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Sacred Moon: Book 2

Page 22

by Alejandro Marrero

  “How dare you insinuate you know of my husband! Explain yourself, Azrael, the Angel of Death. What do you know of my beloved King? He’s been dead for hundreds of years. I was shown my star-coursed one’s golden dead body to my immeasurable grief by Lillith in a vision she projected when I visited what was once Lunaria. She told me the Aramaic gods and Elves had committed this atrocity, for which I seek revenge!” Rhea said while her body suddenly looked like it was lit by shadowy fires of varying degrees of grey. She looked poised to strike, and her mouth was luminous like she had a fire ready to spill from her throat.

  Well, that’s the problem right there. This misinformation is the source of Rhea’s anger and wrath. She has been misled by none-other than Lillith, the queen of lies. I’d say I was surprised, but the truth was I wasn’t. Things are not always so black and white. There’s usually a cause that creates the conditions and results of our present circumstance.

  “Azreal speaks truly, Rhea. Your king, the Golden King of Draconious, is alive though grieving your disappearance. Furthermore, Lillith being unable to tether you to her will. She has been sending spies to your home realm. She’s seeking dragonkin that are in hibernation, thinking she’d be successful in tethering them while they slumber. Her goal is to enslave your people to increase her army, thereby increasing her own power. You may be the first dragon I’ve had the honor of meeting, but think clearly about the circumstance you find yourself in. You appear to be in excellent physical health. I see no lacerations or scarring on your magnificent body. If your star-coursed one was indeed dead, wouldn’t you also die? If the Golden King of Draconious was attacked and killed, would your body not mirror his injuries and fate? You have been deceived. I’m happy to tell you your star-coursed one is alive. The only suffering he feels is the time and length of separation from you since your disappearance from your home realm,” I explained to her as logically as I could.

  She then sat back on her hide legs, and the wisps of smoke left her nostrils. Rhea’s Aura changed to swirls of pale blue and lavender.

  “There is truth in your words. What a fool I have been to allow the Lunaria’s new demonic, Queen Goddess, to deceive me! My beloved King consort Oro has to still be alive! These are the extended separation pains from my star-coursed one. Not his death or injury,” Rhea said with hope and profound realization laced in her tone.

  “That is correct, Rhea,” said Azrael confirming her realization of being deceived by Lillith.

  “I admit that I came here by that insufferable and malicious new ruler of Lunaria, Lilith, to scorch these lands for revenge. All with false pretenses. I apologize for this. I am humbled and in your debt, for you have enlightened me to my own failings. I must return to my beloved Oro in Draconious, my home realm. You’ve all gained an ally and friend and are most welcome to Draconious. There is much damage to the once beautiful realm of Lunaria. It’s unrecognizably tainted and corrupted by demonic energy. I alone am not powerful enough to defeat Lilith, who is powerful and reigns there with the undying loyalty of hundreds of thousands of enslaved beings. Please come to our realm where you will be welcomed, all of you. Together we will amass a great force and dethrone that wretched stain from Lunaria’s former queen’s throne,” Rhea said with conviction.

  “Thank you kindly for your support, Rhea. We have to travel to two other realms to assemble more allies and repel Lillith’s forces. However, we are indeed intent on restoring Lunaria and defeating Lillith. Consider us as friends. We will go to Draconious as soon as we can. For now, make haste and go see your beloved Oro. I’m honored we can rely on your realm’s assistance to rid the world of Lillith’s machinations,” I said respectfully and enthusiastically as well. For we had gained another realm’s alliance without conflict or drama when visiting. Like I had said, sometimes the best way to handle situations is with a level head and some food in your stomach. Food does a body good.

  “I will port you to your home realm immediately if you wish so you can return to your beloved,” offered Azrael.

  “I’ll come as well, for I do not wish to be separated from my star-coursed one either. This way, we can at least share the intelligence we have gathered from other realms to prepare your people for the great war against Lillith,” said Leilah. Which was perfect. We’d essentially be taking care of several things at once.

  “OM AMARANI DZI WANTYE SVAHA, long life blessings to you, Rhea. We will see each other soon as it will be to end the stain of Lillith’s reign from all the realms of this world,” I chanted my blessings and words with conviction. Each red, pink, and blue-colored sacred Sanskrit syllable restoring her vitality, healing, and peace. Feels good to be the good guys.

  “Thank you again, Donovan. You and your friends will forever change this world for the better as you continue your altruistic path. Farewell,” Rhea said with a bow. Then Leilah and Azrael, holding hands, placed their hands on Rhea and winked away to Draconious to reunite Rhea with her star-coursed one. This would hopefully heal and end both King Oro and Queen Rhea’s suffering.

  “Alrighty, everyone, let’s teleport to Emerald City and bring everyone up to speed over a nice, deliciously well deserved Esmareldian prepared meal. We did well today,” I stated happily.

  “One would say we even deserve a pitcher of Mimosas!” Kendra exclaimed.

  “O.M.G, get out of my head! Just kidding, love you, Kendra-cakes! Let's get us some bubbly drinks too! Or whatever their equivalent is here,” I said as we huddled and flashed to Emerald City to share with King Emeris and Queen Esmarelda what we had accomplished and learned this hectic day with our friends. Hopefully, there would be some more pudding.

  Chapter 19


  I was thrilled that Leilah joined me in delivering Queen Rhea back to her star-coursed mate. Leilah, my own star-coursed one with me for the hopefully joyous reunion of Queen Rhea and King Oro. We teleported directly to the Draconian Throne room.

  The throne room for the Dragonkin was the largest in all the realms, no doubt to accommodate the sheer size of their kind. With ceilings so tall, only by focusing my sight could I observe where it ended. It was held up by columns of spectrolite as thick as Queen Rhea’s Dragonkin form. In between the twenty-four columns in the heart of the palace was a golden lined archway. Each of the areas between the pillars led out to an expansive balcony with rails of Zoisite stone. They were gardened with fragrant gardenias, roses, and phoenix-flowers in granite pots. These balconies were no doubt used as a landing area for other Dragonkin, for they were immense beings.

  There were two thrones before us, both of the same grand design. They were made of adamantine metals that swirled with veins of azure. To the left of one appeared a pile of bones. These were dwarfed by the throne they were deposited by. On this very seat sat an alert golden Dragonkin, King Oro. I committed the vast chamber in detail in my mind, for it was a beautiful sight to behold, especially during such an auspicious visit following a challenging day in Emeraldian territory.

  Immediately the King’s palace guards had their weapons ready upon our sudden arrival. Once it was clear who we were and, more importantly, that we were with their missing Queen, they sheathed their weapons and dropped to their knees. Queen Rhea shifted to her humanoid form. She was taller than us by several inches. Gone were her dark iridescent scales. In their place was an endlessly long-haired, intricately braided brunette with startling amber eyes. She wore a crown and a stunning regal flowing golden dress. A dress that brought out the flawlessly smooth dark bronze of her complexion. Rhea looked every bit as fierce and with the confidence of a sovereign in this form.

  King Oro looked upon his estranged wife with unconcealed joy and relief. He stood from his large throne that had bones by their foothold and crunched them under his metal-plated boots. Then he unceremoniously ran to his beloved Queen, Rhea. She met him swiftly halfway, and they embraced tenderly. Both of them are visually relieved and clearly very much in love.

  King Oro spoke first. “My beloved, you�
�ve returned! When you disappeared, I feared the worst. You were shrouded from our bond to my grief. Though, it matters not at this moment with you safely in my arms returned back home,” he informed her, his voice near breaking its regal tone. This was the way of fated ones. Little mattered or took presidency after being apart for as long as they might have been.

  “Husband, how I grieved from our separation and loss of your company by my side. I thought you were dead, my fierce and beloved Oro. I went to Lunaria and was deceived by Lillith. That vile usurper that now powerfully has claimed the Lunaria throne. She and her sorceress showed me a false vision that was vivid and detailed of your handsome golden form slain. The vision showed your body with severe mortal wounds. No Dragonkin could survive what that vision projected. My heart turned to rage birthed from such immeasurable despair. Lillith and her retinue blamed the elves and Aramaic gods for cutting your life short. It is with the formidable magicks that she has that must have blocked our star-coursed bond. She has tainted and poisoned the land of Lunaria and amassed the powers of a goddess with the enslavement of many beings. Donovan, the light-wielder, and his allies cleared my mind from the fog of Lillith’s deception. Azrael and Leilah teleported me here to save me from a long flight in the ethers to return to you. It brings me unfathomable joy to be in your arms, knowing you’re alive, whole and well,” Rhea said with a warm and appreciative tone to King Oro though loud enough for us to hear her gratitude.

  Leilah and I bent at the knee and bowed to both now reunited sovereigns of the Draconian realm respectfully. Though no gods on the Terran world system have ever kneeled, our leader Donovan was humble. He kneeled before all sovereigns respectfully, regardless of his power. Leilah and I were determined to follow his example and tenants in all things.

  “Rise Angelus Azrael and Goddess of Twilight Leilah. You’re honored friends of the Dragonkin and Wyverns henceforth. You’ve told us of Lillith’s intentions through your other liberated angel brethren recently. Most importantly, you’ve returned my beloved Rhea, our Queen, to our realm. I’m in your debt,” said King Oro to us both as we rose with synchronicity gracefully to our feet. We stood before the sovereignty of Darconious. We had accomplished a charitable mission and one that was evidently appreciated by them.

  “It was a pleasure to do so, your majesty as star-coursed ones ourselves. Leilah and I understood the importance of reuniting you both. While keeping you apprised of the happenings of the Terran Realms,” I spoke out loud to both of them while clasping my hand with Leilah’s reflexively.

  “King Oro and Queen Rhea, it was an honor to reunite you thus so. It brings Azrael and myself much joy to help return you both to your rightful places by each other’s sides,” Leilah added while sending feelings of love and joy through our shared bond.

  “I wish to grant you both and your allies a boon. Whatever you wish that is within my abilities to do so, I will grant to thee,” King Oro offered us. It was a generous offer, and to my recollection, it has never been offered by the Dragonkin to any being. However, everything I’ve wished for has been granted with my freedom and finding my star-coursed mate. There is no more significant boon. Nor would asking for a boon be aligned with the oaths we’ve taken to adhere to with Donovan. For we are to help, serve, and protect those in need.

  “They do indeed deserve a boon. However, there is more than we can offer than mere material wishes. My love, I’ve offered our support, resources, and alliance to the light-wielder and his comrades. The intent is to defeat Lillith and remove her vile presence from this world. Her reign has gone for far too long. Her actions unknown or ignored until her recent attempts to expand her already sizable army,” Rhea told Oro.

  “As always, you’re correct, my beloved. It’s been too long that we Dragonkin have ignored the happenings of the other realms. In our complacency, we’ve not served the greater good and allowed beings like her to grow more powerful. These bones by my seat were Lillith’s scouts. Her scouts were looking for our people’s hibernation and nesting caverns.

  “This is a direct provocation to our realm and will be met with a well-deserved force. We will wake all our kin and assemble our forces to join the light-wielder Donovan. Is it true what they say that he’s a god-ascendant?” King Oro asked her.

  “He prefers to be called simply Donovan. Though it is true, my love. He is indeed a god-ascendant, as is his star-coursed one, Abbadon. He keeps a diverse group of powerful allies committed currently to the cause of restoring Lunaria by unifying the realms against Lillith. Her plans are to invade every realm, including the mundanes. We must begin war preparations immediately. For once they call upon us, we will gladly answer in kind.

  “Honorable Azrael and Leilah of Prakuta, let us share any intelligence gathered so that we are equipped for what lies ahead. Enlighten us on all that has transpired. This way, we may be prepared for the trials ahead,” Rhea asked of us.

  I understood Leilah, having been with Donovan since the beginning and then elevated to a goddess, could share with them the information quickly and efficiently. “Let us cast a privacy-sphere, and then Leilah, if you wish it so, impart what you’ve learned through your time with Donovan and our allies,” I asked of her.

  “It’s a pleasure to be of service to your majesties. I’ll explain all that has transpired so that armed with knowledge, we can be successful. Then Azrael and I must depart to return to Donovan in Emerald City and leave to the next realm in danger of being invaded by Lillith’s armies. I can share all the information we have gathered by sharing it directly into your minds if you allow it,” Leilah explained to Rhea and Oro. She had already cast the sphere of privacy around us.

  “I trust them completely, Oro, and her words ring true. Let us open our minds so that we may learn of what has transpired beyond our realm of knowledge. With this, we may proceed sagely and benefit our cause,” Rhea assured him, to which they both nodded their consent.

  Leilah then opened her free palm up for them to grasp. I did the same, completing the circle. Then when they took hold of our free hands, Leilah chanted the mantra of the Illuminated One, Manjushri, audibly thrice. OM A RA PA CANA DHI, OM A RA PA CANA DHI, OM A RA PA CANA DHI. Then floods of memories complete with all senses experienced were projected into our minds. It seemed near-endless the amount of suffering, joys, and experiences she shared with us without care of embarrassment. I knew most of it. However, nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of feeling her first-person account of all that had transpired.

  When Leilah was done sharing her memories, mind, and heart with all of us, teardrops pricked the corners of our eyes. Some say ignorance is bliss. In this case, I could understand why beings would think as such. Yet, I was humbled and honored even further to be star-coursed with my beautiful beloved Leilah. We simultaneously let go of Rhea and Oro’s hands, taking a respectful step back as we all assembled wiped the edges or our wettened eyes.

  Rhea broke the silence first. “Oh, my dear one. How you have suffered and how courageously you’ve unburdened your mind completely to us. Thank you kindly. You’re truly walking the altruistic path set forth by Donovan. One who I now feel as we know completely with justly due reverence,” she said with compassion sewn in her voice.

  “We will assist you henceforth with not only defeating Lillith but also the dissolution of the veil. It will invoke a great change of uncertainty on this sacred earth once the realms merge. Yet, with the guidance of moral beings such as you both and Donovan’s allies, it will be managed well. For we Dragonkin have long known of the impermanence of veils and the realms they shroud. Its dissolution should occur with us prepared and on our own terms. You have our unwavering support. I hope to meet the light-wielder in person soon,” King Oro committed to us. This was welcoming and relieving news to Leilah and me.

  It was now time to rendezvous with our friends in Emerald City. “Thank you kindly for your support in our endeavors. Now we must make our way back to the Emerald realm and leave you two to be for your
reunion and preparations. We will visit with our friends soon, I sense,” I expressed.

  Then Leilah and I both said our respectful farewells and parted with gratitude to the Emerald City. My only fleeting thought was how ready I was to permanently cement our star-coursed bond. Hopefully, time would allow us this gift once we returned, and Leilah felt the same urge.

  Chapter 20


  Baring my mind to others was indeed necessary. I also felt unburdened by the weight of all I had held shrouded for eons within my mind. I wanted not only the King Oro and Queen Rhea to understand my actions but for my star-coursed mate Azrael as well. Therefore, I held nothing back from my times in Prakuta, to all my experiences in this and other world systems. The guilt I carried from when I allowed the Aramaic gods to possess my body and nearly killed Jeremiah. The origins of the god-seed. How to give the immortal attunement to a mortal. Donovan’s history and the classes we took together at Sacred Sun.

  I didn’t shroud any experience right, neutral, or wrong. It was a risk, but there was more at stake than just my feelings. This was the fate of our homeworld. Our actions would change the lives of everyone on Earth and the realms that paralleled it. If I was evolved into being a goddess, I was committed to begin by humbling myself completely before those three beings. This was best done with us in the presence of our star-coursed ones.

  From the waves of endless support, compassion, and love that Azrael had been sending through our star-coursed bond, he understood me wholly and completely. This, I felt, brought us closer together and furthered our commitment to each other. I had procrastinated enough. Why had I been so stubborn and guarded? There was no excuse when star-coursed ones were revered in every world system. Logically I knew it was because of my own ego, which always has a way of getting in the way. An ego all but the enlightened ones possess that when threatened with loss, suffering, change, went into preserving itself. The same ego that, according to my parents in Prakuta, is the source of all unenlightened beings’ problems. I took a page from Donovan’s book and decided that honesty with myself and others was paramount.


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