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The Dom with a Safeword

Page 6

by Cari Silverwood

  His blue eyes widened. “Hell, I’d be willing to die trying. Could you handle sharing Sabrina with me? Is she even into kink?”

  Q considered the question for a minute, although she’d been thinking about it for days. She figured Sabrina would be more likely to get involved with her if there was a guy to fall back on. She seemed to have a need for a traditional relationship. If nothing else, Jude would be a good public cover. He was probably her best chance to get Sabrina to give her a shot. And easy access to cock would suit Q – she didn’t believe in getting intimate with inanimate objects. If he was as nice as he seemed, and he knew how to Dom without being an ass, this could turn out to be pretty awesome.

  “As far as kink goes, she’s never tried it, but she’s starting to get all submissive around me. Don’t cut me out of things and I won’t go bat-shit crazy. I haven’t talked to her about this, though. You’d have to give us some time to discuss it.”

  “I wouldn’t cut you out of it. I like both of you for different reasons. As a package deal you’re pretty irresistible. I’m not a switch, though. I won’t submit or bottom for you.”

  “That’s fine. Sabrina is almost more sub than I can handle most days, and we’re not even together. Yet.”

  “I’ve never played with a switch. The dynamic might take a bit of time to figure out. It would be... interesting.”

  Q could almost see scenarios running through his head. She wondered if they were similar to the ones running through her own. This idea made her damp enough that she might have to go home to change, even though she was wearing jeans. She swallowed. “Let me talk to Sabrina and we’ll go from there.”

  He nodded, reaching out and tracing his index finger over her hand where it rested on the table beside her cup. Her lips parted as she absorbed the tickling sensation. He turned her hand over and traced designs on her palm and wrist. It was getting hard to keep her breathing even.

  “Does she want to investigate the house some more?”

  “Evil man,” she laughed breathlessly. “Using a poor, innocent girl’s pastimes against her. But yes, she’s been going on about wanting to have a séance at your house.”

  “She has to know that if she comes over again, we’re probably going to do more dastardly things to her. She’s not that naive.”

  “No, but she’s new to messing around with girls and she has no real knowledge of kink. She’s only had a couple of boyfriends, for that matter. We’ll have to be careful with her, if this is going to work.”

  “That works for me. It’s a complicated situation, and I’ll need time to adjust, myself.”

  She bit back a smile. “You need to adjust yourself? Need a hand with that?”

  He chuckled and grinned wickedly, then leaned in. “Anytime.”

  The challenge in his eyes made her gaze drop to her hands. He was not going to be an easy one to shock. That pleased her.

  They rose and walked to the door. “Would Friday night work for the séance?”

  “That gives me a few days to talk to her. The séance she’ll go for. As far as anything else is concerned, you might have to take my lead at first.”

  He smiled down at her. “Okay, little brat. Just don’t get used to being in charge.”


  Sabrina handed Q a plate of stir-fry as she walked in the door. Q kicked off her shoes and followed her into the living room. “You’ve got this timing thing down to a science. Smells great!”

  Her friend grinned and sat down on the other end of the couch after grabbing the remote. “At least I have you eating something other than popcorn for supper now.”

  “Unfair! Sometimes I had cereal.” Q laughed.

  “When you bothered eating at all,” Sabrina grumbled, flipping through the channel guide. Q had the chance to watch her for awhile. Boxers and a t-shirt with no bra. So very almost naked. The worst part was knowing that Sabrina would probably let Q strip her, but that she’d act like an innocent victim.

  Sabrina arched her back, her nipples visible under her t-shirt. She knew Q was watching – the little tease. Q forced herself to eat, but it wasn’t food she was hungry for.

  Soon Sabrina lost interest in their silent game and settled on watching a comedy movie she knew backward and forward. Every so often she would laugh and mumble a line of dialogue as they said it. She nibbled at her food, pushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Such tiny ears. Q sighed, wishing she could pull Sabrina into her lap and cuddle with her. She was a lost cause where this girl was concerned. They needed to talk.

  “Guess who I ran into at lunch today?” She tried to keep her tone light.

  Sabrina said the next line of the movie before the actor did then turned to Q, looking smug. “Who? Not Nico, I hope. He left a message for you to call him back. Why are you still talking to that jerk anyway?”

  Second call from him in a week. Odd. “He just wants to be friends, Sabrina. It’s the polite, adult thing to do after a break-up.”

  Sabrina rolled her eyes and put aside her plate. “Back in a sec.” She padded barefoot into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine and two water glasses. “We really need to get wine glasses at some point.”

  “I hate wine.” Q made a face. “You don’t have to be fancy on my account.”

  She scoffed then poured two glasses anyway. “You will not be drinking whiskey with my stir-fry, young lady. Now be good and drink your wine.”

  After taking a sip, Q wrinkled her nose. The wine was sour and made her tongue feel funny. She chugged the whole glass and banged it on the coffee table, hoping she’d done her duty. To her bemusement, Sabrina refilled it. By the time they were done eating, Q had a mild buzz going.

  “Oh, I forgot. Who did you see?” Sabrina asked.

  “I saw Jude. We had coffee together.” Q watched Sabrina’s face in profile. Her mouth tightened for a fraction of a second, but then she smiled, turning to look at Q.

  “That’s good! I like him. You should totally date him.”

  The words hurt. She knew Sabrina didn’t love her back, but she wished she’d be less eager to pawn her off sometimes. It was like Sabrina didn’t care if she dated other people. But then, why would she? That made her heart sink. Q tossed back the rest of her wine. Best if it got past her tongue as quickly as possible.

  Sabrina poured her another glass. Q stared at her incredulously. “You think I should have a third? These hold more than wine glasses, you know.” She tapped the side of the tumbler with her fingernail. “You trying to get me drunk?”

  “Maybe. Maybe I’ll get you drunk and have my way with you.” The words were glib, but there was an edge to them.

  If only there was some way to get inside the girl’s head. When Sabrina finished her third glass of wine, Q shut off the TV.

  Sabrina’s gaze snapped to her. “Hey! I was watching that!”

  “You can recite it to yourself later, beautiful. We need to talk.” This discussion was her idea, but it didn’t mean that the butterflies in her chest would settle – although the wine was making her braver. “Come here.”

  Sabrina pouted. “I don’t want to.”

  “Come here, little girl,” Q commanded.

  Her friend smiled a little and slid closer on the couch, stopping just out of reach. Brat.

  “I said here, not there.” Her tone was stern.

  Sabrina bit her lip and complied.

  Q got the impression she was amused. “Playing games with me is funny, is it?” She put her arm around Sabrina’s waist and pulled her into the crook of her arm, then swatted her on a bare thigh.

  “Ow!” Sabrina whined, rubbing her leg. “You could have talked to me when I was over there. Now you’re going to do naughty things to me and I won’t be able to concentrate on what you’re saying.”

  “You wish, woman. We’re just going to talk right now. If you want more later, you’ll have to ask nice.” The idea of Sabrina actually asking her to do things made her insides clench. She wasn’t going to hold her bre
ath though. Sabrina liked to pretend she was innocent in this whole thing, even though they both knew otherwise.

  Sabrina predictably changed the subject. “So what did Jude say? Does he want to do you, or what?”

  “He wants to do both of us, actually.”

  Sabrina pulled back. “That cocky bastard! He didn’t really say that, did he? You can have him! He’s too full of himself for me.”

  “Actually,” Q whispered mischievously, “it was my idea.”

  “What! That’s crazy. Why would you suggest that?” Sabrina looked completely mystified – and maybe intrigued.

  The hint of curiosity was gone as fast as Q could blink. Did she imagine it?

  “It would just be for the summer. Think about it. Freaky, uninhibited sex with no strings attached. With a hot guy. And me.” She took a deep breath and plunged on. “If you don’t like it we’ll stop. No questions asked. And if you want to try on a temporary basis, we’ll just make it until the end of the summer. Think of it as an experiment.” Q held her breath, her heart beating hard. Though she tried to act calm, her world seemed to hang on this moment.

  The way Sabrina sat staring in an unfocused way made Q realize she’d made a mess of it. Ugh! She should’ve prepared her for this more, somehow. If she’d doomed their relationship…if Sabrina walked out on her because of this…

  At last Sabrina raised her head. “What if things didn’t work out with us? Will you stop being friends with me?” Her brown eyes were soulful pools.

  Q kissed the spot between her brows. “No worries. If you don’t like it, I’ll understand. You’re straight. It would be very open-minded of you to even consider trying it. Sabrina... you know I love you. I also fantasize about having sex with you, but I can live with our relationship being platonic if that’s what you want.” Could she live with going back to being just friends with the woman she was in love with? It would be painful. But she could deal with it if that was Sabrina’s decision. Q was already used to hiding her feelings. But she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try, even if getting hurt was almost inevitable.

  “Would that make me your girlfriend?” Sabrina asked uncertainly.

  Q’s heart leapt into her throat. It sounded good to her, but she didn’t want Sabrina overwhelmed with labels. “That would be up to you. Titles aren’t that important for now.”

  Sabrina chewed her lip and frowned. She was quiet for awhile and Q had to stop herself from interrupting her thoughts with more persuasive arguments. She kicked herself for not being able to express this better.

  “I don’t know Q. I have doubts this will work. And I don’t want people to know. Especially not my family.”

  “Okay, if that’s what you want. But will you try? Just for the summer?”

  She nodded then gave her a serious look. “You can’t tell anyone about us or it’s over. An experiment. That’s all this is. Call me... Q Curious.” Sabrina drew up her knees and hid her face behind them.

  Excitement coursed through her, and she stroked Sabrina’s silky hair. Hell yeah! Q felt like singing and dancing around the room.

  “I can’t stomach the idea of losing you when this doesn’t work out. And I mean when…you have to promise you won’t disappear on me. Please?” Tears welled in her eyes, and Q leaned in to kiss her nose.

  “Yes, Sabrina. I promise.”

  Sabrina’s brow creased. “And how is it going to work with Jude. Do you really think you can share him with me without getting jealous?”

  Q tried hard not to grin like an idiot. “I don’t think I’d mind sharing anything with you. You aren’t going to use him all up and not leave any for me, are you?”

  “No!” She laughed. “I don’t even like sex that much. It’s awkward and messy and embarrassing. Don’t be surprised if this doesn’t work for me. Okay?”

  “Okay. But we’ll work on fixing that.” Q hugged her. She still couldn’t understand how it was possible for anyone to not like sex. Though the thought was awful, what if Sabrina was right? Maybe she wouldn’t like it no matter what they did. She’d try her damnedest “Will you mind sharing Jude with me?”

  “No. I’m a little jealous about sharing you with Jude, though. But it will be better with him there, I think. It would take the responsibility off of me. I don’t know if I could... uh... do things... uh... to you.” She blushed and looked away.

  “Don’t worry about that. I can fix that myself if it’s not something you want to do. We should come up with a list of things that we will and won’t do, so that Jude will know ahead of time.” Even the thought of making the list was turning her on. How was she going to get things done at work with her mind in her pants all summer? “Do you want to do more things like we did at his house with the cuffs?”

  “That would be... interesting.” Sabrina’s blush deepened and she fumbled with her hands.

  Q’s eyes were drawn to Sabrina’s bare legs. Her boxers had bunched up, making her legs look impossibly long. She forced away the thought of them wrapped around her head, her mouth making Sabrina cry out in pleasure.

  “Yes, I thought you enjoyed that.” Q smiled widely and ran her fingers up Sabrina’s arm.

  She shivered. “I didn’t know you knew so much about those kinds of things. Did you learn it all online, or have you done this before?”

  “It was something Nico was really into. He got me into it then left me for Isabelle because she was more serious about it than I was.” Somehow that thought wasn’t painful at that moment.

  Sabrina’s eyes were round. “Really? Did he hit you with whips, like in movies?”

  “Not quite the same as you see in movies, no. He did use a flogger and a crop on me. But he was more interested in service. He trained me to do certain sexual things on command, plus take care of his things, cook for him, clean... that sort of thing. He wanted me to stay home and serve him 24/7, but I didn’t want to give up my career. He didn’t want me to have friends or much contact with my family, for that matter.” Q downed the rest of her glassful of wine and poured Sabrina another. The room was getting fuzzy.

  Sabrina grimaced then, seeming to come to some conclusion. She looked straight into Q’s eyes. “I’m not going to be some sort of nineteen-fifties housewife for Jude for the summer. No way in hell. I’m not signing up for that. This is about sex, not him controlling my life.”

  Q nodded, starting to feel relaxed because of the wine. “He doesn’t want that anyway, little girl. He just wants a chance with you, like I do. But he has to leave and I don’t. Poor bastard. Oh, and he wants to do that séance at his house on Friday, if we can make it.”

  Sabrina squeaked and jumped on Q, straddling her legs and hugging her hard. “On Friday? But it’s already Tuesday! I have to start getting things ready.” She tried to get up again but Q held her in place.

  “Where are you going, beautiful? I like you right here.” Q held her by the hips and stared up into Sabrina’s eyes. The feel of her body in her hands made Q squirm and warmth suffused her groin.

  Sabrina sucked in a breath but rubbed herself against Q’s jeans. The wine had apparently made off with some of her inhibitions.

  “What do you want, girly?” Q’s voice was thick with lust and the effects of the alcohol.

  Her girl whined and wriggled on her lap, rocking her boxer-clad hips against Q.

  Q slid her hands around to Sabrina’s ass and squeezed, controlling her movements. “Kiss me or I’ll leave you frustrated.”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened. “I don’t really know how to kiss. I’m terrible at it. I can let you kiss me, but I don’t know how to do it right.”

  “Well now’s the time to learn then. Put your lips on mine.”

  “No! You’re going to make fun of me.” Sabrina turned her head to the side and crossed her arms under her breasts, presenting them unintentionally to Q.

  She leaned in and latched onto one of Sabrina’s hardened nipples, nibbling on it through her t-shirt. Sabrina squealed. Q continued nipping and sucking u
ntil Sabrina ground her groin against her, lost in the sensations.

  Sabrina grabbed her by the shoulders. “No more,” she gasped.

  The words hit home. She stopped immediately, despite the wine’s effects on her better judgment.

  Sabrina made a sound of frustration. “Why’d you stop?” she glared down at Q, looking about as scary as a grouchy kitten. It made Q want to kiss her silly.

  “You told me to. Are you the kind of girl that says stop when you don’t mean to?” Q asked, grinning up at her.

  “I don’t know!” Sabrina grumped.

  Q wished she could spank her – just for fun. But it was too soon. “Then I guess we’d better talk about safewords. And we’re also going to save this game for when we’re a lot more sober.”

  Chapter 6


  “Have you seen Jude’s online chat picture?” Q asked, her gaze locked on the computer screen. So that’s what she’d been up to. Chatting with Jude? Well, that explained the random giggling.

  Sabrina shifted uncomfortably on the couch, for the millionth time since having started one of Q’s kinky sex books.

  “Uh-uh,” she managed to choke out. Her face must’ve flamed bright red. It was amazing Q hadn’t teased her yet. But she did catch quite a few amused smirks when Q snuck in peeks from the desk across the room.

  Had Sabrina been hiding under a rock for most of her life? No, just in church. She couldn’t believe some of the stuff authors wrote in these books. Graphic words and scenarios she’d never dreamed of. Whips and chains didn’t often cross her mind, but that wasn’t the majority of the book’s content. Soft, silky ropes, leather-lined cuffs like she’d seen in Jude’s closet, gentle dominance – not the laughing sadists whipping girls until they cried like she’d seen on crime TV shows. It was all so…fucking erotic. She squirmed again, embarrassed of the dampening in her pants. At this moment, the heroine was being brought to orgasm with a crop on her…lady parts.

  “Sabrina?” Q’s voice pulled her from the riveting scene.


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