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Down & Dirty: Hawk (Dirty Angels MC Book 3)

Page 9

by Jeanne St. James

  She shook her head. She couldn’t understand why any sane woman would want to be the property of anyone.

  “Babe,” she heard next to her. The low, gravelly voice sent a shiver down her spine. And it wasn’t a bad shiver, either.

  She turned her head to glance at Hawk, who was studying her. “Leather vests ain’t your style?”

  She must have been openly wearing her thoughts on her face. “Can’t say it is. Though, not only the style but the meaning behind it.”

  Hawk didn’t say anything, instead just lifted a bottle of beer to his lips and took a long pull. Kiki watched his throat undulate and felt her pussy do the same thing.

  It was just insane, but this man, this biker, turned her on like no other had ever done before. Even her ex-husband, who was a pretty handsome guy.

  A single look from Hawk could make her quiver. His deep, rough voice made her wet and wanting. And his body...

  Her heart pounded in her chest and warmth ran through her belly to land in her core.

  For now, the awesome sex they had was worth dealing with his misogynist ways, but she didn’t know how long she’d be able to put up with it.

  The one good thing about him though, besides his skills in bed, was there was nothing superficial or slimy about the man. What you saw was what you got.

  And what she got the past couple of weeks was a whole lot of wet panties and erotic dreams.

  A shout came from the one end of the pavilion. “Everyone’s ass here?”

  Hooting and hollering rose up from the picnic tables that filled the covered, concrete area.

  Kiki noticed most of the men sat on top of the tables, their knees spread, with a woman—their woman?—sitting on the bench in between their legs. Just the way Hawk sat with her. Though, there seemed to be a lot of men without a woman, too. One table was overrun with what Kiki could only imagine were strippers. She knew about the gentlemen’s club the DAMC ran. She frowned in the direction of the overly made-up and under-dressed women, which wasn’t missed by the man sitting above her on the table and his low chuckle rumbled over her.

  “Hawk, get up here an’ do your thing,” the man shouted again.

  He pushed to his booted feet and surprised her when he planted a kiss on the top of her head before walking away. “Be back, babe. Stay here.”

  Where else was she going? He had brought her here on the back of his bike. It was the first time she’d ever been on a motorcycle. Though, she had to admit the ride was exhilarating, and holding on tightly to Hawk was just as exciting. She could see herself enjoying a long ride out into the country while being plastered against the large man on a beautiful day. So, unless she called an Uber, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Within less than a minute, Hawk’s voice boomed across the pavilion. “This is what we got so far... Sophie an’ Bella’s doin’ a bake sale. Dawg’s girls are doin’ a kissin’ booth an’ settin’ up a tent for private lap dances.”

  Cat calls and whistles echoed through the courtyard and the women at the strippers’ table all stood up, grabbed their breasts and shook them, then waved and blew kisses.

  Oh good lord.

  Private lap dances? At a fundraiser for vets? Kiki’s eyes bugged out and she searched the crowd to see if anyone else thought that was odd. Nope, just her.

  She sighed.

  “Gonna have kegs set up for beer.”

  Oh shit. Alcohol and a bevy of bikers. She pressed the heel of her palm into her eye socket and sighed again.

  “Gonna have Jag head a Poker Run.” Whatever that was.

  “Nash’s band’s gonna play. Crow’s gonna set up a spot to do some tats. Anything else?”

  “Gonna have a pig roast an’ Mama Bear’s gonna get some other food together to sell. An’ Ace is gonna donate some shit from the pawn shop for a silent auction,” the tall, slightly older man next to Hawk said loudly.

  “Yeah, that, too. Got the grounds rented. Gotta get notice out, especially to other clubs in the area. Make it big. Bring in some heavy scratch. Gotta work hard an’ make me look good in front of my woman, the club’s new lawyer. Show her what a difference we can make in this community.”

  His woman?

  “What?” she whispered.

  All eyes landed on her and Kiki felt the blood drain from her face. She turned her gaze back to Hawk, but he ignored her.

  “Keeks’ gonna set up a table an’ take donations for answerin’ legal questions.”

  She was?

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Anyone got any other ideas, bring ‘em to me ASAP.”

  “You heard the man. Now, enough of that shit.” The man next to Hawk jumped up on a nearby picnic table and yelled, “Let’s get down an’ dirty!”

  The stomping of boots, whistling, hooting and shouts of “’til dead” went up, making Kiki wince at the loudness of it.

  That was the extent of their planning? They all gathered for that two-minute speech?

  Suddenly everyone was scattering over the courtyard, hitting the kegs that had been set up near the fence and from somewhere, she had no idea where, a band started warming up on what seemed like a makeshift stage on the other side of the bonfire.

  Good lord, she was suddenly in the midst of a real biker party. Her heart raced.


  Kiki twisted her neck and her eyes rose up the tall tattooed man that had been standing by Hawk. “What?”

  “I’m Pierce, club prez. Heard ‘bout you but hadn’t needed your services. Hopin’ not to any time soon.”

  She noticed the President patch on the front of his cut. She plastered on a smile. He was the head of her biggest clientele after all. “Nice to meet you, Pierce.”

  Kiki tried to get up, but he was standing so close she had a hard time climbing out from between the picnic table and its attached bench. Suddenly his hand was on her arm, hauling her onto her feet.

  Without letting her go, his gaze roamed her from head to toe. Kiki shivered, but this time it wasn’t a good one. Pierce’s look was predatory.

  “My VP landed himself a hot piece of ass.”

  Kiki’s body jerked and she gasped as Pierce’s hand was knocked off her elbow and Hawk’s firm grip replaced it. “Thanks, brother, for lookin’ out for her. Got it from here,” was his low rumble.

  There was no mistaking the older man’s jaw getting tight and Kiki’s eyes jumped from Pierce’s tense body to Hawk’s. They were having a stare down.

  This was not good.

  Kiki covered her mouth and coughed out a word that sounded like “probation” causing Hawk’s eyes to drop to her, breaking the standoff.

  She smiled at Hawk. “Pierce was just telling me—”

  “Yeah,” he cut her off. “Let’s go inside an’ get you a drink. Doubt you wanna beer.”

  Kiki looked at a miffed Pierce who still stood staring at the two of them, hands on his hips.

  “Yes, that might be a good idea,” she murmured.

  Hawk snaked an arm around her shoulders, yanked her against his side and took off striding through the courtyard. In flip flops, Kiki struggled to keep up. She pulled back. “Hang on, you’re walking too fast.”

  “Keep up, babe. Or I’m gonna plant my fist in that fucker’s face.”

  “Why would you punch him?”

  “Touched you.”

  “Yes, but only—”

  Hawk abruptly stopped and grabbed her chin, tilting her face up to his. “He. Touched. You.”

  Okay, then! Someone was feeling a bit strongly about it. “Just my elbow,” she whispered.

  “Ain’t gonna touch a single hair on your fuckin’ head. Got me? Not a single... fuckin’... one.”

  “Is he dangerous?” Kiki tried to look back from where they came, but Hawk was having none of that and tightened his grip on her chin.

  “I will be if he touches you again.” His eyes dropped to her chest. “Buy some bigger tees. Shirt’s too tight across your tits.”

  “I har
dly wear T-shirts.”

  “Right. You can wear mine.”

  “I would swim in yours.”


  Kiki sighed as he began to propel her to the side entrance to the clubhouse. He yanked the door open and with a hand on her ass pushed her inside.

  She stopped just inside the door and surveyed the large common area which was not nearly as nice as The Iron Horse side. And the public side was no five-star place, either.

  A long bar, similar to the one at The Iron Horse, sat to her left along the wall. Pool tables were scattered to the right. An opening to a stairway was on the far wall going to who knows where. Dart boards hung on horribly decorated walls. She actually couldn’t tell if some of the motorcycle parts displayed were supposed to be decorations or if they were just a convenient but tacky way to store spare parts.

  Couches that looked like they should be burned lined the exterior walls. She scrunched her nose up. She would not be cuddling up with Hawk on those couches any time soon. Or ever. In fact, she planned on giving them a wide berth.

  Her gaze landed on what seemed to be restrooms at one end of the bar. One door was marked “dicks” and the other “chicks.” She rolled her eyes.


  “Yeah, babe,” Hawk answered.

  She lifted a hand toward the bathrooms. “I need to use the facilities.”

  She noticed his lips roll in and his face get tight like he was struggling to keep his composure.

  “Sure, babe. Use the facilities. Meet me at the bar. I’ll get you a whiskey.”


  “Yeah, neat.” He snorted and shook his head, lumbering off toward a group of people who gathered at the other end of the bar. She didn’t miss the fact that there was a very pretty woman with long, dark hair behind the bar serving drinks.

  Kiki tried not to let the jealousy bug bite her. Nothing to be jealous about, she reminded herself as she rushed toward the women’s room.

  She shoved the door open and—

  “Oh, excuse— Oooh! Damn...”

  An extremely large man with a very pale ass had what she guessed was a woman pinned against the wall. He looked like Hawk’s brother but she couldn’t be sure since she couldn’t see his face. He wore a cut with all the patches like Hawk’s and his jeans hung down around thick thighs. Kiki couldn’t see the woman since the man was so much bigger, but she certainly could hear her. And there was no doubt she was enjoying every powerful pump of that very pale, but muscular ass.

  Wow, he had one spectacular rear end.

  Kiki tilted her head to study it some more. When the man looked over his shoulder at her, she realized it was Hawk’s brother, Diesel.

  Holy crap!

  He gave her a chin lift then turned his attention back to the woman who had her legs tightly wrapped around his hips.

  For some reason, Kiki couldn’t pull herself away. Or even unglue her eyes from the muscles that flexed powerfully in his ass.

  God, she was no better than the woman who was encouraging him to fuck her faster and harder. She should be ashamed. She should just back out, close the door and give them their privacy.

  “Diesel in there?”

  The question that came over her shoulder startled her into action as heat rose into her cheeks for being caught. “Yes.”

  She started to retreat just as she should have done from the get-go, but the other woman pushed against her, peering over her shoulder.

  “Let me see!” The woman then sighed out a “yessss.”

  Kiki tried to back up but the woman blocked her escape. “We should give them their privacy.”

  “D doesn’t care, do you, D?”

  A loud grunt came from the man in answer.

  “See? His ass is like the eighth Wonder of the World. Every woman should see it at least one time in her life. To miss that sight would be a travesty.”

  Kiki actually had to agree with this woman, whoever she was.

  “I’m Sophie, by the way.”


  “Hawk’s new lady, right? The new club lawyer?”

  “Well, the second part is correct, at least.” She couldn’t believe they were standing there having this conversation as Hawk’s brother was screwing some woman, who they couldn’t even identify, against a bathroom wall.

  But there they were. And nobody seemed to even care.

  A barked “Woman!” came from somewhere behind them.

  “Oops. Busted.” Sophie laughed then blushed. “Can’t blame a girl...”

  With one last look at Diesel’s derriere, she murmured, “No, I’d say not.”

  “Is Hawk’s like that?”

  Okay, she needed one more peek for good measure. “Haven’t seen it from that particular viewpoint yet.”

  “Well, let me know.”

  “He doesn’t do the bathroom thing?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  Well, that was good to know.

  “Babe!” a man bellowed again.

  “Shit,” Sophie muttered. “I’m being paged.”

  “You certainly are. Is that your man?”

  “Yep, that’s Zak.”

  Kiki grabbed the doorknob to pull the door closed, but it was ripped out of her hand and the door was slammed shut.

  She turned in surprise to face Sophie’s man, Zak, who she’d met the other night at The Iron Horse.

  She had to admit Sophie was one lucky woman. The man had a hip swagger that would make any woman wet. Kiki had watched it closely when he and Hawk had approached the stranger in the bar.

  He was a little on the rough side, but in a rugged good-looking, panty-soaking way. And he had eyes that could either pierce your soul or make you drop your clothes instantly.

  Kiki shook herself mentally. The air in this clubhouse was too thick with testosterone.

  “After watchin’ that, you in the mood, babe?”

  Kiki raised surprised eyes to Zak and was relieved to find that he was asking his woman and not her. Because she might have just mindlessly answered, “Yes.”

  “You know it, baby,” Sophie teased, smiling up at her man and pressing a hand to his belly.

  Zak’s hand curled around Sophie’s and he tugged her into his arms, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Home or upstairs?”

  “I think I can wait until we get home. Though, we’ve done it on the bike before.”

  Zak smiled. “True, babe. Might be an option.”

  Kiki’s eyes widened. She shouldn’t be in the midst of this intimate conversation. But then, she shouldn’t have been standing there watching a man having sex against a wall, either.

  Hell, her life had certainly taken an odd turn.

  Zak looked at Kiki and said with a wide, genuine smile, “Gotta go knock up my woman.”

  “Oh, you’re trying to get pregnant? How exciting!”

  Sophie scrunched up her face. “No, I’m on birth control.”

  Kiki blinked slowly in her confusion.

  “Doesn’t stop him from trying, though,” Sophie clarified then laughed.

  Zak grabbed her hand and tugged her away from the tiny alcove where the bathrooms were located and Kiki slowly followed.

  She watched the two walk hand in hand across the large room and, before they exited out the back door, Zak flicked two fingers over his shoulder as a kind of wave goodbye.

  Huh. The man had some sort of badass coolness about him. She could see why Sophie was clearly infatuated with him.

  “Babe,” was barked from the other end of the bar. Kiki’s gaze swung that direction. Hawk sat on a stool with a beer mug in front of him, surrounded by some other bikers. He crooked his finger at her.

  And, holy hell, didn’t she automatically start moving in his direction. The sense must have been knocked out of her on Hawk’s headboard. She never thought a day would come where a man would crook his finger at her and she’d respond. At least not without a knee to the ‘nads.

  When she reached him, he spun
on his stool with his thighs spread wide and he pulled her in between them, hands firmly planted on her hips.

  Even surrounded by people, her nipples beaded to hard points and her pussy clenched hard. Being sandwiched between his thick thighs made her think dirty thoughts.

  And this was exactly why she had walked across the bar when he crooked his finger.

  His eyes dropped to her chest. “New T-shirts,” he muttered.

  She looked down and her hard nipples were pushing against the snug cotton.

  “Since my cousin is too busy staring at your tits to introduce us... I’m Bella.”

  She turned toward the dark-haired, smiling woman behind the bar. “Kiki.”

  Bella’s brows rose sharply but she quickly recovered. “Pannebaker passed us on, huh?”


  “Lucky for Hawk since you got him off,” said a man standing nearby, then whacked Hawk on the arm and chuckled.

  Since Hawk ignored the double entendre, so did she.

  Bella lifted her chin in the direction of the wannabe comedian and the beautiful redheaded woman who was plastered like icing on a cake to his side. “That’s my sister, Ivy, and her ol’ man, Jag.”

  Kiki wondered if all of the bikers in this club were as hot as the men she’d already met. Maybe it was a prerequisite along with having a body full of tattoos. “You don’t look old to me.”

  Jag gave her a wide smile, then looked at Hawk. “Better pass on Soph’s Biker to English dictionary. She’s gonna need it.”

  Ivy leaned toward her, “You’ll get used to it. You’ll have to if you’re going to represent us.”

  “I prefer you all don’t get arrested or in any legal jams, but then, I do have bills to pay.”

  “Like that fuckin’ sweet Vette I hear you got. Need to take that out for a spin.”

  Kiki’s head turned to the new voice as the man slid onto the stool to the left of Hawk. He had long dirty blond hair pulled back into a man-bun. Kiki tried not to make a face. Her eyes dropped to the patch over the right side of his chest.

  “Your name is Crash?”


  “Then no.”

  Hawk’s body shook against her and when she looked back at him, he had his head turned away, hiding his laughter.

  Bella slid a glass of what looked like whiskey in front of her. “Neat.” Then she smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement.


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