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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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by Richardson, James

  "Good morning, I'm Christy Goodwater," she said smiling warmly at Catherine yet her eyes stayed on John. "I was sent from the lab to escort you to our morgue," Christy said her eye's running up and down John's body as he rose. "May I ask how did you know the deceased," she asked as they walked down the hall.

  "He was my partner," Catherine said her grief swelling to the surface. "We were working on a homicide case when we learned the driver's body. Of the highjacked bus was found washed ashore in upper Michigan," she said trying not to tear up.

  "What about you," Christy asked moving closer to John.

  "Only met him once seemed like a nice enough fellow," John said scanning the walls for any gobfin's.

  "Your not with the police," Christy asked arching an eyebrow.

  "No, though lately my work has caught the eye of the police," John said shooting Catherine a smile.

  "Well here we are," Christy said pushing open the door. Pulling her coat tightly around her to steel herself for what she was about to see. John placed a hand on her shoulder letting her know he was here if she needed him. John waited patiently by the door while Catherine studied Maricus's body.

  "So are you two together," Christy asked as she came up behind him.

  "In what way," John said with a devilish gleam in his eye.

  "You know are the two of you seeing each other," Christy asked pressing her clipboard to her chest.

  "No we're just working on this case of her's," John said leaning against the wall.

  "Then your free to go out sometime," Christy asked a glimmer of hope sparkling in her eye.

  "I'm afraid that we are only in town for the day, however if your ever in Chicago look me up," John said handling her his business card. Christy mouthed the words as she read the card. "Your into the occult!"

  "Depends on what aspect your referring to," John said glancing over at Catherine.

  "There's more then one," Christy said in bewilderment.

  "As there are colors in the world."

  "John can you come here for a moment," Catherine said as she looked up from Maricus's body.

  "Here's my number and e-mail give me a call once you close your case," Christy said handing John a slip of paper.

  "Sorry to drag you away," Catherine said as John came up to her side. Catherine eyed him evilly through the strand's of her chestnut hair, as a smile formed on his perfect lips.

  "How can I help," John said placing his hands in his pockets.

  "What do you see," Catherine asked backing away from Maricus body. As his dark blue eyes studied the remains of the fallen detective. There lodged in Maricus right shoulder was a broken fang protruding from the ivory bone.

  "Interesting," John said peering back at her. "Can you remove that to I can get a better look at it." Walking over to the steel tray pulling a pair of latex gloves from the box. Taking the pair tweezers from the tray as she walked back to his body. Pulling a magnifying light over Catherine set out to gently removal of the fang. How she could see it was beyond her. The stark reality was setting in now she knew of the great dangers they were facing. Running the tooth under the water she tried not to tear up, yet so many memories begun to assault her. John's warm touch reminded her that she was not alone. Placing the white tooth in John's palm. Turning it over and over in the blue white light, casting the broken fang in an eerie glow.

  "It's a young one," John said peering through the magnifying glass.

  "A young what," Catherine asked coming up to his side.

  "A hellhound," John said quickly looking over at her. "You see once a hellhound reaches maturity their teeth are as hard as steel. This can only mean this one is a pup," he said holding the tooth closer to the lense. "This is very troubling Catherine," John said turning off the light.

  "What do you mean," Catherine asked as he pocketed the tooth.

  "It took great skill to open a portal in a moving car, and to control a young pup," John said looking back towards the door. "You know what this means," he said coldly.

  "Yes someone in the police department is the killer or killer's," Catherine said looking back towards Maricus body.

  Chapter Four

  "That maybe true for the other murders Catherine. Yet I can only think of a few things that could preform is," John said pushing the drawer closed. "All of which I can count on one hand." Catherine grew anxious at the thought of facing the thing that ended her partner's life.

  "Let's get out here you never know who's listening," Catherine said pointing to the camera's.

  "If you follow me I'll take you to the garage," Christy said as they exited the morgue. With a nod leading the two through the corridors of the building. "I was thinking I got some time off coming up, and I haven't seen my sister in years. So I was thinking we could meet up for some drinks," she whispered into his ear. Her fingers tracing down his muscular arm.

  "That's a lovely idea I do know some pubs in the area that were renovated after the Great Fire," John said smiling at her. Catherine turned a blind eye to the two, but kept her ears open to their conversation. "Most are haunted by those less fortunate to escape the flames."

  "Really!" Christy said with fake shock. "It would be marvelous to see a ghost."

  "Is this the right time for this," Catherine asked clearing her throat. Christy shot her a wicked glance before moving off.

  "Now, now Detective jealously doesn't suit you," John chuckled.

  "For your information I was trying to save the woman from you," Catherine said giving him then cold shoulder.

  "That hurts Cat," John said placing his hand over his heart. "You wound my little black heart," he joked moving closer to her. "Plus she's married and married women are not my cup of tea," Catherine wondered how he knew that.

  "That's not what I saw," Catherine said smirking at Christy's back.

  "What I can't flirt with another woman," John said a small smile gracing his face. "I don't see a ring on my finger," he said leaning into her. His warm breath along her neck, her cheeks heated as they neared the garage doors.

  John stood back talking to Christy as Catherine circled Maricus's car. She had no earthly idea what she should be looking for. His seats were shredded to pieces their stuffing littering the floor boards. Blood splatter tinted the glass in sick rusty brown tint. Catherine fought to keep her bile down as she surveyed the carnage that was done to her partner. A long shadow loomed over her as she knelt at the driver side seat. Peering over her shoulder letting out a breath as John stood behind her.

  "Find anything," John said softly helping her to stand.

  "No, but this isn't my field of expertise," Catherine said dusting off her pants.

  "Then allow me to enlighten you," John said reaching into his coat pulling out a small pouch. Filled with a bluish purple dust, pouring it into his hand. Catherine stepped back as John gently blew on the powder sending it swirling in the air. Catherine was in awe as the powder came to life seeking out things she rather not know.

  "What did you do," Catherine asked as certain spots shimmered in an eerie green glow.

  "It's like fingerprint powder, the powder clings on to any ectoplasm that has yet to vanish," John said as he walked around the car.

  "And what does it tell you," Catherine asked easing away from the car.

  "That it wasn't a Zoroastrian hound, however it doesn't mean its less deadly just easier to kill," John said taking out a small keychain filled with holy objects of long dead religions and still thriving ones. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise," he said holding the cross over the green glowing stain. Catherine moved around the car her voice was stolen as she watched it shuddered violently under the cross.

  "Why do you say that," Catherine asked crossing herself.

  "Out of all the hellish realm's his is the most ordered, but what would the minion's of the Day star want here," John said looking up to the ceiling.

  "Come on you can't serious believe you know what his plans are," Catherine said weakly.

  "Of cour
se I can this isn't the first time I've tangled with the Light Bringer," John said pocketing the key chain.

  "Why do you call him that," Catherine asked moving closer to him.

  "That is his name is it not. If you translate Lucifer into English from Latin you get Light Bringer," John said stroking his chin. "I think we need to go north to see this body your friend was on his way to see."

  "If you think it wise John," Catherine said moving away from the car as if the evil would taint her. "Let me sign the papers so they can transport the body to Chicago, and we'll get back on the road."

  "Are you alright to drive," John asked noticing the fatigue in her eyes. "You drove all night to get here, we could get a room for the night and start in the morning, or I could drive." Catherine eyed John wearyingly could she trust herself to be alone with him in a locked room. "If it makes you feel better I'll take the floor," he said as they entered the hall.

  "Are you sure I don't want to pull you away from your work," Catherine said wondering how much cash she had on her.

  "Don't worry about that Cat this is far more important then a headless ghost," John said pulling out his cell phone.

  "Was that why you were going back to Italy," Catherine asked as the clamor of the front office broke into their quite world once again.

  "Yea you be amazed how much people pay to rid themselves of a ghost," John said as he surfed the web. "You know they paid for a week it wouldn't take that long. Two days at most rest of the time I'd pop in to ensure the house was settled. Then I'd be lounging on the beach under the Mediterranean sky," he said scrolling through list of hotel's. Catherine bit down on her lip as she day dreamed, what John would look like basking on the shore of the Mediterranean sea.

  "So how much do you charge for going overseas," Catherine asked not wanting to end her blissful day dream.

  "The flight there and back, how dangerous the job is and what items I have to buy. Since I can't take half of what I need with me," John said looking over at her. Which she quickly looked away to hide her blushing cheeks.

  "Ever thought of getting a private plane," Catherine asked studying the egg shell white walls.

  "No never thought of it, I think I can talk Sarah into letting me borrow hers," John smiled as he walked over to the row of chairs. Catherine watched as John spoke in French as she waited for the Sargent to return with the release papers. Now that all the adrenaline was wearing off Catherine could feel the hours weighing heavily on her. "You ready," Catherine asked as she walked up to him.

  "For what chocolate syrup and whip cream," John said smiling sinfully at her.

  "No silly for whips and chains," Catherine said wiggling her eyebrows.

  "Kinky I like it," John said brushing against her. "So do I get to handcuff you this time or are we still on me," he said tapping his finger against his chin.

  "Get in the car," Catherine said not wanting to admit the heat that was forming in her body. "So where we going?"

  "La Sherin Hotel twenty miles north of here," John said sliding in next to her.

  "Why a French hotel a days inn is just as good," Catherine said as they sped down the highway.

  "They know what kind of work I do, plus doesn't hurt to have them on retainer," John said as trees wizzed by.

  "You worked for them didn't you," Catherine asked glancing over at him.

  "About a year ago a pack of werewolves took over the hotel. The townspeople went through several people before they contacted me," John said flipping open his phone. "Well it seems it's not a headless ghost," Catherine listened to the rapid tapping on the small keyboard. "So feel like taking a trip to Italy. I'm sure you would look stunning in a black bikini," he said grinning at her. "So off to the far corners of the world with only him on a desolated beach no way," Catherine said to herself.

  "Though I'm sure you'll find yourself boyfriend there," John chuckled as she punched him in arm. "Seriously do you want to go it'll be fun."

  "Are you really asking me to go half way around the world with you," Catherine asked stunned that he was this quick on the draw.

  "Sure why not cops do have to go on vacations once in awhile. You look like you need it, and in my line of work you never know when your time's up. So who better to take with me to a beautiful land then a beautiful woman," John said pointing to the off ramp.

  "What the hell is going on between us," Catherine asked as she stopped at the light.

  "I would say we are enjoying time with one another. If something more comes from it all the better. If not well I have a new friend to take to all sorts of interesting places," John said smiling at her. "Though I would hate not to raze this sexual tension we have going," his finger gently trailed along the back of hand. Gooseflesh rose along her arm as electricity raced down her spine. Pulling back she wished she knew what was going on in that head of his.

  Catherine stared up at the ten story neogothic hotel that sat nestled between the river and a french bakery. Her stomach rumbled announcing it's need to visit the shop. She had forgotten she only ate half her dinner at John's place, before she got the call that brought her here. Gargoyle's line the rim of the roof overlooking those that came within their view.

  "Ah looks like they took my advise," John said shouldering his pack.

  "The gargoyle's," John said pointing to the roof. "They ward of evil spirits or those with evil in their hearts."

  "Then shouldn't that rule you out," Catherine said finally lowering her gaze to him.

  "My dear Detective I didn't know you had it in you," John said hiding his face in his golden locks. "And here I was about to offer to buy breakfast, but go ahead get your hits in," he said feigning hurt.

  "Your a big boy you'll get over it," Catherine said patting John on his shoulder before heading towards the hotel.

  "That's cold Cat," John called out to her. Sticking her tongue out at him as she turned towards him. John went ridged as the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. His heart raced as he looked around for its source. Coldness begun to set into his bones as he looked at Catherine. "Catherine run!" He yelled as he raced towards the hotel. Her face went ashen as hellhounds bounded over cars as they ran towards them. John threw his bag into her arms pushing her onwards to the hotel. While he stood his ground against the horde of hellish beast. Catherine's back pressed against the door of the hotel, yet she could not will herself to enter. Catherine wondered if John was right about the gargoyle's because his theory was about to be tested.

  As the five foot tall hound of hell raced towards her, it's acid drool singeing the asphalt as it sped towards her. Leaping through the air its claws extended ready to rip her apart. Her scream was caught in her throat as she stared into its red beady eyes. Throwing up her arms to defend herself from the beast. As the seconds passed and she wasn't in the maw of the beast. Lowering her arms Catherine watched as four of the gargoyle's tore through the creature's skin. Catherine wanted to cry out in joy, yet John was still out there and she had nothing to help him with. She looked desperately for him however she didn't need to look far. For John stood against four hounds as they nipped at his heels. His sword gleamed in the sunlight, this confused her for she had searched his bag. While he was asleep during the drive to Michigan. Not that she was proud of it. Then Catherine remembered what Sarah had told her "It seemed to appear out of thin air."

  The more she watched him the more she came to admire his bravery. To stand against those beast knowing there was no one to save him. "That not going to happen," Catherine muttered to herself. Digging through his bag looking for that talisman he had used in the police station. The glint of metal caught her eye. Pulling out the foot and a half silver dagger, a gold chain wrapped around the hilt like he knew she would need it.

  "So you knew I would search you and your belongings yet you say nothing," Catherine muttered she could have sworn he shrugged his shoulders. Tighting the straps of his bag Catherine gripped tightly to the dagger leaping over the hellhound. Racing towards John the talisma
n swung violently, catching the rays of the sun bathing her in its warm golden glow.

  "Glad you could join me Cat. We have a fine selection today would you like ham, pork, prime rib, or our fine feathered chicken fellow," John chuckled Catherine didn't see this as a laughing matter. Then again if you didn't laugh at the situation life would be dull and boring.

  "John don't you think we should go now," Catherine said pressing her back against his.

  "Can't Cat I wished you had stayed back," John said deflecting another blow.

  "Don't tell me you plan on staying here," Catherine said slashing open the foreleg of the lunging hound.

  "I hadn't planned on it," John said lopping off the rear flank of the closest hound.

  "Then why," cold laughter filled those frozen streets of that Michigan town.

  "Because he can't move my dear," her auburn hair bounced along her back as she approached John. "I told you John Adams we would meet again. Did you learn nothing over the years, yet again your trapped trying to save a woman," she said shaking her head. "Tends to make a woman jealous seeing ones affection's go unanswered."

  "What is it that you want," John asked never taking his eyes off the hellhounds.

  "My master has sent me here," she said stepping closer to him.

  "So what your dogs are greeting cards," John said as her hands ran up his chest.

  "They got loose and went crazy once they spotted you. They do seem to have a fondness for you, don't you girls," the she demon said stroking the head of the nearest hound.

  "So what does old Day Star want with me, is it to apologize for losing my invitation to his Halloween party," John said nudging Catherine to run. "Allow my friend to return to the hotel and we can talk."

  "Agreed mortals shouldn't hear the workings of the universe tends to drive them crazy," waving to her mutts to part allowing Catherine to flee to the safety of the hotel.

  "Catherine go now and don't look back," John said sternly. Catherine felt her body moving before she could comprehend what was happening.

  "Now my dear we can get down to business," she said her fingers lavishing over his muscles. "I could just eat you up," her lips capturing his.


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