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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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by Richardson, James

  "Come on Cat the M.E. has something," Maricus said his hand pounding on the roof of the car. Pulling out her cell phone as she entered the car. Dialing the number John had given her, hoping that he had nothing to do with the murders. "Yes hello my name is Catherine Halford I'm with the Chicago P.D. I just meet with a man called John Adams," Catherine had to hold the phone away from her ear from the ensuing howl. "So you know of Mr. Adams," Catherine nodded as the woman verified John's story. "Well seems our friend was telling the truth," she said closing her phone.

  "Yea good for you, you mean," Maricus teased as he turned onto the on ramp to the interstate. Her cheeks flushed with heat staring out the window, not wishing to answer his and her own questions. "Well I'm just glad to be out of that house. I think he's just one of those Vegas trickers," Catherine saw the uncertainty in his eyes. She was sure that once this case was done she was going to visit the man once again.

  As they entered the morgue none dared to look at them. Knowing that they would want answers that they couldn't give them. Catherine had been there a million of times she could walk the halls blindfolded. Yet the encounter with John Adams had left her in a daze, she didn't notice that Tailor had joined them.

  "Hey I'm talking to you," Tailer said nudging her arm.

  "Don't take it personal Tailer I think she's in love," Maricus chuckled.

  "Oh really who's the lucky guy," Tailer asked looking to Maricus for answer's.

  "You know tall, handsome, owner of his own business just your type," Maricus said with a wicked gleam in his eye.

  "Well then I must meet this man," Tailer said joining in.

  "As if what would Matthew say," Catherine said looking over at him. "I doubt he would approve of you going after straight men." Her body was flushed with heat, her pink buds hardened into tight peaks remembering his eyes upon her. "Well did you find anything interesting with the bodies," she asked eager to get her mind off of sex.

  "Well I'll let you see for yourself," Tailer said holding the glass door open for them. As she walked up to the metal table taking a pair of gloves from the latex box. Her fingers tracing along the cuts that marred the woman's body.

  "How did they die," Catherine heard Maricus ask Tailer.

  "Exsanguination," Tailer said walking to the woman's side at the far end of the room. "The cut here," pointing to the bottom of the nearest woman's breast bone to her navel. "Was made postmortem," he said handing Maricus the chart.

  "No trace of alcohol, no opiates, or any form of drug in their system," Maricus said setting down the chart.

  "That's not the strangest part," Tailer said plausing for affect. "They were all virgins!"

  "Are you sure," Maricus said staring dumbfounded at the slain women.

  "The test confirms it none of their hymen has ever been torn."

  "Their nuns," Catherine said looking up from the body she was examining. Maricus and Tailer stared at her in stunned shock. "Come on guys think about it, the only reason a forty year old woman. To abstain from sex for that long is for the church. Tailer see if there are any missing nuns in the area," Tailer's fingers tapped frantically over the keyboard.

  "Damn your good Cat two weeks ago five nuns ah hell," Tailer's body went ridged as he stared at the computer screen.

  "What is it," Catherine asked coming up to his side. Cold sweat ran down her spine as she read the article. "Maricus look at this," she heard him muttering curses as she finished reading.

  "Damn!" Maricus said looking over at the five nuns. "Why were we not informed of this," he growled balling his fist as his anger boiled his blood.

  "Well a highjacked bus full of orphan girls and their guardians really isn't our department," Catherine said she felt just as angry about it as Maricus was. "Let's see if we can't find this driver maybe he'll have some insight into the matter," she said placing a steadying hand on his shoulder. With a nod they left Tailer to preparing the nuns bodies.

  "Damn!" Maricus plump hands slamming into the keyboard.

  "What is it," Catherine asked looking up from the file on her desk.

  "They found the body of the driver washed up on a shore in upper Michigan," Maricus said going through his drawers. Pulling out his phone Catherine went back to reading the file while he spoke to his wife. "Will you be fine alone here kiddo," Maricus asked belting on his gun and shield.

  "As long as you call and read me a story at bedtime," Catherine joked setting the file a side. "Maricus what do think about bringing John Adams in as a consultant," Maricus eyed her wondering if she thought this through. "I know that look Mar but he might be able to point us in the right direction. So that we can prevent the deaths of the kids," that got him as much as he had ill feelings about that place. He would swallow it in order to save their innocent lives.

  "Fine as long as you do the paperwork, but you know it be your ass if he screw's up," Maricus said as his trench coat settled onto his shoulders.

  "What do you think I've been doing for the pass hour," Catherine said smiling up at him. Rolling his eyes patting her shoulder as he walked passed.

  "It shouldn't take more then a day or two depending on how long it takes to file the papers," Maricus said over his shoulder as he walked out. Her hand trembled as she picked up the receiver of the phone. Dialing the stores number Catherine held her breath as the seconds passed. Her pen tapped against her desk as her nerve's stood on end.

  "Hello this is John Adams of Rare occult books and artifacts. How can I help you," her heart hammered against her chest. His voice covering her like a warm blanket. "Hello is anyone there," John asked clearing her throat willing her voice to work.

  "Yes this is Detective Halford," she said hoping he remembered her.

  "Who?" Smacking herself in the forehead for not giving her name when they first meet. "We met yesterday in your store."

  "Ah yes I do hope you're not having problems with gobfin's nasty little things," John said smiling into the phone.

  "No I was wondering if you mind coming down to the station," Catherine said holding her breath.

  "What time is good for you," she nearly squealed and quickly berated herself for acting so foolish.

  "Say in an hour," Catherine said flipping through papers so he would think she was looking through her schedule. Hanging up the phone Catherine hurried to the empty conference room. Pulling a dry erase board in, setting up the evidence boxes. Why she was doing all this she couldn't say. Waiting patiently at her desk as the hour approached trying to hide the fact that she was excited to see him. Her attention was diverted by the noise that was building out in the hallway. Rising from her chair peering down the hall, scowling at the mass of bodies that were clogging the hallway. "Hey clear the hall," Catherine said walking up to the group. Her breath was frozen as their eyes locked.

  Chapter Two

  "Thank you for coming," Catherine said offering John a chair by her desk. "Your welcome but do all your guest receive such a warm welcome," John said nodding to the congested doorway. Catherine eyed the women evilly shutting the door, and pulling down the blinds to block out the distraction. "I'm curious as to why you would call me down here Detective. Surely you have checked my alibi by now," he said arching an eyebrow.

  "Yes we did and they verified your whereabouts. They also wanted me to pass on their gratitude," Catherine said sinking into her chair. "It must be an interesting story," she said smiling at him.

  "It is, would you care to hear it," John said leaning on his elbow.

  "Another time," Catherine said biting her lip. "The reason I called you down here. I was hoping that you might be of some assistance to us on this case," she said shifting in her seat.

  "Oh and what can I do for Chicago's finest?"

  "I can't say until you signed this," Catherine said pulling out a stack of forms. "What we discuss here is confidential, and if you speak of this case; or any other case that you agree to help the Chicago police department on to the press or anyone else. Will be subject to lawsuits and jail
time," she said resting a pen on the top of the awaiting stack of papers. Catherine had dreaded that John would laugh in her face, and the misfortune of the time they wouldn't share. As the sounds of the papers slid across her desk. Taking the forms in hand peering through her long lashes. Catherine fought back her smile as his signature graced the dotted line. Placing it in a folder and filing it for later. "Please follow me," Catherine said leading him through the department towards the conference room. "Now that you work with us you'll be given a badge so you won't have to wait for an escort," she said over her shoulder as she opened the conference room door. "You can call me Cat by the way," Catherine said as he entered the room. "My that's an peculiar cologne your wearing," she said as she closed the door behind her.

  "Hazards of the job," John said smiling at her. "The incense I sell tends to seep into everything I own," he said eyeing the stacked boxes.

  "Please have a seat," Catherine said gesturing to the empty chair. "Two days ago we were called out to a house at Clover avenue," she said pulling out bags of evidence and the photographs that were taken. "These were taken minutes after we arrived," laying out the photos before him. "I was hoping seeing how your into the occult. That you could possibly know what kind of satanic ritual was preformed," Catherine said as her finger stabbed the photo that contained all the slain women. Catherine paced the room as John dive into the mounds of evidence they had gathered. Catherine watched as John looked through the pile of photos. Not shying away from the more gruesome ones.

  "Well I can tell you now your looking at the wrong religion," John said matter-of-fact. "Do you have any clear pictures of what was carved into their bodies," Catherine shook her head that they did not.

  "What do you mean," Catherine asked leaning over the table.

  "Here," John said rising from his chair. Walking over to the dry erase board clipping the picture to it's surface. "What do you see here," he asked drawing her attention to the five hanging women.

  "Yes a pentagram," Catherine said crossing her arms as she leaned against the table. "You would be wrong," John said smiling as he turned around facing the board drawing a pentacle beside the picture. "Just like the Nazis did with the swastika, Satanists have perverted this magical symbol," John said turning back to her.

  "If it wasn't an act of satanism then what could it be?"

  "I need to see the bodies and the site which this took place," John said tapping the photo with the marker.

  "That maybe difficult John," Catherine said tapping her chin.

  "Well these pictures do not give me enough detail to go on. So unless I can see the place then I fear I'll be of no use to you," John said handing the picture back.

  "I'll have to talk to my captain, do you need a ride back," Catherine hoped.

  "Sure what better way to cut through traffic then in a police car," John said jokingly. As Catherine pulled up to driveway to his home. Her fingers drummed along the steering wheel. Why was she action so childish around him she couldn't say. There was something about him that made her thoughts run wild. "Come on Cat get life he's probably married or gay," she muttered to herself.

  "I'll give you a call once I have the go ahead from my captain," Catherine said watching him. How his muscles danced underneath his skin. Her thoughts wandered to dark sinful thoughts as her gaze lowered.

  "I've been thinking I'm a fairly good skecter," John finally said dropping his chin into his hand. "Were you there at the scene," he asked.

  "Yes," Catherine said trying to block the images from her mind.

  "Good then I can draw what it looked liked when you arrived. Then I'll have an idea of what I'm looking for when I'm searching through my books," John said looking over at her. "That is until your captain allows me access to the crime scene. Care to get started or do you got other pressing matters to attend to," could she be in the same room alone with him. Without her carnal desire rising to the surface.

  "Sure," Catherine said putting the car in gear killing the engine.

  "I'll put some tea on," John said smiling at her as he exited the car. Looking quickly in the mirror giving her hair a comb through. Catherine hurried after him, entering the front room of his store. Objects banged and rattled in the darkness Catherine felt herself reaching for her gun. Practically jumping out of her skin when John placed his warm hand on her shoulder. "It's just my roommate's," he chuckled as he walked towards the rear of the shop.

  "What do you mean," Catherine asked sticking close to his backside.

  "Ghost, they're drawn here by the amount of artifacts I store here," John said pushing pass the velvet curtain. Catherine peered over her shoulder as the dim light laminated the converted dinning room. Her hand flew to her mouth to keep her terrified scream from escaping. Catherine watched as shrunken heads swung violently, banging into the glass display case. The severed hand flexed its fingers, skulls levitated in their cases conversing with one another. "I must say your taking it better then most of the women I bring here," John said from behind her. Turning to him burying her face into his chest. Her hands running down his chest, lingering over his sculpted muscles before wrapping her arms around him. "Come do mind the salt," he whispered in her ear. Looking down there on the threshold was a heavy line of salt.

  "Why do you have salt on your floor," Catherine said stepping out of his arms. Hating herself for throwing herself at him yet again.

  "Only way to keep ghost out of the rest of the house," John said placing the kettle on the eye of the stove.

  "Your telling me salt can stop ghost," Catherine said in disbelief. Over the sound of John rummaging through the cabinets. Nodding as he pulled out a small tin of tea leafs, and a small jar of square sugar. Leaving her stunned by the revaluation John drifted up the stairs. Catherine stared aimlessly at the kettle, her mind cried out for her to explore his home. Hurrying down the steps placing the kettle on an iron stand.

  "Would you like your tea strong or weak," John asked setting aside the sketch pad.

  "Mild please," Catherine said weakly caffeine would only add to her troubles.

  "Milk or honey," John asked waiting for the tea to steep.

  "Both," her hands fidgeting at her side.

  Catherine leaned over his arm as his fingers worked frantically over the paper. Leaning back in her chair sipping on her delicious tea. Detailing the rest of what she had seen. Trying her best to focus through the images so he would have everything he needed.

  "Is this what it looked like," John asked pushing the pad over to her. Catherine noticed that he was clearly troubled by what she didn't know. "Yes that's it," Catherine said pushing the pad back to him. "I must say we could use you as a sketch artist," she said into her mug. Not missing the smile on his face which was quickly replaced with a stern frown. Catherine sat there watching his mind race in search for the knowledge that lay dormant in his mind.

  "You didn't find any writing along with this," John said tapping the pad.

  "If there was it was covered up by the victims blood," Catherine said leaning forward.

  "If I had that then I could determine what religion it was and how far back I need to go," John said rubbing his chin. "I can tell you this it was a summoning ritual."

  "Can't really say I could take guess," John said nudging him on. "The women were virgins, and from their age I say nuns," Catherine fought back her shock and worry.

  "Why do you say that," Catherine said eyeing him wearyingly.

  "Because if your just sacrificing to a god or goddess then why these four," John said tapping the pad. "If they where calling something to this plane, and used them as your main tool and as an offering. That's pretty ingenious, but to sacrifice five virgins I hate to meet whatever they called up." Catherine leaned back in her chair wondering if she wrote him off to quickly as a suspect. Jumping in her seat as her phone vibrated against her hip.

  "I got to take this," Catherine said reading the display. With a nod raising from his chair heading to the upper level of the house to give her
privacy. Catherine waited until she was sure he was well out of earshot. "Go ahead captain," she said biting down on her lip not wanting to divulging her fears.

  "Drop whatever your doing and get over to 5th street asap," he said over the noise of the bullpen.

  "Alright I'm on my way," Catherine said her finger hovering over the end button.

  "And take that man with you if you think he'll be of assistance," he said ending the call. Catherine sat in silence in John's kitchen, debating if she should take him or not. If her fears proved to be true what better way to keep an eye on him then to have him beside her.

  "John," Catherine called up the stairs. His silhouette blocked the faint light that filtered down the stairwell. "I need you to come with me," she said her heart hammered in her chest as John descended the stairs.

  "Is there something wrong Detective," John said stopping a foot away from her.

  "I don't know all the details yet something has happened on 5th street," Catherine said trying to steady her voice. "My captain said I should bring you if I thought you might be of help to us."

  "Then lead on but I do hope the department is going to reimbursed me for closing down my shop," John joked as he closed his store.

  Catherine watched as John paced around the crime scene. Skirting around the crime scene techs watching every move he made. Catherine had to fight down her bile as she surveyed the old abandoned warehouse. Tailer had made quick work of removing the suspended woman.

  "I'll have to go to the truck," Tailer said nodding towards the pile of bone and bloody flesh that seat nestled against the western wall.

  "Ok let me know when you get the identities of the two," Catherine said never taking her eyes off of John. Knelling down his dark blue eyes studying the runes and ancient design's that were carved into the black candles. His hand reaching out to study the candle in better light. "Sorry I can't allow you to touch that," Catherine said as her hand wrapped around his wrist. "Everything here is evidence I can't have you contaminating the crime scene," she said trying to still her racing heart.


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