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Carter Grayson

Page 2

by Sandi Lynn

“Where is she?” I asked.

  “In her room lying down.”

  I headed out of the kitchen and down the hallway to Nora’s room. The door was slightly opened, and when I peeked inside, I saw she was awake.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as I stepped inside.

  “I’m really tired.” She turned her head and looked at me.

  “I have someone coming here in a little under an hour for an interview. She came highly recommended by Ross’s cousin. Do you feel up to it?”

  She gave me a small smile as her eyes slowly closed.

  “I’m up to it. Just wake me when she gets here.”

  “Okay. Get some rest.”

  I walked out of her room with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Watching her condition deteriorate was slowly killing me inside. I was already dead and didn’t think that anything else could happen to make me feel the way I felt. The numbness inside me intensified as I was already a lifelong prisoner inside my own body.

  I heard the elevator ding, so I headed to the foyer just as the doors opened and stood there in shock, as did the woman standing in the elevator.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” I spoke with an irritated tone.

  “You’re the man from Starbucks,” she spoke as her eye narrowed at me.

  She stepped off the elevator and stood in front of me.

  “Zoey Benson.” She extended her long, elegant hand.

  “Carter Grayson,” I replied as I looked at her hand and dismissed it.

  She looked at me and lowered her hand to her side.

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “Twenty-five.” Her brow arched.

  “You’re definitely too young, and at that age, I don’t feel you have enough experience.”

  “Okay, then. Am I to assume this interview is over?” she asked.

  “Carter?” I heard Nora’s voice coming from down the hall. “Is she here?”

  Zoey shot me a look, and with a small smile splayed across her face, she pushed past me and walked over to where Nora was sitting in her wheelchair.

  Chapter Three


  “Hi, I’m Zoey Benson.” I reached down with a smile and placed my hand on hers.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Zoey. I’m Nora Grayson. Would you mind if we conducted this interview in my bedroom? I need to lie down.”

  “No, of course not. Let me help you,” I spoke as I wheeled her into her room.

  After helping her out of her chair, I tucked her in and took a seat in the white leather chair that sat next to her bed. Carter Grayson stood in the doorway and watched my every move with a pissed off look on his face. It was the same look he had at Starbuck’s earlier in the day when he walked over to me and Holly.

  “Carter, get in here,” Nora spoke. “Don’t be rude.”

  He stepped inside the room and took a seat on the edge of Nora’s bed. I couldn’t believe that he was the man from Starbucks. He stared at me and I stared back. His eyes burned through mine as I stared at the aura of darkness that surrounded him.

  “I have stage four brain cancer,” Nora spoke. “And my time is coming to an end, so I need someone who is available to live here full-time and work with me.”

  I reached over and lightly took hold of her hand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, but I’ve made peace with everything. I guess when your time is up, it’s up. Right?” She gently smiled.

  “Nora, that’s enough!” Carter snapped. “How much experience could someone your age really have, Miss Benson?”

  “I can assure you, Mr. Grayson, that I have more than enough experience in hospice care.”

  “What? Two years’ worth?”

  “Three. I can give you references if you don’t believe me,” I spoke.

  Nora stared at us and didn’t say a word. It was strange to me that she just lay there, almost as if she was trying to read the both of us.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I’d like to hire you, Zoey,” she spoke. “Carter will go over all the details with you and then you can make your decision whether or not you’re interested in taking the job. But I hope you do.” She smiled. “Carter, I need to rest now. Take Zoey out and the two of you can talk.”


  “Carter, please.”

  He took in a sharp breath as he got up from the bed and asked me to step out into the hallway.

  “We’ll talk in my office,” he spoke rudely as I followed him. “Have a seat.”

  “How long does she have?” I asked as I took a seat across from his desk.

  “About two months. The tumor had progressed so rapidly that there was nothing the doctors could do. This isn’t her first battle with cancer either. When she was sixteen, she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She underwent a round of chemo and went into remission. If you accept the job, you will be paid on a weekly basis. You will be required to move in and you will be responsible for her care 24/7. Still interested?” His brow arched.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “I am very interested.”

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Miss Benson. I’m not happy about this, and if it were up to me, I wouldn’t hire you. Your lack of experience concerns me. But Nora has fired the last three nurses I’ve hired and she really seems to like you, so you can thank her. I’ll need you to start tomorrow. Will that be a problem?”

  “I can start tonight,” I spoke. “I’ll just have to go home and pack some things. I can be back here later.”

  “Where is home for you?” he asked as he narrowed his eye. “You mentioned over the phone you were in the city.”

  “Greenwich, Connecticut.”

  “I see. Tomorrow morning will be fine. You won’t need your car because Nora has her own driver on standby. You can pack your things tonight and I will send my driver, Juan, to pick you up around nine a.m. And by the way, your maturity level needs some heightening. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior you displayed in Starbuck’s in my home and around my sister. Do you understand?”

  I sat there in shock at the way he spoke to me. Who the hell did he think he was? Unfortunately, he was going to be my boss and I had no choice but to put up with his mean and disrespectful attitude towards me. Plus, Nora needed me and I wasn’t going to let her down in her final stage of life. I would make sure she had the best possible care I could give her.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing. Are we finished here?” I asked as I stood up from my chair.


  I walked to the door and placed my hand on the knob. As I started to open it, I turned and looked at him.

  “Laughter is good for the soul, Mr. Grayson. You should try it some time.”

  I walked out of his office and peeked in on Nora before leaving.

  “Hi.” She smiled as I stepped inside. “I hope my brother wasn’t too much of an asshole.”

  “He was, but I’ve accepted the job anyway and I will be back in the morning. Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?” I placed my hand on her arm.

  “I’m fine. Thank you. Thank you for taking the job.”

  “You’re welcome. Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I pushed the elevator button and waited for the doors to open.

  “I thought you already left,” Carter spoke.

  “I wanted to make sure Nora didn’t need anything.”

  “Your job starts tomorrow, Miss Benson,” he growled.

  “Don’t worry about it, Mr. Grayson. I won’t charge you for checking in on your sister tonight.”

  The doors opened and I stepped inside and pushed the button to the lobby. As I stood there, Carter Grayson stood on the other side, staring at me with his hands tucked into his pants pockets as the doors slowly closed.



  Fuck if she wasn’t beautiful. I noticed it in Starbucks and I noticed it even more tonight. She stood five feet s
ix inches tall with a lean body that you could tell she took very good care of. Her wavy blonde hair fell over her shoulders and her bright blue eyes reminded me of the ocean on a crystal clear day. They were full of light, like the way the sun reflects off the water. Her lips were perfectly shaped and the corners of her mouth had a slight curve, giving off the illusion that she was always smiling, even when she wasn’t. She had an attitude and I didn’t think she knew exactly to whom she was speaking. I’d give her one chance, and if she fucked up, she’d be out.

  I went to check on Nora, and as soon as I lightly pushed open the door, her eyes opened.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Do you need anything?”

  “No. I’m fine. I like her, Carter.”


  “Zoey. There’s something about her that makes me feel not so afraid. I felt it the moment I met her.”

  “You just like her because she’s young.”

  “No. You’re wrong. I can’t explain it. Did you feel it too?”

  “No. I didn’t, and to be honest, I don’t like her. I think she has an attitude and a smart mouth, not to mention her extreme lack of experience.”

  She let out a light laugh.

  “Good, we need someone like that around here, and as for her experience, she has enough as far as I’m concerned.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and glared at her.

  “Oh come on, Carter.”

  “She’s all yours, Nora, but don’t expect me to be nice or go out of my way to accommodate her.”

  “Would it kill you for once to be nice?”

  “Tell me where being nice has gotten me?” I got up from the bed and walked towards the door. “If you need anything, let me know. I’ll be in my office.”

  Chapter Four


  I climbed into my car where Holly was sitting in the passenger’s seat with her earphones in.

  “Hey, how did it go?”

  “I got the job.” I smiled. “But you’re never going to believe who I’m working for.”

  “Who?” she asked with a perplexed look on her face.

  “You’re just not going to believe it.” I shook my head as I pulled out of the parking space and headed home.

  “Zoe, come on. Spit it out.”

  “Remember the man from Starbucks earlier today? The rude but sexy one?”

  “Yeah.” She extended the word slowly.

  “It’s him. Well, I’m taking care of his sister.”

  “Shut the fuck up? You are not!” she exclaimed.

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Yes, Holly, I am. His name is Carter Grayson and his sister is Nora.”

  Immediately, her fingers began viciously typing on her phone.

  “Shit,” she spoke.

  “What?” I glanced over at her.

  “He’s like a thirty-year-old billionaire. He’s the CEO of Carter Enterprises and this article calls him a real estate genius and mogul. So, I guess this guy could pretty much own the world.” She laughed.

  “Guess so. But even though he has everything he could possibly want, there’s something going on with him.”

  “You know what they say: Money can’t buy happiness.” She smirked.

  “He’s just so dark. To be honest, I’ve never experienced anyone like this before.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Zoe. You’re hired to take care of his sister, not him.”

  “I know.” I sighed.

  I dropped Holly off at home, and when I walked through the door of my house, both my dads were sitting on the couch.

  “Hey, sweetie.” John smiled. “How was your day?”

  I walked over and gave them each a kiss on their cheek.

  “It was eventful. That’s for sure.”

  “What happened?” Scott asked.

  “I got a job in the city taking care of a terminally ill patient with brain cancer.”

  John arched his brow.

  “Well, that’s good, but how? You didn’t say anything about an interview.”

  “Mr. Grayson just called me today. He said he got my number from the family member of one of my previous patients. It just so happened I was already in the city, so we met. I start tomorrow. He’s sending his driver to pick me up at nine o’clock.”

  “His driver?” Scott asked. “Who is this guy?”

  “His name is Carter Grayson.”

  “The Carter Grayson? Carter Grayson of Grayson Enterprises?” John asked.

  “Yeah. Do you know him?”

  “No. We know of him,” John spoke. “He owns half of New York City.”

  “I’ve heard he’s not a very nice man,” Scott spoke. “His father owned a small mom and pop real estate company that was going under. After his father passed away, Carter took over, turned it around in a matter of months, and expanded from selling homes to buying and selling properties. He has the biggest real estate company in all of New York. I’m sorry to hear about his sister.”

  “She’s young and she’s dying. But, unlike her brother, she has a lightness that washes over her. His aura is just all darkness.” I sighed. “I’m going to go upstairs, take a bath, and get packed.”

  “Okay, sweetheart. We’ll see you in the morning before you leave,” John spoke.

  I went to my room, started the water for a bath, and then pulled my suitcase from the closet. I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking about Carter and the way he rudely dismissed my hand when I introduced myself. How could someone be so rude? But as rude as he was, it didn’t take away the fact that he was so damn sexy. Living in the same house with him was going to be a challenge. I already knew it. He didn’t like me and I needed to prepare myself for the abuse he was going to throw my way.

  The next morning after getting dressed, I dragged my suitcase down the stairs and set it by the front door. Walking into the kitchen, I smiled as the aroma of my father’s crepes filled the air.

  “Good morning, pumpkin,” my father Scott spoke.

  “Morning, Dad.” I kissed his cheek. “Where’s Dad?”

  “He had an emergency at the hospital. He told me to give you a big hug and kiss for him before you left. He felt bad not being able to stick around and say goodbye.”

  “It’s okay. He has lives to save.”

  I poured myself a cup of coffee and took a seat at the island where a plate of crepes was waiting for me. My dad plated his and took the seat next to mine. After we talked and finished breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Upon answering it, a man who was about fifty years of age stood tall and proud in his black suit in front of me.

  “Miss Benson, I presume?” he spoke.

  “You must be Juan.” I held out my hand.

  He gave me a slight nod as he placed his hand in mine and lightly shook it.

  “Are you ready to leave?” he asked.

  “Yes. Here’s my suitcase. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Very well.” He smiled.

  I walked back into the kitchen and hugged my dad goodbye.

  “I’ll miss you, pumpkin.”

  “I’ll miss you too. But you and Dad can come visit.”

  “We definitely will. Stay in touch. At least once a day.” He kissed my head and walked me to the door.

  “I will.” I smiled.

  Juan seemed nice. A lot nicer than his boss, Mr. Carter Grayson. I sat in the back of the black Bentley while he drove me to Carter and Nora’s Fifth Avenue penthouse. When he pulled up to the curb, I climbed out and he grabbed my suitcase.

  “I’ll bring this up for you,” he spoke.

  “No need.” I grabbed it from his hand. “I can do it. Thank you for picking me up and driving me here.”

  “You’re very welcome, Miss Benson.” He nodded.

  “It’s Zoey, Juan. Just Zoey.” I smiled as I wheeled my suitcase through the double doors that Joseph held open for me.

  “Good to see you again, Zoey.” He tipped his hat.

  “Good to see you too,
Joseph. Have a good day.”

  “You too.” He grinned.

  I took the elevator up to the Grayson penthouse, and as soon as the doors opened, I stepped onto the exquisite black and white marbled flooring and took in a deep breath. This was going to be my home for the next couple of months.

  “Hello,” an older woman with auburn hair pulled back into a bun spoke. “You must be Miss Benson, Nora’s nurse.”

  “Yes, I’m Zoey.” I extended my hand to her.

  “I’m Sadie, Mr. Grayson’s housekeeper. I’ll show you to your room.”

  I followed her down the hallway and followed her into the room next to Nora’s. It was stunning. Solid hardwood floor with a chevron pattern greeted me as well as the gray-colored walls. A canopied bed dressed in white was the focal point of the room. The view was spectacular from the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked Madison Square Park. In front of the windows was a window seat made of white buttoned material that would make the perfect spot to cuddle up and read a book or stare out into the New York City night.

  “This is exquisite,” I spoke. “Is Nora in her room?”

  “Yes. She’s sleeping right now. If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “Thank you, Sadie.”

  “You’re welcome, Zoey. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  “I think I will as long as Mr. Grayson isn’t around.” I smirked.

  She let out a light laugh. “He can be a little tough to be around sometimes.”

  Sadie left the room and I began to unpack my suitcase. Once I was finished, I stepped into Nora’s room and found she was awake.

  “Good morning.” I smiled.

  She held her hand out to me. “Good morning. Welcome to Casa Grayson.”

  “Thank you.” I placed my hand in hers. “Did you have breakfast yet?”

  “I ate a small amount.” She lightly smiled. “It looks like it’s a beautiful day outside.”

  “It is. There’s just a light breeze and not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately, we won’t have too many more of these days.”

  “I want to go to Central Park,” she softly spoke.

  “Okay. Let’s get you ready, then.”

  Once I helped Nora get ready, I wheeled her down to the lobby where her driver, Frank, was waiting for us.


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