The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 16

by Richardson, James

  "I see," Michael said softly as he flipped through the file. "Catherine I have a favor to ask," he said turning towards her. "Your familiar with this case more so then anyone here. Will you help us in tracking down these fiend's."

  "Boston is out of my jurisdiction," Catherine said she didn't want to leave Contliss here alone with these people. "Don't you have people for this," she said quieting her emotions.

  "Yes but none have ever been a detective before and they might miss important clues," Michael said tapping the folder to his chin. While she did want to find out who was behind all this, her mind wouldn't let go of Contliss.

  "Fine," Catherine sighed when they wouldn't take no for an answer. "How do you expect me to get to Boston from here."

  "Joan and Norman will travel with you to ensure your protection, and allow you to travel through the gateway."

  "Shall we," Joan said at the doorway eager to be on the road. Norman lead the way with Catherine in tow as the neared the doorway. Contliss words haunted her mind, she knew he knew what was going on was he deliberately withholding information. Was he trying to unnerve her so whoever could work in the shadows, or was this all just a decoy to slow them down. Catherine made up her mind once they returned she was going to get answers one way or another.

  As they exited the gateway a block from the crime scene. Catherine stood on the corner of the block watching the flashing lights of the police car's. Wondering how they were going to get pass the line of Boston police officer's. Catherine didn't see the pedestrian as he talked frantically into his phone. Paying attention to no one as he walked down the side walk. Catherine yelped as he walked harmlessly through her, it was an experience Catherine hoped to never experience again.

  "Am I dead," Catherine squeaked.

  "No," Norman said laughing at her expression. "We were wondering when that would happen," he said wiping away a tear.

  "It's the effect of the gate it makes you," Joan said tilting her head to the side pondering the right word. "Out of phase with the mortal world. You are very much alive in an hour or two you will retune to this plane."

  "Ah," Catherine said releasing a breath. Catherine admitted it would make getting passed the police less of a hassle. "Then we shouldn't waste time," she said heading off towards the boarded up hardware store. Catherine looked around the area as the approached the faded red brick building. Comparing it to the townhouse murders, yet the rundown neighborhood offered her no clues. Catherine sidestepped the officer that was manning the yellow tape. Catherine was grateful they had left the door open she didn't feel like playing Casper the frighten ghost again. Instantly she was taken back by the similarities of the scene. The only difference was the nun's were replaced by nine to fourteen year old girls. Catherine fought herself not to be sick by the sight. She didn't have Maricus to rely on, nor did she have Contliss there to support her.

  The same display of the bodies right down the cravings in their bodies. Catherine forced herself to look at the altar below the fifth girl. Dry heaving at the gruesome sight at the female organs displayed on the makeshift altar. Joan placed a steadying hand on her shoulder, Catherine could see she to was just as sickened by the sight. Norman grew red in the face trying not to curse in front of them. Catherine watched the vein in his forehead throbbed as he tempted to control his rage. There Catherine saw it as she looked passed the fifth girl. The seal flashed brightly before fading to a dull rusty red. Moving pass the hanging bodies of the children, Catherine had enough gruesome images in her head to fill a life time. Catherine had no wish to be haunted anymore then she already was by their swaying bodies.

  Catherine wondered how she was able to see the lines of the magic spell. It was with the help Contliss that they were ever able to find the first set. However was it because she was out of phase as Joan described it, or was it because of her time with Contliss. Scribbling down the two lines of the spell in her little notepad, and drawing a crude image of the seal biting her lip as she compared the the two together. While the seal was the same that she had no doubt of, she only wished she could decipher the lines of the spell for herself. She didn't really trust Michael or the one's he sent with her to tell her the truth about what was going on. Catherine had doubts ever since Contliss made his remark about the world ending. If he wasn't the cause of all this then why would he even say that.

  "Catherine we must go," Joan said from behind her. "We just received word that there is another scene like this down in Key West." "Ok," Catherine said hiding her fear at prospect that the killers. Were speeding up their time frame for whatever they were planing.

  "You think that thing had a hand in this," Norman whispered to John as they exited the building.

  "I don't know," Joan muttered.

  "Listen Contliss didn't do this even if he did do you really think he would need to go to these length's. He is a god after all why would he need to kill innocent mortals to achieve his end goal. Couldn't he just snap his fingers and reorder the cosmos if he so chose to," Catherine said trying not to sound as if she was defining him. Joan and Norman share a suspicious look between the two of them. Wondering if the woman had been tainted by the connection she shared with Contliss.

  The sun began its descent below the horizon once they had arrived in Key West. Even in the end of winter the air was still a sultry seventy five degrees. Catherine could already feel her clothes becoming soaked in her own sweat. She had no idea how these people dealt with the humidity of this place. She just hoped they wouldn't be there any longer then they needed to. Norman lead the way towards the southern pier of the island. Home to many disused and long forgotten fish canneries. Catherine tried not to imagine the smell the place would have in the heart of the summers heat. Her stomach churned at the thought of the idea. Catherine's stomach twisted as the double doors swung open. There hanging by the hooks along the rafters another five swung on the chain's. Blood dipped down onto the concrete floors in a sicking dip, dip, dip.

  The smell of its coppery scent still was fresh in the air, Catherine stepped closer to the bodies as the blood shone in the light. Running a finger through the pooled blood on the floor. Rubbing it between her fingers noting it was still viscous enough, yet to remain in a liquid state. If she had to guess they were dead for about an hour. This greatly disturbed her they were escalating, Catherine knew this would only end bloody for a great many people. What trouble Catherine was why would they leave Chicago to do these acts in cities they were unfamiliar with. When they had commented murders that left no witnesses in a city of millions. Catherine left the bodies to Norman and Joan it appeared to her they were less queasy with studying the bodies then she was. Her mind was to focused on the only thing that was always different.

  The words were still wet as her finger's wrote down the words below the second. Catherine willed the words to tell her their meaning. Sighing to herself when that failed to ease her troubled mind. She knew of one person that could answer her questions. The question was would he or would she have to pull the truth out of him. "We need to go back," Catherine said looking over to the two of them as tried to discern the origins of this spell.

  "We are not done here Catherine," Joan said without looking up at her. Catherine watched as she drew strange symbol's in the pool of blood. Hiding her smile as the look of frustration played across her face.

  "You and I both know we won't find any thing that they haven't left behind for us to find," Catherine said crossing her arms. Joan looked over at Norman who nodded in agreement. "You go I'll stay here and see if we're just that lucky they left us something," Norman said as he rose.

  A woman six foot two inches tall walked slowly down the hall of the cell block. Her starlight gray hair was pinned back by scale shaped hair pin's. Jasmine drifted on the air as she approached her brother's cell. Her gray pearl strewn gown teased the floor as her footfalls fell silently on the tile's. There were few things in the planes of reality that could see the line between light and darkness. Those were namely her ch
ildren she had with Balanlt, yet there was another she hasn't seen in ages. One she hoped to save from this place and help restore the balance she so coveted. Her silver and gold eyes looked at the shroud of darkness that blanketed his cell. Waving her caramel tone hand banishing his darkness temporary. Those glowing red eyes of his looking upon her with intrigue.

  "Why are you here Talous," Contliss said with indifference.

  "To help you brother," Talous said in a monotone voice. "To help you escape this place and to restore the balancing Contliss. The scale's are to one sided no more then three weeks of this mortal realm remain then all is lost and we will be no more."

  "No thanks I rather rot in the void," Contliss said leaning against the wall of his cell. Talous was taken back she surely had thought her brother would seek her help.

  "Why do you disregard my help?"

  "Where was your help when Balanlt allowed billions to died to keep from correctly his mistake! Where was your help when he launched his unprovoked attack against me! You stood by and did nothing until the fabric of reality was endangered to help yourself," Talous was washed in his hate, his rage, his sadness at her. Contliss rattled his chains to show what her indifference had cost him. "Go return to Balanlt side let him know if war is to come I shall not be alone," Contliss said dispelling her charm over his domain with a wave. Talous started to speak yet the sounds of people approaching stopped her. Sighing knowing Contliss wouldn't change his mind at least not for her. Catherine stopped at the entrance of the prison block wondering if her mind was playing tricks on her. She could have sworn she heard a female's sigh, Catherine stopped as she noticed the hints of jasmine on the air. As she came to his cell door Catherine tried to peer through the darkness yet was met with a pair of red eyes. Her hands grabbed the bars of his cell to stave off the fear she was feeling.

  "There have been two new slayings in two different cities across the country," Catherine said pressing her head against the bars. "I need to know what the spell means Contliss." Contliss remained silent as the seconds passed those red eyes staring at her unnerving her to her core. "What the hell happened to you!" Her anger flaring throwing up her arms as she paced the floor. His soft sigh stops her in her tracks wondering what it was about. "Are you doing this because your evil or just hurt," she said slamming her hands against the bars.

  "Darkness is not evil Catherine it just is," Contliss said matter-of-fact. "I'm a primal force Catherine what mortals do with my blessings I have no control over that."

  "But you lead monstrosities!"

  "Oh so creature's must look like you before you would ever consider them good," Contliss shaking his head. "Have there not been people you consider priest doing evil things against the young in the past years. Catherine mortals are the one's that came up with the concept of good and evil. My brother is not good nor am I evil as you call it, we are nothing more then the polar opposites of one another. Have they told you how I was born," Contliss asked coming up to the bars. His hand covered hers Catherine fought back a gasp at the paleness of it. "My mother was nothingness so I am nothingness that is why darkness came before light. Then my sister was born who weighs the scales of judgement of balance. Lastly my brother who sole purpose is to challenge the darkness of reality nothing more nothing less. For that is what we are aspects of the foundations of the fabric of reality."

  "Have they told you how the war started," Contliss said lowering his shroud so Catherine could see him. For some reason Catherine found his attire suited him far more then the clothes he once wore. While he had cast off that disguise he once wore of John Adams, his eyes could never deceive her of how he really felt. Catherine found her body pressed against the bars shaking her head that she had not. "I gave mortals free will while my brother would rather you remain good little soldiers. A mortal must have that choice on which path to follow. We gods can not dictate how you are to lead your life's," he said his fingers running down her cheek. "You must chose who your soul alines with whether its the light, dark, or neither. So in an unprovoked attack my brother set out to destroy the threat he saw forming."

  "So he would rather allow the fabric of reality to be torn asunder just to keep me imprisoned. For he wouldn't want to admitted once again he was wrong. In creating the prime evils, and his new failure Lucifer just to stave off the end," Contliss said turning his back to her. "To answer question the spell is to free Lucifer from his cage," he said his voice echoing off the walls. Catherine gasped as she backed away from his cell. Her legs pumped as she raced towards the command room. She needed to inform Michael of this even if she didn't truly trust him. Michael was the best chance they had in stopping Lucifer. As Catherine began to tell what she had learned from Contliss about the spell. Explosion's rocked the tower sending Catherine falling to the floor.

  Michael's voiced thundered out orders to find the intruder, as her head cleared Catherine could see the frantic shapes darting around the room. Michael's strong hand underneath her arm helped her to stand as the screams of the dying filled the tower. Michael demanded they find this intruder at once, he never let go of Catherine's arm fearing she might run off.

  "Why can't we find the damn thing!" Michael cursed as another explosion resounded deeper within the tower. Catherine's eyes flashed over to the monitor that showed just outside the hall to the cell block. White gray clouds of dust and rubble bellowed out of the hall chunks of stone ricocheting of the walls. So stunned by the events Michael's grip loosened allowing Catherine to slip away. Her lungs burned as she raced to the prison cells. Her eyes burned as the dust sought to keep her away from Contliss's cell. Coughing as she pushed herself through the cloud of dust. Shock played across Catherine's face as Contliss was free from his cell. There standing beside him was the she demon she had seen on the frozen street of that Michigan town.

  Electricity popped and hiss behind them shielding her eyes as a shadow gate formed behind them. Catherine's eyes narrowed as the demon draped her arm of his right shoulder. The smirk on her face at Catherine's look only made her want to shove a knife through her eye. However she needed to forget that and secure Contliss before he escaped even if it meant her death. Catherine took two steps before a pillar of hellfire shoot up from the floor. Causing Catherine to jump backwards from being burnt alive. The heat baked her skin, the glare of the intense light obscured Contliss. Before he disappeared into the shadow gate Catherine saw the sadness in his blue eye's.

  Catherine tested the floor with her foot unsure if it was real or not. As her foot met the solid surface she couldn't believe it was faked. Yet she felt the heat on her skin even now it still stung feeling it was roasted to a nice pink hue. The glare itself had to be real for it was the reason she could only make out his eyes. Sighing knowing he was going to be blame yet again for this. "Maybe that was what he wanted," Catherine asked herself. Turning back to his cell Catherine stood in the doorway before moving into its crampt space. Her hand ran along the wall before the glint of the crystal orb caught her eye. Catherine eyed the orb wondering why he would leave it behind. Was it a trap or could it be the reason why he had freed himself. Catherine heard Norman calling her as he searched the tower for her. Catherine quickly pocketed the orb before Norman showed himself.

  As Catherine walked into the command room cracks were formed in the walls. Due to the concussion blast of the earlier explosion's, light fixture's hung precariously from the ceiling. Threatening to fall upon the heads of those gathered in front of the monitors. Catherine stood there listening to the hectic chatter as they sought out the identity of who attacked them. Carla and Michael were in a heated discussion, from what Catherine heard she was berating Michel. For his foolish thought of thinking Contliss didn't have plans for escape.

  "How could he," Michel growled. "His powers are limited he can't bring demon's to this realm nor can he travel to his realm."

  "Again your assuming," Carla said shoving her face into his, while her finger poked his chest. "Look at the state we are in due to your assump
tions about what he can and can't do. That attack has left us in a weaken state we can't hope to match Lucifer's forces in this state. You have cost us dearly hunting down the wrong being," she said holding up an ID badge. Catherine couldn't make out the name on it from that distance however the picture that she could see. Catherine snatched the card from Carla's hand, her hand covered her mouth wondering why Dollson's ID badge was during there.

  "How do you know this man," Carla said taking back the card from Catherine.

  "He's my captain," Catherine said in disbelief that Dollson had anything to do with this.

  The shadow's wrapped themselves around their master as Contliss, and Garzela shadow walked through the void between worlds. Shadow creature's stirred within the depths of the void as they felt his presence passing them. Garzela took no notice of these beings for they were spawned from the same nothingness he was. His mother cared nothing for their war as long as it didn't destroy her entrainment. Contliss mind wondered asking himself how Catherine would react if she knew his own mother cared nothing for them. Would she hate him even more, or pity him. The light from the end of the gateway brought him out of his stupor. If he was going to play the villain he needed to put those emotions away until the crisis was over.

  As Contliss and Garzela exited the gate he found himself in a room that he found revolting. Elizabeth and Dollson staggered from their seats once they saw him breach the threshold of the gateway. The room drew dark as the shadows pulsated around his body. The fires within the blazers dwindled to embers as his essence flooded the room. Elizabeth looked to Garzela for reason as her body struggled to remain up right under the weight of his aura. Dollson fumed as his eyes tried to view the man through the shadows. Dollson knew that face even if it was alabaster pale and blue vein's crept along his neck. Dollson had no problem identifying who the man was.

  "What is the meaning of this," Dollson said angrily tossing his chair aside. "Do you have any idea who that man..." Dollson's word's died his throat as a black tendril lifted him off the floor. Dollson struggle to grab the thing as it strangled him. His eyes rolled backwards as he felt his windpipe beginning to be crushed. "Mercy..." he squeaked as the last of his breath could no longer sustain him. Garzela watched as his body flew across the table overturning the incense burner. Elizabeth dared not move for this was not the man she knew. This was a beast that wouldn't hesitate to strike her down if she made a wrong move.


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