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Carter Grayson

Page 4

by Sandi Lynn

  “Thank you, doctor,” I spoke.

  Zoey and I followed the doctor behind the double doors and down the hallway where Nora was.

  “We’re going to be moving her upstairs to room 205 as soon as it’s ready,” the doctor spoke. “Like I said, don’t stay too long.”

  I gave him a nod as he walked out of the room. Zoey stood on one side of her bed while I walked around to the other side.

  “She looks so peaceful,” I spoke as I stared at my sister.

  “The seizure took a toll on her body. She’s resting comfortably now.”

  I could hear the sounds of an old woman a couple of curtains down moaning and yelling out. It was constant and it really irritated me. Just when I’d had about enough, a nurse walked in and took Nora’s vitals.

  “Can’t you do something about that woman?” I asked the nurse. “It’s very disruptive, not only to family members but also the other patients here.”

  “She’s been like that all day. We can’t calm her down and the medication doesn’t seem to be working. We’re waiting for a room to open up on the psychiatric floor so we can transfer her up there.”

  “Does she have any family?” Zoey asked.

  “Her neighbor brought her in and said that she has no family that she knew of.”

  After checking Nora’s vitals, the nurse left and Zoey followed behind.

  “Where are you going?” I asked her.

  “I’ll be right back.” She smiled.

  I was curious as to what she was up to, so I followed her out of the room and down the hall where the old woman lay yelling and moaning. Zoey stood at her bedside and took hold of her hand. The old woman looked at her and instantly quieted down.

  “It’s okay. It’s time for you to go home,” Zoey whispered.

  The old woman looked at her and then turned her head to the other side and blankly stared at nothing.

  “See. They’re waiting for you,” Zoey spoke. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. They’re here to take you home.”

  The old woman looked over at Zoey again and brought her hand up to her cheek.

  “It’s okay. I promise.” Zoey smiled as she removed the woman’s hand from her cheek and held it.

  A gurgling noise erupted from her, and in an instant, she was gone. I stood there and watched as Zoey stared straight ahead with a smile on her face. I furrowed my brows as I looked at her. Swallowing hard, I turned around and went back to Nora’s room. I didn’t know what to make of what I’d just witnessed. Zoey walked back in the room just as Nora opened her eyes. We stayed with her until they transferred her up to room 205 and visiting hours had ended. As we walked out of the hospital and climbed into the car, I looked at her and spoke, “What the hell happened back there with that old woman?”

  “She was dying but afraid to let go, so I helped her. It’s what I do, Mr. Grayson.”

  I shook my head in confusion.

  “I heard you tell her that it was time to go home. Why would you lie to her like that?”

  The corners of her mouth curved up into a small smile.

  “I didn’t lie to her. She was being called to go home, but she was too afraid.”

  “I take it you’re not talking about her home here?” I asked as I narrowed my eye.

  “No. She was being called to go home to Heaven.”

  “And you really believe that load of shit?”

  “It’s not a load of shit, and yes, I do.”

  I sat there, staring out the passenger window shaking my head. This woman was insane.

  “It is a load of shit. There’s no such place and there certainly is no God. Believe what you want and live in your fucking fairytale world,” I spewed. “But don’t ever talk to me about it.”

  Chapter Eight


  I sat there in disbelief of the hatred that had just come from his mouth. My first response should have been to tell him what a mean and horrible person he was. But I didn’t. I kept my mouth shut. He may not have believed in God or Heaven, but he sure did believe in Hell because that was where his soul was held captive. He glanced over at me, waiting for me to respond, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  Juan pulled up to the curb of Carter’s apartment building and we both climbed out. Following behind him, we stepped onto the elevator and took it up to his penthouse. As soon as the doors opened, he stormed out, went into his office, and slammed the door shut.

  I was hungry, so I went into the kitchen and pulled an apple out of the refrigerator. Taking a small bowl down from the cupboard, I set it on the counter and began cutting the apple into thin slices.

  “Why?” I asked as I looked up at the ceiling. “Why did you have to put him in my path?”

  I sighed as I sliced another piece, but instead of cutting the apple, I cut my finger.

  “Shit!” I screamed as I threw down the knife.

  Grabbing a napkin that was sitting next to me, I tightly wrapped it around my finger. The stinging, throbbing, and overall pain was a little too much. I took in a long, deep breath.

  “What happened?” I heard Carter ask as he stepped into the kitchen.

  “I cut my finger. It’s no big deal.”

  “It looks like a big deal to me since that napkin is soaked in blood.”

  “I said it’s no big deal, Mr. Grayson,” I spoke as I tried to walk past him.

  He reached out and lightly grabbed my arm.

  “Please sit down so I can take a look at it. You may need stitches.”

  “I don’t need stitches. I’m a nurse. I would know if I need stitches.”

  “Just sit so I can take a look.”

  I sighed as I sat down on the stool at the island. Carter took the seat next to me and carefully unwrapped the napkin from my finger.

  “Wow. You really did a number on this. I think you need stitches,” his calm voice spoke.

  “All I need is a butterfly bandage. Do you have any?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ll have to go check. Don’t move from this spot. I’ll be right back.”

  He reached for another napkin and wrapped it around my finger. Something happened when he touched my hand. Something I couldn’t explain. It was like lightning flowed through me. The same lightning I’d only experienced one other time in my life. I stayed seated on the stool and waited for him to come back. A few moments later, he returned with a first aid kit.

  “I found this kit in the bathroom. Maybe there’s a butterfly bandage in here,” he spoke as he opened it.

  Rummaging through the kit, he pulled out a butterfly bandage.

  “Found one.” He held it up. “But first we need to clean the wound out.”

  He wrapped his hand around my wrist and led me to the sink. I didn’t say a word. I just let him take control, which he was good at. He unwrapped the napkin and stuck my finger under the slow stream of water. I bit down on my bottom lip at the sharp pain that radiated through me.

  “I know it hurts, but we have to clean it,” he spoke.

  He pulled a piece of paper towel off the roll, carefully dried my finger, and then wrapped a piece of gauze around it.

  “Hold this gauze on it while I open up the packet of ointment and the bandage.”

  I did as he asked and watched while he opened the small packet of antibiotic ointment.

  “Remove the gauze.”

  After finishing up with the ointment, he placed the butterfly bandage around my finger.

  “There.” The corners of his mouth slightly, and I mean very slightly, curved upwards.

  I nearly fell to the ground because that was the first time I’d ever seen somewhat of a smile cross his lips. I didn’t think he could get any sexier than he already was, but at that moment, his sexy level went up one hundred percent.

  “Thank you,” I softly spoke.

  “You’re welcome. I know I don’t need to tell you that you should take some Motrin for the pain, right?”

  “No, you don’t have to tell me. I know

  “Good. It’s late. You should get some rest,” he spoke as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I gave him a small smile and went to my bedroom. His attentiveness was a little overwhelming since he hadn’t shown that side of himself from the day I met him. Maybe there was something or someone beneath all the darkness that enshrouded him.

  I awoke around one a.m. and my finger was throbbing, so I climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen for some more Motrin and a glass of water. As I stumbled down the hall in a sleepy daze, I stopped outside Carter’s office where I heard the same song as the other night play.



  I sat behind my desk and stared at the picture of Angelique while her favorite song played and I sipped my scotch. I tormented myself with this nightly ritual believing that somehow, she’d come back to me. I missed her and I couldn’t let go. I had everything. I had it all. A multi-billion-dollar company, a woman I loved, and a baby on the way. I was going to have my own family. One I could protect and keep safe from the harm and damage of the world. But I failed. I failed with my parents, Angelique, my son, and now with Nora. Even with all the money in the world, I couldn’t save any of them.

  When the song ended, I tucked the picture safely away in my desk and poured another glass of scotch. As I sat there, I thought about Zoey. Not only about her cutting her finger, but about what happened at the hospital. That old woman was a total mess until Zoey walked in and talked to her. She reminded me of—I quickly got the thought out of my head, set my glass down, and walked out of my office.

  “Jesus, Zoey. You scared me. What are you doing up?” I asked as I practically ran into her.

  “I needed some more Motrin. Why are you still up?”

  “I just finished doing some work. I’m heading up to bed now. Sleep well.”

  “Thanks. You too.”

  As I headed up the stairs, I looked down at my semi-hard cock. Seeing her in that nightshirt put all kinds of ideas in my head. Ideas that shouldn’t have been there. I climbed into bed and exhaustion overtook me. Laying my head on the pillow, I couldn’t stop thinking about the feeling that emerged inside me when I touched Zoey, and it posed a great problem for me.

  Chapter Nine


  I climbed out of bed and got dressed before heading to the kitchen for some coffee.

  “Good morning, Sadie,” I spoke.

  “Good morning, Zoey. What happened to your finger?”

  “It’s just a cut. I was slicing an apple last night and missed.”

  “It’s more than just a cut. Don’t let her fool you. It looked like a murder scene in here last night.” Carter grinned as he walked in.

  Two days, two smiles. It was in my best interest not to get too used to him doing that.

  “You two go sit down and I’ll pour you some coffee,” Sadie spoke.

  I took a seat at the island next to Carter and he glanced over at me.

  “How did you sleep?” he asked.

  “Not too bad. How about you?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t ask you so you could ask about me,” he rudely spoke.

  And he’s back.

  “I’m heading over to the hospital before the office. Are you coming or not?”

  “I have a couple things to do before heading over there. I’ll just take a cab,” I replied.

  “Suit yourself.” He drank his coffee and got up from the stool. “Have a good day, Sadie. I’ll see you when I get home,” he spoke.

  “You too, Mr. Grayson.” She glanced over at me.

  As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, I did the unthinkable. I held up my middle finger in his direction. Sadie laughed.

  “He’s such an asshole,” I spoke as I brought my cup up to my lips.

  “Yes I am. I’m surprised it took you this long to realize that.” He popped his head around the wall of the kitchen and glared at me.

  I gulped because I didn’t think he could hear me.

  “Oh my god,” I mouthed silently to Sadie.

  She smiled and made me some eggs before I headed out the door.

  Before going to the hospital, I stopped by the florist. As I stood in front of the cooler and stared at the vast variety of colorful flowers, I smiled as a memory that would never be forgotten filled my head.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” a nice young girl spoke as she approached me.

  “Could you make me up a colorful bouquet of flowers?”

  “Of course. Any specific flowers you would like me to use?”

  “Just ones that are colorful and bright.” I smiled.

  “Would you like them in a vase?”

  “Yes, please. I’m taking them over to the hospital.”

  As soon as the arrangement was ready and paid for, I hailed a cab and headed to the hospital. When I walked into Nora’s room, I was surprised that Carter was still there.

  “Zoey.” Nora smiled. “Oh my gosh, what beautiful flowers.”

  “How are you feeling?” I asked as I set them down on the table next to her.


  “Hello, Zoey,” Carter spoke in a low voice.

  “Ah. I’m good enough to say hello to but not goodbye?” I cocked my head at him.

  His eye narrowed at me for a moment with a look of disapproval. But I didn’t care. I was no longer going to let him disrespect and treat me the way he had been.

  “I need to go.” He leaned over and kissed Nora’s forehead. “I’ll stop by later, on my way home.”

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  As he began to walk out the door, I spoke, “Goodbye, Mr. Grayson.”

  He turned and looked at me for a brief moment and then continued out the door. Silence never left his lips.

  “What the hell is going on between the two of you?” Nora asked.

  “Your brother is a rude, pompous ass,” I spoke as I took the seat Carter sat in.

  “I know he is and I told you why he’s like that. What happened to your finger?”

  “I cut it last night slicing an apple. Actually, your brother walked in right after it happened and took control. He cleaned it up and put this butterfly over it.”

  “Really? He did that?”

  “Yes. I thought maybe I had witnessed a breakthrough, but he was back to his normal self this morning.”

  “The way he is, Zoey, isn’t his normal self. Carter used to be an amazing loving person and he was so full of life. He didn’t have a mean bone in his body. This change I’ve witnessed for the past five years is so incomprehensible to me and it breaks my heart. He became a victim of circumstance.” She began to close her eyes.

  Gently placing my hand on hers, I spoke, “Get some rest and I’ll see you later.”

  As I was leaving the hospital, my phone rang and it was Holly.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hey there, bestie. I’m in the city today. Any chance we can meet up somewhere for a bit?”

  “Actually, I can meet you now. Nora is in the hospital. She had a seizure last night.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s doing better today, but they want to keep her overnight again just to monitor her and do a couple more scans. How about Starbucks on Fifth Avenue?”

  “Sounds good. I can be there in about ten minutes.”

  “Great. I’ll see you soon.”

  Just as I climbed out of the cab, I saw Holly walking down the street. We hugged and headed inside. After ordering our coffee, we took a seat at a small table for two by the window.

  “So, how are you? How are things going with Mr. Mean?”

  “He’s unbearable. He’s miserable. He’s a rude, pompous ass. Need I go on?” I smiled.

  “Umm. No. I think you just covered it.” She laughed. “Want to know what I think about the situation?”


  “I think you like him.” She smiled.

  Laughter escaped my lips.

  “No, I d
on’t. How could you even say that after what I just said about him?”

  “Because I’ve known you my whole life, Zoey, and you never let anyone get to you. You always defended the mean girls in school. So your reaction, this out-of-character reaction to Carter Grayson, is telling me you’re into him.”

  Damn her.

  I ended up telling Holly what I knew about Carter’s past, all the death he experienced, and how he didn’t believe in God or Heaven.

  “Wow. Now I have a better understanding why he’s the way he is. How sad.”

  “I know, but he can’t take it out on people. The anger that consumes him is frightening,” I spoke.

  “Then make him see there is a Heaven and a God. You of all people can do that.”

  “I can’t force someone to believe something they aren’t ready for or don’t want to accept.”

  “I suppose.” She shrugged.

  After a couple hours of talking, it was time to head back to the hospital to check on Nora. When I arrived, I saw Carter heading to the elevator.

  “Shit,” I mumbled.

  He stepped inside and the doors began to shut. I could either wait for the elevator to come back down or I could yell for him to hold them. Knowing him, he’d probably push the close button just to prevent me from getting on.

  “Hold on,” I shouted as I walked quickly to the elevator.

  He put his hand in between and stopped the doors from closing.

  “Thank you,” I spoke as I stepped inside.

  “You’re welcome.” He glanced over at me.

  When the doors opened, I stepped out first and walked ahead of him. When I got to Nora’s room, she wasn’t in there, so I went to look for her nurse.

  “Do you know where Nora Grayson is?” I asked.

  “She’s having an MRI. She should be done in a few minutes.”

  “Ah, okay. Thanks.”

  I walked back to the room and found Carter sitting in the chair.

  “Well, where is she?” he asked.

  “Having an MRI. She should be done in a few minutes.”


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