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Sin in the City of Angels

Page 21

by Callista Hawkes

  “No.” You snap, recoiling from her and backing away. “I’m gettin’ out of here.” You turn and stride back towards the house.

  “Come back Sam, let’s talk about this!” Viola calls out, fear in her voice.

  “What are you gonna do, Harlowe?” Sabine asks you.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” You tell her, glancing over your shoulder. “I need to think.” You reach the house and you can hear Sabine’s footsteps lightly patting on the path behind you as she follows you. You stride through the house and reach the entrance hall when you hear a pop and feel an agonizing pain in your back. You fall forward, your face pressed against the cool tiled floor. You feel cold and can feel blood seeping through your clothes and pooling around your torso. You twist your head around, finding Sabine standing over you with a silenced pistol. A Colt M1911 by the looks of it. Likely the same gun that killed Carstairs.

  “My God, what have you done?” Viola gasps, joining her, her blue eyes as wide as saucers.

  “He was going to the cops.” Sabine tells her as your vision begins to darken. “I didn’t have a choice.” You try to speak, but just gargle blood. Darkness closes in and you slip away, the two beautiful women gazing sadly down at you.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  “No.” You grin, sliding another cigarette out of the packet and putting it to your lips.

  “Ah, it’s the mistress right?” Nancy smiles, waving away your offer of a cigarette. “She wanted the wife out of the way so she can slip into her spot. Rich, good looking husband and a beautiful house up on Mulholland Drive. A nice, easy shortcut to the American dream.”



  “You’ve got it.” You grin, lighting the cigarette. “You’re not a bad detective for a beat cop. Maybe we should partner up.”

  “As tempting as that sounds, I know you, Sam!” Nancy smiles. “We’d never get any damn work done!”

  “Maybe,” You chuckle, “But we’d sure have a lotta fun!”

  “We would.” She concedes, her eyes sparkling at the thought. She glances back at her notebook. “The mistress certainly had motive and opportunity.” She muses. “The butler must have seen or overheard something he shouldn’t have and she made sure that he kept it to himself.”

  “She’s a cool, calculating piece of work, that’s for sure.” You nod, exhaling a plume of smoke and tapping cigarette ash into the ashtray. Nancy looks up from her notebook.

  “So, you know who the mistress is?”

  Valentina D’Abruzzo

  Sabine Marceau

  “Valentina D'Abruzzo.” You grin. Nancy's eyes widen.

  “You're yanking my chain.” She breathes.

  “Uh-uh.” You smirk. “She's Vandergraaf's mistress and a couple of her gorillas tried to persuade me it would be better for my health if I dropped the case. She's got motive and means and I'll testify to that effect.”

  “My God.” Nancy murmurs. “If I could put Don D'Abruzzo's daughter in the joint, it'd be the making of me. Hell, they might even make me Lieutenant!” She scrambles up out of her chair and pulls her cap back on. “We’ll haul her in. Thanks Sam. I owe you one!”

  A few hours later, your phone rings. You reach across the desk and lift the handset. It's Nancy.

  “We brought her in.” She tells you. “The bitch strolled in like she didn't have a care in the world, a slimeball lawyer following her in. She practically laughed at us when we read out the charges. Sam, she’s got a cast iron alibi for the murder of Carstairs. She and her associates were all flying in from Chicago at the time.”

  “Maybe someone else…” You tell her weakly.

  “It wasn’t her!” Nancy snaps. “Goddamn it Sam, you’ve made me look a damn fool. My ears are still ringing from the roasting from the Captain. That son of a bitch has never liked the idea of a woman on the force and thanks to you, I’ll be directing traffic for the next few weeks.”

  “Sorry toots.” You mumble, your face burning. You hear Nancy sigh.

  “Listen, she knows it was you that talked, Sam and she seemed mighty sore about it. You watch your back, okay?”

  “Don't sweat it, doll.” You reply. “My line of work, you get death threats every second day. I'll add it to my collection.”

  “Okay Sam.” Nancy replies doubtfully. “Just… stay safe.”

  “Sure. I’ll see ya around, sweetheart.” You replace the handset and lean back, the swivel chair creaking slightly as you pull open your drawer and reach for the bottle of whiskey. Time to take the edge off.

  You study the empty whiskey glass before reaching for the bottle, the brown liquid sloshing around as you pull it towards you. Night has fallen and you can feel the effects of the liquor as you squint at the blurry letters on the label. A knock at the door makes you start and you reach for the desk draw with the gun before checking your watch and chuckling to yourself. Just Paige, no doubt. Drunk and amorous. You climb out of your chair. Suits you just fine. It’ll be a welcome distraction. The door squeaks as you pull it open.

  “I’ve been expecting you...” You grin, your voice dying with each word as your eyes widen in surprise. Your smile vanishes as you gaze at the familiar figure of Valentina D’Abruzzo. Her dark brown eyes peek out from beneath the broad brim of her hat while a cigarette smolders between her ruby red lips. A stylish purple dress clings to her body while a chrome revolver glints at her hip. Small caliber, but enough to punch a neat little hole through you at this range.

  “You have, huh?” She growls. “In that case, how about you fix me a drink while I try to figure out what I’m gonna do with you.” She jerks the gun in the direction of the whiskey bottle on your desk. You nod and step back into your office while Valentina follows you in and closes the door behind her. You glance at the revolver, wondering if you could wrench it out of her hand before she had a chance to put a slug in your chest.

  “Don’t try anything stupid, Harlowe.” She tells you, tossing her hat onto your desk, stubbing out her cigarette and sidestepping cagily around the room, all the while keeping the gun trained on you.

  “I guess I’ve already done something stupid today.” You shrug, reaching for the whiskey bottle and pouring you both a glass. You pass one to her. “Guess I was barking up the wrong tree, accusing you.”

  “Damn right you were.” She nods before taking the glass in her left hand. “Salute.” She smiles humorlessly, raising her glass and draining it. She doesn’t even wince at the sharp taste. The dame knows how to drink. You quickly drink your own and lean against a steel filing cabinet opposite your desk, breathing in a mixture of her subtle perfume and cigarette smoke. “Yes, you’ve drawn the attention of the police to my affairs. That sort of attention is more than a little inconvenient.”

  “Sorry.” You smile ruefully, glancing at your desk and wishing you could reach the gun in the right hand drawer.

  “Somehow, Mr Harlowe, I don’t think an apology is going to cut it.” She replies coolly.

  Sit down at your desk and try to reach your gun

  Try to sweet talk the dame

  “Look, how about I write you a check?” You tell her, darting behind your desk and sitting down.

  “Easy!” Valentina growls as you reach for the drawer. The muzzle of the revolver is aimed at your head.

  “Wound a little tight, aren't you sweetheart?” You grin, holding your hands up.

  “Maybe, but in this game you live longer that way.” She replies, her shoulders relaxing a little and the gun dropping to her side.

  “Yeah, right up until your heart gives out.” You retort, your hand inching towards the desk drawer and your gun.

  “Damn, you've got a smart mouth on you, Harlowe.” She replies, rolling her eyes as you slowly pull the drawer open. “It's that same mouth that's got you deep in trouble today and money's not gonna save you. I've got to make an example out of you and that normally means you being found face down in a ditch somewhere.” You
nod, your hand slipping into the open drawer, your fingers wrapping around the butt of your pistol.

  “Figured as much.” You nod, ripping the gun out of the drawer and bringing it to bear. Valentina's eyes widen and she snaps up her revolver. The gunshots ring out simultaneously and are deafening in the small office. Valentina is snatched back by the impact, her body slamming against the wall behind her and slumping down to the floor. The revolver slips from her fingers and skitters across the floor. She gazes up at you, disbelief in her dark brown eyes. She tries to speak, but she just gargles and blood trickles down her chin. You feel cold and are having difficulty breathing, like someone's just dropped an anvil on your chest. Your hand reaches up to your breast and comes away bloody.

  “Goddamn it.” You rasp, knowing the wound is fatal. You glance back at Valentina, whose bloody lips are curled in a rueful smile as she takes her last breath knowing you'll be joining her in hell just a few moments later.


  “You wouldn’t want to add a murder to your troubles.” You reply. “The police know you’re sore with me. I turn up dead, who’d ya think their number one suspect would be?”

  “Half the divorced husbands in L.A. I would imagine.” She shoots back, though you can see a shadow of doubt in her eye.

  “Look, sweetheart.” You tell her. “Isn’t there some way I can make amends?” She studies you for a moment and leans against the edge of the desk. The pistol falls to her lap as her gaze meets yours.

  “Perhaps there is.” She grins. This time her eyes smile with her lips. “You made quite an impression on me the first time we met. Most men in this city are either idiots or pansies. Not every day you meet one that looks like he might actually know his way around a woman.”

  “I’ve never had any complaints.” You grin.

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” She chuckles, pulling herself up onto your desk and kicking off her shoes. “Now get on your knees.” You bristle at her commanding tone. You’ve never liked taking orders which is one of the reasons you’re a private investigator rather than a cop. Still, you’re in no position to argue and obediently drop to the floor before her. She smiles and stretches a long, slender leg towards you. You reach out and take her foot in your hands and begin to gently massage it.

  “Not bad.” She murmurs. “But I think you can do better than that.” She lifts her foot up and your eyes widen as she presses her toes to your lips.

  “Wha…?” You glance up at her.

  “Suck ‘em.” She breathes. You glare back at her. “Do it!” She growls. The revolver twitching in her lap. You reluctantly open your mouth and take her toes inside. They taste earthy, the skin a little coarse. Your face burns with humiliation as you suck each in turn. Valentina moans with pleasure. Subconsciously, your hands caress the smooth skin of her shapely ankle and calf and you can feel your cock unfurling up the inside of your thigh. Increasingly uncomfortable, you shift slightly and reach down to adjust your slacks. Valentina doesn’t miss the movement.

  “This is turning you on, isn’t it?” She laughs. You can’t deny it, your shame making your skin glow again. She stretches out her other foot and rubs it against your groin. A moan of pleasure escapes your lips as her toes press against your swollen shaft through the fabric of your slacks. You enthusiastically suck at her toes as she continues to slowly torment you. Finally, she pulls her toes from your lips. You stifle a groan of frustration as her other foot leaves your lap.

  “Good.” She smiles down at you, her tone superior. She places the revolver next to her on the desk and reaches down, grasping the hem of her dress and hoisting it up to her waist. Your eyes widen when you realize she isn’t wearing any panties. She chuckles at your reaction and opens her thighs, your gaze fixed on the dark triangle of pubic hair and the delicate folds glistening with her arousal beneath.

  “You gonna stare at it all day or are you gonna eat it.” She growls.

  Do as she asks

  Play along and make a grab for the gun

  Sensing an opportunity, you drop to your knees between Valentina’s smooth thighs. Despite your predicament, your rigid cock twitches at the aroma of her arousal, her puffy labia glistening with her juices.

  “Eat me!” She growls impatiently, her hand grasping the back of your head and pulling you forcefully forward. You thrust your tongue inside her, enjoying her tangy taste while Valentina gasps with pleasure. “Yes, yes!” She pants. “Just like that!” You grasp her hips on the pretense of pulling your face in even more tightly as you continue to lap at her slit. Her fingers tighten in your hair as her moans fill the room. You shift your position slightly, releasing your grip on her hips and groping blindly for the gun.

  “Lick my clit. Make me come!” Valentina murmurs. You slide your tongue upwards and begin to flick it over the tiny fleshy hood while your hand continues to explore the desk. You feel her stiffen and she falls silent before unleashing a cry of pure ecstasy. She trembles with each pulse of pleasure, a fistful of your hair clenched in her hand. Still your fingers search for the revolver but to no avail. With a final deep sigh of satisfaction, Valentina relaxes and releases you from her grasp.

  “Is this what you were looking for?” She breathes sleepily. You rock back on your haunches and find yourself staring down the barrel of the revolver. “You really think I’m dumb enough to leave it within your reach?” The blood drains from your face and she chuckles. “Relax. I haven’t come that hard in months, so I’m not gonna thank you by putting a slug in that handsome face of yours.”

  “I’d take that as a kindness.” You reply, scrambling to your feet. Your lust has been swiftly punctured by the specter of death and your cock has wilted. Valentina tugs the hem of her dress back into place and stoops for her shoes, slipping them back onto her feet.

  “I’d say your nine lives are all but up, Harlowe.” She smiles, reaching for her hat. “Maybe you should choose a less dangerous profession, eh?”

  “I’m starting to think the same thing.” You admit with a rueful grin. She chuckles and moves towards the door. She pulls it open and with a final glance over her shoulder at you, steps out into the corridor. The door swings shut behind her and you listen to her receding footsteps and let out a sigh of relief. You sit down heavily behind your desk and rub at your temples. With your failure to solve the case and yet another brush with death tonight, maybe you really should give up this caper.


  You shuffle forward, moving between her parted thighs. Your pulse races with excitement as the familiar and yet subtly unique aroma of Valentina’s pussy fills your nostrils. Your swollen shaft aches and throbs with a desperate need for attention, but you push your own needs to the back of your mind, knowing you have to satisfy this beautiful but deadly woman. You softly kiss the inside of her thighs, working your way closer and closer to the enticing warmth between them.

  “Do it! Eat me!” Valentina growls, breathless with a mixture of excitement and impatience. Salivating at the thought of tasting her, you obediently plunge your tongue inside her juicy slit. She gasps with delight, her fingers caressing your head as you run your tongue up and down her moist furrow. Her tangy taste is intoxicating and you grasp her hips, pulling your face in tightly to her hot, wet pussy. You lap at her clit and her increasingly juicy trench while she moans with pleasure. Her fingers tighten in your hair and your fingers dig into the soft flesh of her thighs as you are unified in an urgent desire to send her to her climax.

  “That feels so fucking good!” She groans, squirming on the edge of the desk as you tease her clitoris. “Make me come!” Your cock throbs in the restricted confines of your slacks as you feel her body tensing up as she rapidly approaches her orgasm. Her panting breaths fill the office until you feel her stiffen, her hands tightening on your head.

  “Yes!” Valentina shrieks, her body shuddering and her clit twitching against your tongue. Her juices run over your chin and you eagerly lap at her drenched slit as she gasps with each powerful
wave of ecstasy. Her grip finally relaxes and you pull your face from between her thighs.

  “So, any complaints?” You smirk up at her.

  “Yeah.” She replies. Your smile vanishes as you clamber back to your feet, wiping your mouth with the back of your sleeve. It’s Valentina’s turn to smirk. “But only that I’ve not had those lips and tongue between my thighs before. That was incredible!”

  “So, have I redeemed myself?” You ask.

  “You have.” She chuckles, pushing herself off the desk and pulling the hem of her dress back into place before stooping for her shoes. “I’ll see you around, Harlowe.”

  Demand she pleasures you in return

  Remain silent and be grateful you’re still alive

  You’re not about to push your luck. The dame might look a million bucks, but you’re under no illusions that she’s anything other than Death incarnate.

  “Goodnight.” You murmur as she slips her shoes back on and swings open the door of your office. She glances over her shoulder, favoring you with an enigmatic smile before stepping out into the corridor. The door closes behind her and you listen to her footsteps fading into the distance. You breathe a sigh of relief and sit back down behind your desk.

  “Time to get out of this racket.” You mutter, reaching for what remains of your whiskey and wondering just who in the hell is responsible for the Carstairs murder and the attempts on Viola Vandergraaf’s life.


  “I think you’re forgetting something, sweetheart.” You tell Valentina.

  “Oh?” She replies, raising an eyebrow, her shoes dangling from her fingers by the straps.

  “I don’t know how things are done in Chicago, but here in L.A., a little reciprocation is kinda expected.”

  “You’ve got some balls on you, Harlowe!” She tells you incredulously. “Most men would be grateful not to be lying glassy eyed in a pool of their own blood after what you pulled!” You smirk and shrug nonchalantly. She chews her lower lip thoughtfully for a moment, her dark brown eyes flitting to the bulge in the front of your slacks.


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