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Kate: A Paranormal Lustmance

Page 1

by Krihstin Zink

  Krihstin Zink Copyright © 2016

  by Krihstin Zink All rights reserved.

  ISBN-13: 978-1537514864

  ISBN-10: 1537514865

  Cover Design: Jason Zink

  Editor: Tara Dawn

  Proofreader: Amber Hayes

  Formatter: Irish Ink Formatting and Graphics

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  About the Author

  To my beta readers—y’all are amazing book friends!

  My heart escalated as black tendrils slithered against my skin while I aimlessly floated through Purgatory’s opaque sky. Recollections of forcing myself into Scarlet Rodrick’s vessel crowded my mind. I’d possessed her and willed her to do as I pleased.

  My sweet, sweet Scarlet—how much I’d miss that sweet cunt.

  “You will need to forget her, Kate,” Thadeus ordered. I hated that he could read my thoughts.

  Naturally, after I’d died on US Route 1, I’d launched into my demonic afterlife. However, I’d refused to conform to the baby-demon life. Hell had established a military-type system and as a newbie, I’d been assigned to Thadeus’s battalion. I’d lasted one day before I escaped hell … and then I’d had a fun few months of wreaking havoc on Scarlet and David’s lives.

  I snapped my gaze to our surroundings, observing the leafless trees and flint-gray sky that held my attention while my feet dangled as Thadeus’s massive dragon wings soared above us. His smoke tendrils slithered, exploring my body, while his muscular claws tightly held my arms as we ascended toward an unknown destination.

  I’d fucked up. I didn’t listen, and Thadeus’s anger had been unignorably raucous.

  “Once you die in your afterlife, your soul vanishes from all dimensions. Is that what you wanted, Kate? To die for … for good,” he roared while we soared closer to the ground.

  My injuries stung as I remembered Scarlet’s four guardian angels, morphing into an impenetrable force of angelic destruction. I’d barely survived their lethal attack, so I had no other option but to escape like a scared bitch. Before my ass-beating, Scarlet had assumed that with my ex-boyfriend, David Jensen’s death—I would have allowed her to live happily-ever-after with Q: the thick man-meat from her return flight from Paris to Naples, Florida.

  While I possessed Scarlet, her and I had become lovers and then friends. However, in the end, my psychosis overcame my demonic form—and I had to make everyone pay. I killed David and then attacked Scarlet and Q. Everyone deserved my wrath; especially Scarlet, since she’d quickly forgotten that I’d enjoyed them first. David and Q had cummed under my grip before they even knew of Scarlet.

  Thadeus’s strong wing rhythm returned my mind to Purgatory, and I glanced beneath me as a tar river of despair drew near. The ground grew closer, and I immediately detached from his grasp. I gulped as dense air choked my throat while the cracked stone beneath my ass singed my skin. The sky dimmed to a graphite gray: a shade that could make the happiest person depressed.

  “Why did you bring me here, Commander?” I glared up at Thadeus’s gigantic form. I shifted my attention to stare at his shiny onyx ram horns that dominated his face. Unlike me, he’d stayed in his true demonic form.

  Thadeus’s completely charcoal-colored eyes seethed with pure displeasure. Who could blame him, though? He’d assigned one task: collect sinners’ souls. However, my revenge to destroy Scarlet and David had fueled my decision to dismiss his orders.

  I had a vindictive fury that had to be satisfied—no matter who suffered.

  “You have disgraced my battalion. Your life before hell is of no importance. There’s only one mission: to obtain souls and fill hell with sinners,” he scolded. His dragon wings menaced, expanding before he dug his claws into my arms.

  Thadeus’s chiseled nose and cheeks darkened as he seared fear into my demon heart. His smoke-like tendrils escaped from his muscular sides, and I shivered with dread as their direction neared my dangling, bare feet.

  A lump clogged my throat while a meek whisper crept from my lips, “I only know how to possess vessels. Nothing more … sir.” My ignorance enraged him as his deathly grip dug deeper into my arms. His slate-gray skin vibrated with anger, and I felt myself become entranced by his Barbarian appearance.

  Thadeus broke the alpha stereotype because he radiated a fierce energy that no modern man could ever achieve. He aroused a strange lust within me: I feared him but wanted him all at once.

  “You fool! Do you know what the punishment is for disobeying a Hell Commander’s orders?” His voice summoned an atmosphere-shaking thunderclap. I trembled within his grasp and nervously shook my head.

  My selfish revenge had led me to my possible afterlife death.

  In the past, I’d had a charm with men. I could seduce their whims from them, but Thadeus had been a different case. His vicious reprimanding proved that he lacked interest in me as a woman.

  “Answer me, baby demon,” he hissed as his sharp nose poked into my cheek.

  His intimidating scare tactics had me shuddering under his grasp. Thadeus shook me until I produced an answer, but I had nothing since I lacked an excuse for my selfish intentions. Obviously, I’d made the wrong decision in seeking revenge. I’d ruined lives and killed for two years straight. At last, my Karma had been revealed through Thadeus’s hateful wrath.

  “Ass-fucking?” I joked, wincing while I wiggled in his grip. His eyes squinted as a repulsed glare formed on his face before his grip grew stronger. I grinned up at his disgusted glare. I’d hoped to lighten the mood, but my humor had been unappreciated.

  Rage surged from his grip as he slammed me to the ground. I screamed in agony when my arm and back scraped against each stone step between Thadeus and my resting place. Dirt irritated my injuries, yet I kept silent because I knew better than to say anything and agitate him more.

  Dumbfounded and abused, I curled into a submissive stance and bowed to him. Whatever my punishment would be, I’d quietly accepted it. I trembled, watching as his steroid-muscular legs flexed before his gigantic bare feet stomped towards me.

  Fuck me! I’d been miniscule in comparison to his immense, demonic stature.

  Silver strands of hair swayed into his face, and for a moment … I noticed him as man-meat. My lust stirred to life as his physique rippled and his eyes seared with fury. With each purposeful step, he resembled the many males I had once manipulated into puddles of cream.

  Thadeus’s leather kilt barely covered his thick and meaty cock; he could have put a horse to shame. His growth had a silent signal that lured me to my hands and knees. Like a silent, hungry cougar—on all fours, I crawled toward him.

  Damn. I sure know how to get myself into trouble!

  I hesitated as I licked his briny knee, and then slowly made my way up to his well-built thigh. When he hadn’t struck me, I lapped my way to his thick
cock. In one eager slurp, I inhaled half of him into my mouth until his tip viciously jabbed at my throat.

  “Mmm,” he moaned as I worked him into submission. I’d win him over, just like the many before him.

  His cock pulsated in my mouth, which immediately reeved my lustful hunger. He gently combed through my long, golden hair as I picked up my speed, until a frightful growl built in his throat.

  “Don’t move,” he roared before he began to face-fuck me while my body twitched and yearned for more.

  Every inch of me blazed with desire as my hands cautiously trailed from his dense calves to his tight ass … then I held on while he pounded into my sore throat.

  An animalistic roar launched from him as he filled my mouth with his warm manblast until I trembled with pleasure while I anticipated my turn. His taste on my lips engulfed my skin with an unquenchable heat. I perked up as my mounds bounced with desire I awaited his next move.

  “Your offering is appreciated,” he hummed, patting my head as I swallowed all of his thick deposit. I sulked beneath him, waiting for him to offer me some type of anything.

  Seriously, his giant cock barely fit in my throat; and I needed to feel it deep inside my hungry cunt.

  “Hm … Can I get off too?” Sometimes I hated myself for my bluntness, but my drenched clam desperately needed to be plugged.

  Two years of demon life, and I’d developed a one-track thought process: fuck any and every one. For months, I’d had my way with Scarlet and David. Well, until David had rejected me, so I killed him. Weeks later, Scarlet’s guardians had tried to end me. Honestly, I’d lacked appropriate decision-making skills, especially when I had an opportunity to get-off or seek revenge.

  Flashes of Thadeus’s thick man-meat evoked within my mind while my lips burned for more. Since he hadn’t rejected me, I crawled closer and gently caressed his damp tip. I continued to stroke him while he moaned above me.

  He wanted me as much as I wanted him: his growing cock revealed it.

  “I do not join with baby demons,” he roared, gripping my arms. My head jerked as he yanked me into a standing position and then pushed me away from him.

  Again, just another fucker who’s left me wet and waiting.

  The sunless sky taunted above while an eerie silence caused me to step closer to Thadeus. A strange gloomy haze lingered overhead, as if one giant, sad cloud blanketed the entire sky. Clustered leafless trees surrounded us, which created haunting shadows that mocked us. I jumped closer to Thadeus when abrupt clapping to my right startled me. Instinctively, Thadeus knelt, waiting for further instructions.

  “Fuck me,” I gasped, totally mesmerized by the glowing, demon sorceress who stalked in our direction. Nothing but legs slunk towards us: she enthused the definition of an Amazonian. Thin metallic plates covered her nips and clam while chains webbed from the plates that hugged her like a bikini top and mini skirt. Enchanting, garnet tresses feathered her face and hung past her shoulders.

  My gaze locked with her inflamed ruby eyes until her scold held me like a rat caught in a trap. Captivating, feminine ram horns beamed through her gorgeous locks. Unlike Thadeus, the stunning stranger’s horns had a slick platinum tinge.

  “I’m impressed. Your audacity to seduce Thadeus is definitely noteworthy. Ha. How long has it been for you, Thadeus?” Her voice hummed, like a siren of pure seduction.

  Instantly, I struggled to keep my fingers from touching her slate-colored skin. I glanced at Thadeus, just as he lowered his humiliated gaze to the barren ground. When I returned my attention to the stranger, her bare feet paced and teased towards me while her extensive dragon tail whipped as her jet-black, feathered wings withdrew behind her.

  Once she reached me, she dominantly pressed her chest against mine. I lost it as a soft lustful whimper escaped from my lips because her seductive looks and scent had me completely enthralled.

  “How many souls has she captured, Thadeus?” Her words vibrated along my skin, and I felt unable to control my hand that crept out to caress her smooth arm.

  Fear struck me and I recoiled when Thadeus growled near my ear, “One does not touch General Panora.” My hair wildly blew as his hot breath stung at my face.

  “Step aside, Thadeus. I have the perfect consequences for her behavior.” Panora stretched her slender arms in my direction.

  I could barely contain my lustful hunger, but then I froze with terror when an electric bolt cracked from her palms and burned my face. Pain surged from my head and then throughout my body while I frantically rubbed at my skin, failing to soothe her strike. Her dark, hateful stare intensified as she scolded me with her glare.

  I should have watched my words, but this bitch had struck a nerve.

  “What the fuck? You could have just slapped me!” My screams fell on deaf ears as I toppled over in pain. A deep-rooted eruption of agony bolted from my forehead to my shoulder blades and then down to my feet. I violently shook as drool escaped from my lips.

  Time lapsed while my throat grew raw from my vicious shrieks. My skin scorched with distress as it birthed two jagged horns and then a pair of slick dragon wings. Panora had left me just like any postpartum newbie mother: spent and urging for medicated relief.

  Several stone plates scratched at my skin as their unforgiving coldness pressed against my depleted form. I helplessly jerked in complete suffering while my body transformed.

  She had dammed me—cursed me to my true demon form.

  “You will fall in line and do as Thadeus commands. Your mission is to collect souls. What-ever life you had before your demon mission is now dead. Your next offense will be your end. Understood?” Her inflamed ruby eyes scolded from above. I shifted to glare at Panora: a sinister general who had punished me with grotesque horns and wings.

  On wobbly feet, I stood and tucked my scaly tail between my legs. A swift but painful glance at my arm revealed that along with my horns and wings, I had also developed a slate tinge to my skin. I wrapped my arms across my chest, completely beaten by my forced transformation … but Panora hadn’t finished with me just yet.

  “I loathe blonde, human hair—say goodbye to your golden locks, newbie,” she shrieked before she snapped her fingers.

  Terror filled me as I wailed in pain, “No.”

  One chunk of hair at a time had viciously ripped from my scalp. My cries could have shattered glass as I mourned the loss of my cherished golden tresses.

  Slick baldness received my shaky hand when I smoothed over my hairless scalp. An over-whelming sadness threatened to leak from my eyes, but she’d already robbed me of too much. So I urged my emotions to stay in check while I killed her with my stare.

  “You are demon—and nothing more.” She snapped her fingers again, and an unbearable itch blazed at my scalp before a dramatic growth of silver locks flowed from my head and then down past my ass. My new ram horns and dragon wings weighed me down while my demon tail frantically whipped in the air. I briefly closed my eyes and painfully imagined the demon Panora had created. In less than an hour, she’d killed the remains of my human form. I hugged myself, comforting my traumatized mind as I willed myself to stay emotionless.

  Stay strong, bitch, no one can help you now.

  One more snap jolted from her fingers, then Thadeus roared, “Stand before our general.”

  I hesitated when I rapidly bowed, fighting back the sorrow that engulfed me. Stray tears leaked from my eyes as a hushed whimper quivered from my lips. All the mayhem and pain I’d caused … had been atoned through Panora’s reprimand. My grief overwhelmed me as I shook from the surge of anguish that threatened to expel from my core.

  At one time, I’d been too malicious to be bothered by sadness. During my chastisement, Panora broke me as she ripped away the remainder of my humanity. My general’s punishment had induced a profound torment that I struggled to hide. Blinding tears threatened to escape from my eyes; however, I continued motionless while Thadeus and Panora held a rese
rved conversation a few feet from me.

  Hell had been established to make sinners pay for their sins—and on that day, I had paid tenfold.

  While my commander and general discussed my fate, my anxiety built as traumatic flashes of my imposed transition tortured my thoughts. They’d forced me to release my past life; and I’d ultimately accepted my rebirth as a true demon.

  “Do as you’ve been instructed, Kate—or you’ll suffer grave penalties.” Panora’s ruby eyes glowed with pure revulsion. I bowed, submissively obeying my leader’s orders.

  Following a prolonged deliberation, my general and commander had agreed that my lustful mannerisms would be applied to accomplish my soul-collecting quota. They granted my lone work as long as I achieved my task.

  “Go!” Panora shrieked while Thadeus growled at me. She snapped her fingers, causing a boisterous whistle to ache at my ears before vicious winds whipped around us. Quickly, a small crimson dot warped into a brazen, pulsating entryway.

  Since I’d always just blinked in-and-out of any destination, I’d never portal jumped before. However, following my transformation, Panora had stripped me of my previous demon powers, which would ultimately make soul-collecting difficult.

  “You are free to join with whom you wish—as long as you collect their souls,” Thadeus scolded, marching in my direction.

  When he reached me, he dug his claws deep into my fleshy arm. I instantly recoiled, entirely frightened by his charcoal eyes that gleamed with intense hatred. He gripped my arm, hauling me towards the awaiting portal.

  I gawked in dismay as my feet dragged along the stone ground. My heartbeat thudded in my ears while hurricane winds rushed at us. I staggered in Thadeus’s grip as I failed to stay on steady feet. If I had been a human, I would have died from a damn heart attack due to the wind’s alarming vigor.

  “How will I collect souls?” I nervously questioned while we grew closer to the frightening gateway of uncertainty. I swiftly jerked to face Panora, but then I flinched when she met my gaze with her brutal scowl. She lifted her palm and sparks crackled from her fingers. With an intense glare, she slowly stretched her hand towards me. I instinctively jolted into Thadeus’s massive physique to hide from her pending attack. My heartrate grew uneasy when I noticed his empathetic, lop-sided smile. Though I wanted him, I hated that he’d enjoyed my mouth but brushed my needs aside.


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