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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

Page 16

by Steedly, Arabella


  “We’re over here,” Williams hollered, waving them in his direction. Careful to distance himself from her, James helped Sarah carry two bunches of wild lettuce. He was impressed with the speed the team had constructed four makeshift lean-tos large enough to provide shelter for all.

  “How are Thibodeau and Jackson doing?” James asked, handing his bunch of leaves to Sarah.

  “They’re in terrible pain, sir,” Williams said.

  Sarah nodded her head. “They’ll feel better soon. We found some wild lettuce, but I have to have some water to dilute the milk.”

  “Connors, you must be hallucinating. There’s no cows out here.”

  Sarah shook her head and cracked open a stalk. “See…”

  Williams’ eyes got wide. “Aah, good thing Todd started setting up water collection devices with some of the broader plant leaves. He found an old tin can; it’s about half full.”

  James walked over and picked up the can. Peering inside, he said, “Use this. I’ll start setting up more or soon we’ll begin to dehydrate.”

  After handing the can to Sarah, he watched her concoct her potion. She held the can up to Jackson’ lips first. Then when she squatted down beside Thibodeau, Todd yelled, “Snake!”

  Out of the corner of his eye, James saw what appeared to be a diamondback slithering toward the wounded. Over to the side, he spotted a piece of old broken coral and hurled it at the snake striking it in the head. Todd rushed over to the stunned reptile and pulled out his knife. After chopping off its head, he held it up by its rattler and grinned. Smacking his lips, he said, “Dinner is served.”

  He could tell Sarah was impressed when she turned to him. “You missed your calling… should have been a baseball player.”

  “Yeah, a pitcher…” Jackson said, mumbling. He lifted is hand and pointed toward a pile of brush. “There’s a nest of ‘em over yonder. Storm stirred ‘em up.”

  Sarah squatted down again and stroked his head, “ You must be feeling better.” James turned and headed away before his jealousy got a grip. Besides he was getting thirsty and so were all the others.


  The sun was slipping below the horizon when Todd made it back to shore. He had swum to their boat, still jammed on the reef and retrieved the survival kit. While he was gone, several of the others banded together and raided the rattlesnake nest. The fire helped chase away the cold evening breeze and the four snakes had been tasty. Sarah sat cross-legged Indian-style facing James, the fire between them, and took a few sips of water before passing the can to the next. While they kept their ears open for the sound of a plane or boat coming to rescue them, James encouraged the group to tell stories. In his experience, it was a great way to pass the time and promote camaraderie, but what he wanted most was to have private time with Sarah to explore her body, and he hoped in a few hours he would.

  The team was particularly interested in Sarah’s story about the island and how her mother had taught her the many uses of natural remedies. Then she said, “Instructor Conway probably won’t tell you, so I will.” She continued telling them how Junior and James had been best friends and how she would tag along with the two of them, whenever they allowed.

  Williams chuckled and directed his question towards James. “What was she like as a kid, sir?”

  “A feisty pain in the ass,” James said, looking over a Sarah with kind eyes.

  Todd laughed. “I can believe that. Just how feisty was she?” he asked, scooting closer toward James so he could hear.

  James leaned forward and put his forearms on his thighs. “She was always under foot. Nosy as hell too. More often than not she was too big for her britches…too brave for her own good—“

  “I was not!” Sarah argued.

  Todd threw his head back, laughing. “Sure…”

  James winked at Sarah, and for a moment let his eyes fall between her legs before he continued, “Yeah, she left the best part out. I was with her when the family camped here and when we got older Junior, and I made regular trips across the bay to, ahh, fish.”

  As the evening progressed, Todd and the others cut up the tarpaulin he had salvaged from the boat, so each team member had something to cover themselves with before going to sleep. Sarah made up another potion of wild lettuce and gave it to Jackson and Thibodeau before she said, “I’m going to hunt for more berries for tomorrow’s breakfast.”

  Williams stood, and said, “I’ll come along to help.” James could tell Sarah was not prepared for Williams’ idea and was doing her best to discourage him. “No. You stay here. I know my way around, and you don’t. In the dark, you may get lost.”

  James saw the expression on Williams’ face change from being wide-eyed with excitement to sad with rejection, and said, “I’ll go with her Williams. She’s right. We don’t need any more accidents, do we?”

  Williams shook his head in agreement. “No, sir.”

  James turned and addressed the others, “While we’re gone, build up the bonfire. Todd, get some help and roll that stump into the fire.” He pointed to a jagged piece of tree laying nearby. “I’m sure by now Cmdr. Jones has sent out rescue helicopters and boats to look for us.”

  By that time Sarah had disappeared into the brush and James left the camp, hot on her heels. He didn’t have to look too long.”


  The full moon hung in the eastern sky like a tawny dinner plate. Sarah had been waiting just past the brush line when James pulled her close and covered her mouth with his. Moaning, she pushed him away, and said, “Wait, James, we need to talk first. I know the timing is bad, but—” Sarah wished she could fall into his arms, but the group was too close, and she wanted a few questions answered before she was ready to give up her virginity. “James, do you want me because I am some kind of a trophy in your mind. I mean, to have the general’s daughter.”

  James stepped back, poked out his arms. “Whoa, come on Sarah, surely you know me better than that! You are the girl of my dreams. Yeah, you could say, I want a general’s daughter and my best friend’s sister because I fell in love with her and it’s the truth.”

  She covered her face with both hands and shook her head. “I’m sorry James. I’m just so confused.”

  When she started to cry, he took her hand and said, “Shhhh, keep your voice down. They could hear you. Come with me I have a place in mind—a cave that Junior and I found just up ahead. There’s a spring about three yards past the opening where we can get a drink.” When they got to the mouth of the cave, James tramped down the vines and bushes with his boots just enough for them to enter. “Watch out for snakes!”

  Sarah sniffed and wiped her nose on the sleeve of her T-shirt, then followed him inside. There was just enough light from the moon to make out a log to sit on, but first, they felt their way along the wall until she heard water dripping. After they had refreshed themselves with the cool water, Sarah said, “James, I am tired, and my mind is playing games with me, so please be patient and listen to what I have to say.” He agreed and sat down next to her still holding her hand. She tried to see into his eyes, but it was too dark when she said, “I feel the same about you. And, well, you are my first. I’ve had a few boyfriends, but never had sex—got close but never fucked. I knew I was leaving home, so I didn’t want to get involved. I had a few chances to have sex with other guys in the Navy. They made me horny alright, but none of them really interested me until you. The truth is, I have always wanted you. When my girlfriend showed me how to play with my clit and get off, I’d just do that. It feels good, and there is no involvement.”

  She could tell her story had moved James because he was quiet for a moment. She figured he was taking in what she had said. Then he whispered to her. “I want to be the first and last man to make love to you, Sarah.”

  Moving her hand to his thigh, she said, “But not here, not now. I’ve afraid after I have had you inside me, I will want much more and won’t be able to hide my feelings. Then what—we’l
l get busted—that’s what.” James moved her hand off his thigh onto his hard package. With his hand over hers, he encouraged her to massage his cock. “Oh, James…”

  He planted his mouth over hers and whispered into her ear, “I can’t wait, Babe, I need some relief. It will be easier if we get rid of some of our sexual tension; easier for us to continue until you’re finished with the program without attracting attention. Then it won’t matter. We can tell the world.” She squeezed his dick will he continued to kiss her and slid his hand up under her shirt.

  “Okay. I trust you. You’re the experienced one.” Sarah managed to say between breaths. She couldn’t remember a time when her pussy was so wet. James unzipped his pants. Her breath hitched when his manhood fell free. “What do you want me to do?” She was shaking with desire.

  He took her hand and showed her how he liked his dick jacked off, then spat into her palm. “Now stroke it nice and slow…” He leaned back, and she could see the smile on his face as she went to work. “Suck me, Sarah.” And she did. She had tasted cum before, but none had tasted as sweet as James’. He moaned and thrust his hips up pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. She thought he was about to explode, but instead, he stopped moving, and said, “That’s enough for now,” and he leaned over to kiss her again.

  She groaned and unzipped her fatigues, moving her hand into her panties. Sarah was so horny she wanted to tickle her clit, just like Nancy had taught her. Right before she opened her pussy lips with her fingers, James grabbed her hand, and said, “That’s my job. Stand and strip for me.” She smiled, stood up and skinned out of her T-shirt while James unlaced her boots. When she started pulling off her sports bra, he said, “That’s too fast, slowdown, girl. I want to see your beautiful body. I don’t know when I’ll get to see it again?”

  She stood up and tried not to hit her head on the top of the cave and slipped it off. “Striptease for me, Babe.” As she threw her bra to the side, he opened his fly further and started jacking his dick again. After licking her nipples, he said, “Go ahead now, real slow. Show me your beautiful pussy.” She wondered how he would see, so she stepped a bit farther into the light. She shinnied out of her unzipped fatigues and kicked her panties aside. “Come here.” Sarah walked closer, and he nuzzled his nose in her snatch. He closed his eyes, and said, “Ahh…so sweet, so sexy.” She figured he must have been close to cumming because he stopped stroking himself, and said, “Turn around and bend over for me, Sarah.” She had never done that before, but she was so wet with desire she would do anything for him. Her mind was ablaze. James was not disappointing her—only in her dreams. Then he said, “Ummmm, spread your legs further apart for me. That’s it. Now pull open your ass cheeks, I want to see that tight little hole.”

  Her pussy was dripping, and she was shaking so hard she turned around and pleaded with him. “James stop, you’re making me want to fuck so badly. I’m so horny, pleaseeee!”

  “Turn around. Now come here and bend over my knee.”

  “James, please, just go ahead and fuck me.” She said, bending across his lap.

  “No, you said no fucking, and you were right. A cave is not the place for me to bust your cherry, Sarah. I want that to be a very special time. Not here on a deserted island in a cave.” When he pushed her down, she could see his cock was ready to explode. First, he spat on his hand and her ass before starting to play. She let out a yelp when he gave her pussy a sharp swat. A shot of pure pleasure coursed its way up her spine. Then he opened her pussy lips and fucked her with only one finger. When she winced, he asked, “Did I hurt you.”

  “Just a little.”

  “Stand up here then.” She was surprised he had stopped so quickly, and if he didn’t do something soon, she would do it herself. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer. “Show me how you do it.”

  “James…” She put two fingers in her mouth and licked them. Opening her lips with the other hand, she took the wet fingers and found her clit. It was sticking straight out as hard as James’ cock. As she circled her clit and started to jiggle her fingers, James reached down for his cock. The faster she went, the faster he went. She started rocked her hips back and forth, matching his rhythm. Just as his thick cock exploded he arched his back and shouted, “Sarah…” As soon as he had finished, he could see she was still working to get off. He pulled her hips up to his face and moved her hand away.

  “James, stop! I was about to cum for you.”

  “I told you that’s my job. Open your lips further for me will ya.” The put his mouth on her pussy like the pro that he was and started tonguing her hole. She tried to slip her finger over his clit again, but he pulled it way and flicked it with his tongue. All of the sudden her body started to shake, she knew she was close. Then he nipped at the clit twice, and her pussy showered James’ face with her cum. He held her hips while she howled and rocked back and forth on his face, quivering and yelping, moaning with pleasure.

  “Hello. Hello, Conway is that you? Are you alright?” It was Williams. Before they could recover, he was at the mouth of the cave.


  By the time Sarah made it back to the beach, she was pummeled with sand and small pieces of debris from the helicopter whirring to the ground not far for their camp. Her heart was racing. She was grateful for their rescue, but the conversation between James and Williams was her primary concern. The two men were following along behind her, but too far back for her to make out what they were saying. Williams’ unexpected visit was one out of innocence. He was trying to find them to give them the good news. The others at the camp had spotted search lights from a small craft coming their way.

  Sarah knew she would never accuse James of not being a quick thinker when under times of duress. He had mentioned before to the recruits that quick thinking had saved his life in the middle east—more than once. When Williams had come around the corner and peered inside the cave, she had grabbed her clothes and covered herself and let James do the talking. He simply stayed seated on the log, with his fatigues down around his ankles, and played like he was taking a crap. Then he stood up, and said to Williams, “Step back, man. Can’t a lady rinse off?” Zipping up his fly, he poked his thumb toward the back of the cave, and said, “Go get you a drink. There’s a spring a few yards back. Watch your head.” Williams had turned his back toward Sarah and scooted passed. James had nodded and gestured for her to hurry ahead, and she had.


  The remainder of the day consisted of a patchwork of surreal images and sounds. Sarah was told by James to join the wounded on the helicopter for the ride back to the base while the others rode in the rescue boat. During the trip, Sarah’s stomach felt queasy, not so much from the physical stress she had just endured, but the emotions that swept over her as she pondered how her relationship with James had changed for the better and the worse.

  When the chopper touched down, and her boots hit the tarmac, reality began to sink in. She realized they had crossed the line and sooner or later she would feel the results of her actions. And no matter how James tried to spin their cave story, she knew Williams had heard the music of their desire and more than likely interpreted it for what it was.

  Before she got to the perimeter gate around the chopper pad, television crews were swarming toward the fence. Much to her relief, Simms was jogging down the sidewalk in front of them. He waved her over, and said, “Welcome back Conway. Follow me through the media scrum. Keep your head down and don’t answer any questions. Commander Jones wants to debrief you. He will meet us at the hospital.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A few hours later, after she had picked at her chicken fried steak, the corpsman had started an IV. She was dehydrated but not to the point of needing an overnight hospital stay. Sarah had been given a shot of something to calmed her nerves, but she fought against the drug because she needed all her wits about her to focus on the commander’s questions.

  She was sitting in a chair in a hospital room when she
heard a few raps at the door. To herself, she began chanting, “Show no weakness. Show no weakness,” but when James followed Commander Jones through the door instead of Simms and pulled up a chair, her breath hitched, and her heart began to race. She wanted to scream, “I’m in love with that man!” though, she found restraint when she glanced at James’ face. His expression was all business, and he avoided her eyes.

  Cmdr. Jones patted her hand, and said, “Sound’s like you had a rough time of it out there.”

  “Yes sir, but we made it through. I haven’t heard yet; what happened to Blue Team?” asked Sarah.

  “The storm skirted them, so their mission was scrubbed and rescheduled for tomorrow. But your team did great—passed with flying colors. As a matter of fact, Red Team earned a forty-eight hour R and R.”

  “That is not necessary, sir. I’m ready to continue with Hell Week!” Sarah’s voice was as strong as she could muster.

  “No. That would be inhuman. We know your limits.” He scooted his chair closer. “Now tell me what happened. I have heard Conway’s story. He went first, and you are second. I’ll get to the others later. Your story is the important one.” Sarah told him about the storm and how brave they all had been. He seemed particularly interested in her knowledge of the wild lettuce and wanted to know how she identified it from something that might have been poisonous. James sat and nodded at the appropriate times, but didn’t utter a word. When the commander had heard enough, he stood, and said, “Oh, by the way. General Connors has been briefed. He saw the storm on the news and knew about the mission, so called me concerned. He is very proud of you, and so am I. Good luck, Connors.”


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