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Carter Grayson

Page 17

by Sandi Lynn

  “No.” I waved my finger at them. “No tears. Not yet anyway.”

  “You look absolutely beautiful, baby.” John kissed my cheek.

  “You sure do. We always knew this day would come.” Scott began to cry. “Sorry, I can’t help it.” He wiped his tears.

  “Are you ready?” John asked as both he and Scott held out their arms.

  “Yes. As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  The music started to play and they slowly walked me down the aisle. The only thing I could see was my handsome husband-to-be standing nervously at the altar.

  “Who gives this woman’s hand in marriage?” the priest asked.

  “We do,” both John and Scott spoke at the same time.

  After kissing my cheek, they placed my hand in Carter’s.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered to him.

  “I’ve never been better. You?”

  “Same.” I smiled.

  We said our vows, which had both of us crying along with all of our guests. And then we were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Carter Grayson.

  “You may kiss your bride, Carter.” The priest smiled.

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  After the ceremony and pictures, we headed to The Plaza Hotel for our wedding reception. We walked around, greeted our guests and had a wonderful dinner. It was time to share our first dance as husband and wife, and we danced to the song How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding.

  “You are so beautiful,” he spoke as he smiled at me.

  “So are you.”

  As we were dancing, I smiled as I stared at Nora and Angelique, who were a few feet away from us. When the song ended, the DJ announced he had a request for another song for us and not to leave the dance floor. My heart started racing because I had a feeling I knew what it was. Suddenly, Unchained Melody started to play. I looked at Carter, who swallowed hard.

  “It’s okay, Carter. She wants us to dance to this.”

  “She’s here, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, and so is Nora.”

  “Tell her I said thank you.” He smiled as we slowly danced.


  Three Months Later

  Carter and I spent a three-week honeymoon traveling around Europe and taking in the beautiful sights of Rome, the Amalfi Coast, Paris, and London. Once we got home, our lives went back to normal. Carter went back to running his company and I went back to the hospice center. So needless to say, our lives were pretty busy.

  One morning after Carter left for the office and I was getting ready to work, Holly came over before she had to open the shop. I was standing in the bathroom doing my makeup when she walked in. Suddenly, the smell of her perfume sent a wave of nausea over me.

  “What kind of perfume are you wearing?” I asked.

  “The same kind I wear every day. Why?”

  Placing my hand over my mouth, I ran over to the toilet and vomited.

  “Oh my God, are you okay?” she asked as she held my hair back.

  “I don’t know. The smell of your perfume made me sick.” I began to laugh. “I’ve been feeling a little sick to my stomach the last few days. I think I have a touch of the flu.”

  “Or a touch of a pregnancy.” She smiled.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not pregnant.” I wiped my mouth and stood up.

  “Yeah. I think you are, Zoey.” She grinned.

  “I can’t be. I’m on birth control. I get the shot every three mon—Oh my God, I forgot to get it last month! With everything going on and the hospice center, I forgot! And come to think of it, I never got my period last month.”

  “Yippee!” She jumped up and down. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

  “Holly, we don’t know for sure if I am.”

  “Well, the only way to find out is to go buy a pregnancy test and take it.”

  “I guess I’ll have to.” I bit down on my bottom lip.

  “Okay. Call me when you take it and let me know. I have to go open the shop. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Have a good day.”

  I took a seat on the edge of the bed and pondered the thought that I might be pregnant. Carter and I never really discussed kids. I mean, we both wanted them, but we didn’t talk about when. On my way to the hospice center, I stopped at the drug store and bought three different pregnancy tests. Going into the bathroom once I got to work, I peed on each stick and tried to wait patiently for the results, but I didn’t have to, because instantly, the sticks turned positive. I was in shock, but a good shock. Carter and I were going to have a baby and I couldn’t wait to tell him.

  Since his birthday was only a week away, I kept the news to myself. As torturous as it was, I wanted it to be the best birthday ever for him.

  “Happy birthday, baby.” I smiled as I gently kissed his lips.

  With his eyes still shut, he smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  He opened his eyes and softly stroked my hair as I leaned over him. Rolling over, I pulled two gift bags out from under the bed.

  “Open this one first.” I grinned as I handed him the bag with the new watch he wanted.

  “You didn’t!” he exclaimed as he took it out of the bag and opened the box.

  “I did.” I smiled.

  “How? They didn’t have any left and weren’t getting another shipment in for a couple of months.”

  “I had the salesman tell you that.” I winked.

  “Come here.” He pulled me into him. “I love you. Thank you.”

  “I love you, and you have one more present to open.”

  “Sweetheart, the watch was more than enough.”

  “I think you’ll like this better than the watch.”

  I handed him the bag, and after pulling the tissue paper from it, he took out a newborn white baby sleeper with little yellow ducks on it. He held it up and then looked at me.

  “Does this mean—”

  “Yes!” I nodded my head with excitement. “We’re having a baby.”

  “We’re having a baby? Me and you?” he asked in shock.

  “Of course me and you!” I laughed.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Oh my God, Carter, yes, I’m pregnant!”

  “Zoey.” He choked up. He brought his hand up to my cheek with tears in his eyes. “We’re having a baby,” he whispered.

  I leaned in and brushed my lips against his as he wrapped me tightly in his arms. Then suddenly, he let go of me, jumped out of bed, opened the bedroom window, and yelled, “We’re having a baby!”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  As the months flew by, I made sure to keep Zoey and the baby safe at all times. I could tell she was irritated by it, but she knew I was only doing it out of love. Today was the day we would find out the sex of our child at a gender reveal party that Holly was throwing us at our penthouse. It didn’t matter to either one of us what the gender was. We just wanted him or her to be healthy.

  Our friends gathered for dinner and drinks as we anxiously waited to cut the cake Holly had specially made for us.

  “Okay, you two. It’s time to find out the sex of your little one. I feel so special since I’m the only one who knows.” She smirked.

  “Holly, can we please get on with it?” I asked.

  She laughed and handed Zoey the knife.

  “Carter, put your hand on Zoey’s, like you did when you cut your wedding cake. If the cake inside is blue, it’s a boy; if it’s pink, it’s a girl. I’ll count to three. One...two…three.”

  Zoey and I cut into the cake and took out a piece.

  “We’re having a girl!” Zoey exclaimed.

  “Perfect.” I kissed her lips with a grin across my face.

  Everyone clapped and hugged us and we all enjoyed a piece of cake and toasted to the news.

  A daughter. A little princess. I felt like I was living a dream and I never wanted to wake up. Later that evening, after everyone left, Zoey and I climbed into a warm bath, her back tightl
y pressed against my chest as my hands softly rubbed her growing belly.

  “I love the idea of having a little princess running around here,” I spoke.

  “You’re going to spoil her.” Zoey smiled as she looked up at me.

  “You bet I am. She’s going to deserve the world, just like her mommy does.” I kissed her head.

  “You better be careful or you’ll turn her into a little diva.”

  Suddenly, I felt her kicking my hand.

  “Did you feel that, Zoey?” I asked in excitement.

  “How could I not, Carter?” She laughed.

  After our bath, Zoey climbed into bed with a book and I grabbed a pair of headphones from my nightstand and put them over her belly.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as she arched her brow.

  “Playing some music for the baby.”

  “What kind of music?”

  “Just a song. No big deal.”

  Zoey took the headphones off her belly and brought them up to her ears.

  “‘Daddy’s Little Girl’?” She laughed. “What are you doing? Brainwashing her?”

  Taking the headphones from her, I placed them back on her belly.

  “No. Of course not. How could you say such a thing? I just want her to know right now that she’s daddy’s little girl and I will always be there for her to love and protect her.”

  A tender smile crossed Zoey’s lips as she brought her hand up to my cheek.

  “You are an amazing daddy already.”


  We stood in the middle of the rose gold and white nursery that was now ready and waiting for our daughter. She was expected to arrive in two weeks and I couldn’t wait to hold her.

  “Everything looks perfect.” Zoey smiled. “You did a great job, Carter.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart, but we did a great job. I can’t believe how fast time is flying by.”

  “It may have flown for you, but for me, it feels like eternity.” She smiled.

  “Well, everything is done and put in its place, so now we just can sit back and wait.”

  “Umm. I don’t think we have to. My water just broke.” She looked down.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  “What?!” Carter exclaimed. “You’re not due for another two weeks.”

  “Tell that to your daughter, because obviously, she wants to be born now.”

  “Okay, don’t panic, sweetheart. We got this.”

  “I’m not panicking, Carter.”

  “Are you in pain? What do you need me to do?”

  “I’m not in any pain.” I placed my hand on his chest. “You go get the bag we packed for the hospital and I will call Dr. Perry,” I calmly spoke.

  “Okay. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” He kissed my head.

  He was so cute and nervous as hell. I placed my hands on my belly.

  “Thank you, baby girl. I’ll see you soon.”

  I picked up my phone, which was sitting on the dresser, and called Dr. Perry. He told me to go right to the hospital and he’d see me when I got there.

  “I have your bag. Did you call Dr. Perry?” Carter asked.

  “Yes. He said to come right to the hospital.”

  “Are you sure you’re not in pain?” He lightly took hold of my arm as we walked out of the nursery.

  “I’m positive, Carter. Trust me, you’re going to know when I’m in pain.”

  We slowly walked down the stairs and took the elevator to the lobby. Juan had the night off, so we took a cab to the hospital.

  “Can you please call my dads and Holly once we get there?” I asked as I laid my head on his shoulder.

  “I already sent them a group text message, sweetheart.” He took hold of my hand and brought it up to his lips.

  We arrived at the Emergency room and Carter climbed out of the cab and grabbed a wheelchair for me. It just so happened that John was working and he met us outside.

  “So, I hear your water broke.” He smiled as he and Carter helped me into the wheelchair. “Are you having any contractions?”

  “Not yet.”

  He wheeled me up to the labor and delivery unit where Dr. Perry was standing at the nurses’ station. Giving me a kiss on my head, John spoke, “I have to get back downstairs, but I’ll be up later to check on you.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” I smiled.

  Dr. Perry had a nurse wheel me into a private room, where I changed into a gown, lay down on the bed, and was hooked up to a fetal monitor.

  “I can’t believe this is happening already,” Carter spoke as he took hold of my hand. “I don’t want you to be nervous, sweetheart.”

  “I think you’re more nervous than I am.” I grinned at him.

  “Okay. Let’s see what’s going on down there,” Dr. Perry spoke as he examined me. “You are dilated to one centimeter. If contractions don’t start within twelve hours, we’re going to have to induce labor. Hopefully, we won’t, but I’m just letting you know it’s a possibility.”

  “How long could this take?” Carter asked him.

  “It depends. Possibly twenty-four hours, but we’ll do everything we can to make Zoey as comfortable as possible.”

  “No drugs,” I spoke. “I’m doing this naturally.”

  “Okay. I will make a note of that in your chart. Meanwhile, I have two other women who are in labor now, but your nurse, Jessie, will keep me updated.”

  As soon as Holly and Scott arrived, Carter left the room for a while.

  “I’m going to run downstairs for some coffee. I’ll be right back, sweetheart.” He leaned down and kissed my lips.

  When he returned, he was holding two dozen roses with a smile on his face.

  “Carter, they’re beautiful.”

  “The red ones are for you and the pink ones are for our little girl.”

  It was getting late, so Holly left to go home and Scott went downstairs to see John.

  “Why don’t you try to get some sleep?” Carter spoke. “You have a long road ahead of you and you’re going to need all the strength you can get.”

  “I am tired.” I sleepily closed my eyes.

  I don’t think I was asleep even an hour, when suddenly, a rip-roaring pain shot through me.

  “Holy shit!” I opened my eyes and yelled.

  Carter jumped, for he was asleep in the chair.

  “What? What’s wrong!”

  “I think I just had a contraction.”

  “Shit. Okay. I’ll go get the nurse.”

  A moment later, Carter and Jessie walked into the room. She walked over to the baby monitor and glanced at the paper that was spewing out of it.

  “Yes, Zoey. You definitely had a contraction. That’s good news.” She smiled. “You are officially in labor. I’m going to check you to see if you’ve dilated any more. Yep, you sure have. You’re now at three centimeters. I’ll go let Dr. Perry know.”

  After she walked out of the room, I looked at Carter, who was standing over me, gently rubbing my forehead with his thumb.

  “Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer.” He smiled.

  “I still have to get to ten centimeters.” I narrowed my eye at him.

  Another contraction emerged and I let out a screeching howl. This went on for four more hours.

  “I can’t do this anymore, Carter.”

  “Yes, you can, Zoey. You’re one of the strongest people I know.” He smiled. “I’m not leaving your side, not for one second. We’re doing this together.”

  “NO WE’RE NOT!” I shouted as another contraction came. “I’m doing all the work. I’m the one in excruciating pain. You’re standing there doing nothing!”

  “Zoey, breathe. Use your Lamaze skills,” he spoke and I wanted to rip his throat out.

  “Fuck breathing! It doesn’t work! The only thing that will stop this is when I push this kid out.”

  Carter’s eyes widened as he stared at me. My insides felt as if they were being shredded. Dr. Perry walked in and examin
ed me.

  “You’re dilated to nine, Zoey. One more centimeter and you can start pushing.”

  “Dr. Perry, please do a C-section. Let’s just end this now.”

  He gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “You’re going to do just fine.”

  Carter continued to wipe my forehead with a cool cloth as I continued to scream in pain. I was exhausted and the hard part hadn’t even come yet. I was more than ready to have this baby.

  “Okay, Zoey, it’s time to push,” Dr. Perry spoke.

  Hannah Avery Grayson came into the world at six pounds seven ounces. She came out with a healthy set of lungs.

  “Oh my God, Zoey, look at our baby,” Carter spoke with tears in his eyes. “She’s perfect.”

  After she was cleaned up, Jessie wrapped her in a blanket and placed her in my arms. Tears started streaming down my face as I stared at her.

  “She has your nose.” I smiled at Carter.

  “She has your beautiful mouth.” He smiled back as he softly kissed her tiny head.

  I handed her to Carter and he sat down in the chair next to my bed. As much as I already loved him, seeing him holding our baby raised that love to a whole other level. The struggles we went through at the beginning was worth it for everything we had now. My life was perfect in every way possible. He was perfect in every way possible. Everything for us had been planned since we were children and I couldn’t wait to see what our future held.



  Holding Hannah in my arms for the first time was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. She was so tiny and the most perfect gift from God. After Zoey had fallen asleep, I put Hannah in the hospital crib next to her bed and went down to the chapel, where I took a seat in the very front and prayed. I knew in my heart that a thank you was in order.

  “I know in the past I haven’t been a very good person, and in some way, I don’t feel like I deserve to have the two most beautiful girls in my life. I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for sending Zoey to me and thank you for the beautiful gift of my daughter. I’m a changed man because of her and I’ll become an even better man for my daughter. I promise to take care of them and protect them for the rest of my life. I guess all I’m trying to say is thanks for giving me another chance at this life. You can count on me and I promise not to let you down.”


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