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Sin in the City of Angels

Page 17

by Callista Hawkes

  “You goddamn son-of-a-bitch!” She snarls at you, a thick glob of your seed clinging to her cheek while more of your pearly white come trickles down her chin.

  “You were just too damn good.” You shrug, struggling to keep a straight face.

  “I thought you were different, but you’re just as selfish as my good-for-nothing husband.” She fumes, pulling a handkerchief from her purse and wiping your fluids from her features, a look of disgust on her face.

  “Quit your whining.” You reply, reaching for your clothes. “It’s no wonder your husband’s looking elsewhere.”

  “Why you…” Her eyes blaze with fury. “Just take me home, Mr Harlowe. Let’s try to forget this ever happened.”

  “Fine by me, lady.” You snap, pulling on your slacks and shirt before climbing back into the front of the car. Viola remains in the back, glaring at you in the rear view mirror as you carefully reverse out back onto the coastal road.

  You drive her back to her home on Mulholland Drive in stony silence. When you pull up outside the gates, she climbs out of the car and slams the door shut behind her before storming away.

  “Goddamn broads.” You mutter before pulling back onto the road and driving back towards your office.


  You take a step back and run at the window, diving headlong through the flames and out of the smashed window, somehow missing the remaining jagged shards of glass jutting out of the frame. You plummet down from the burning building and throw out your arms to break your fall. While your wrists are still tied, you manage to soften the impact a little, though the jarring collision with the ground knocks the wind out of you. Still, chalk one up to Uncle Sam: If it wasn’t for your parachute landing training during the war, you’d have probably broken your neck. A burning sensation on your back and legs swiftly brings you to your senses and you roll around, extinguishing the flames. You manage to crawl away from the burning building bruised and a little singed, but alive. The building looks like a run-down old farmhouse up in the hills. The lights of the city sprawl out in the distance. It looks a long walk. You can hear the wail of sirens in the distance and decide to make yourself scarce before the fire department arrive. After the evening you’ve had, you don’t need an interrogation.

  A few hours later, you reach your office. You’d managed to work your wrists out of the ropes on your way to the highway. Once there, you’d flagged down a truck driver and caught a ride back downtown. Dawn is just a few short hours away, and you quickly shed your scorched clothes and crawl into bed, slipping into a deep sleep within moments.

  The next morning, you’re on your third black coffee before you figure you’re just about in a fit state to face the day. Pouring yourself a glass of whiskey, you wearily reach for the telephone and call the local police station.

  “Yeah, it’s Harlowe. Put me through to Officer Morton will ya toots?” You lean back in your swivel chair as the call is put through. The line clicks and you hear a familiar feminine voice on the other end.

  “Morning Nancy, it’s Sam. Listen sweetheart, it’s your lucky day. I’ve got an early Christmas present for ya. A case all wrapped up with a red ribbon bow on top. No, I’ve not been drinking!” You glance at the glass in your hand. “Well, no more than usual.” You concede. “Never mind that. Meet me at my office as soon as you can… Half an hour? Yeah, that’ll be swell.”

  Just under half an hour later, you hear footsteps in the corridor outside. Nancy, clad in her dark blue police uniform, steps through the frosted glass door. As you stub out your cigarette in the ashtray on the desk in front of you, she glances warily at the empty whiskey glass next to it before her gray eyes flick up to meet yours.

  “You look like crap.” She tells you. “What the hell happened to you?”

  “Long night.” You reply gruffly. “Long story. Too long.” She nods and removes her cap.

  “So, what’s this about, Sam?” She asks, brushing a few loose strands of her blonde-brown hair out of her eyes.

  “I’ve been working a case for Viola Vandergraaf, wife of Neville Vandergraaf.” You begin. “She came to see me a few days ago, convinced that her husband was trying to kill her. Witnessed an attempt myself the very next day. I got a call from her butler, Carstairs, a few hours later. He was jittery. Told me he had something to tell me. We arranged to meet at the observatory. By the time I got there, he’d been murdered.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me all this at the time, Sam?” Nancy asks, narrowing her eyes. “I oughta charge you with Obstruction of Justice!”

  “You wanna hear what I have to say or not?” You growl. She frowns, but slowly nods.

  “During the course of my investigation, I discovered that the marriage was far from a happy one and Neville Vandergraaf was having an affair.”

  “Okay, so you’ve established a motive.” Nancy replies, pulling a notebook out of her pocket and leaning forward. “So Neville Vandergraaf’s responsible for the murder of his butler and the attempted murder of his wife right?”



  “Yeah.” You reply. “Neville’s got himself a mistress he lusts after, maybe even loves. He wants the wife out of the picture and doesn’t like the idea of paying a fortune in alimony.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Nancy replies, scribbling furiously into her notebook. “These rich assholes think the law doesn’t apply to them. Well, he’s wrong. We’ll nail him to the wall for this. You’ll be prepared to testify as a witness?”

  “Of course.” You reply, lighting another cigarette.

  “This is really great.” She tells you. “This could mean a promotion for me. Those assholes down at the station will have to take me seriously now.” She climbs up out of her chair and rounds the desk, leaning down to kiss you on the cheek.

  “Hey!” You grin. “That’s no way for an officer of the law to behave!”

  “I don’t care.” She laughs. “I’ve gotta go, but I won’t forget this, Sam.” She hurries out of the door and you chuckle before reaching into your drawer for your whiskey.

  A few days later, you sit at your desk smiling with satisfaction as you read the headline on the front page of the newspaper: ‘LA TYCOON CHARGED WITH MURDER!’ There is a grainy photo of Neville Vandergraaf, his hands handcuffed behind him being dragged towards the Police station. You can see Nancy leading the way and your smile broadens. You’d always had a soft spot for that girl and are happy to see her basking in the glory. As you begin to read the article, the shrill ring of the telephone shatters the silence. You glare malevolently at the handset before picking it up.

  “Harlowe.” You growl. “Mrs Vandergraaf!” You smile, your voice softening. “Yeah, I’m just reading about it now… Yeah?... My bill? Sure, whenever’s convenient…” You check your watch. “Sure, I guess now’s as good a time as any… Yeah, I remember your address. I’ll see you shortly.”

  You pull up outside the Vandergraaf residence on Mulholland Drive. The sun is high in the sky and you pull on your hat as you climb from your car. You walk up the drive to find Viola waiting for you in the doorway of the house. She is wearing a typically elegant floral summer dress and beams broadly at you. You return her smile. Happy and relaxed, she looks even more beautiful.

  “Thank you Mr Harlowe.” She tells you as you reach her. “You’re literally a life saver.”

  “Just doing my job ma’am.” You reply, respectfully removing your hat as she gestures for you to follow her inside.

  “Well, I want you to have this.” She says, handing you an envelope. “That’s the bill settled as well as a bonus to express my gratitude.” The envelope feels thick and heavy.

  “That’s very generous ma’am.” You grin, slipping the envelope into your pocket.

  “Please, call me Viola.” She smiles. “Will you join me for a drink by the pool?”

  Stay for a drink


  “Thanks, but I oughta get back to work.” You tell her, glancing at the door.
/>   “Of course.” She smiles. “I’m sure you’re very busy. Another time perhaps?”

  “Yeah, I look forward to it.” You reply. Her eyes meet yours and she leans forward and kisses you tenderly on the cheek. Her lips are soft and linger fractionally longer than they should have done.

  “You’ll have my eternal gratitude Mr Harlowe.” She tells you, pulling open the door. You nod and pull your hat on, stepping back outside. The door closes behind you and you return to your car.

  As you drive back down the hillside towards the city, you smile and pat the thick envelope full of cash through your jacket pocket. That should pay the rent and keep you in whiskey for a few months to come. Your smile falters for a moment as details of the case flash through your mind. Something about it doesn’t quite sit right, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You push the thoughts to the back of your mind. You’re not a cop. You were a hired by Viola Vandergraaf and she’s obviously happy with your work, so what the hell do you care?

  “To hell with it.” You mutter to yourself, deciding this is a day for celebration, not self-doubt. Maybe you should give Paige a call. Nothing clears the mind like a drink and a roll in the hay.

  Call up Paige

  Call it a night

  “Sure.” You grin, following her through the luxurious interior of her home. Stepping through some French doors, you emerge back into the sunshine at the rear of the house. You glance around you at the large, well-tended gardens and the rectangular swimming pool. An attractive redhead lies on a sun lounger in the shade of an umbrella canopy. She wears a red swimsuit and sunglasses and sips at a cocktail. As you draw closer, your eyes widen in recognition. Sabine Marceau! She recognizes you a moment later, sitting up, her jaw dropping and her eyes narrowing.

  “Why, you low down son of a bitch.” She snarls. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing, sister!” You reply coolly. “You’ve got some nerve to show your face here!”

  “You two know each other?” Viola asks, glancing from you to her and back

  “Yeah, this lowlife visited me backstage posing as a casting agent.” Sabine tells her.

  “You didn’t...?” Viola whispers.

  “In this town, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.” She shrugs brazenly. “And it did sound a good part.”

  “So you sucked on his?” Viola replies, curling her lip in disgust.

  “Only he wasn’t even a casting agent!” Sabine protests. “The sleaze took advantage of me!”

  “You can hardly take the moral high ground, sweetheart.” You tell Sabine before glancing at Viola. “This is the broad that your husband has been screwing!” The two women glance at each other and burst out laughing. Sabine climbs to her feet and reaches for Viola.

  “No, Mr Harlowe.” Viola smiles. “This is the broad that I’ve been screwing.” They embrace and kiss passionately while your mind reels at the sight and implications of what you are witnessing. Viola breaks the kiss and her blue eyes meet yours. “I owe you a debt of gratitude, Mr Harlowe. We both do.” She adds sternly to Sabine, whose flinty glare softens a little. “In fact…” The blonde’s lips curl into a smile and she turns to Sabine and whispers something into her ear. The redhead giggles and both women glance towards you.

  “You speak French, Harlowe?” Sabine purrs. “Do you know what ménage à trois means?”

  Get out of there and call the cops

  Allow yourself to be seduced by the two beautiful women

  “Why don’t you show me?” You grin, quickly pushing any doubts to the back of your mind. Sabine smiles and moves behind Viola, turning her towards you. You watch enthralled as the redhead’s hands roam over the blonde’s body, massaging her breasts through her dress while kissing the side of her neck. Viola’s eyes close and she smiles, tilting her head to one side and allowing Sabine to softly kiss her. The redhead’s lips glide up past her ear and across her cheek. Viola lets out a low moan of pleasure and twists her head towards her and the two women kiss passionately again. Sabine’s hands slide down the blonde’s body, caressing her hips and buttocks. The redhead finally breaks the kiss and glances at you over Viola’s shoulder.

  “Trois means three you know.” She grins. “Any time you wanna step in here!”

  “Just enjoying the show.” You shrug with a wry smile before stepping forward. You lean into Viola and kiss her. She kisses you hungrily, her excitement palpable as Sabine’s hands continue to explore her. Your own hands hold her narrow waist before sliding upwards, the blonde moaning into your mouth as you cup her breasts. You hear the clack of a zip as Sabine unfastens Viola’s dress. She peels it off her shoulders and you step back as the garment slips off her. The blonde smiles shyly at you as you gaze at her semi-naked body. Sabine is already working at the clasp of her bra and the flimsy ivory garment falls away, exposing her firm, perky breasts, the nipples pink and swollen.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful.” The redhead tells her, pulling Viola towards her, holding her face and kissing her again. After a moment, she breaks the kiss. “Say, Harlowe, you ever been skinny-dipping?” She purrs, her green eyes gleaming as she pulls away from the blonde. Sabine holds your gaze as she peels the red swimming costume down her voluptuous body. Your cock twitches as her pendulous breasts are exposed, your eyes widening as the tight fitting garment slips down to her ankles.

  Strip off and dive into the pool

  Suggest you stay dry

  “I can’t say I have, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.” You grin, quickly stripping off your clothes. As you tug down your underpants, your rigid shaft springs out, swaying in the sunlight. Sabine smiles broadly before glancing at Viola, who is slowly sliding down her lacy panties. The blonde steps out of them and moves towards you, her blue eyes gleaming and her ruby red lips pouting with excitement. As you take her into your embrace, kissing her passionately, her hand slides down to your cock, her fingers wrapping around it. You hear the springboard reverberate immediately followed by a loud splash, droplets of water showering you both. Sabine’s grinning face emerges from below the surface, her long red hair wet through and darkened by the water.

  “Come on in.” The redhead purrs, treading water. “The water’s perfect!” Her beautiful green eyes seem to glow in the sunlight. She looks almost ethereal, like some kind of mythical water nymph.

  “Sure.” Viola giggles, pulling away from you and diving into the pool. She emerges next to Sabine, the two women smiling alluringly up at you, their naked bodies tantalizingly obscured by the rippling water. You step to the edge the pool and dive in. Plunging into the cool, clear waters, you swim up, breaking through the surface next to the two women.

  “So Harlowe, what shall we do next?” Sabine smirks, her eyes twinkling.

  Watch the two women together

  Join them

  “Why don’t I show you?” You grin, slipping your arms around their waists as you join them. You kiss Sabine first, who kisses you hungrily and passionately before you pull away and kiss Viola whose kiss is a little more tentative and unsure. She moans softly with surprise as you slip your tongue into her mouth before relaxing and kissing you back. You feel Sabine move behind you, her generous breasts pressed against your back as her arms wrap around your waist. Her right hand drifts across to your hardening cock, her fingers curling around it. It’s your turn to moan into Viola’s mouth as the redhead begins to stroke you.

  “You enjoying this, Harlowe?” Sabine breathes, her lips brushing against your ear. “I guarantee you’ll be jerking off thinking of this moment for years to come.” As Viola’s fingers slide through your hair, pulling your face tighter to hers, her tongue fencing with your own, you don’t doubt it for a moment. Sandwiched between these two beautiful women, you don’t think you’ve been this excited since the first time you removed a girl’s brassiere in a teenage fumble on the back seat of your car. Viola pulls away, her blue eyes gazing deeply into yours.

“I want you inside me.” She murmurs.

  Slip inside her

  Suggest she takes you into her mouth instead

  “Sure.” You grin. “Let’s move to the shallow end.” You take Viola’s hand in yours and lead her to the other end of the pool, Sabine wading after you. The water level drops to just below your waist as you reach the end of the pool. “Now turn around.” You tell Viola. She nods submissively and does as you ask, glancing nervously over her shoulder as she parts her legs and bends forward, reaching out to grip the edge of the pool.

  “Do it.” She murmurs. You move behind her and guide your rigid cock between her thighs, stooping slightly as you guide the tip to her slit. The blonde lets out a little moan as you press the head against her entrance before you feel her push back against you. You gasp as you enter her, her warmth contrasting pleasantly with the cool water of the pool. Grasping her slender hips, you begin to thrust inside her, the water sloshing around you as you find a rhythm.

  “Uhhh, that feels so good!” Viola moans, her slim body rocking forward each time you drive into her.

  “Yeah.” You groan, your pelvis slapping against her glistening buttocks.

  “Glad you’re both having fun. I’m kinda feeling like a fifth wheel over here.” Sabine grumbles, leaning against the edge of the pool.

  “Come here.” Viola purrs. The redhead slides across in front of her, smiling as she guesses Viola’s intentions. She pulls herself up onto the side of the pool and parts her thighs, beads of water clinging to the patch of dark red hair between them and glistening in the sun. Your pulse races as the blonde slowly lowers her head between Sabine’s open thighs. The redhead gasps, smiling broadly and reaching down to run her fingers through Viola’s hair.

  “Yes!” She moans softly. “Oh yes, just like that!” Your own excitement building, you pick up the pace, pounding into Viola whose muffled moans of pleasure are joined by Sabine’s gasps of delight. You can already feel your climax beginning to rise in your loins when the redhead’s gaze meets yours.


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