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Mad, Bad, Dangerous to Know

Page 19

by Colm Toibin

  father’s death and, 178–79, 183

  father’s letters to, 130, 135–41, 159

  father’s opinion on work of, 235

  father’s paintings and, 114–15, 120

  “The Folly of Being Comforted,” 108

  “Four Years,” 177–78

  gaze concept and, 107–8

  Henry James and, 144, 148

  “Her Praise,” 175

  on his mother, 120–21

  Jane Wilde and, 61, 63

  Joyce and, 14, 15

  Lady Gregory and, 19, 28, 110, 126, 179

  magic and the occult and, 123–24, 147

  Mancini and, 133–34

  manuscripts of, 136

  monument to, 26, 30

  National Library and, 27–28

  “A Prayer for Old Age,” 167

  Purgatory, 183

  “The Second Coming,” 108

  The Shadowy Waters, 125

  sister Lollie and, 130, 131, 132

  “The Spur,” 166

  “The Statues,” 1

  “The Tower,” 164–65

  The Trembling of the Veil, 61

  “The Two Trees,” 107–8

  Ulysses and, 18, 19–20

  “When You Are Old,” 164

  Wilde and, 18–21, 60–61

  “The Wild Old Wicked Man,” 165

  Yeats, William (grandfather), 19, 116

  Young Irelanders, 92


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  Jacket illustrations from Poster Advertising John B. Stetson Company, 1890, American School (19th Century) / Private Collection/Dato Images/Bridgeman Images

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

  ISBN 978-1-4767-8517-2

  ISBN 978-1-4767-8519-6 (ebook)

  Image on page 32 reproduced courtesy of the National Library of lreland [EP WILD-WI (2) II]; photograph of John Butler Yeats by Alice Boughton on page 106 courtesy of the Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ds-00785; image on page 182 courtesy of the Poetry Collection of the University Libraries, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York




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