The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 15

by Richardson, James

  "I call upon the daughter of Lilith, heed the command of the master of the dark realm!" The denizens of the nether realm moved within the shadows. Glowing red eyes stared in awe of the being before them. Tapping into his godhood draping himself in his former attire. Contliss black cloak bellowed out behind him in the sulfur laced air. His skin turn deathly pale highlighting the blue vein's beneath his skin. His midnight raven hair floated aimlessly on the air as he bathed in the air of his realm. Black shadowy tendrils lashed out at those foolish enough to approach him. His bare chest felt feverish as the fires of his realm bathed him in its inferno embrace. Stars and galaxies drifted off across his black linen pants. Bone's crunched under foot as he peered down at what had become of his realm since his absence. The howls of the hellhound's echoed off the black stone as they sped towards him. Contliss scowled as her perfume seem to announce her arrival. Her crimson dress clung tightly to her curvaceous body. Though he could see her true form he was just glad she had taken that form.

  "You have called for me my lord," Garzela said her soulless eyes running up his body. Savoring what he allowed her to see when none knew what the dark god truly looked liked.

  "Yes that I did," Contliss said turning towards her. "I have a job for you," arching an eyebrow Garzela wonder what she could gain from this. "Oh and what can I do for you Lord Contliss," Garzela said moving closer to him. How her mouth watered as she inhaled his godly scent. "In a few hours my brother's servants will come for me," rage flared in her cold black eyes. "But this is not why I called for you."

  "So you know it's a trap and your still going to walk into it," Garzela said in disbelief. "Yes and I will let them take me, however they will not know what I have in store," Contliss gaze bored into her. "You will enter his tower, and make yourself known. How you do this I don't care, however do not get lost in your blood lust to forget why you're there."

  "My lord it would be suicide for me alone to breach Michael's tower. I do not mean I would not try, but I hardly think I would be met with success."

  "I did not call you here without aid," Contliss said tossing a talisman at her. "That will hide you once your inside," he said while pulling a small golden orb from the folds of his cloak. "This will make his wards useless allowing you to easily breach his walls," he said placing the orb in her hands. "When you release chaos within those hollowed halls be sure to point my escape at another."

  "Should I take on this task what will be my reward," Garzela asked her breath was stolen as he stood inches away.

  "My undying gratitude," Contliss said his eyes glowing red hot. Garzela knew if she failed nothing in this cosmos would save her.

  "My lord if I may ask why go through all this," Garzela asked her fingers curling around the orb.

  "Because they need to learn there can be no light without darkness," Contliss said his voice deep and low. Garzela tried to steel her weakened body, yet her glee was apparent on her face. "Now return to your master I have work to do, and little time to prepare," he said his eyes falling on the black citadel that loomed in the distance. The fabric of his realm came to life answering his silent command. A silver translucent bridge shimmered into view across the vast expanse. Pillars of hell fire roared as Contliss began to cross the translucent bridge. Hellish realms distorted as he passed over them. Returning to their former self's before his imprisonment. Demon's and the like

  scrambled in the chaos that was caused in the reordering. Calls bellowed out to their masters for reason yet were met with silence. For the true ruler had returned and none dare voice their complaint.

  Garzela watched in awe as the once chaotic realms, where realm fought realm for control. Where armies were torn asunder when they could have been pooled as one. Were old hatred's had cause numerous betrayals, that would have once brought them victory if they had a true leader. Yet as she watch the god transversed the silver bridge all fell to a knee as he passed over them. Garzela felt the shadows stirring in ways even she knew not how it was done. As ancient gods paid homage knowing who was master here. His name was chanted on their blood stained lips as Contliss approached his ancient home.

  God's that had moved within the shadows of his realm since the dawn of time. Lined the cliff face that awaiting his arrival. Many she didn't have a name for, however there was one she knew personally. Her white linen gown rippled in the sulfur breeze, clinging to her lithe form revealing her voluptuous body to those around her. This stunned her for Garzela knew her mother bowed to no one. This made her question if it was wise to follow Lucifer's plan. If her own mother came to his call was it wise for her to use him as the Morning Star planned. Clasping her hands gleefully as her mind raced as plans began to form. How she could use her little pets as a decoy. They were expendable once this was over their usefulness was meaningless. There was always more foolish mortals willing to sell their souls for an ounce of power.

  The golden doors of his citadel loomed before them, how Contliss longed for so many years to gaze upon them once again. Those he called his children lined the lane that lead to those golden doors. The polished onyx stone shone brightly as the fires danced across it's surface. Their faces were alit with joy as he moved passed them. Hades fidgeted beside a woman Contliss could only presume was his wife. Looking over the woman for a moment then nodding his approval to his adopted son. Waves of energy washed over his form as he reached the threshold of his home. Cascading those around him, bathing in his pleasure that they were together once again. As Contliss looked upon their gathered faces, how it pained him that war was what brought them back together.

  "Hear me my children," Contliss's voice thundered throughout his realm. "In my brother's foolishness he has allowed countless worlds to perish. Billions of lives he let slip into the void in order to keep from correcting his mistake. I know this as you all do for we are beings of chaos. For we feel their deaths as easily as they breathe. Though my return is only temporary," gasp were abound throughout the gathered gods. "Be at ease this is what must happen to lead those astray. I ask those of you gathered here will you stand with me if war is unavoidable," he asked scanning the crowd.

  "Father," Hades called out taking on the guise of his Roman aspect. "For years I have yearned to fight by your side. When you waged war with Balanlt you never once asked for our help. Knowing how it would pain us to stand against him. However no longer if he wishes to raise a hand against you then he must go through me!" His silver godly scythe appeared in his hand as it's shaft struck the ground.

  "Yes I agree with my brother," Lilith said stepping forward. "For eons we have been labeled as evil gods, fiends, and demon's, by those that had led us to our demise. Some by tricks," she said glancing at Hades. "Others by quarrels that went to far, other's ambushes by those that loathes them. By our own father because we wouldn't simply follow like good little soldiers. I say let them come, let them know we have not forgotten what they did. For we will show them while they thought they had won, we have waited and grown in the knowledge. That one day you would return to us, and we would be stronger then when you left us. For it was you that showed us how to live in this realm. I and my daughter's shall stand with you if our enemies are foolish enough to attack us."

  "Mother is it wise to comment us to this cause," Garzela whispered into her ear.

  "I will forget that you question my order daughter," Lilith said over her shoulder. "You are the youngest of my offspring. So you have never witnessed his power for yourself, nor the way he treated us lost ones. So I will overlook your lack of better judgement. For I know what you have been doing in your spare time." Tilting her head towards Garzela her eyes shone a hellish green as her gaze burned into her. "Know this Garzela if you stand against us, you shall know what your fallen sister's felt when I destroyed them. For we know what he is planning and we shall rain hellfire down upon those that stand with him." Taking back by her mother's words, never in her long life has she ever spoken so fiercely of another. Garzela had witnessed her mother's cruelty first hand,
when her favorite at the time had fallen from grace. That was all she knew of her mother then again they were in hell, and cruelty was a fact of everyday life. Yet her mother had sided with Contliss, even shown loyalty to him when she cared not for any others even her own children. So was it wise to stand against him when all bowed to him. When they look upon Contliss with such relevance.

  "I thank you for I know how this must seem," Contliss said as the crowd quieted down. "Troubling that you may have to raise arms against those you once called brother, sister, son, daughter. Know this never again shall I leave you," he said his gaze falling on Hades. "Now I must return and you need time to prepare for Balanlt's attack."

  Back onboard the plane his eyes languishing one last time on the bed. For he knew their time was over, and she would know the truth about who he truly was. Yet the endless years he had spent in the void were ever present in the back of his mind. Either way he would lose the one he love, the pain of that wasn't so bad compared to the emptiness of the void. Could she look pass what he is and see there was something worth loving. Shaking his head at the thought he had to be strong. No matter what comes of this he would live with his decision.

  As the taxi pulled to a stop along the curb in front of his store he felt the air stirring. Contliss felt them out there waiting for him to exit the car. Looking over at his apprentice, Susan had regained some of her color on the return trip yet the fear was still on her mind. For that he was sorry for he had no wish to bring harm to the girl. He had thought they would try their hand once he was alone. Then again his brother was not weary about using mortals to get what he wanted.

  "Susan," his voice caught her off guard. "I want you to run," Contliss said not bothering to look at her. "Once you reach the door under no circumstances are you to look back, the house is the safest place for you." Susan began to spoke however her words were stilled by his stern voice, and his cold stare as he looked out the window. "Once I leave this vehicle don't try and help me. You must stay inside I can't protect you if you think to aid me." As he watched the door to his home close. His hands fidgeted, his breath was heavy, images of his past flashed in the forefront of his mind. How brave he felt then, sure he could face down hordes of his brother's minions. Yet the thought of seeing her fear, and disappointment made him weak kneed. There was to much at stake for his own fears to get the better of him this had to play out. As he paid the driver his fair, Contliss could fell his brother's minions moving in. Sighing inwardly tossing aside his bags, squaring his shoulders the air crackled and hiss as his godly weapon came to his call.

  "Come out, come out where ever you are," he called out to the cold morning. Shadows darted between cars, homes, and the hedges that lined that frozen street. "So Catherine," Contliss said turning towards her. "Which lies have they told you for you to side with them."

  "None Contliss or is it John now," Catherine said trying to keep her voice steady. As she saw beneath the mask he had dawn, Catherine saw how much this hurt him. "They showed me the truth of what you really are."

  "I see," Contliss said his sword dipping low to the asphalt. "Then are you here to throw me back into my cell."

  "Yes," Catherine whispered her lip trembled as she watched the man she love disappeared. "Then try," Contliss said casting the area into eternal darkness. Catherine felt the cold hand of death creep up her spine as the silence became deafening. "Have they told you of the billons of lives they allowed to perish," his voice was nothing but a whisper in her ear. " No I guess they forgot to mention that. Did they tell you that binding me will only bring the end of reality. No I guess they wouldn't. "

  "Silence!" Michael's voice boomed as his heavenly light pierce the veil of darkness. "I shall not have you speak ill of my father," he said lifting his mace into the air. Mustering all his might into his heavenly weapon before striking it on the pavement, banishing the darkness for a limited time.

  "Impressive, but I'm still the stronger of the two," Contliss said before raising his sword as he advanced towards Michael.

  "We shall see," Michael said releasing a battle cry as the two ancient warriors clashed. Spark's flew as godly metal met heavenly steel, muscle's bludged in his arms as Michael fought to bring Contliss to his knee's. Yet has he looked into his opponent's eyes he saw nothing but himself. With a swift kick into Michael's solar plex sending him flying into the parked BMW. Catherine cupped her ears as the metal gave into the force of the impact. The sports car wrapped around Michael's body forming a deformed "U". In that moment Catherine saw the deadly warrior who led that hellish army eons ago. If she didn't stop him she was sure one of them would be dead before day's end.

  "Stop!" Catherine yelled aiming her gun at his chest. Sure she knew it would be nothing more then a mosquito bite would be to her. However it was enough to cause him to halt, as their eyes locked she pleaded with him to end this. "Please don't do this," Catherine said willing him to listen to reason. As she took aim down the barrel of her gun. The glint of metal caught her eye as Michael's mace flew pass her head. Catherine yelp as the spikes on the metal head were only inches away. However it was enough to catch Contliss off guard. Laying him out on then ground blood oozing out of the gash along his forehead. "Well not as I had hoped to capture him in the end it all worked out," Michael said retrieving his mace. "I know this is not what you want to hear., without you this wouldn't be possible."

  "Save it," Catherine growled her voice was cold but she was dying on the inside as they bound his arms and legs. "We had a deal he goes free after this."

  "Your concern is touching," Contliss said sarcastically spitting out a glob blood onto the pavement. "You and I both know they have no intention of releasing me as much as you like to think." "Yes they will once they know that you're not behind all of this," Catherine said knelling down in front of him. "This was the only reason I agreed to this," she said reaching out to him. As he pulled away from her touch Catherine saw the rift widening between them.

  "Then your as foolish as they are," Contliss said nodding to those that follow Michael. "Now where will you be when this world end's." With that he grew silent and drew himself inward, at that moment Catherine knew she had lost him. "Prepare the gate," Michael called out ready to move his prize to his tower where he could handle him.

  "I'm coming with you," Catherine said standing by Contliss side.

  "I can't allow that," Michael said sternly his gaze burned into her. Which did little to unnerve her not after what she had just done. Nothing he could do would ever move her, when her own self hatred was greater.

  "I don't give a damn if you allow it or not you only have him because of me. I attend to see that you up hold your end of our deal," Catherine said giving Michael her own stare down.

  "Sure why not take the mortal along with, it's not like you don't have other's running around in that tower of yours," Catherine's heart grew cold at his indifference to her. "It's not like she can't cause more harm then she already has."

  "Yes we'll see about that," Michael said pushing him into the hands of his hunter's. "Well come along Catherine let's see if your right."

  As they passed through the gateway Catherine eyed Contliss as his chains rattled. Her heart pounded in her chest as they journeyed towards the cell block. She noticed Contliss had grown still as he looked around for something she couldn't say. Catherine thought she heard him muttered something about wondering where he had went. Then shooting a glance at Michael that Catherine could not mistake as disgust.

  "So it would seem my brother has no regard for those he sired," Contliss said with distaste. "So I see he's here have you locked my nephew way to make your shiny weapons." Michael said nothing only shoving Contliss forward. Catherine wanted to ask him want he meant, but thought better of it when they weren't surrounded. Catherine could see the toll the bright lights were having on him as he struggled to see. Yet Michael did nothing to ease Contliss suffering. Catherine had a sick notion that he was enjoying Contliss treatment. Rounding the corner a knot fo
rmed in her throat as the cells loomed before her. Catherine held her tongue as they roughly shoved Contliss into his cell. What really surprised her was the fact that Contliss didn't fight back as they removed his chains. As the cell door closed shut the room was engulfed in darkness. Slamming into the cell doors causing everyone to jump back.

  "Awe are the little sheep frighten when they think the beast is caged," Catherine's blood ran cold at the sound of his chuckle.

  "Big talk for one that is caged," Michael gloated.

  "I am, or are you being deceived," Contliss's words were ominous. At that moment Carla raced into the hall of the cell block. Her hair was disheveled, her chest labored to draw breath, a look of fear clouded her eyes.

  "Michael you are needed in the control room," Carla finally said after a few quick breaths.

  "Why," Michael asked not eager to leave his prisoner before he could interrogate him. Carla looked to the cell then to Michael showing him it wouldn't be wise to spoke in font of Contliss. As Michael and Carla drifted off taking Joan and Norman with them. Catherine looked back before exiting the cell block a pale hand reached out waving goodbye.

  "So what was so important that you take me away before I could interrogate Contliss," Michael asked looming over Carla.

  "Since you brought Detective Halford here who told us of how this all started. I've been running a search program through the human news cast, police scanners, the internet, all looking anything remotely tied to this. Just as you were capturing Contliss there was a report in Boston about a slaying of innocents. That matches Catherine's description to the letter," Carla said handing the folder to Michael.


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