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A Distant Heart: A Contemporary Western

Page 28

by Steedly, Arabella

  I pressed his lips against the soft skin of her neck and sucked — no visible hickeys! Fuck she was so damn sweet! She leaned back and held herself up by her hands opening her legs wide for me. My hand moved between her thighs. I knew she was only going to get sweeter. A growl escaped when mouth found hers. I wanted her, right there, on that fucking counter.

  When my fingers pressed aside her wet thong exposing her bare black pussy lips, I touched a tiny metal ball. "Whoa, babe we have something new down here, don't we?" I asked. My sweet horny Violetta had her clit pierced. My head was dizzy with desire. I took a deep breath that kept me from blowing my load. I had never fucked a woman with a clit piercing, and if I didn’t do it soon, my party would be over.

  She looked at me with those big brown eyes. "Yep, I knew you were leaving and wanted to give us both a farewell present."

  I stood back and took a close look at her snatch — one I would always be beholding too. Not really knowing what to do I started fingering the round ball on the ring and rubbing it against her clit, and asked, “Why did you leave the thong on?”

  “It rubs me the right way!” She grinned.

  “Hum, very interesting.” I moved the tiny piece of fabric between her folds and gently pulled it back and forth over her clit.

  She began squirming and gyrating her hips. "Shit, oh, shit don't stop. Now finger me, honey.” I pulled on the thong and broke it. Then I rammed three fingers inside her. “Yeah... oh, shit! Keep doing it!” Hell, she could have taken my whole fist she was so horny, but I was saving the best for last. I was going to pound her like I had never fucked anyone before.

  Moments later, her legs wrapped around me. With her heels, she drove me in deeper. “You want my fat cock to give it to you hard?” I asked, my lips next to her ear.

  “Yes, yes, baby yes!” I looked down at her new piece of jewelry and watched as that little round ball rolled over her clit with each of my thrusts. Our breathing was shallow, and our hearts were racing. I spilled my hot cream inside her like I had done dozens of times before. Just as I was about to withdraw, she reached down and started fingering that ring. Her pussy walls got so tight with her last orgasm I started getting hard again.

  After taking her on the counter, she played cowgirl while I sat in an office chair then we moved to a stretcher, and I fucked her one last time doggy style. Before we hugged each other goodbye, I got down on my knees and worked that damn clit ring with my tongue. Violetta dug her nails into my scalp. Her juices spilled over my face. That was the last time I saw my sweetheart.

  Chapter Three


  The beachside ceremony had come off like clockwork — no surprise here! Renee and Trey exuded a mixture of love, friendship, and passion through their vows. No matter how hard I tried to erase ass hole Trevor from my mind, I couldn't help but fantasize how his arms felt around me holding me close. I got mad at myself when I got wet thinking about his lips on my neck. Taking a deep breath, I put him out of my mind. Trevor was definitely bad news — no question about it!

  The reception was just as impressive as the wedding — food, music and champagne fountain. But I resumed my pity party while I mingled. A friendly hello, a quick booty shake on the dance floor with a man I had never seen before, and never would again. After downing a glass or two of champagne, I was a lone leaf floating through the sky pushed around by a subtle breeze. Yep, that’s how it felt! Was it time to go back to the Big Apple yet?

  I grabbed another glass of champagne. When I raised it to my lips, my eyes caught sight of a man across the reception hall. It was Bryce from the wedding party. I had noticed him earlier, but I was daydreaming. Maybe I should have paid more attention. It was at least 6'4, square shoulders, chiseled features, sandy blond hair cut short. But if there were a competition for the most miserable person at the reception he would win, without a doubt. He seemed bored standing alone with his hands jammed inside his pockets. He kept glancing around the room with a dull expression until his gaze fell on me.

  I ignored him and slammed back another glass of bubbly. My mind was still in Trevor mode when I whispered to myself, "Where's a hot guy when you need one? You know, one that isn't a jealous, manipulative freak!"

  As I made my way back to the dance floor, I stumbled. "Oh, pardon, me," I said as I grabbed some guy's arm to regain my balance.

  “Ava? Is that really you?” I struggled to focus my eyes on the man whose voice sounded vaguely familiar. Damn, what was that guy's name?

  “It’s Tad, Ava, remember, from our college days?”

  “Oh hey, how are you?” I slipped into the seat next to him at the bar. I stared at him as he spoke. He had great lips — plump, kissable sexy lips. Someone handed me a mixed drink, and I sipped on it this time instead of gulping it down like before. I needed to sober up a little before I embarrassed myself.

  “Oh, my God,” I whispered to myself when I realized Tad had been one of the frat guys Renee and I had entertained. I licked my lips and leaned closer toward him. Tad was quite capable of showing a girl a good time; maybe the night just got better!

  By that time other people I remembered wandered over to the bar. How many people did Renee invite from our old alma mater, I wondered? The conversation with Tad soon turned boring. All he did was talk about himself. So I bid him and the others goodbye. I had to pee!

  Where was that restroom? Damn elaborate hotel layouts. When I saw the sign, 'Woman's Lounge' and pushed the door open I wanted to cry tears of happiness. I was about to pee on myself. But I chuckled when I saw the marble floors, a seating area, and mini palm trees. Then I shook my head at the extravagance. After all, it was just a bathroom. After locating an open stall, I placed my purse securely under my arm and set about my business. Was that moaning I heard, I wondered? Or was I losing my mind? I shrugged my shoulders and started to leave when I heard the sound again. By that time I had stepped far enough out of the stall to see through a small crack in the door. I gasped, and my eyes flew open wide. Two women were in there together. Was she really finger fucking the other woman pushed up against the wall?

  I stepped back into my stall, shut the door, and listened. Eyes closed, I concentrated on the moaning, the gasps, and the whispered words of affection. The activity caused my heart to race. I began to pant as the moisture built up between my firm thighs. I couldn’t deny my excitement. Why couldn't I have an orgasm too? I removed my thong and tucked it into my purse placing it on the hook by the door.

  I braced myself against the wall, lifted up my leg, and set my ice blue peep-toe stiletto on the toilet seat. Legs spread; I hitched up my skirt, opened my wet horny lips and dipped two perfectly manicured fingers into my wet pussy. Coated in my juices, I pulled them out and up to my swollen clit. My hips began to rock as I listened intently to the women next door pleasuring one another.

  “Spread those lips open wide for me, I want to taste you,” one of the women whispered in a highly demanding tone, laced with desire.

  I heard one of the women gasp. The sound sent waves of hot passion through me. Three fingers slipped inside my dripping hole. I slid them in and out, and with the other hand, I fingered my clit. My legs trembled. My foot almost slid off the toilet seat. I was rocking my hips about to cum but wasn’t quite there. Then two muffled cries came from the next stall, followed by giggling. I paused, fingers in my pussy. I heard more noise, giggling, and then a door opened and closed. Really? They didn’t even wash their hands?

  Does anything ever go right? I gritted my teeth, and placed my foot on the floor, and straightened my dress. With my purse tucked under my arm, I washed my hands and exited the bathroom. “Absolutely unbelievable,” I muttered under my breath.

  “Why yes, you are.” Someone said to me.

  I gasped, and asked, “Are you stalking me?”

  “That all depends on your definition.” Bryce gave me a devilish grin and wink.

  Heat was radiating from my face. I was blushing, "Really Ava, are you that horny?" I whispered
under my breath. I could tell Bryce sensed my frustration when he tilted my head up with a single finger under my chin until our eyes locked.

  “Hey, hey now, this is a wedding. Aren’t you supposed to be all happy and bubbly? You know, driving all us single men crazy?”

  Oh, no, he grinned — not just a grin a sexy grin. My eyes scanned him from head to toe. He definitely fits the bill when it came to hot guy status. Why hadn't I pay more attention before? Oh, ya, f****** Trevor! I was sexually frustrated, needed a drink, and this guy was keeping my blood boiling.

  “Okay, let’s try this again, your name is Eva, right?”

  “It’s Ava,” I said, annoyed.

  “Ava, I’m sorry for the mistake. I’m Bryce if —“

  "Yes, I remember." I took a deep breath and tried to smile.

  "Anyway, how about you come have a seat with me at my table and keep me company.”

  I exhaled. What the hell, things couldn’t possibly get any worse than they already were. Maybe my luck would change. This guy was impressive! “Sure, I could go for another drink or two. Lead the way, Bryce.”

  Chapter Four


  Ava was a hot mess. I tried to get her to sit down next to me, but she wasn't having it. Instead, she played hard to get and sat with a chair between us. Since the tables in the reception hall were all round, the setup wasn't ideal. I raised my chin, encouraged by the challenge, but in the end, I had confidence I would charm her. Before she knew it, we would be in my hotel suite. Despite that Trey had made reservations for me at the hotel with all the other wedding party, I decided to move elsewhere. I’d never hear the end of it if one of their friends or relatives was caught by Renee doing the walk of shame.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle when I noticed Ava fidgeting with a ring on her finger. I took a few minutes to soak in her beauty, unnoticed. I didn't understand why a stunning woman like her was alone at a wedding. There had to be a reason!

  As I peered over at her and we sipped on our drinks, I noticed how flattering her dress was, and wondered if Renee had designed it with Ava in mind. The ice blue gown accentuated every single asset. The fact that it was strapless only offered a better view of her large breasts. It was snug just above the waist and then flowed freely around her thighs with a slit up the side exposing her long tanned legs. It was sexy without being slutty. Her long blonde hair was pulled back, so it cascaded down her gorgeous figure. She was a tantamount to a living Barbie, only better.

  I licked my lips, and said, "Ava, darling, you are positively stunning. You honestly take my breath away.” It wasn't just a line of bull shit — I was sincere.

  I watched as her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. She smiled, looked up at me through her long, thick lashes and whispered, “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome, Ava.” I looked into her sapphire blue eyes and almost got lost within them.

  I leaned closer and put one arm on the back of one of the chairs between us. “So tell me, Ava, when you leave Florida where are you going? Where do you call home? Are you anxious to get back? I sure am, I not a huge fan of the Florida humidity.”

  The corners of her lips turned up slightly. “I’m originally from Texas. My parents own a ranch there. But now, home is in Manhattan. Not that I’m looking forward to going back just yet, my boyfriend and I broke up just before coming to the wedding. I don't want to face him — we work together.”

  I felt my eyes widen with interest. “It’s not every day you meet someone who was raised on a ranch. I grew up on one myself in Wyoming.”

  This time she beamed. Her smile was breathtaking. “Wasn’t living on a ranch the best experience?”

  “Yeah, but I’m sure my ranch life was nowhere near the sort of life you had.” I smiled at her, sincerely intrigued.

  She turned and leaned closer to me this time and raised her chin, when she said, “I’ll have you know, I know how to milk a cow, clean out a barn, and wrangle horses.” She paused and waited for a gesture of surprise. When I raised my brows and nodded, she continued, “I was also a blue ribbon winner three years running in barrel racing.” I watched her as her posture changed. She sat up straighter, with an air of tremendous pride.

  “Well, well, well, beauty, intelligence, and talent too. I’m impressed.” I watched her face light up. She took a small sip of her drink and smiled at me with her eyes.

  I swallowed, knowing where I was going next with our conversation. “Shall I tell you about all of my ranch hand experiences or would you prefer to hear about my military adventures?” I watched her facial expressions to get a hint. I wondered if hearing I had been in the service turned her on — most chicks got horny as hell!

  She placed her palm on her cheek and looked up dramatically. “Hmm, ranch life and the military? Okay, I’ll bite, which branch of the service? Oh, and what did you do ... still active duty?” I watched her as she finished off her drink and folded her hands on the table. She seemed genuinely interested in my past.

  So I laid it on thick. “I was a Navy SEAL. I’ve been all over the world. I’ve come face-to-face with death and managed to walk away. Some of my buddies weren't so lucky.”

  "Oh, a Navy SEAL," she said with a gasp. Then she reached out and placed her hand on top of mine. The touch of her silky smooth skin was electric. I sat there for what seemed like an hour telling her about different missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  After a while I noticed she licked her lips, and plead, with hooded eyes, "Please Bryce, tell me more. I love stories about SEALs." She seemed so enthralled with my stories that I just kept telling them. That’s when I noticed one of her hands had disappeared under the table. Ava also appeared to be shifting in her seat quite a bit. A light switch suddenly turned on in my head. Oh, this is perfect; she’s getting off listening to my SEAL stories.

  I glanced around and noticed there was only a small crowd left, so I got up and moved to the chair next to Ava. This time she didn’t seem to mind that I was closer to her. I knew it was time to make my big move, so I put my arm on the back of her chair. “So Ava, I have to tell you. I'm not only an ex-SEAL, but I have quite the fashion sense.”

  Her cheeks were becoming more flushed by the moment. “Oh, oh is that so....then tell me more,” she said, slightly above a whisper.

  I placed the tip of my index finger on her arm before moving it to the fabric of her dress. My finger was only a fraction of an inch from her soft, supple breasts. Ever so slowly I traced the neckline of her dress.

  “Well, I know that this is commonly referred to as a sweetheart neckline.” I grinned at her and licked my lower lip. I returned my finger to the center of the sweetheart neckline where her breasts met. I let my fingers slowly drift down the side of her body. Again Ava shifted in her seat. I could smell her sweet scent, and noticed from the movement of her bicep that her fingers were pleasuring what I imagined were two incredibly wet pussy lips.

  I found the slit in her dress and began gathering the fabric in my palm. “I know this technique used on fabric is scrunching.” I stopped again as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Shall I tell you more, Ava?”

  She only nodded, her breasts rising, and falling more rapidly. She licked her lips and scanned the table, desperate for something to sate her thirst. I leaned in closer to her, my fingers working their way through the slit and my hand gripped her thigh firmly. Her breath hitched, and she squeezed her legs together on my hand. I leaned even closer so she could feel my breath on her neck. “Now you don’t really want to do that do you? How am I going to finish my explanation of the design of your dress?” I knew she could hear the devilishly sensual tone in my voice. I felt her shiver at my words before she parted her legs for me.

  She bit her lower lip. “I…Maybe we shouldn’t…”

  Before she could say anything more, my fingers found her wetness. I parted her lips and touched her clit. As soon as I pressed down she jerked backward, her eyes flying open wide. Then she glanced around to see w
ho was watching. I leaned back a bit in my chair to make it look as though nothing but casual conversation was occurring between us. My fingers pinched her clit then I massaged it back and forth between my forefinger and my thumb.

  Her face was pink and luscious when she looked the other way and scooted her bottom closer to the edge of the chair. Once I was satisfied she was wet enough for me, I slid two of my fat fingers into her waiting hole. She held her breath and closed her eyes.

  I pumped my fingers in and out of her sweet hole a few times. Her grip on my fingers, compounded by the sight of her heaving breasts, had started to cause my desire to ignite. I felt my thick, hard cock press against my boxer briefs, begging to be freed. I continued to work her pussy as I moved my lips as close to her ear as I could get without touching it and whispered, “How about I take you out for a ride in my Porsche? It seems you need some fresh air.”


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