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Aethon Arises (Endless Fire Book 2)

Page 23

by R E Kearney

  Finally, Shengwu’s mouth opens and closes. Blinking repeatedly, she begins to recover from the anesthesia. Again, she attempts to speak, but her brain is still floating in an anesthetic fog. Robert leans close to her face. She puffs slurring sounds into his ear.

  “Canal Oeste?” Robert repeats what he thinks he heard Shengwu say. “Did you say Canal Oeste?”

  Shengwu weakly nods her head. Through her mouth, she sucks in a large breath of air. She is fighting her way back to full consciousness.

  “Five zero three.” Shengwu breathes into Robert’s face. “Go there.”

  “Go to five zero three Canal Oeste?” Robert simultaneously questions Shengwu while directing the transport to that address.

  During their ride to the Canal Oeste address, Shengwu’s strength increases and she regains her mental clarity. She formulates a plan. When the transport holds outside the door of a garage attached to the small house at five zero three Canal Oeste, she directs Robert. “Use the access code – H3CH3CN2HOOH - to enter the garage.”

  “What?” Robert is not prepared for her unexpected directive. “What is that? What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that the chemical formula for the amino acid Leucine is my access code for entry. Leucine is an essential DNA building block for human life. I’m surprised you don’t know that.” Shengwu commands him impatiently. “I can’t input the access code with these healing wraps on my hands, so you have to. Just enter it into your PCD and transmit it.”

  “Easy for you to say.” Robert stares at his PCD. “Give me the formula again. Slowly, this time.”

  With irritation in her voice, Shengwu dictates her access code to Robert. Upon transmission, the garage door slides open. The transporter slides into the darkened interior. After the garage door closes and locks, the floor descends into an underground chamber. When the floor clicks to a stop, the chamber illuminates.

  Outside the garage, the shadowing aerodrone circles the Canal Oeste house. As their auto-autos arrive, the four men are now certain that Shengwu’s death announcement was a ruse. No coroner transports a body to a private house.

  “I believe we’ve been duped by mister Goodfellow.” Reverend Diaboli splits up the three Sicarii. “Billy and Pour, you two wait here in case they come back out. Stay alert, you guys. Remember, capture or kill. Willy, you and I’ll go to Stamina Vitae, so I can provide some religious reassurance to those in need. And while I’m comforting, you and I’ll be searching.”

  Beneath the garage, after adjusting to the dim lighting inside the underground chamber, Robert notices a smaller entrance panel and access pad, similar to those installed in Stamina Vitae. “Where are we?”

  “We’re at the entrance of a tunnel into my private project lab.” Grimacing, Shengwu sits up on the corpse-cart. “As I remember, you desperately wanted to see what was inside. Well, now you have your opportunity. All you have to do is follow my directions and cart me down there.”

  “And what are your directions?” Robert asks, as he converts the corpse-cart into a self-propelled carriage.

  “Actually, it is all reasonably easy. Within five seconds of me informing the security computer that I am entering the security code, you must enter it. Understand?” Shengwu scoots into the middle of the cart, allowing Robert access to the security pad.

  “H3CH3CN2HOOH. Correct?” Robert reads his last transmission from his PCD.

  “Oh no, Robert, Leucine is only for the garage. Using the same code for both entrances would not be smart security. You should know that.” Shengwu answers with disbelief. “The access code for this portal is the amino acid Serine – C3H7NO3.”

  “Well of course it is. How unbelievably simple minded of me.” Robert sarcastically remarks.

  Through the portal and into the tunnel, Robert guides Shengwu’s carriage. As they proceed, pressure power-panels covering the floor generate dim overhead lighting directly above them. Only they are lighted, and only where they are. One step forward and the lighting behind them extinguishes. Robert can ascertain little about the construction of the tunn

  “How did you dig this tunnel?” Robert touches the wall. He discovers it is roughly smooth.

  “It wasn’t dug, Robert. It was vaporized with lasers. So, there was no dirt or rock waste disposal to hide. Fast and relatively clean.” Pointing toward the ceiling, Shengwu sweeps her arm in a circle. “What mineral residue remained was 3D printed into the overhead and the flooring.”

  “I see. Well then, I suppose you would agree with innovative tunnel maker Elon Musk when he said that floors are underappreciated, but not as much as tunnels.” Robert snickers.

  Shengwu flashes a grin at Robert, but then becomes earnest. “This is more than a tunnel, Robert. This is my self-preservation, escape route. I wasn’t prepared when Evoil’s SS Deacons unexpectedly banished me from the US. I lost everything…everything except my genetic engineering knowledge and skills. Thankfully, Negocio allowed me to establish my clinic here. So, I’ve been able to use the one thing the SS Deacons couldn’t take away from me…. my genetic engineering, my ability to heal people, to improve human life. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  “Yes, and because of your work, Negocio swore to protect you and your clinic.” Robert reassures her. “That’s why I’m here and Rita is here.”

  “I know, Negocio is trying. You are trying. But, fear of the future that I can provide for mankind is too strong in America. Ignorance and hate are in control there.” Shengwu shakes her head in resignation. “Ignorance always hates change and always seeks to destroy it.”

  Robert nods his head in accord. “Yes, I agree with you and I also agree with Emma Goldberg who said that the most violent element in society is Ignorance. But, at least for a while, I hope Negocio, Rita and I can protect you. I think you will be safe here.”

  “No, I’ll never be safe.” Shengwu sighs sadly. “Even before Mugavus warned you and you snuck me out of the hospital, I knew eventually the US Righteous Rightist regime would attempt to destroy me and my work. So, I prepared. I created my escape. I will not lose my work again. I have progressed too far…far too far. I cannot wait any longer. I must immediately begin arranging to transport my creations to safety. It’s my only way to save Peter…to enable humanity to evolve…to survive.”

  The last overhead light glimmers, displaying another sliding panel and security pad. With a groan, Robert steps to the security pad. “Ok Shengwu, tell me the secret word to open this one.”

  “Simply the formula for amino acid tyrosine - C9H11NO3.” Shengwu leans toward the security pad and announces. “I am entering the security code.”

  “Well, why so simple, Shengwu?” Robert derisively comments as he enters the tyrosine chemical formula.

  “At the time, I considered it appropriate. I was tired and tyrosine helps humans fight fatigue from stress.” Shengwu explains, appearing weary.

  Swish! The panel slides open. Blinding bright light and the burning stench of antiseptic slam Robert. Covering his eyes and nose with his hand, he staggers out of the tunnel. Smack! The heel of a foot drives deep into his stomach. Oof! Robert drops to his knees grabbing his gut.

  “Welcome to my secret lab, Robert. I apologize for forgetting to warn you. You just encountered the defensive kick of my very protective and paranoid father. He guards my lab.” Impatiently, Shengwu commands Robert. “Now stand up, we must begin our work.”


  Uumph! Another heart explodes. Another mother slumps onto the floor. With a whimper, she dies. Two coroner-bots accompany the corpse-cart into Stamina Vitae’s lobby. Together, the coroner-bots lift her body onto the cart and remove her from the room. The dying surrounding her watch her disappear. The few that knew her mumble prayers in her name. The rest pray louder to save themselves.

  “Mommy! Mommy!” Her face fever-flushed, a bawling, young girl toddles behind the departing cart carrying away her mother.

  Stretching forw
ard, another Aethon stricken mother captures the girl and hugs her tightly against her breast. The girl screams and twists and struggles to follow her mother. Clenching the child tighter, the woman begins rocking and softly singing. The girl slips into exhausted sleep, too sick to continue fighting.

  “Can’t we do anything to help them? We must do something!” Obed pleads to Rita as they witness the increasing suffering via projected visuals from Stamina Vitae’s security cameras.

  Obed and Rita remain safely ensconced outside the reach of the fear-filled, panic-stricken, mob of Aethon sufferers crushing Shengwu’s facility. Negocio’s security forces suppressed the near-riot fighting and a few security remain to maintain control. But, they can do little else than minimize the mayhem, caused by the growing number of Aethon-ill Americans flooding the clinic.

  “How many times must I tell you Obed that we can’t do any more than we are already doing?” Rita is vexed at Obed’s repeated pleading. “Zhou and Pion are working desperately to genetically engineer a Manchineel medication for all Aethon strains, but they don’t possess the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Without Shengwu’s expertise to guide them, they are floundering.”

  Rita shifts her viewing to a drone’s visual of the facility’s exterior grounds. “Negocio is doing about all that we can do too, keeping them fed, watered and comfortable enough that they don’t try to kill each other again.”

  Taking control of the drone Rita increases its altitude to provide a wider view of Stamina Vitae. Although, hundreds of ailing Americans are encamped in the open, in and around the facility, they are not being ignored. Scattered among them, Negocio’s security monitors and calms the crowd. Red Cross service-bots circulate among the unhealthy horde, distributing water and food. Nurse-bots are also active, issuing medications for non-Aethon illnesses. Portable toilets and showers, stationed strategically for convenient accessibility, are surrounded by lines of increasingly desperate users.

  “I pray that they create some remedy soon, Rita. I see too many people I know waiting out there…dying out there.” Obed begins silently praying while he watches.

  “Isn’t that against the teachings of your Reverend Fili Diaboli?” Rita quizzes Obed, who looks with confusion at his praying hands. “No, not your praying, Obed. I mean Shengwu’s genetic engineering.”

  Obed returns his attention to the scenes of the Aethon afflicted. “I believe if Reverend Diaboli could see the suffering that I see and the healing that I have seen through the workings of Zhou and Shengwu and Pion, that he would change his commandment. For as it is written in Romans, ‘Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.’ I believe I shall bring him in here to observe Zhou and Shengwu’s labors of the Lord’s love. Once he sees their good works, he will understand that they are not evil, I believe.”

  With a skeptic smirk, Rita shakes her head in disbelief. “I believe you expect a miracle that I doubt shall transpire. So if he comes, don’t allow him inside here until I am long gone. Ok? No, on the other hand Obed, just don’t allow him in here. Ok?”

  Obed returns his focus to observing the anticipating sick, ignoring Rita until he mumbles, “My Lord shall guide my hands.”

  “Well, Shengwu shall guide mine.” Robert startles them as he and Shengwu arrive behind them.

  Whirling around, Rita squeals happily. “Shengwu! You’re here. Oh, how we need you…they need you.” Rita points at the visuals projections.

  “You’re the answer to my prayers!” Obed pronounces.

  Drawn by the noise, Zhou ventures away from her work with Pion. She smiles with relief when she sees her colleague. “Shengwu, at last, Wǒ hěn gāoxìng kàn dào nǐ jiànkāng (I am so thrilled to see you healthy). We’re so happy for your return.”

  Robert maneuvers Shengwu and her cart into her work room where Pion awaits, as an augmented-reality hologram. Immediately, he notices Pion’s face relax. Of course she does not smile, that is one step too far. Yet, he considers less tension with no stimming a certain sign that she, in her own Asperger’s way, is pleased to see Shengwu.

  With as severe a demeanor as Pion, Shengwu begins her crusade. “So Pion, what have you and Zhou tried so far and what results have you received? What have you found effective? I’ll require a complete genetic breakdown of your Manchineel samples and the individuals you’ve treated.”

  Pion responds straightaway. Genetic algorithms, amino acid compositions and the genetics of Manchineel swarm into the room.

  After her initial review of Pion’s data dump, Shengwu grimly shakes her head. “I am less than confident that we’ll find some way for Manchineel to break the death grip Aethon has on these people. Once Aethon is inside, I’ve found it to be a merciless killer. Today’s humans are weak, almost defenseless. I’ve fought it and lost so far. I lost Peter. I do not want to lose anyone else…regardless of who they are.”

  Shengwu is the calm eye in the center of whirling storm of formulae. She studies an algorithm. Then, with a wave of her bandaged hand, wipes it away. Pion offers her another She contemplates it, then eliminates it. Robert, Rita and Obed silently watch in awe.

  “Aha! This looks interesting.” Abruptly, Shengwu freezes her genome ballet. “How is this individual, Zhou?”

  “He is improving.” Zhou compares the information floating before Shengwu with the heads-up display on her AR glasses. “Pion, display our latest blood sample from Aethon case number eight hundred and eighty eight.”

  After reviewing the blood sample, Shengwu grins at Zhou. “Patient eight hundred and eighty eight? Eight, eight, eight? I believe that’s the luckiest number possible in Chinese numerology. Is it not? Lucky for him and lucky for us…or for them. I think I see a possible genetic chink in the Aethon attacking this man.”

  Shengwu points toward a series of floating formulae. “These Manchineel genomes seem to be teaming with his own body’s defenses to exploit this single crucial gene. That gene may contain the instructions for building his personal Aethon antibiotic. Basically, he is generating his own in-body antibiotic. Of course, the trick is to find a means for duplicating that ability to produce personalized antibiotics in other sufferers.”

  “She is a messenger from God.” Obed too loudly whispers, “I am reminded of a writing from the book of Matthew, ‘Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and he healed them’. Only it is she, not he, now.”

  Obed’s glorifying interrupts Shengwu’s manipulation concentration. “This is only the beginning, Obed. Only, the initial…well, it’s a clue…that’s all…a vague connection. This is no guaranteed remedy. We have much more analysis to do, so why don’t you see how the people outside are doing?”

  Hanging his head in embarrassment, Obed wanders out of the room. With him gone, Shengwu returns her full attention to solving the mystery of Manchineel and Aethon. Robert, Rita and Zhou solemnly witness her wizardry. They are afraid to breathe heavy, lest they disturb her again.

  Finally, after many minutes of contemplation, Shengwu taps her bandaged fingers together, nods her head and frowns. “I believe I see our problem. If I edit this Manchineel…”

  “He’s here! He’s here! Reverend Diaboli is here!” Obed exults, crashing into the room shattering Shengwu’s thoughts. “He is praying with the Aethon victims in the lobby, right now. Laying hands upon them. Wiping their pain and their sweat of death away. Sharing his healing breath of health with the babies.”

  Immediately realizing what he plans to do, Rita strains to restrain Obed. He is just beyond her reach. The others stand frozen in stunned silence.

  “It’s a miracle! Just as I prayed. He has come. You must meet him, Shengwu. You must!” In a breath, before he can be stopped, Obed is gone, racing to usher Diaboli inside the heart of Stamina Vitae.

  Panic! Horror slashes across Shengwu’s face. She barks, “Robert! Our plan! I’ll alert Mugavus. You, take Rita to the lab. Run! Get out! Save my Peter, Robert. Save Peter!”


  “Okay Rita, open wide and say…”

  “Say one more word Robert and you’ll regret it for an extremely long time.” Rita sternly shakes her fist at Robert, before she twists onto her back flexing her hips and knees, and separating her thighs to assume her lithotomy position.

  “So, I guess asking you if you have a womb for rent would be completely unacceptable.” Robert nervously teases her. Hidden behind his back, so Rita cannot see, are his trembling hands. He is attempting to joke away his apprehensions.

  Scowling, Rita scolds him. “What is wrong with you? You’re definitely not providing me with the sincere assistance and support that I require at this moment. If I had known that you were going to act like this, I would never have asked you to stay.”

  “Sorry. Nerves.” His right hand quivering, he lightly swipes across his forehead. He begins pacing. “Aren’t you concerned? In a few minutes, you’ll be hosting the embryos for Shengwu’s genetically-engineered, designer babies. Embryos that she personally created. A new species of human soon will be living inside of you. You’ll become the incubator for future mankind. Life as we know it, or don’t want to know it. What if she is creating a…

  “Stop babbling! What you need is a good strong dose of this benzodiazepine that he gave me. Settle your nerves.” Rita slurs slightly as she points toward Shengwu’s father and two nurse-bots approaching her.

  Wearing a pair of AR glasses and a comforting smile on his face, Shengwu’s father gently grasps Rita’s hand. “Please call me Yisheng, Rita. You are very lucky. We have twelve embryos in the two-to-four celled stage. The perfect level of blastocyte development for transfer. Six male and six female. Ok?”


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