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Skyfire Dragon (Dragons In Shadow Point Book 1)

Page 3

by Natalie Kristen

  Shadow Point was home. The town was changing and growing, but still, this was where she belonged.


  Leia looked around the crowded restaurant. She saw familiar faces and happy families. Many of her friends had already gotten married and were toting adorable babies around.

  Seeing the kids and cubs running around the restaurant, Leia couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever have a cute, sweet child of her own.

  But first, she needed to find a mate. And that was easier said than done.

  She’d gone on countless dates and she’d even tried a few matchmaking agencies in town, but so far, she just hadn’t had any luck.

  Her dates were nice and gentlemanly, but there was just no spark, no attraction between them.

  There were many new residents in Shadow Point. The town was expanding, yet Leia found herself thinking that it was less and less likely that she would find the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with here in Shadow Point. She was growing tired of going on dates which went nowhere. None of the guys had asked her out for a second date.

  Maybe she just wasn’t pretty or interesting enough. Maybe she was meant to be alone. Maybe there was no one special for her…

  “Has anyone seen Gramma and Ne-ma?” Jackson Gray called out. Leia looked up in surprise and saw Jackson standing on a chair and scanning the entire restaurant. Jackson was Gramma and Ne-ma’s youngest grandson, but he was the tallest and brawniest of the four Gray brothers.

  Leia glanced towards the door. She’d glimpsed Gramma and Ne-ma sneaking out of the restaurant and galloping down the street at top speed a while ago. She had assumed that they were just going out to stretch their legs or something.

  They wouldn’t bail on their own birthday party, would they?

  All their guests had arrived and were busy chatting and catching up with one another. The restaurant was filled with happy chatter and raucous laughter. But now, people stopped talking and laughing and were looking around in confusion. Where were the two birthday gals?

  Just as Tristan and his brothers jumped to their feet, the door flew wide open and Gramma and Ne-ma waltzed into the restaurant.

  Between them stood a hunky, blond man whose green eyes looked wild and mildly panicked.

  “Did you all start the party without us?” Gramma yelled.

  “Where did you go?” Jackson asked, rushing to his grandmothers.

  “We went and got ourselves a date!” Ne-ma hooted.

  Their date stiffened and his eyes widened further. Ne-ma cackled and slapped his muscular arm. “Just kidding, big guy. You’re safe. Find a seat, and join the party!”

  With that, the two witches shoved the poor guy into the crowd and sashayed to a group of cheering, giggling women.

  Leia tried to get out of the way as the big, blond man stumbled straight towards her. She tripped as she backed away and the teapot slipped from her fingers.

  A bear cub was running past, trying to wind her way under the tables.

  No! Look out!

  Leia wanted to scream but she couldn’t even get the words out. Everything was happening too fast.

  The pot of scalding hot tea fell from her hands.

  The bear cub froze, looking up in shock. Leia’s arms flailed as she tried to stop the heavy teapot from landing on the little bear, but she already knew she wouldn’t be in time.

  “No!” she choked out.


  Sky moved, even before he was aware that he had moved. It was pure instinct and reflex. He snatched the falling teapot up in his huge hand and caught the pretty, curvy waitress in his other arm so she wouldn’t end up facedown on the floor.

  “You okay?” he growled, staring straight into her deep brown eyes.

  The waitress managed a shaky nod.

  Sky was only vaguely aware that the entire restaurant had fallen silent. The bear cub rubbed against his leg and scampered off to her parents.

  The hum of easy conversation flowed around him again. People were talking, but Sky didn’t hear anything they said. He could only hear the hypnotic sound of her heartbeat and ragged breathing.

  He was holding the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his arms, and he didn’t want to let her go.

  Wisps of wavy brown hair had escaped from her ponytail to curl around her neck. Large brown eyes stared up at him, and pretty pink lips parted. Sky simply forgot to breathe as he looked into those beautiful, chocolate brown eyes.

  She felt so soft, so tiny and delicate in his arms. And so right. So perfect. A faint blush was blooming across her round cheeks and he could feel her trembling. Those sweet cherry lips were parted, as if waiting for his kiss.

  God, he wanted to kiss her. Right there and then.

  He wanted to claim her hot, sexy mouth and taste her thoroughly. He wanted to hear her moan and cry out as he pleasured her. He wanted her, and he wanted to see her smile and hear her laugh every single day.

  Sky blinked hard and shook himself.

  What had come over him? Why was he even thinking such thoughts? Like any hot-blooded, virile male, he was attracted to beautiful women. But he had never wanted a woman like this before.

  This was insane, and intense. He had only just laid eyes on her, but the moment he touched her, the instant she landed in his arms, he knew. He couldn’t explain it even if he tried. He just knew that she was the one for him.

  Sky wanted her. Only her.

  “T-thank you,” the waitress stammered and tried to right herself.

  But Sky didn’t let go. He never wanted to let her go.

  “Your name,” he growled, tightening his grip around her waist. He had to know her name.

  She swallowed. “Leia. I’m Leia Bailey.”

  Sky inhaled deeply. His senses seemed to have heightened all of a sudden. He could smell her lovely, unique scent. Her scent seemed to arouse and awaken something in him. Something primal and powerful.

  Sky let out a low growl as he felt something stirring deep within him. His body suddenly felt very hot. It felt as though flames were spiraling through his body, igniting every cell and nerve. Alarmed and confused, Sky jerked back, afraid that he might hurt Leia.

  Was he experiencing those dreaded symptoms?

  Leia pushed away from him and Sky staggered back. He stared down at his arms, expecting to see those bloody scale-like marks on his skin.

  He heard Leia’s voice and he blinked up at her. Was she going to scream at him for touching her with his diseased hands?

  “I’m sorry, what...”

  “I said, what’s your name?” Leia repeated.

  “Sky. I’m Sky Fireblood.”

  He looked down and saw that he was still holding the teapot in his shaking hand. There were no marks on his skin.

  “Are you okay?” Sky and Leia asked each other at the same time.


  Leia laughed and gently took the teapot out of his hand. The sound of her laughter made Sky forget all his troubles and worries and the world became that much brighter.

  It was as if after groping and stumbling around in the dark for so long, a light had finally come on and he could see his way. And the way ahead looked absolutely beautiful.

  For once, Sky saw hope and promise in his future.

  “What?” Sky shook his head. He didn’t want Leia to think that he was slow or stupid. But he had to calm down. His body was roaring with a hunger he had never experienced before.

  “I said, you’re new in town,” Leia said with a smile.

  “Yeah. My brothers and I just moved here a couple of months ago. We’re landscapers,” Sky answered.

  “So you’re Gramma and Ne-ma’s date?” Leia teased, tilting her head at him.

  “Actually, I...”

  Before he could explain, a middle-aged Asian woman with short, black hair came rushing up to them. “Leia, are you okay?” the woman asked breathlessly as she held Leia’s arms and looked her up and down. “Are you hurt?” />
  “I’m fine, Mrs Chow,” Leia assured her and gestured at Sky. “Sky saved me.”

  “Oh, that’s good.” Mrs Chow turned and looked up at Sky with her intelligent, dark eyes. Sky had the oddest feeling that the woman could tell his past, present and future with just that one penetrating stare. He was sure that nothing much escaped Mrs Chow’s notice.

  “Welcome to Chow’s Delights, Sky,” Mrs Chow said, giving him a half smile. “Why haven’t you come before?”


  “You’ve been in town for quite a while now, haven’t you? But you have never tried our restaurant. We’re the only Chinese restaurant in Shadow Point. Don’t you like Chinese food?” Mrs Chow asked point blank.

  “I love Chinese food. I just...”

  “Good.” Mrs Chow beamed. “So come to Chow’s Delights. You saved Leia and that little bear cub. You saved a member of our staff and our customer. You’re always welcome here, and you’ll always get a discount.”

  Before Sky could reply, the dynamic and perceptive Mrs Chow had already turned and was making her way briskly towards the kitchen. “The food’s ready!” she announced loudly so all her staff could hear.

  Leia started. “I’d better go,” she stuttered. “I have to serve the food. And there are a lot of tables, and many hungry guests...”

  Sky watched Leia hurry away and file into the kitchen with the rest of the wait staff. The staff soon emerged again bearing trays of aromatic, piping hot food.

  “Sky! Over here!” Sky turned around and saw Tristan Gray waving him over with a huge grin on his face. “Come sit with us! Let me introduce you to my mate and cub...”

  It turned out that the cute, lively bear cub that Sky had saved from the scalding tea was Tristan’s daughter.

  Even though Tristan and his brothers engaged him in conversation, Sky found his gaze constantly darting back to Leia. He watched her weave her sexy, curvy body between the tables, making sure all the guests were well taken care of.

  Leia smiled and chatted with the guests as she served them. But he saw that she kept sneaking glances at him.

  Sky smiled when he caught her eye. And when Leia smiled back, all the darkness just seemed to melt away, leaving something precious and shining.


  For the first time, Sky allowed himself to hope.

  He hoped to stay in this warm, close-knit small town and build a home, a future here. His brothers would be safe here. He would work hard at his business and provide for his family.

  Sky smiled and the smile reached all the way to his heart. He hadn’t felt so hopeful and happy in a long time.


  Once all the tables were cleared, Leia helped Peiling carry the humongous birthday cake out and put it on the largest table in the middle of the restaurant. The cake took up almost the whole table, and everyone oohed and aahed at the colorful multi-tiered cake.

  “Ooh, here’s our cake!” Gramma and Ne-ma clapped delightedly. “Where are the candles?” They each shot Leia a look and winked at her.

  Leia hid a smile. In her hands were two large candles. Earlier in the evening, Gramma had pulled Leia aside and stuffed the pink candle into her hand, whispering, “Put this candle on Neveah’s side! I can’t wait to see her face when she tries to blow this out!”

  A few minutes later, Ne-ma had scurried into the kitchen to sneak Leia a bright blue candle. “Make sure you place this candle right in front of Glynda! Don’t forget, okay? It’d be a hoot watching her turn as blue as this candle!” Ne-ma couldn’t stop chortling as she rubbed her hands with glee.

  Leia kept a straight face as she carefully placed the two huge candles on top of the cake. She made sure the pink candle was in front of Ne-ma and she put the blue one right under Gramma’s nose. The two playful witches were bouncing on their toes in anticipation and excitement. They cheerfully clambered onto chairs so that they could reach the two candles at the very top of the towering birthday cake.

  Once the candles were lit, everyone exploded into song.

  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Gramma and Ne-ma, happy birthday to youuuu...”

  Grinning from ear to ear, the two witches bent forward to blow out their candles.

  They blew and looked at the candles.

  The flame on each candle wavered and straightened up.

  Gramma and Ne-ma puffed up their cheeks and blew again.

  They huffed and they puffed and they blew with all their might. But the candles refused to go out.

  Finally, they stared at each other. “You!” they said in unison.

  For an instant, the two grandmothers glared at each other. Then they burst into laughter.

  “I should have known you’d try to prank me,” Gramma said, jabbing a finger into Ne-ma’s chest.

  “We even thought of the same prank,” Ne-ma snorted. “We share the same birthday, and we even share the same taste in jokes!”

  “Ah, happy birthday, Neveah! You’re my best friend in the whole world!” Gramma said, giving Ne-ma a big hug.

  “Happy birthday, Glynda,” Ne-ma said, hugging her back. “I’m so glad we get to celebrate our birthdays together every year!”

  All the guests jostled and crowded in for a group hug. Even Mr and Mrs Chow and all the restaurant staff joined in.

  Everyone had a slice of the delicious birthday cake. Gramma and Ne-ma’s daughters-in-law had baked and decorated the cake with care and love, and everyone complimented them on their great work.

  Leia finished her slice and licked the cream from the corner of her mouth. She could feel Sky’s eyes on her, and she turned away so he wouldn’t see her blushing.

  She honestly didn’t know what to make of this tall, blond, handsome, brooding man who looked like he belonged on the catwalk or the pages of a magazine. She had never had much luck with men, and she was well aware that she just wasn’t the kind of woman to turn heads.

  Compared to many of the females in town, she was just plain. Shadow Point was home to many paranormals, and shifter females oozed confidence and sex appeal. Even the witches and fae folk had glamour to enhance their looks.

  Men just didn’t give a short, chubby chick like her a second glance when there were so many beautiful, stunning women around. To have a sexy hunk like Sky look at her as if she was the only woman in the world made her a little giddy.

  When she was in Sky’s arms, she felt safe...and cherished. He held her and looked at her like she was so precious, so beautiful and perfect.

  No man had ever looked at her like that before.

  Leia took a deep breath and told herself to calm down and not get carried away. Sky and his brothers were new in town, she told herself sternly. He hadn’t met many of the other females yet. Once he got to know the other women, he would just lose interest in her.

  Leia sighed. That was just the way it was.

  So many of her friends had found their mates, gotten married and started their families. She was twenty-eight, and she knew she was still young, but she longed to find her special someone, her forever mate. But she hadn’t even had a date in a long, long while.

  Sky was a nice guy, but he would be like the rest of them. He would smile and maybe flirt with her for a bit, and then he would go on to date and mate someone else.

  Pushing back her shoulders, Leia untied her apron and walked towards the counter. Her shift was over. She had agreed to stay back and help out for Gramma and Ne-ma’s birthday dinner, but everything was under control now. More members of the Chow family had arrived after closing up the bakery so Mr and Mrs Chow had more than enough help.

  Leia turned and saw two women talking animatedly to Sky. She blew a lock of hair away from her face and walked away. She had no right to feel jealous and disappointed.

  It had been a long day, and Leia suddenly felt exhausted. She had been on her feet the whole day. She just wanted to go home and crawl into bed.

  Leia went up to Mrs Chow and asked if she
still needed her around. Mrs Chow must have seen the fatigue on her face. She immediately looked around for one of her daughters. “I’ll get Peiling to drive you home,” Mrs Chow said.

  “No, no, Mrs Chow. Please, I can get home on my own. I’d like to take a walk anyway. I’m fine really.”

  “Are you sure? You look so tired, my dear...”

  “I’m sure,” Leia said firmly. “Good night, Mrs Chow.”

  Leia grabbed her bag and went out through the back door.

  She breathed in the cool night air and glanced over her shoulder. She could still hear the boisterous laughter wafting from the restaurant. She could even hear Gramma and Ne-ma singing very loudly and tunelessly.

  Leia released a slow sigh when she saw that no one had come out of the restaurant after her. Sky probably hadn’t even noticed that she was gone. He wouldn’t come after her.

  Wrapping her coat tightly around herself, Leia started walking.


  As Leia turned the corner, she thought she heard a step behind her. She whirled round and squinted at the moving shadows. She didn’t see anyone but she definitely heard something.

  “Hello?” she called out.

  There was no reply.

  A stray cat darted past and Leia jumped back. She watched the cat disappear into an alley and released a shuddering breath.

  It was probably just the cat that she’d heard earlier.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move again. Her heart pounding, Leia spun round, her fists raised defensively.

  A figure was standing in the shadows near the alleyway.

  Leia backed away as the figure took a step towards her.

  There was a sudden flash of lightning. “Wha…?” She gasped and blinked rapidly.

  She thought she saw a...bird. A very large bird that was almost as tall as a man. But when the bird stepped into the light, it became a man. A man with black and white hair, and beady red eyes.


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