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The Dom with a Safeword

Page 13

by Cari Silverwood

  Jude squeezed each of her hands in turn then grunted. “Your hands are fine. But you know what? I think we should stop now. I’ve already gone farther than I planned to today.”

  She exhaled. Was she disappointed or relieved to hear that? The secrets of her body were an open book to Jude, and she was afraid she would say something she regretted later if he kept hitting her. Titles he hadn’t earned yet threatened to roll off of her tongue and she’d had to bite them back a few times. The fact that he hadn’t needed any direction to help her find subspace awed her. He’d already gotten too much just right. It didn’t bode well for her ability to think straight in his presence.

  With swift efficiency, he unbuckled her cuffs and led her to the wide window seat, a supporting hand under her elbow. After she was settled, he went back and untied Sabrina then tossed her over his shoulder like a barbarian and carried her giggling and shrieking to the seat. He threw her down beside Q.

  The girls snuggled into each other and he ran his hands over the pair of them, a look of affection in his very blue eyes. Q snuck peeks as he petted them, and felt her heart expand to include him. There was a possibility that he was gaining admittance to her affections too easily, but weeks of talking and texting about every subject that crossed their minds made her feel like she knew him more than she’d ever known anyone, other than Sabrina. It was too late to turn back now – she’d have to accept the feeling for what it was. If he betrayed her, she’d dust herself off.

  After stroking their hair and backs for a long while, Jude’s touches became more intimate – brushing their breasts and across their bottoms.

  “So, is that it?” Q quipped, as she felt her arousal resurging. “No cock again today? Are you sure you’re straight? ‘Cause if you’re not, it would be a damn shame for us.”

  Sabrina agreed, pretending to swoon – the back of her hand pressed dramatically to her forehead.

  “Don’t worry. I’m nowhere near done with you.” He sat beside Sabrina’s head, his leg against her side and his back against one of the side panes of the bay window. With an imperious wave of his hand he said, “Entertain me.”

  Sabrina stared at him blankly, and Q wrapped her arms around her, drawing her into a long kiss. “He wants us to touch each other,” she murmured when she surfaced for breath.

  “But I don’t know what to do!” Sabrina groused.

  “Do what you’d do with a man,” Jude encouraged, with a nod.

  “You want me to lie here and wait until it’s over?” she said slyly. “That I can do.”

  Q snorted, but Jude was undeterred. He slid behind her, spooning her tiny form, mouth at her ear. Both of them lay on their sides, facing Q, who suddenly felt self-conscious.

  “Look at her, little one,” Jude ordered softly. “I know how you feel about her, even if you don’t say it. I’ve seen how you look at her. You want to try this, don’t you?”

  “Can I take a rain check?” she asked, looking dismayed.

  “Probably, but what would be the fun in that? She’s naked, she’s hot, and I just scrambled her brain with my belt. She probably won’t even remember this tomorrow,” he persuaded. “You’ve gone this far. You might as well see if you like it, right?”

  She blushed. “Okay.”

  In her chest, Q’s heart started one hell of a drum solo. Without preamble, he took Sabrina’s hand and guided it to Q, using her fingers to draw patterns on her skin. Sabrina’s gaze flicked back and forth between watching what Jude was making her hand do, and Q’s eyes.

  “She looks pissed,” Sabrina mumbled uncertainly.

  “That’s Q’s turned-on face,” he whispered in her ear. “Whenever she looks like she wants to kick your ass, she actually wants you.”

  Dreadfully embarrassed, Q bit her lip and tried to look less intense. Nico had told her the same thing.

  When Jude slid Sabrina’s fingers toward Q’s nipple, he let go and her hand kept going of its own accord. He watched with rapt attention – as did Q – while her fingers trailed over the tip of her breast, toying with the piercing. On the second pass she squeezed it between her fingers and thumb, pulling and stroking.

  Q’s breath came faster. Shit. Was she hyperventilating? When Sabrina switched her attention to Q’s other breast, she found some self-control and started reciprocating.

  Jude backed off and sat up to watch the action. Anytime Sabrina stalled, he’d coax her back into motion.

  When Sabrina’s hand started meandering down her belly, Q held her breath. It stopped just below her navel and her uncertainty was palpable. Jude tried to slide it lower, but she jerked it back like she’d burnt it. She wasn’t that bi yet, apparently. Q twisted her mouth to keep from looking amused.

  “Do you think he’s ever going to take his pants off?” Sabrina whispered in Q’s ear. “Maybe he shares his penis with another guy and today wasn’t his day to use it.”

  “I kept the jeans on so I wouldn’t rush things,” Jude replied, slapping Sabrina’s ass.

  “Well it’s not exactly rushing anymore. Both of us are naked, so how is this fair?” she retorted, gesturing at the offending article of clothing.

  “I’m the Dominant, so I get to make the rules.” His head tilted in a look of smug amusement.

  “Fuck that!” Q knelt up on the window seat, leaned over Sabrina and pulled at the button of his jeans. “This is a mutiny, Captain!”

  After wriggling free, Sabrina tried to hold him still while he batted away Q’s hands. They had just managed to get the button untied, when he dragged both of them over to sit on his lap. They didn’t quite fit, but he didn’t give them the option of getting up.

  “Hold your hair up, both of you,” he ordered.

  Looking askance at each other, they complied. The sensation of his breath rippling over Q’s neck sent shivers up into her hair. His mouth latched onto the place where her neck and shoulder met, and Q sighed in contentment. Sucking and nibbling on their necks and shoulders, he held them still for his enjoyment. Eventually he let them go so they could participate.

  Sabrina sucked on Q’s bottom lip then trailed tiny kisses down to her chin, past her neck, to her breast. She paused as though she was having an internal debate. Slowly, she backed off Jude’s lap onto the cushion. She shifted onto her hands and knees, grazing Q’s nipple with her lips and making her groan. Her pink tongue darted out, licking the very tip. She looked up at Q mischievously, her ass wiggling.

  Both she and Jude eyed Sabrina’s backside with interest, smiling at each other when they realized they were doing it simultaneously. Q’s smile became a gasp as something warm and wet engulfed her nipple. She watched in fascination as Sabrina’s sucking and nipping mouth alternated between her breasts. Her tongue investigated Q’s piercings. Enraptured, Q ran her fingers though Sabrina’s silky hair, the slide of it through her hands sensuous. The elastic that had been holding it when they were painting hung tenuously onto the bottom of a lock of hair, and she tossed it aside.

  Jude slid out from between them, stood then pulled off his jeans.

  When Q could steady her voice she said, “Lookee here, Sabrina. He decided to stop being bashful.” Her friend looked up and sat back on her heels.

  “Come here,” he said, pointing at the floor before him.

  Automatically starting to comply was a little shocking to Q, but she went with it. How was she going to retain any of her self-respect if she turned into an obedient sex toy? Maybe it was because things were new with him? She’d re-evaluate if it went on too long. No self-respecting brat would ever kneel so agreeably at a man’s feet without the proper incentive.

  Out of the corner of her eye she watched as Sabrina knelt hesitantly beside her. Again she hoped that her friend was enjoying this, though Sabrina wasn’t one to go along with something she didn’t want to do without complaint. If she wasn’t having fun she would have bailed by now.

  “Mmm. Two gorgeous women on their knees. What is a man to do?” Jude drawled. His camouflage boxe
r shorts did nothing to hide his arousal.

  “FYI.” Sabrina chuckled. “The camo isn’t working.”

  He raised a brow at her. “Hands behind your back,” he ordered. They both complied without argument. He walked around them, inspecting. “Very nice.”

  Inspections always made Q feel crazy. Nico had insisted on them several times a day, without warning. They made her feel like a thing instead of a person. She shouldn’t love it like she did – she was sure her reaction made suffragettes roll over in their graves. Waves of heat rolled through her as he looked at them proprietarily. She craved a slap to the face, but doubted he’d be that rough so early in their relationship. His feather-light touch stroked over her breasts. Tented boxers so close to her mouth. But she knew better than to be presumptuous.

  “May we touch you, S – ” Q barely caught herself in time. There was no doubt that Jude noticed her slip, from the smug look on his face.

  He paused, waiting for her to say it. It wasn’t happening today, if she could help it.

  “You may,” he finally conceded. Q hooked her fingers in the waistband of his boxers. Before she could slowly slide them down, Sabrina grabbed the bottoms of the pant legs and yanked – effectively pantsing him. Such a patient girl, their Sabrina.

  He kicked the shorts away. With permission they both stood, pressing up against him and trying to entice him into kissing. He hugged them both, and then released them – kissing first Sabrina, then Q. Sliding their hands over his chest, they kissed and licked along his hard body. He tasted mildly of soap and smelled heavenly. Q circled behind him to kiss his back. When she leaned down bit his ass cheek, he jumped.

  “Hey!” He grabbed her arm and swatted her ass playfully. “You behave, little brat.”

  The slap stung. She rubbed her backside and frowned at him.

  He was much more patient than most Doms. Amazingly so. Maybe he really meant it when he said he could handle her. She paused in front of him and then dropped to her knees, pulling Sabrina down with her.

  “We can’t do this at the same time,” Sabrina hissed. “There’s not enough room for both of us down here.”

  “Uh... there’s plenty. Just do what you can and remember to share. I’ll try not to get in your way too much.”

  Together, they kissed their way down from the tip of his cock to the base, then licked their way back to the head – Sabrina somewhat hesitantly, but copying Q and following just a fraction behind. Q mouthed the tip, her lips unexpectedly meeting Sabrina’s as she mirrored her on the other side. They kissed fiercely, their tongues dueling around him.

  Jude made a strangled sound and wrapped both hands in their hair. His grip directed them as they played with each other – his member their toy that was sometimes shared and sometimes fought over. With her nails, Q raked down his belly and up his thighs. He pulled them away, gasping for breath. Q looked up. Jude’s eyes were squeezed shut, his jaw clenched. There was nothing quite as powerful as using your mouth to make a Dom your bitch.

  Exhaling, Jude opened his eyes and sought Q’s gaze. “Get her ready for me.” As though he was in no great rush, he walked out of the room.

  A growl of frustration rumbled in Q’s chest. She had a love/hate relationship with being made to wait. Knowing she’d have to watch them together before she got any relief made the fire in her burn higher. She hoped he wouldn’t make her watch and not touch. She couldn’t be held accountable for her actions if he did.

  She rose then took Sabrina’s hand and pulled her up, too.

  “What did he mean?” Sabrina asked, wide-eyed. “What does he want you to do?”

  Q just smiled before leading her friend back to the large window seat. She took Sabrina’s naked form in her arms, and kissed her deeply. Sabrina molded against her. Under the stroke of Q’s hands over her back and bottom she became docile. Her sighs and moans made Q ache with need. With gentle guiding hands, Q sat her on the window seat and urged her to lie down.

  “What are you doing?” Sabrina whispered in a small voice.

  “You know what I’m doing, little girl,” she replied, coaxing her knees apart and kneeling between them. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Her breath came fast and she whispered. “No, please don’t stop.”

  A flash of heat burned through Q. Sabrina wanted this – wanted her.

  When she lightly dragged her nails over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs Sabrina squealed. Q followed the path of her hands with her mouth. By the time her lips reached Sabrina’s mound, her friend was quietly sobbing.

  “Shhh,” she whispered, blowing softly on her bare skin. Q wrapped her arms around Sabrina’s legs and spread apart her nether lips with gentle fingers. “I’ll make sure you like this.”

  With the tip of her tongue, she brushed the sensitive skin she’d exposed at the top of Sabrina’s slit, just above her clit. She screamed and bucked in Q’s arms. As she held Sabrina in place and waiting for her to settle, Q heard Jude’s bare feet scuff behind her. He moved around her and grabbed Sabrina’s wrists, pinning them above her head, to the seat. Between the two of them, she was helpless.

  She shared an evil grin with Jude then lowered her mouth, licking up one side of her slit and down the other, completely avoiding her clit. Sabrina wriggled, trying to maneuver it directly under Q’s teasing tongue. She ignored her efforts, dipping it into her and tasting her instead. The scent and taste of Sabrina’s arousal, paired with her cries of pleasure and the writhing of her hips was like a drug.

  After teasing her for several minutes, Q flicked her tongue across Sabrina’s clit. The girl’s legs tensed, her breath hitched, and she let out a tortured moan. Q brushed her tongue over Sabrina’s sensitive nub again and again, pausing between. As she convulsed in their grasp, the pitch of Sabrina’s cries became progressively higher until the stiffening of her body heralded her imminent orgasm. Q’s body tensed – Sabrina’s reactions bringing her to the brink.

  Without warning, Jude picked up Q and put her on the window seat beside Sabrina. Both girls whined in protest, but Jude leaned over Sabrina, captured her mouth with his, and thrust roughly into her. Under him, Sabrina’s back arched and she shrieked in pleasure. After a barrage of hard strokes, he straightened up and ran his hands over her body with an appreciative rumble.

  Q joined him, caressing Sabrina’s silky skin and leaning down to latch onto a nipple. The hand that tangled in her hair turned out to be Jude’s and he guided her lower until her mouth was over Sabrina’s clit. He released her, lifting Sabrina’s ass slightly to make her hips angle upward so Q could reach her more easily with her tongue. It was too awkward to do for long, so Q licked back up her sweat-sheened body to her breasts, while her fingers tortured Sabrina’s clit.

  When she found release, Q continued to stroke her, forcing her to climax several more times. Q lost count before Jude gave a shout, his neck muscles bulging as he emptied into their girl.

  They all collapsed in a panting heap, although for Q it was more a matter of sexual frustration. Jude pulled out and removed the condom she hadn’t even seen him put on. He cleaned himself off with a towel he’d thrown nearby. Q shifted Sabrina into her arms. Her eyes were glassy and half-mast and her limbs were limp.

  “You okay?” Q asked.

  “Mmmm. I think he broke my vagina,” she mumbled blearily. “Can we do it again?”

  Laughing softly, Q brushed her lips across Sabrina’s forehead. “He might need a minute.”

  “You wish,” Jude growled. “Your turn Q. Face down, ass up.”

  The ache in Q’s groin became a painful lead weight and she cursed herself for blushing so evidently. Sliding Sabrina out of her arms, she glowered at Jude. “I think we’ve established I’m not that biddable, sunshine.”

  “Last warning.” He glared down at her, giving her an internal frisson of adrenaline.

  She scrambled to her feet and backed away, toward the door. “You pop a little blue friend earlier, or something?”

��I may not be ready now,” he growled, stalking to her. “But it won’t take me long. You two are... inspirational. Now, do as you’re told.”

  “Fuck you!” she growled back, shoving his chest with both hands.

  He grabbed her arms so fast she didn’t even see him move. “No, actually. The plan is that I fuck you. Now are you going to be a good girl, or are we doing this the hard way?”

  In response, she broke his hold and made a run for it. She was caught before she made it two paces. He wrapped her tightly in his arms, her back to his chest and groin. Turning into a limp doll, she tried to slip out of his grasp and drop to the ground, but he was ready for her. She hung bonelessly from his arms for a moment, her mind racing through possible escape options. A big part of her just wanted to give in, but she couldn’t make it that easy for him. He had to know now – for real – how much trouble she was.

  “You’re scaring Sabrina,” he said in her ear. “Tell her you’re okay.”

  “I’m okay.” She tried to keep her tone light, but she hated being dragged out of the moment. It wasn’t Sabrina’s fault. It must look awful from her perspective.

  In their conversations, Jude had assured Q that he could handle her. But Nico had said the same thing. Then he’d ditched her for someone more obedient. The thought of Nico drove her on. Nico had made her his, collared and dependent on him, then he’d cut her loose because the extra girl she’d agreed to allow into their relationship decided she didn’t like to share. Abandoned – like a puppy left in a box on a freeway. If Jude managed to win her submission, she hoped he would remember to leave her some independence.

  He crushed her face down, flat to the floor, pressing her there with his whole body. Wriggling beneath him only resulted in his hard cock pressing against her ass. She stopped. Maybe he would think she was done fighting and let her up.

  “Sabrina,” he barked. “Get those cuffs for me. And one of the collars I threw on the chair.”

  Collar? She went wild beneath him, managing to dislodge him in her panic. Before she could gain her feet, he caught her wrists and held them together behind her, a knee in her lower back. She kicked but couldn’t reach him with anything that was strong enough to do damage or knock him off of her. Grit from the floor ground into her skin and she panted hard. Sweat rolled into her eyes. Escape was starting to seem impossible.


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