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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

Page 14

by Richardson, James

  Then he scanned the vast empty ground between Catherine and the car. John dared not to use his powers for that would only invoke his brother's interest. John couldn't allow that to happen not after he realized what Day Star's true goal was. His brother would not heed his warning before Lucifer broke free of his cage. However it was his plan to use his brother's creation to gain what was taken from him. That and to trap the traitorous angel in his own pawn. In turn restoring the scales that govern the cosmos. First thing first he had to get them to safety before any of that came to pass. Surging from the cover of the car his sword appearing in his hand at his silent command. Deflecting darts as he raced towards the steps, as Catherine realized the peril they were in. Drawing her weapon taking aim at those that advanced towards them.

  "John what's going on," Catherine said over her shoulder. Pondering what kind of foe they face this time. "Is he like her," she said pointing towards the bearded man that stood across the street. He stood with his arms crossed unperturbed by the fact there was a horde of armed people surrounding him.

  "When I say go don't look back," John said over the sounds of the darts pinging off his sword.

  "No...," Catherine's words were silenced as she saw the red swirling mist in the depths of his eyes. The first time she saw it Catherine thought nothing of it, now however it filled her with dread and overwhelming fear of the man. Backing away from him for a second, Catherine thought she saw something that her mind could not comprehend. Before John could notice that Catherine was drifting away from him, to caught up defending against the sheer numbers that were brought against him. It would have made matter's simpler if he sent them back to their pearl towers.

  However that would acquire him to announce that he had some measure of his former powers restored. The prospect of returning to that void he was casted into was not an appealing thought. For eon's he has drifted in that void nearly losing his mind. Nicky's back pressed against his thinking Catherine had stayed by his side. Yet as he peered behind him sadness shadowed his eyes only for a moment. Looking to his right, then to the car she wasn't there, the scuffling sounds drew his attention towards the gate. Hidden within the bodies of the hunter's Catherine was led away. Anger flared pumping it's burning rage through his ancient vein's. John felt his energies throbbing willing him for release. Cursing to himself he could not risk exposing himself.

  "John what are we going to do," Nicky asked slamming her foot into the nearest man.

  "Run," John said spinning around her as his blade brought an end to the hunter's life. Leaping into the car the smell of burning rubber filled the interior as the car sped towards the gate. Michael watched as the black sedan disappeared into the distance. Pondering if it was wise to follow after the fallen god. His green eyes were laden with grief as he surveyed the carnage done this day. Few would rise given time bullet's had no hold upon those that fell to the two human hands. However that can not be said of those that lay strewn along the ground. Struck down by his godly blade, though the loss of such honorable warriors was sad. What perplexed him was why Contliss had not sent them into oblivion.

  "Sir," Joan said bringing him out of his aimless thought.

  "Yes, Joan."

  "What shall we to with her," Joan asked stepping out of the way. Catherine struggled in their grasp, as much as she fought she could not win her freedom. Yet as Catherine looked upon the man that was obvious their superior. Catherine never once thought her life was in danger, so she would bide her time to learn what these people wanted. It was obvious to her they were after John for what purpose she hoped to find out.

  "You know you just assaulted and kidnapped a police officer," Catherine said with more conviction then she felt.

  "Bring her," Michael said his green eyes running down her body. "She might aid to the capture of the fallen one," he said disappearing in a blinding flash.

  "Sorry but this might hurt a bit," Norman said before the pummel of his sword struck the back of her head.

  Catherine awoke on the most comfortable bed she had ever known. Her head pounded terribly as she rose checking her person surprised that everything was still there. Even her gun was in its holster which she thought it be the first to go. Walking around the room to determine her location and a means to escape. All she was meet with was a bare room devoid of any morden appliance. Although it did have the feeling of being in one of the old grand room of the old world. Books lined the shelves many in languages she could not name. Creeping towards the door placing her ear against the door. Hearing nothing her hand slowly turning the handle, Catherine caught herself before she could fall into the black empty void. Her breath was caught in her chest, her heart hammered her ribs as she slammed the door closed.

  "What the hell," Catherine muttered as her back slid down the door.

  "Please do not try to leave the room," a female voice came over the intercom. "It's in your best interest that you do not," Catherine rolled her eyes she already knew that to well.

  "But why take me," Catherine asked yet she was given no answer.

  "Please make yourself comfortable no harm will come to you," Catherine knew better then to take the word of her captures. "Michael will see you once he has dealt with tasks that acquires his attention." Well at least she knew the name of her benefactor even if it was a fake. The hours passed Catherine paced the room eager to be free of the place.

  "Hello Catherine," his voice was kind yet cold as he materialized into her cell.

  "How do you know my name," Catherine asked as she spun around at the sound of his voice.

  "All are known to us that are born on the lower plane," Michael said placing his hands behind his back.

  "What do you want," Catherine asked fighting her instincts to reach for her gun. "Why did you bring me here?"

  "Simple you will help me capture the fallen one," Michael said matter-of-fact.

  "Who are you talking about," Catherine asked she wasn't about to give anything away. Even if these people wanted her dead.

  "Are you not aware of who you travel with, " Michael said arching an eyebrow.

  "Maybe, maybe not," Catherine said wondering were this lined of questioning was going. "Why don't you fill me in and I may tell you what you want to know."

  "Very well," inclining his head. "What do you know of the man you travel with."

  "He helps people with unique problems that the cops can't handle."

  "He helps people," Catherine could not understand the confusion in his words. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am."

  "Then it pains me to be the one that removes the veil that covers your eyes about the man you know," Michael said with a snap of his fingers. Catherine was startled by the sound of the bookshelves sliding into the wall. A large flat screen TV moved in to fill the empty space. "Please trust my words when I show you who he really is," Catherine eyed him wearyingly as the television flickered on. "This was taken before my lord created me, yet all know of the war between light and darkness." Catherine staggered back as John stood before an army of things she could not name, nor did she want to describe them. "You see many believe the dark god was still imprisoned but it appears we were wrong," Michael said his shoulders sagging however Catherine ignored him. Her mind could not believe what he was showing her. "You expect me to believe this," Catherine said not voicing her own experience the last time she saw John. "You think some far out ploy is going to work on me."

  "No I don't," Michael said turning his back to her. "But I believe you known the truth about Contliss." Catherine sucked in a gasp as it all started to fall into place. From the encounter with the she demon in Michigan, to the vague answers of his past. To the name the disembodied voice whispered before disappearing. "I don't know what he has planned, nor why he is here. However the truth of the matter can not cast him in a warm light," as his hand moved across the screen. Battles fought appeared and vanished before Catherine could absorb all the information displayed before her. "Not with my brother moving in the shadows, the sudden appearance of
Contliss does not bode well for us. I know my words will never convince you so I will leave this here. You are welcome to view everything we have on him. Once you have made up your mind say my name, and I will know you are with us," Michael said before disappearing into the wall.

  Granted her curiosity was pegged given this unique experience she was handed. As she looked through the video files her faith in the man she loved was beginning to wane. Some of the videos were to horrid to watch, yet she forced herself to. Thinking everything she learned about John or Contliss whichever he chose to call himself. Could out weigh everything she seen him do, then again they had only known each other a little more then two weeks. Even though her mind told her no amount of good can ever out weigh the evil the man wrought. However her heart could not bring itself to betray the man she loved. The sound of a new video file drew her attention back to the television. Catherine was taken back as the woman stood in a tan loose linen robe. Standing in a monolithic stone circle surrounded by the dunes of the desert. Catherine could not believe her eyes there she stood in the grass that thrived due the stone circles energies. It couldn't be possible they shared so much in common.

  "Hello Contliss," a shiver ran down her spine at the sound of her voice. Catherine could see the love she had for him, and the pain for what she was about to do.

  "How do you know that name," his voice was stern yet his attention was elsewhere.

  "You should have told me," tears gleamed her sky blue eyes. "You should have trusted me enough to tell me your true nature," her words were harsh. "Your nothing but a thing of evil!" Catherine couldn't believe how fast the woman went between emotions.

  "Catarina why do you say such word's," how his words stung her heart. "What have I done to warrant such ill treatment."

  "You only cause pain," falling to his knees. "Why did you have to condemn my soul," tearing at her clothes.

  "Yes brother," a thunderous voice boomed overhead. "To bad the mortal believed the lies she was fed only to trapped you within my web." Catherine couldn't watch any more, she was far to shaken to continue so many questions racing through her mind. Was that really her in a past life, was she the one John spoke about in that hotel room, or some freak occurrence in similarity. However could she be the one to betray him to these people. Sure from what they say he was the god of evil and what not, yet she hasn't seen that side of him. Could she condemn the man for his past, could anyone say that about themselves. The truth was she was going help bring him in even if it broke her heart. Hopefully they would release him after whatever crisis were facing was passed. Catherine felt foolish at the thought they would never release him, and he would remember her for all time as his betrayer once again.

  "Michael," Catherine yelled out his name. How her body felt dirty at what she was about to do. Her tongue felt soiled just speaking his name. As before his entrance went unnoticed Catherine cursed silently at his unearthly aperture.

  "So you have decided to aid us," his face was like stone allowing no emotion to escape. "Yes but I have some requirements before I do."

  "Name them and I shall see that they are done," Michael said snapping his fingers. Catherine tried not to be creped out by how the room seem to answer his silent command.

  "First no one gets hurt," Catherine had to be satisfied with a nod. "Second once you have delt with whatever your facing he goes free." "You wish for me to release Contliss back on to the world," Michael said in disbelief. "Yes he has yet to show anything that would border on evil," Catherine said squaring her shoulders looking Michael straight in the eyes. "Using the one he loves must as a tool to bring about his capture. Is far more fiendish then anything I have seen in him wouldn't you say."

  "I take no pleasure in this, but one must walk the thin line to achieve victory over one such as he."

  "Then how do plan on achieving is outcome," how she hated to say those words. Even after everything she saw it mattered little to her. What happened eons ago could not be placed on his shoulders. However she had to be sure that Contliss wasn't influencing these events. This was why she had agreed to this plan of Michael's. Though Catherine hoped Contliss would understand why she had to do this. Thinking that once he was proven innocent they could repair any hurt she might cause.

  "If you follow me I would like to introduce you to some of my hunter's," Michael said kindly however Catherine knew it was a command.

  Catherine hesitated at the door certain that she would be sucked into that void. As Michael opened the door Catherine was mystified as a hallway appeared out of no where. Tapping her foot lightly on the floor uncertain if it would tumble beneath her once she stepped out of her cell.

  "Be at ease Catherine Halford you won't disappear into the void. That was there as much as to curve your human curiosity. It would be unbecoming if I allowed you to roam my tower unescorted. There are things here that would harm your mortal form beyond anything we could repair." Catherine thought he was joking yet his stern look told her otherwise. Catherine's mind raced with possibilities of what lay deep within this place. "But worry not you will not have to contain with those creature's. As long as you don't wander I foresee no harm coming to you."

  "Great," Catherine said with a sigh wondering if she made the right decision. That boat sailed the moment she agreed to this. They walked mostly in silence Catherine's mind was at war with her own heart. To consumed in her inner war to take notice of the rich ebony panels that cast the hall in a gloomy atmosphere. To the wrought iron light fixtures that dotted the walls at five feet intervals. Casting enough light to break through the gloom yet never displacing it. Then it hit her what of those that came into his life. What would they think of the man that had change their very lives. What would they think of her once they learn of her involvement in his capture. With every step her heart sank deeper and deeper, as she came to terms with betraying the man she love's.

  Her breath was stolen as she stepped into the command room. Electronics hummed in the background, screens flashed of cities around the world as they were displayed on the monitors. People muttered to each other as they scanned the screens for evidence of the supernatural. Catherine gasped as a three foot tall creature with green skin, sickly yellow eyes, and bat like ears ran across a park in Times square.

  "Follow him," Carla's voice rang out over the noise. "See if it will lead us to it's nest," Carla's hand pounded on the monitor. Catherine felt for the woman as she looked up at the towering Carla. "Pan the orb to the left," her gaze burning into the woman.

  "That's Carla," Michael whispered into Catherine's ear. "She run's the com center and chooses the few pure souls to become hunter's. The loses we took today will take years to recuperate," Catherine looked over at him wondering if he was trying to recruit her. "In days of yore there were thousands seeking a place here. But those days are gone now we only receive a handful of those pure of heart."

  "Well times change and so do people," Catherine said praying her words were true.

  "So they do," Michael said before drifting over to Carla. Catherine watched as the two conversed with one another.

  "Are you sure," Catherine heard her mutter. Catherine felt her body grow cold as Carla's gaze fell upon her. "He's not a fool Michael he will see through this ruse. We have absolutely no idea what he is capable of, no one has seen the fallen one for eons. There must be a reason why he has appeared in the mortal realm."

  "Yes I know yet we can't allow him to roam free while Lucifer is stirring. He could have found the prison my father had fashioned for Contliss. Thinking that he could use Contliss for whatever plans he has in store."

  "Excuse me," Catherine said drawing their attention. "Maybe he has nothing to do with all this, and whatever prison that was fashioned for him. Simply could no longer contain him. I might be a simple mortal here but even I know there's no such thing as an inescapable prison."

  "Is that possible," Carla seemed shocked as if the thought her never crossed her mind.

  "That might be the reason why my
father has not sent word on the matter. Contliss cell was fashioned a millennia before my creation. Who knows how long he has been testing its weakness."

  "Shall I acquire about how he escaped," Carla said turning back to Michael.

  "No leave that for the others, they know more about him and his methods then we do," Michael said as he faced the monitor's. "Come forward Catherine and tell me about Chicago."

  Jet engines roared to life as their plane rolled down the tarmac. Gathering speed as the plane was given the clearance to leave. Nicky lounged in the booth she and John shared on their trip to Naples. Her raven hair hiding her smirk at the sheer luck she found herself in. Susan looked pale and shaken as she pulled her knees to her chest. She never thought she be attacked by the hordes of the dead that were not zombie's. She could not forgive herself for freezing when John needed her. As she sat there in her chair her mind raced to find the identity of who attacked them.

  John stood within the doorway to the room that Catherine had spent her time in. His eyes ran over the bed were she had once laid, the plane had been cleaned yet he could still smell her perfume. His fist clenched as his past played out before him. He knew why they had taken her, he just hoped that Catherine could see pass whatever they told her.

  Although he knew the risk of what she meant to him, and the lengths they go to. John had faith in her not to follow in her former self's footsteps. For centuries that wound never fully healed, and he wasn't about to be handed over to his brother. His energies pulsated as his anger rose at the thought of another betrayal. He needed to make plans, plans were Sarah, Susan, Mike would not be put in harms way. John had no delusions about how this was going to turn out, he knew they would use Catherine to trap him. However they would fail to hold him even if he could not reveal himself to his brother. There were others that could do the job just as easily, and divert attention away from him. Closing the door behind him sealing the room, it would not bode well if he was interrupted. Flooding the room with his essence encasing the room in eternal darkness.


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