Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History
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Beninde. J., 89
Bergmann, C., 236
Berkner, Lloyd V., 122, 123
Bethell, Tom, 39–45
Bettelheim, Bruno, 97
Bible, 32, 33, 145, 152, 154
Biological determinism, resurgence of, 237–42
vs. potentiality, 249–57
Birdsell. J. B., 236
Birmingham University, 89
Blue Danube (Strauss), 242
Bolk, Louis, 64–66, 214, 216, 220, 221
Bonnet, Charles, 203
Brain, and body weight, 181–85
size, 184
evolutionary increase, 207–8
species, 187
vertebrate brain, 186–91
Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 72
Bride of Frankenstein, 174
Brinton, D. G., 214
British Journal for the History of Science, 28
Brontosaurus, 189, 190
Browne, W. A., 26
Bruno, Giordano, 154
Buckland, William, 157
Buffon, Comte Georges de, 145–46
Burnet, Rev. Thomas, 141–46, 154
Burstyn, H. L., 28, 30
Burt, Sir Cyril, 245–46
Butler, Samuel, 269
Cambrian explosion, 115, 118, 126–33
organic diversity and, 119–25
cropping principle, 123–24
Precambrian fossil deposits, 121, 122
stromatolites, 124–25
pattern of, 127–28
sigmoidal (S-shaped) curve, 128–31
spindle diagrams, 131–33
Cambrian trilobites, distribution of, 162–63
Caster, Kenneth, 160
Castlereagh, Viscount, 29
Cecidomyian gall midges, 91–92, 95
Chariots of the Gods (Daniken), 159
Charles II, King, 30, 80
Christmas Carol, A, 39
Ciardi, John, 171
Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 208–9, 260
Clay, Henry, 218
Clockwork Orange, 242
Concept of Race, (ed. Montagu), 231–32
Condorcet, Marquis Marie Jean de, 16
Continental drift, 135–36, 157
validation of, 160–67
Continental shelf, 137–38
Coon, Carleton, 238
Coope, R., 89
Cope, Edward Drinker, 218, 221
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 267
Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches (Harris), 256
Craters, planetary, 194
Cretaceous extinction, 134
“Criminal chromosome,” 228
Criminals and criminality, biological theories of, 222–28
Cromwell, Oliver, 180
Cropping principle, 123–24
Cuénot, L., 159
Cushman, J. A., 157
Cuvier, Georges, 83, 149, 152
Cyprogenia, 107
Däniken, von, E., 159, 167
Darling, F., 89
Dart, Raymond, 240
Darwin, Charles, 103, 109, 126, 192, 207, 210, 212, 217, 267, 269, 271
Beagle voyage, 21, 23, 28–33
“descent with modification,” 34–38
Koestler’s campaign against, 27
M and N notebooks, 23–26
Origin of Species, 11, 25, 41, 50, 84, 119, 120
personal wealth, 31
publication delay, 21–27
See also Evolutionary theory
Darwin on Man (Gruber and Barrett), 23
Darwinism, evolutionary theory,
applications and implications of, 49–75
babies as embryos, 70–75
conceptual uniqueness, 51–52
genetic differences, 52–55
juvenile development, 63–69
morphological uniqueness, 51
prehuman fossils, 56–62
Bethell’s criticism, 39–45
essence of, 44
future of natural selection, 266–69
history of life, 111–38
human nature, 229–65
influence of size, 169–98
organisms, 77–110
science and society, 199–228
“Darwin’s Mistake” (Bethell), 39
Davitashvili, L. S., 88
Descent of Man (Darwin), 25, 50, 88
Desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 206, 270
“Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation” (Jehovah’s Witnesses), 37
Diploid organisms, genetic relationships in, 263–65
Discorsi (Galileo), 172–73
Divine creation, doctrine of, 91
Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 43, 44, 232
Dr. Cyclops, 174
Dryden, John, 49
Du Bois, E., 210
Dybas, H. S., 99
Earth, theories of, 139–67
continental drift, 160–67
Rev. Burnet, 141–46
uniformity and catastrophe, 147–52
Velikovsky, 153–59
Earth in Upheaval (Velikovsky), 153, 155, 157, 158
Earthquakes, 136
Ecological Monographs, 99
Ecological theory, organic diversity and, 119–25
cropping principle, 123–24
Permian extinction, 134–38
Precambrian fossil deposits, 121, 122
stromatolites, 124–25
Ecology, defined, 119
Eimer, G., 159
Eiseley, Loren, 148
Ellis, Havelock, 219–20, 221
Embryos, babies as, 70–75
Engels, Friedrich, 26, 210–11
Eukaryotic cell, 130
evolutionary significance of, 115–18
Eukaryotic multicells (Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia), 117
Eukaryotic organelles, 115
Eukaryotic unicells (Protista), 117
Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature (Huxley), 49
Evolution, 99
Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence Jerison), 188–89
Evolutionary Biology (Margulis), 114
Evolutionary theory, 19–45
embryological, 34–35
Haeckel’s name for, 34
organisms and, 79–110
adaptation by evolution, 91–96
bamboos and cicadas, 97–102
Irish Elk, 79–110
problem of perfection, 103–10
racial life cycles, 42–43
and “transformisme,” 34
See also Darwinism, evolutionary theory and
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin), 25
Eysenck, H., 220
Fantastic Voyage, 174
Ferri, Enrico, 225–26
Fetalization theory, 64–65
First Principles (Spencer), 36
Fitzroy, Captain R., 29–33
Fliess, Wilhelm, 208–9
Fox, Robin, 238, 240
France, Anatole, 180
Fratricide, 239
Freud, Sigmund, 16–17, 208–9, 260, 267
Fungi, 116–17
Galen, 213
Galileo, 154, 172–73, 195, 239
Gall midges, 103–4
Garden of Eden, 143
Gardner, R. A. and B. T., 52
Garrett, Peter, 124
Geist, Valerius, 89
Genes, development and, 54
Genetic variability, 116
Gestation, human, 72
Gideon Society, 147
Gilbert, W. S., 222
Gobi Desert expeditions of the 1920s, 207
Gruber, H. E., 23, 25–26, 28, 29
Haeckel, Ernst, 34, 119, 210, 211, 215, 217
Haldane, J. B. S., 175, 262
Haller, Albrecht von, 34–35, 203
Hamilton, W. D., 255, 262
Hardy, Thomas, 13, 17
Hare, H., 265
Harper’s, 39
Harris, Marvin, 256
Harvard Educational Review, 244
Harvard University,
86, 92
Heartbeat, 72
Henslow, J. S., 30, 31
Herrnstein, Richard, 238
Hibbert, S., 84
Hippocampus, 49–50
History of life, 111–38
Cambrian explosion, 126–33
five-kingdom classification, 114–18
organic diversity, 119–25
Permian extinction, 134–38
taxonomic distinctions, 113–14, 116
Holy Roman Empire, 79
Homo, 57, 60
Homo erectus, 58, 59, 60–61, 182, 184, 238
Homo habilis, 57, 59–60
Homo sapiens, 53, 54, 58, 59, 62, 184, 231, 232, 238, 239, 251
Homosexuality, 266
Human intelligence, size and shape, 179–85
bodies, 179–81
brain, 181–85
Human nature, science and politics of, 229–65
altruism and kin selection, 260–67
potentiality vs. determinism, 251–59
racism and IQ tests, 243–47
taxonomic classifications, 231–36
Huxley, Aldous, 63–64, 65–66
Huxley, Julian, 43, 44, 85, 142, 179
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 33, 49, 50, 51
Hyatt, Alpheus, 42–43
Hymenoptera, 263
Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, 243–44
Imperial Animal (Tiger and Fox), 240
Incredible Shrinking Man, 174
Inquisition, 173
Introduction to the Study of Man (Young), 58
IQ tests, racism and, 238, 243–47
Irish elk, 43, 79–80
in Alleröd times, 90
antlers of, 79, 80, 85–90
extinction of, 84–90
allometric hypothesis, 85–87, 88
orthogenesis theory, 84–85, 87, 88
geographic range of, 80–82
Jameson, Robert, 29
Janzen, Daniel H., 43, 97–98
Jefferson, Thomas, 83
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 37
Jellyfish, 121, 129
Jensen, Arthur, 238, 244–46
Jerison, Harry J., 188–89, 190
Johnston, R. F., 236
Journal of the American Medical Association, 72
Kamin, Leon J., 245
Kapital (Marx), 26
Keill, John, 145
Kelsall, J., 89
Kin selection, theory of, 262–66
Kinetic energy, 175
King, Mary-Claire, 53, 54
Kingsley, Charles, 49–50
Kipling, Rudyard, 218
Koestler, Arthur, 27
Kraemer, L. R., 109
Krogman, W. M., 68
Kubrick, Stanley, 242
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 34, 268
Lamarckism, 12, 271
Lampsilis, 104–6
reproductive biology of, 106
Lana (chimpanzee), 52
Lang, W. D., 159
Leakey, Louis, 56, 57, 59
Leakey, Mary, 56–57, 59
Leakey, Richard, 59, 182, 185
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van, 204
Life history, see History of life
Ligumia nasuta, 108
Linnaeus, Carolus, 251, 257
Lloyd, M., 99
Locke, John, 68–69
Lombroso, Cesare, 222–28
London Times, 246
Lorenz, Konrad, 237
Lull, R. S., 85
Lyell, Charles, 15, 50, 123, 147–152, 154, 192, 193, 195
concept of uniformity, 150–51
Lystrosaurus, 166–67
MacCulloch, Dr. A., 83
McKormick, Robert, 28–31
Malpighi M., 203
Malthus, Thomas, 21, 22
Mammals, brain of, 73, 75
reproductive strategies of, 70–71
Manson, Charlie, 237
Mantell, Gideon, 83–84
Margulis, Lynn, 114, 115
Mars craters, 194
Mars’s polar caps, 196
Marsh, Othniel Charles, 218
Marshall, Lauriston C., 122, 123
Martin, Robert, 70
Marx, Groucho, 28
Marx, Karl, 26–27
Maunsell, Archdeacon W., 83
Mayr, Ernst, 43, 44, 232–33
Meiosis (or reduction division), 55
Mendelian genetics, 219
Mercury, craters of, 194
Metazoans, evolution of, 122–23
Micromalthus debilis, 92, 96
Mill, John Stuart, 150, 247
Miller, Hugh, 157
Milieu, Kate, 242
Milton, John, 24
“Missing link,” 58, 207, 208
Moja (chimpanzee), 52
Molyneux, Thomas, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84
Monroe Doctrine, 28
Montagu, Ashley, 72, 73, 74, 221, 231–32
Moon craters, 194
More, H., 35
Morris, Desmond, 237–38
Mosaic evolution, concept of, 66–67
Muller, H. J., 11, 14, 43
Multivariate analysis, techniques of, 60
Murchison, Roderick, 126, 149, 192
Museum of Comparative Zoology, 92
Mycophila speyeri, 93–94, 95
Napoleon I, 29, 80
National Museum of Ireland, 86
Natural History Magazine, 13–14, 16, 70, 109
Natural selection, basis of, 11
creative process of, 116
defined, 40
essence of, 11–12
principle of, 41
Victorian unpopularity, 45
See also Darwinism, evolutionary theory and
Neanderthals, 207
Neo-Darwinism, 43
Neoteny, 63–66, 216, 219–21
New Conquest of Central Asia (Andrews), 207
New York Times, 56, 167, 252, 259, 266
Newsweek, 259
Newton, Sir Isaac, 43, 144, 151, 154, 195, 267
Noah’s flood, 83, 84, 142
Oken, Lorenz, 209–10
Old Red Sandstone, fossil fishes of, 155–56
Olympus Mons, 197
Ontogeny, 119
Organic diversity, ecological theory and, 119–25
cropping principle, 123–24
Permian extinction, 134–38
Precambrian fossil deposits, 121, 122
stromatolites, 124–25
Organisms, 23, 53, 54, 79–110
adaptation by evolution, 91–96
bamboos and cicadas, 97–102
Irish Elk, 79–110
problem of perfection, 103–110
See also names of organisms
Origin of Races (Coon), 238
Origin of Species (Darwin), 11, 25, 41, 50, 84, 119, 120
Marx on, 26
Orthogenesis, theory of, 84–85, 87, 88
Owen, Sir Richard, 49, 50, 51, 84
Oxford English Dictionary, 35
Oxnard, Charles, 60
Paleontology, 56–62, 83, 120, 127, 134, 186, 192
allopatric theory, 61–62
mosaic evolution, 58
Paleozoic glaciation, 162
Paley, Archdeacon W., 103
Parkinson, James, 82
Part Played by Labor in the Transition from Ape to Man (Engels), 210–11
Parthenogenesis, reproduction by, 92, 93, 94, 95–96
Pascal, Blaise, 198
Passingham, R. E., 72, 73, 74
Patterson, Brian, 57
Penseroso, Il (Milton), 24
Perfection, problem of, 103–10
preadaptation and, 107–8, 110
Periodical cicada, 98–102
Permian extinction, 134–38
cause of, 136–38
fossil record, 137
Photosynthesis, 122–23, 131, 252–53
of Precambrian algae, 122
Phylogeny, 119
Physicalism, 123
Pilbeam, David, 183, 184
sp; Pithecanthropus alalus, 210
Pithecanthropus erectus, 210
Planetary sizes and surfaces, 192–98
heat engines and, 193–98
Plate tectonics, theory of, 136, 138, 157
Pleistocene ice sheets, 156
Plinian Society, 26
Ponce de Leon, Juan, 63
“Pop ethology,” 239–42
Pope, Alexander, 69
Portmann, Adolf, 70–71, 72, 73, 74
Postnatal development, 73–74
Posture, upright, 207–13
Preadaptation, principle of, 107–8, 110
Precocial mammals, 71
Predator satiation, hypothesis of, 101
Preformationism, 202–6
Press, Frank, 193
Princess Ida (Gilbert), 222
Principles of Biology (Spencer), 36–37
Principles of Geology (Lyell), 148
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1973, 123
Prokaryotic cells, 115
Prokaryotic organisms, 115–16
Prokaryotic unicells (Monera), 117
Punch, 49
r- and K-selection, theory of, 94–95
Racism, 237
IQ tests and, 243–47
recapitulation theory, 214–21
Raup, D. M., 131
Recapitulation theory, racism and, 214–21
belly button theory, 218
black inferiority, 214–18
“evidence,” 219–20
IQ debate, 220
justification of imperialism, 218–19
neotenic hypothesis, 219–21
Rheingold, Das (Wagner), 175
Ridley, W. Ian, 194
Rite of Spring (Stravinsky), 135
Romanes, G. J., 268
Ross, Sir James Clark, 28–29
Rossini, Gioacchino, 21
Sacred Theory of the Earth (Burnet), 141–46, 154
Sagan, Carl, 196
Samuelson, Paul, 259
Sayers, Dorothy, 21
Schopf, J. W., 115
Schopf, T. J. M., 131, 138
Schuchert, Charles, 164–65, 166
Schultz, A. H., 74–75
Science, 199–265
and human nature, 229–65
and society, 199–228
Science, 54, 114, 236, 258, 265
Scopes, John, 141–42, 146
Sedgwick, A., 149
Selander, R. K., 236
Sepkoski, J. J., 128, 131
Serres, Etienne, 218
Sex, 116
Sexual Politics (Millett), 242
Shockley, William, 238
Sibling species, 53
Siever, Raymond, 193
Simberloff, D. S., 131, 138
Simpson, George Gaylord, 43, 44, 208
Size and shape, 169–98
geometry of space, 171
human intelligence, 179–85
of medieval churches, 176–78
planetary, 192–98
vertebrate brain, 186–91
Smith, Adam, 12, 100
Smith, G. E., 208
Social Darwinism, 37
Sociobiology, 16, 250–67, 269