a jacket," I'm about to continue my exit when I remember to look at her feet, "and put some boot on." Shaking my head at her strappy wedges, I then noticing she painted her toe a hot neon pink color. Damn her toes were even sexy. I wasn't a foot guy but I wanted to suck on her toes, lick along her instep, and nip at her ankles. I've been staring at her feet for an awkward minute, her giggle shakes me out of my thoughts, and she walks away. "Tie your hair up too." I choke out and head out to my bike.

  I've round up a second helmet, and some leather gloves in case her hands get cold. As I swing my leg over the seat, Nell exits the bus.

  "Fuck me," I grumble to myself. Her dark washed jeans are tight as a second skin. She wears a black and white Bilt leather motorcycle jacket, black boots that reach her knees, and her hair is pulled back in a long ponytail.

  "Ever ride a bike before." I ask eyeing her jacket. She shrugs a shoulder in response, grabs the helmet from my hand, and shoves it over her head. Puzzled by the lack of response, I start the bike, and I'm about to offer her a helping hand, when her hands hit my shoulders, she pulls herself on, and snuggles into my back. My body tenses as I feel her hand slide into my jacket pockets and her warm center radiating into me from behind.

  This was a horrible fucking idea.

  Damn it why did I ask her to come with me? The point of taking a ride was to allow my body to relax, and my mind to clear out. I also wanted to see my city that I hadn't been in for fare too long.

  "Ready!?" I yell and instead of yelling back she squeezed my waist once, to say she was.

  Chapter 13


  The wind causing Jaden's spicy sent to wrap around me, so I snuggle tighter into him. The vibrations of the bike making it impossible not to focus on the buzz between my thighs and being so close to him, smelling him, having my arms wrapped tight around him, is making me want to burst. I've accepted that if something happens between us that it will not interfere with my position as tour manager.

  Jaden is a good driver, he weaves through the busy Portland streets, then out onto the highway. We spent the day driving along the old scenic highway. Making several stops to explore the many water falls, parks, and trails. The views are beautiful and I’m taken by surprise when Jaden pulls out a professional looking camera similar to Gemma's. He meandered about taking shots, forcing me to pose, and then asking others, to take some shots of us together. Occasionally he was recognized by a fan and he was always nice and grateful to them.

  We had lunch at a stunning little historic place called The Viewpoint Inn its perched on a cliff, high above the gorge and the Columbia River. We wondered through the garden in silence making our way toward the railing at the top of the cliff.

  Breaking the silence Jaden says, "So how long have you been into music?"

  I smile thinking about my long term love affair with music, "since forever. I am told that I used to lay under my father’s grand piano, as he would tinker out melodies. I would drag blankets and pillows underneath and usually fall sleep. Things kind of changed when I was started learning myself. My love for music never changed though. What about you, did you always dream of being a rock god?" Only mocking him a little. His eyes lock intensely on to mine and I feel a shiver zing through me. I start to slightly regret my snarkiness when he step forward into my personal space. The wind kicks up from behind him lacing the cooling air with his spicy scent. With his eyes boring into mine, he leans forward, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. My breathe catches, my mind goes blank with anticipation for the chaotic buzz his kiss will do to my body.

  "So you think I'm a rock god, huh?" His breath tickling my cheek, my eyes flutter close, and I lean a bit closer. When my chin is grasped and my lip yanked from my teeth, my eyes to snap open. Jaden is laughing right in my face "No, I wanted to be a WWE wrestler." and I go from buzzing to pissed to amused but this game of his was starting to wear on my nerves. If he wanted to play a game to see who would snap first then I could play. This time I step forward into his space, I lock my eyes on his, relishing when his body goes taught, and his eyes darken with lust. I run the nail of my index finger down the side of his neck, just below his ear, slowly down to his chest. Smiling my best seductive grin, I lift onto my tippy toes, which aligns our lips perfectly.

  Jaden sucks in a breath just as my soft bottom lip brushes his, "Hmm spandex, guess you wouldn't look bad in something so tight." Stepping back I make my way over to the bike. I am reaching for my helmet, a hand grabs my arm, spins me around, and lips crash into mine. Heat floods my whole body and I barely notice my body being lifted onto the bike with Jaden still ravishes my mouth. His hands are everywhere at once and mine have taken it upon themselves to slip under the hem of his shirt to once again explore the deep carved plains of his stomach and chest. He tastes tangy and sweet from the fruit he ate at lunch. I nip at his bottom lip and he uses my hair to yank back exposing my neck to claim as his own.

  I lean back along the gas tank, bringing my legs up to wrap around him, digging my boots into his ass to tug him closer. He grinds his hips into my center making me moan. His hot wet mouth makes its way to my clavicle and into the V-neck of my cleavage, his hands now grasping and rubbing at my straining nipples. When he bites down on the soft mound, my breathe gasps out. His hands leave to make their way up my shirt and starting to sli
p under my bra, when the sound of someone clearing there throat makes him pause. He turns his head, without moving his hands from my shirt, and looks up with a grin at the female waitress from the restaurant.

  "Um... sorry to interrupt but, uh...some patrons are complaint about being able to...” She blushes deeply, "uh...see the show."

  "Whoops, sorry about that. Must have forgotten where we were." He tugs his hands from my shirt and plops the helmet on my head. He grabs his own as the waitress has disappears and helps me turn around to my seat before climbing into his own. He starts the bike and we race out of the parking lot. I am only a little embarrassed but extremely grateful that she stopped us when she did before they really embarrassed themselves. The second his lips hit mine all thought had fled my brain. Nothing else matters but him and we were a long ways from done.

  We head back towards town, I'm still feeling hotter than usual. Holding on tightly again, my thumbs are crossed and resting on the edge of jeans. Rolling up to a stop light, Jaden drops his feet to the ground and wraps a big hand around my thigh. I stretch a pinky finger out, lightly dragging my nail along the inseam of his jeans. This small movement causes Jaden's upper body to jerk forward with a grunt and he squeezes my leg.


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