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Cyrus: #11 (Luna Lodge)

Page 6

by Madison Stevens

April walked down the hall and stopped just in front of the two women. Erica nodded to her as she held on to the children.

  From this close, April could spot the pale glow just behind their eyes. The little boy with his amber and the little girl with her pale blue.

  She stared longer at the little girl. Something about her seemed to reach out to April, almost like the baby was calling her somehow. Unable to stop herself, she held eye contact with the little girl.

  She felt something like a pop inside her head, and suddenly the pressure was over. The pull was gone. The little pink-cheeked cherub in front of her giggled as if nothing had happened.

  “Well, Cassia seems to like you,” Rachel said with a knowing smirk. She glanced back down at the chart she was holding and checked off a few things.

  Somehow April wondered if she’d missed some secret. Maybe their children didn’t much care for outsiders normally. She couldn’t be sure.

  The two women exchanged knowing looks, and the tension from before seemed to melt away.

  Something chimed from Erica, and she jumped.

  “Shit,” she mumbled and then looked to April. “Would you mind?”

  April reached out to help her find her phone but was instead handed the sweet little blue-eyed girl.

  She never had much experience with babies before, but somehow holding her seemed natural enough. It helped that the girl didn’t try and squirm out of her hold, cry, or otherwise be an angry baby.

  Erica struggled to hold the little boy as she replied to the text she’d just received.

  Rachel spoke after a moment, startling April. “So,” she said slyly. “You and Cyrus?”

  April nearly choked on her tongue. “I don’t… we aren’t.” The words slipped from her mind as she tried to find something to say.

  “Well, I won’t say we aren’t surprised,” Rachel said. “He always seemed the sort to deny himself, even if it involved a Vestal.”

  Erica’s head snapped up from her phone, and she cleared her throat loudly. She lifted her eyebrows and shot a meaningful glance at Rachel.

  “What?” Rachel sighed. “You know it’s only a matter of time. I don’t see the point of dancing around it.”

  “Vestal?” April said.

  The word seemed old, like something she’d read in history class but couldn’t quite remember years later. Something to do with Rome, she thought.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly at the door. Instantly, she knew it was Cyrus. Her heart fluttered in her chest, and April cursed herself for being so childish.

  Even ignoring that she needed to keep her objectivity for her job, it was just a date. Hell, it might not even really be a date. Given the situation, it was really more just a meeting being called a date.

  Still, he looked really good. His jeans seemed to fit him in all the right ways, and she was fairly certain that he must have been sewn into that T-shirt. It fit like a glove, letting her appreciate all the delicious ridges and curves of his chest and arm muscles.

  “Oh, too bad you’re here,” Rachel said. “We were just getting to the good stuff.”

  Cyrus frowned at the doctor, but it only seemed to make her happier.

  His attention shot back to April. She watched as his gaze briefly slipped down her body, and she shivered at the attention.

  “You ready to go?” Cyrus asked. His voice came out in the low rumble, and she instantly felt it vibrating in her own body. April nodded. It was the only thing she trusted herself to do.

  Cyrus nodded his head to the door. April handed Cassia over to her mother and made her way over to him. Surprise hit her when he reached out and linked their hands together.

  No question about it. This wasn’t a meeting just being called a date. This was a date-date.

  Chapter Twelve

  April sat in the car and watched as Cyrus made his way to the driver’s side. She glanced down at her hands in her lap, where she could still feel the tingle from when they’d held hands.

  She felt silly that such a small thing had made her feel more than she had in a lifetime of dating, but that was the fact of it. It was like she was some sort of giddy teenager, not a grown woman.

  Sure, he was handsome, but something else about the man pulled at her in a way she’d never experienced before. Whether this was simple hormones or something deeper, she didn’t know, but for now, she was going to roll with it.

  She ran her hand across her black-and-white polka dot dress, smoothing it. The look wasn’t exactly what she would’ve normally worn on a date, but it was as close as she could manage having not expected to be going on a date during her time at Luna Lodge, let alone a date with a hunk like Cyrus.

  Her attention drifted down to her chest, and she second-guessed the low-cut material. Normally she would wear a cardigan with something like this. After all, showing off her breasts and hips didn’t scream professionalism, and it wasn’t going to do her any favors trying to gain clients. And even if it could, that wasn’t how she wanted to operate.

  Cyrus stepped into the car. She glanced over at him as cool air rushed in from outside. His scent surrounded her. She breathed deeply in the masculine scent of soap and sandalwood. Warmth pooled in her center.

  She took several deep breaths. Just being next to him set her senses on fire and summoned a ravenous desire she wasn’t even sure she could feel before. The whole experience was an odd sensation for someone who prided herself on being in control.

  April tried to think of something to talk about as they pulled out of the parking lot and on the road leading to the gate to the town. Nothing was coming to mind. Instead, all she could think about was the hybrid’s thick muscles and how he might look shirtless.

  She tried to push the image out of her head. Instead, she watched absently outside the window, thinking about some of the initial reports she’d need to start on soon.

  The fire had made things a bit more exciting than she was used to this early into a job, but that didn’t change the requirements of what she needed to do.

  After a bit, they turned off the road toward the gate and down a road she’d never seen before. Not that she’d exactly performed a complete survey of the huge area.

  The road wasn’t paved like the others and seemed to disappear into the wilderness that surrounded Luna Lodge. Suddenly, it occurred to her that she had no idea where he planned to take her.

  She’d just assumed into town. It wasn’t like they had any fancy restaurants in Luna Lodge. Since they’d long ago dropped the pretense of being a tourist location, it seemed like they were more concerned about useful buildings than luxury attractions.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as she turned to stare at Cyrus.

  Curiosity and not concern filled her. She didn’t know him, but deep down she was convinced that whatever else he might want or do, he’d never hurt her.

  He stared straight ahead, keeping his eyes on the road. “My house.”

  Her heart beat heavy in her chest. His house.

  She wasn’t really sure what to make of how things were unfolding. Going to his house on the first date was more than a little intimate.

  She blushed. Maybe that was the intent. For them to be intimate. She’d never really been the sort to go home with a man so early in the relationship. And this wasn’t even a relationship. This was just a date with a man she barely knew.

  That didn’t change how she felt. The idea of being with him excited more than scared her. If he did make an advance, she couldn’t be certain that she’d say no. She wasn’t even sure if she’d think it’d be a mistake.

  Before she could dwell on it further, they stopped outside of a small cottage.

  April took in the surroundings. It was a simple place but still well-maintained with a few nice bushes out front with a clean porch and swing.

  Cyrus stepped out of the car, and when she opened her own door to get out as well, he was suddenly there waiting for her. April took his outstretched hand and marveled at the connection b
etween them.

  She held his gaze as she stepped out of the car. She wondered if he felt the same thing.

  She had a hard time imagining what she felt was one-sided, especially after the kisses they’d shared.

  Cyrus closed the door behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back.

  “Let’s get inside,” he said quietly.

  She shivered slightly, and Cyrus moved closer to offer his body heat. It wasn’t the cold that made her shiver, but the need brewing inside of her.

  Christ, she looked good in that dress. Cyrus could hardly keep his eyes off her as he drove them to his house. Her soft floral scent nearly suffocated him in the car. It was enough to drive a hybrid crazy.

  He opened the front door, and they stepped inside. Cyrus busied himself taking her coat and hanging his up next to it on the peg by the front door. From the corner of his eye, he watched as she studied his small house.

  He hadn’t been in it long. The families and higher-ranking hybrids had been the first to get personal houses. He was among the second wave. Not that he minded all that much.

  Still, he’d taken a liking to having his own place. It wasn’t much, but it was his.

  Hannah, the local decorator and mate of Lucius, helped him pick out what he wanted. A brown leather couch, a television, some rustic touches, and a large bed.

  April turned to him with a soft smile, and he felt his heart kick several times in his chest. He could be a happy man the rest of his life if he had a face like that to look at. Every second he spent near her, the more he never wanted to leave her side.

  “This reminds me of my father,” she said.

  Cyrus had read a report about her father. He was a military man. A man of valor.

  “I can see you’ve heard of my father,” she said. She smiled. “I can see it in your face.”

  Cyrus nodded, sucked in by the chance to learn more about her. “Given everything that’s happened, we like to know as much as we can.”

  “You sound like him,” she said with a laugh. “I never had a boyfriend that he didn’t check out first. Know your enemy and all that.”

  Cyrus stepped closer to her. His eyes were still fixed on hers as he leaned his face in next to her.

  “You are far from my enemy,” he whispered.

  A soft blush spread across her cheeks, and she dropped her gaze. For a moment, desire pulsed through him, and he fought within himself to keep from kissing her.

  He needed to not screw this up, and that’d require some self-control.

  Cyrus moved away from the temptress and into the kitchen. There he pulled out steaks from the fridge. After a minute of prep, he began to fry them on the stove. As the steaks sizzled, he went over to the fridge and pulled out salad.

  He’d planned this all the night before, including laying out the plates and glasses. He’d planned the wine and food all ahead of time.

  Never in his life had he been so nervous. He’d fought against monsters, but this was the thing that made his stomach flip, talking to a woman.

  Hell, talking in general. He wasn’t much for chatting with the men. Cyrus liked his solitude. Or at least he thought he did. Now April was in the picture, and he couldn’t imagine having solitude ever again. She occupied all his thoughts.

  Cyrus peeked around the corner and was surprised to find her there watching him.

  “How long have you been there?”

  She smiled and shrugged, which only seemed to make him more nervous.

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  He nodded to the wine and corkscrew on the counter. “Pour the wine?”

  He relaxed some when she took the bottle to the table and poured two glasses.

  After the steaks finished cooking, he placed them on a platter and grabbed the salad. He was glad to see she’d poured the glasses and was now seated at the table. Somehow her being across the table seemed to help. He needed her somewhere he couldn’t reach out and pull her into his arms like he wanted.

  No. He would do this right. There was no need to rush things.

  “It smells wonderful,” she said with a shy smile.

  Cyrus placed a steak on her plate along with some salad. “I can only do a few simple things, but I’m learning.”

  He felt silly explaining why he didn’t know and was glad when she didn’t ask. Explaining the details of their past with the Horatius Group was hard. It wasn’t something many of the hybrids were keen to do.

  He watched as she took several bites of the steak.

  “Well, it’s very good,” she said with a smile. “My father was never much of a cook, but he could grill with the best of them.”

  He liked the twinkle that came to her eye when she talked of her father. It made him feel like they were sharing something.

  Cyrus ate a bit of his food but stopped when silence fell over them. He couldn’t just sit here and not talk. He didn’t need to be a diplomat to know how awkward that would feel.

  “Was it your father that got you interested in your line of work?” he asked.

  April took a long drink from her wine. “No,” she said softly. “He was actually very much against it.”

  Cyrus swallowed. He’d already fucked up, and they had just started.

  “No, he never really saw me as more than his little girl.” She smiled. “I suppose that’s not very different than most fathers though.”

  Her eyes shot up to his, and he could see the color drain from her face.

  “I didn’t mean—”

  Cyrus shook his head. “It’s fine,” he said. “I think you’re right. I would likely be the same way.”

  Another silence fell over the two of them, and Cyrus took that as a good time to clear off the plates. April took her glass and carried it to the couch.

  He followed and sat beside her. He glanced over when she gave a small chuckle.

  “I know one thing, Major General West wouldn’t be near as keen to try and get into my pants if my father were still alive,” she said with a snort. “Neither would you.”

  He frowned. “It’s not your pants I want.”

  April turned to look at him, her cheeks flushed from the wine.

  “It’s not,” she breathed.

  Cyrus leaned in a little. His mouth was just an inch from her own.

  “I want your heart,” he said and closed the distance between them.

  Chapter Thirteen

  April could feel the world spin around her as Cyrus drew her into a kiss. Her mind couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than him. He filled all her thoughts and made her only hunger for him more.

  Fast. Everything was going too fast.

  Her hands landed on his solid chest. She intended to push him away and figure out just what the hell was going on, but instead she found herself feeling the strength beneath her fingers. His muscles stretched and pulled under the soft material of his shirt.

  No. Not fast. Slow. Everything was going too slow. Her desire filled her.

  She gave in to the feelings consuming her, ready to let her body lead the way.

  April ran her hands around the back of his neck and slipped one up his head. His short soft hair slipped between her fingers.

  Cyrus slanted his mouth over hers, and she moaned at the feel of his firm lips. The kisses were soft at first, but their intensity soon increased as she moved her hands over him.

  April’s heart thumped hard. The steady thump of her pulse hammered in her ears as she opened her mouth more to mold her mouth to his. She wanted to consume him, taste him, and be consumed and tasted by him.

  The sensations overwhelmed her. It was like she’d been thirsty, and Cyrus was a glass of water.

  His tongue darted out and licked the seam of her mouth. She moaned into his mouth. She could taste the sweet wine they had been drinking and pushed for more.

  His tongue invaded her mouth, sliding against her own.

  April raked her nails against his scalp and was rewarded when his strong hands lifted he
r with ease and settled her over his lap. Her legs now straddled his. Though his mouth took most of her attention, she wasn’t completely unaware of his hard length poking her. Warmth pooled in her center.

  She battled his tongue inside her mouth, her own twining with his as she moved around on his lap. Her dress rid up her legs enough that she could sit but not quite enough to give her the contact that she so desperately craved.

  Cyrus broke away to moan loudly against her neck. His hot mouth kissed the sensitive skin there as if it were his to command. Her entire body was now on fire, the passion burning through her.

  Her breathing sped up with his ministrations, and she struggled with the overwhelming need that was now blazing inside of her. It was a heat unlike any she had ever known before.

  He wasn’t just a glass of water. It was like she’d been trapped in the desert, and he was the first glass of water after days.

  “You drive me crazy,” Cyrus mumbled against her neck.

  He voiced the words echoing inside her own head.

  “You’re one to talk,” she said between pants. “No one’s ever spun me up like this before.”

  Cyrus chuckled against her. She could feel the vibration against her chest, and her already hard nipples tightened even more at the sensation. Her clit hummed, and she could feel her juices further pooling in her panties.

  She’d never in her life needed and wanted a man as badly as she wanted Cyrus right then. She didn’t care that she barely knew him. She didn’t care that he was a hybrid. All she knew is that she wanted his mouth, his hands, and his cock.

  Cyrus continued to plant hot kisses along her neck. April leaned back to give him better access as he continued up. Soon, his mouth was on hers again, his tongue pushing inside. He worked inside her as she imagined he would with his lower half.

  His hands slid up her back from her hips and traced little lines as his mouth worked over her. The more he kissed her, the more she wanted to know what that wicked tongue would feel like in other places.

  With a groan of frustration, Cyrus pulled away to stare at her. April stared back, not quite certain what was going on. She let out a little whimper of protest.


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